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  • winston_dog
    Free Member

    I have used Send it Now
    on a few occasions with no problems at all. It uses Royal Mail/Parcelforce, a lot better than Yodel and the like.

    Just get an old bike box from your LBS to put it in.

    Free Member

    Never imagined you would get 2a from an AA! Never mind for 30mins!

    Free Member

    Can you actually get 2A from an AA cell?
    Even for a second?

    Free Member

    I was informed I had “committed a violation” in the States once. 8O

    Free Member

    7 Day Shop

    Cheap and reliable.

    The really cheap stuff and ebay and amazon can be fakes.

    Free Member

    Really good value for us licence payers.

    Doesn’t it make a fortune for the BBC on the exports and re-runs?

    I’m pretty tired of it now, same jokes repeated over and over.

    Free Member

    Pretty subjective.

    If it’s on ebay and 2 people really want a large hardwood bar for their living room it might do all right.

    On the other hand you might struggle to give it away.

    Free Member

    “Left-leaning” in Scotland used to mean aligned to the Labour Party. If you live here, you’ll see that the Labour Party has a visceral, almost tribal hatred of the SNP.

    I thought the Yes or No wasn’t about just the SNP and AS? This has been clearly stated on here numerous times.

    If Labour have lost a % of their vote to the SNP then surely a similar % of left leaning journos would of went over to the SNP?

    Just a minor point I lived in Scotland for 6 years until 2009.

    Free Member

    Ben – Now that sounds pretty dodgy to me.

    However, I don’t agree that the BBC is biased against the Yes vote.

    Why would it be?

    Surely the BBC journalists North of the Border are a pretty mixed bunch but will probably be more likely than most to be slightly “left leaning”. The BBC is always accused of being a bunch of hand wringing lefties. Isn’t the vast majority of support for Yes coming from the left?

    So if this is the case, why would they be biased against a Yes vote?

    Free Member

    I can’t believe no-one has gone for Lizzy!

    Free Member

    I think it was about the time that it was considered OK to 2 pints of beer and still drive.

    Still is in some places and it’s still legal.

    Free Member

    I drink frequently ( four or five times a week), but a maximum of 2 pints on each occasion.

    I wish I could do that. I can honestly say, if I am in a pub with good beer than the chances of me stopping at 2 pints are zero!

    Besides, if you nurse a pint, after about 30mins it’s pretty warm and flat. Not sure how you go about making 2 pints last even a couple of hours, nvermind longer.

    Free Member

    but what other guidance is there?

    None that I know off. This is part of the problem.

    I would suggest that the vast majority of people who are “drinkers” will exceed that. Whatever a “drinker” might be!

    Aren’t they based on the same sort of science guess work that gave us “5 a day”?

    FTFY! :-)

    Free Member

    The government advises that people should not regularly drink more than the lower risk guidelines of 3-4 units of alcohol for men

    Why? On what basis? The guidelines were plucked out of thin air a few years ago.

    This is the same government that most people on here do not trust at all.

    Also, a great deal of effect/harm/fun people have from alcohol varies from each individual. Body mass being the most obvious one.

    Free Member

    cynic-al – you are quoting figures that you know were made up and meaningless!

    MrSmith – You seem to agree they are pretty hopeless “guidelines”.

    Does anyone really thin that 2 small glasses of wine per day will do any real harm to the average individual?

    Free Member

    One goes through two-three bottle every week

    I’m getting worried now.

    So between 10 and 15 small glasses of wine a week is excessive, about 2 glasses a wine per day? Even the Italians and Spanish wouldn’t think that was a lot!

    I wonder what is considered “excessive” by the majority? Nobody I know would say that was excessive.

    Free Member

    I know of people that finish work and then do four or five cans of Stella every evening.

    Now although that is not healthy and it is quite fattening, it’s hardly a waking up in a pool of piss and vomit,break your marriage up,lose your job and end up on the streets level of drinking is it?

    Free Member

    Would anyone here admit they drink too much or depend on it?

    I drink too much. I would be a lot richer and fitter if I didn’t drink.

    I don’t depend on it though.

    Free Member

    Another person I know used to bring two bottles of wine into work to help him through the day?

    Help him through the day? 8O

    I thought I drank too much but that’s mental!

    A lot seems to depend on where you work/what you do. I work in the marine industry and there is far too much drinking once away from the “dry” environments. What is considered normal would probably be considered alcoholism by some.

    My social life does revolve around drinking, not sure why it just always has. Not particularly proud of it and I am serious considering going teetotal.

    Free Member

    This is even madder! Through a hole in a cliff.

    Free Member

    This forum layout is by far and away the easiest to navigate through of any that I’ve been on


    However, to add a notification feature would not change the layout.

    Free Member

    There was a kitchen fitter on here recommending the Wren kitchens, I think that the “normal” range is very affordable.

    However, looking at the dovetail joints on those Linda Barker ones, I would guess they are eye watering expensive. Also, a lifetime guarantee doesn’t come cheap.

    Mind you I’m tight and I thought £3.5k from Howdens was more than enough for some cabinets!

    Free Member

    A lot of chimney sweeps will test your chimney for you.

    Or you could by some smoke pellets off ebay and do it yourself.


    Free Member

    Dredging argument is a weird one. If the dredged channel can cope with 1 unit of water per hour but its rained so much the previous days that the flow is 2 units per hour then it won’t stop flooding.

    No it won’t stop flooding but it will reduce it and allow it clear quicker.

    It’s a shame the UK is under the jackboot of environmentalists. Won’t someone stand up for the interests of global agribusiness and market solutions?

    That’s not really the case in Somerset is it?

    People are living in a managed landscape that used to be marshland but was drained over the years. Now some misguided civil servants have changed how they manage it with some really bad results.

    Free Member

    Yes, the EA came under the control of “environmentalists” who were more concerned about saving the river oysters and little birdies, than assisting the farmers in maintaining their businesses and the local populace to live in safer conditions. That’s why the dredging stopped.

    Well said Mr Woppit.

    With respect, is a manager at British Home Stores really that qualified to comment?


    Free Member

    The EA have reduced the amount of dredging they do. This was for environmental reasons.They did not put any other measures in place to compensate for the reduced capacity of the rivers.

    We have just had very high levels of rain and the flooding has been worse than it would of been 20 years ago because of this. It would of flooded but not like this.

    I blame the EA. Seem to have lost the plot.

    Free Member

    HMRC might be?

    How will they find out?

    Free Member

    Geena FTW!

    Free Member

    So fundamentally you don’t think democracy works?

    Putting words into my mouth!

    How far do you want to go? How many layers of Government would reflect the subtle difference between the regions of the UK?

    I will ask again, how would these multiple layers of government help in basically dividing up a finite amount of resources?

    On democracy “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”

    Regional Assemblies were thrown out when they were voted on by the people of the NE.

    Why not go the whole hog and let’s have Anarchy? A full network of small communities with no Central Government? Utopia!

    Free Member

    Are you saying the people in the north of England are too dumb to come up with solutions if they had more self-government and the power to something about it?

    Where did I say they were dumb?

    Why do they need more “self-government” to achieve this?

    How would “self-government” help?

    I tend to agree with you regarding the House of Lords but I think we need less layers of government, not more.

    If “Regional Assemblies” were created, then why would you expect them to be any use? I have just had dealings with my Local Authority and was amazed at how useless they were at all levels. Why would a “Regional Assembly” be any better?

    Free Member

    London: £2000 per person per annum
    North-East: £2 per person per annum

    What do you mean by the NE?

    Considering that Northumberland and Durham are 2 of the least densely populated areas in England it’s not that surprising. Not much point in building a “Metro” for Wooler or Stanhope is there?

    Tyne and Wear actually have a very good public transport system and has had a great deal of investment in it over the years.

    Free Member

    I’m convinced the north of England would blossom again if there was a federated system of government that devolved powers to the regions.

    I’m not.

    Maybe if the changes of the 70’s and 80’s had been handled differently then it could of been different.

    Genuine question – What could you do now to greatly change things?

    I can’t see how another level of government would help and that was rejected in the NE by a public vote in the 90’s.

    The manufacturing base is gone, the steel and coal is gone. They are so far gone that it would be almost impossible to bring it back.

    Also, you used the expression “blossom”. When was this? In the 50’s and 60’s when Teeside was covered in a blanket of chemical smog? In the 1930’s when fatal accidents at work were common and people were starving?In the 1970’s when there were constant strikes?

    Rose tinted spectacles?

    Free Member


    But you bother to post a photo of them on the interweb?

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Please stop scaremongering with your facts and knowledge of how financial systems work. the Scots want their FRREEEEDDDOOOOOMMMM!

    Free Member

    What about The Rezillos?

    Free Member

    When I say fun. I’m more implying grim resignation at further imminent arguing, propaganda, scare stories, flippant disregard for reality etc etc etc

    How’s this then?

    The Hidden Costs of Independence[/url]

    Free Member

    I’m not sure if you’re having a dig at BNP supporters or Rangers fans here.

    Neither. I am having a go at the awful excuse for humanity that I have seen marching around the streets of Glasgow, hearts full of hatred and bellies full of cheap beer and buckfast, under some “Religous” pretence. The fact that a lot of them may be both BNP members and Rangers fans is incidental.

    Free Member

    your average Union Flag waving bigot hates

    Sd-253 – You are taking this out of context.

    I do not think anyone who waves a Union Flag is a bigot.

    What I should of written is “your average bowler hat wearing, orange sash wearing, Union Flag waving bigot hates……”

    Free Member

    religiously motivated hate crime are pretty low, especially when compared to where race is a factor.

    Are they not closely linked?

    I mean your average Union Flag waving bigot hates Blacks, Aisans and Catholics. Not sure who they hate most. This racial hatred is motivated by their “religious” viewpoints.

    I mean have you ever seen a black man wearing a sash and a bowler hat?

    Free Member

    A big thing gets made of it in the media


    However, especially in Glasgow, it is deeply rooted in the culture. Hence you still have the Orange marches with all the trouble that goes with it.

    IME there is also tension connected with the Masonic Lodges, which are subtly different in Scotland, much more “working class” rather than the “middle class professional” types in England. They are Protestant organisations and a Catholic would never be admitted. The masons caused a great deal of problems where I worked!

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