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  • Madison Code Breaker Sunglasses review
  • winston_dog
    Free Member

    Just because the ones on Ebay have “Avid” written on them doesn’t mean they been made to Avid spec!

    Fake goods for sale on Ebay shocker!

    Free Member

    Two asleep in one van, two Reading the paper and having a brew in the other. I wish I could go to work, have a kip and get paid for it. Typical.

    You may find that it takes all four to initially get the thing set up. Also, the Company will probably have “Safe Systems of Work” that will require a minimum number of men and certain trades to operate certain gear. This may cover the equipment being operated in more hazardous situations where the 4 people are really necessary and it is is too difficult to change them for simpler locations.

    Just a guess mind, I have no idea of their working procedures!

    Free Member

    They started it is a bit simplistic…the Red Army would have plundered and raped their way across Europe even without German interference……the Finnish winter war highlights that.

    Yes it is simplistic. All wars have a number of factors, not one single thing starts a war. However, it was the aggression of Nazi Germany that was the single most important factor.

    The Red Army were in no fit state to “plundered and raped their way across Europe.” The Finnish War certainly highlights that. Although totally outnumbered and with virtually no armour, the Finns killed thousands of the invaders

    It was only being faced with absolute destruction that made the USSR get their act together and push the Germans out. This was also achieved at an unbelievable cost in their soldiers lives.

    Free Member

    what was needed is the army to move people and possesions to higher ground and enforce traffic regulation, something the blue light people dont have the staff or means to do

    And the army do?

    “Enforce traffic regulation” – Really?

    Free Member

    The Red Army was just as brutal as the Wermacht or the SS.

    Very true. However, the Germans started it. The initial atrocities were performed by the Nazi’s. Anything that followed could be seen as retaliation. Doesn’t justify it but can certainly explain it.

    I read something from a Soviet soldier, who described his anger and confusion when they saw all that Germany had as they headed west. He could not understand why such a rich industrial nation had invaded his poor land.

    Free Member

    I was there for a couple of weeks last year.

    I couldn’t imagine a worse environment for cycling!

    Free Member

    A private soldier today is better trained, equipped and educated than a SAS Trooper in the Falklands War

    I can believe the equipped bit but not the trained.

    Surely even in the 1980’s the SAS and SBS would have had specialist skills and training way in excess of an average soldier today?

    Free Member

    Surely some of the electrical energy will also be converted into light? Even if it’s only a small amount?

    Also there will be kinetic energy as the metal expands and creaks? Again a small amount but not 100% is converted into heat?

    Free Member

    The MoD will charge the Local Council for anything they do. They are not cheap either.

    Free Member

    The software side is easy. If it’s a windows system them use Mame 32.

    The joysticks and buttons are pretty expensive mind.

    Free Member

    Merlin are doing avid ones for a tenner.

    Free Member

    2.5 miles is doable with a desktop! :-)


    Free Member

    Probably having to give up nuclear weapons and then pressured into giving up the Security Council seat might have a bit of an effect on some egos.

    Giving up nuclear weapons? That’s not a given, although finding somewhere as handy as Faslane and Coulport will be pretty difficult.

    All Security Council members have a veto, so they don’t have to go anywhere.

    Free Member

    reducing their world standing

    Do you really think it will make much difference?

    The population of Scotland is less than 9% of the total UK population. Not going to make a massive difference.

    Free Member

    There is no earth on the turntable.

    I’m no expert but I think earthing might help.

    Is there no where you can rig a earth to part of the turntable?

    Free Member

    She’s taking the piss!

    Free Member

    theres nothing to stop land lord removing whole fence and hanging a bit of string down the dividing line surely ….

    I believe this to be the case.

    I would seriously recommend avoiding dispute with neighbours particularly over parking or fences. Even if the “neighbour” is actually the landlord. They never end well.

    If I was the landlord and was struggling to make enough rent to pay my mortgage and costs, (I’ve been there), I would probably just take the fence down if it was knackered.

    Free Member

    That can only improve Portland!

    Free Member

    My wine gets plenty of time to breathe in the 3 seconds it remains in the bottle and being finished off

    Get one of these, worth every penny.

    Wine Breather

    Makes the undrinkable drinkable.

    Even this Carrefour Wine Box is quite drinkable.

    Free Member

    I guess that’s the problem with a “service-led” economy.

    I think the “problem” is more to do with supply and demand and living in a democratic capitalist society.

    Free Member

    So its a secret like that top secret nuclear sub that bumped into the coast near Skye and was venting steam in full view of everyone for days….

    Well that didn’t happen like that.

    Wasn’t there for days and wasn’t venting steam.

    Free Member

    You want rent off a tenant?

    You are an evil capitalist exploiting the working class of our proud nation, just let them live there for nowt! :-)

    Free Member

    Why is that funny?

    Free Member

    isolated incidents

    They are not isolated. The Orange marches cause major problems every year, to a calendar.

    Scotland has a tiny ethnic minority.
    Why is that if your so open?
    Also, you will only really find problems with the BNP and the like when this populations grows.

    From the website.

    African 0.6 14 30,000
    Asian/Asian Scottish/Asian British 2.7 67 141,000
    Caribbean or Black 0.1 3 7,000
    Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups 0.4 9 20,000
    Other ethnic group 0.3 7 14,000
    White 96.0 n/a 5,084,000
    All Minority Ethnic Population 4.0 100 211,000
    All Population 100 n/a 5,295,000

    Free Member

    And the best selling newspaper in England is the Daily Mail

    Yes England has plenty of arseholes.

    The point I was making, yet again, was the “left leaning” open minded Scots who post on here are not at all typical. You all keep painting an image of this Workers Utopia you will create once independent. You are deluded. The problems you are denying exist will only be magnified once you can’t blame the English for some of the problems.

    Free Member

    And Neil Lennon’s rhetoric and behaviour at the time was bound to get him to some bother

    Another part of the problem. Celtic idiots are as bad as Rangers idiots.

    The BNP and EDL are not considered “acceptable” by the vast majority. The Free Church of Scotland is part of the “establishment”.

    A policeman wouldn’t get into bother if he was a member of the Free Church but he would if he was in the BNP.

    Free Member

    She stops smoking for a couple of weeks, gets very, very ratty.

    Starts an argument, storms out and drives to the shop to buy cigs.

    Blames me for her starting smoking again!

    Free Member

    Well thankfully anecdote does not equal evidence.

    I can post numerous links to news reports of sectarian viloence and religious bigotry and extremism.

    Sending bullets to a football manager?

    Protesting about providing a ferry service on a Sunday?

    Not allowing swimming pools to open on a Sunday?

    Yes it’s a minority. However, it’s very much part of Scottish culture.

    Free Member

    And who in Scotland voted for it?

    Absolutely Nae ****

    How do you know that? Scotland were part of the population that elected this government, like it or not.

    Personally I thought it was an ill thought out idea but it seemed to have a lot of popular support.

    When I lived in the Central Belt, there seemed to be a lot of resentment towards the “neds” who lived off benefits.

    I will say this again, and no doubt be flamed for it and accused of trolling, IME Scotland is not a very tolerant Country. A lot of bigotry and casual racism. On STW all the Scots are painting a very different picture.

    Free Member

    +1 Cannery Row

    Love a lot of Orwells stuff.

    Daphne du Maurier did some great stuff, not sure if it’s classed as “classic” or not. Jamaica Inn is a great read.

    Free Member

    Good grief! I agree with SD 253!

    Free Member

    I normally just grill the bloody things!

    Didn’t to start an argument about the quality and source of modern meat!

    I am also being subject to sexist/homophobic/clothesist insults! :-)

    Free Member

    No doubt they’d take the higher offer (despite their comments on here…) – who wouldn’t want to be £15,000 better off? No different, apart from the seller is screwing over the buyer.

    The flaw in your logic is that the person offering is probably as much as a **** as you. Which means he will probably mess you around before completion.

    Also, plenty of valid reasons for rejecting the 2nd offer have been given above.

    By the way, if your business model is so successful, why is £15k “loads” of money to you?

    Free Member

    I have returned I few things to them over the years and have never had any problems whatsoever.

    Had a Sony Blu Ray that developed an intermittent buzzing noise now and then, sent that back cash refund no problem.

    Free Member

    You piss off the vendor, he tells his close friends, ie the neighbours, who immediately identify you as a tw[insert latter a here]t, before you move in.

    That’s a very good point.

    Free Member

    To all those of you slating them, if your house was on the market and you were at or near exchange and someone came and offered 15k over the asking, with a promise of fast exchange, how would you react?

    With suspicion.
    Why have they waited?
    How can they promise “fast exchange”? Things get bogged down by lots of random paperwork.
    Why are offering over the asking price? There’s normally plenty of other similar properties.
    If they are behaving like that, why would I trust them? They will probably just reduce their offer on the day before exchange…..

    I would probably ignore the offer TBH. It wouldn’t be worth the stress.

    Free Member


    I would go for a wigwam, any tent will just be damp and miserable.

    Free Member

    xiphon – I hope I never do any business with you, either personally or through work.

    If you did that to me you would get nowhere. I would put the house back on the market. Even if I was “cutting my nose to spite my face”.

    Professionally if you tried to behave like that then you would soon get found out and no-one would do business with you.

    Once my chain broke and I had to “part ex” my house for our buyers smaller place to complete the sale. We were left with a property but with no mortgage so it was less expensive to leave empty.
    I got a buyer pretty quick and was about to complete when they found out I had sold to them for 10% more than I had paid 2mths earlier. They refused to pay anymore than I had and offered me what I had paid. Fine, **** off, I’ll put it back on the market. I did and sold it 8 weeks later for a 15% profit. Market was booming at the time though.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the Rolson one, works fine.

    Free Member

    It’s good for about 2/3 mins of driving before the engine kicks in to recharge it

    What is the point of that?

    Sounds like completely useless “green” technology.

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