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  • Buyers Guide to Mountain Bike Shoes for Big Feet
  • winston_dog
    Free Member

    That’s my problem, I have kit that I think is worth more than what I can get on ebay, even though I will hardly use them!

    Free Member

    Ordered a Smart Lunar R2 off On-One. Looks good value.
    Smart Lunar

    The Exposure and moon shield a bit too pricey.

    Thanks for the help.

    Free Member

    Looks like a right little sh!t.
    Not a massive fans of cats but I hope somebody returns the favour.

    Free Member

    Try the iGrado’s.
    They have the same driver unit as the SR 60 and they sound brilliant.
    At £45 they are within budget.

    Free Member

    +1 epicyclo

    Free Member

    it’s not as though our nation is under any threat from invasion by a hostile force now is it?

    Yes, the World is a totally predictable place. Nothing unexpected ever happens.

    Just like in the 1930’s when we didn’t see the need to spend on defence, there was never going to be another war after the huge mess that was made by the last one. Who would of been mad enough?

    Free Member

    rats – It gets all very subjective. 1 mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter and all at.

    Spain and Portugal did not project any significant power or influence after WW2. There is also the sanctity of the nation state.

    The Boer war took place before there was true democracy in the UK, full womens suffrage was not granted until 1928, so you could argue we weren’t a deomcracy until then.

    The Irish problem is so complex and has so many different viewpoints that it’s impossible to discuss on a forum. Although probably not the UKs finest hours.

    Remember no democracy has ever gone to war against another. The system may be flawed but its the best choice out there.

    Free Member

    rats – If it’s a political symbol, it is a symbol of political freedom and democracy. Surely something worth fighting for?

    Free Member

    Hugo Boss supplied uniforms to various parts of the Nazi Party.

    Might explain why they were always so smartly turned out.

    Free Member

    “Fighting for your country is a political conviction as is dying for it. “

    The poppy is symbol of remembrance. Not a symbol of fighting.

    I do not agree with the war in Afghanistan but I respect those who are willing to fight on behalf of a democracy. If the democracy is letting them down by sending them to fight unjust/illegal wars that is a separate issue.

    The soldiers only go where the government sends them and we elect the government.

    Wear the poppies and tell FIFA to fc!k off.

    Free Member

    Is the poppy a political symbol then?

    If it isn’t why can’t they wear them?

    I would say it isn’t but I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who disagree.

    Personally, I would have the team wear the poppies on their shirts and sort FIFA out afterwards. Whats the worse that can happen? Stop us from hosting a World Cup?

    Free Member

    The genie is out of the bottle as they say.

    Is it ever going to be possible to stop the spread of nukes in the long term? Probably not.

    Also, I think you need to consider why the west has nuclear weapons, they were created to face the greatest threat the World has ever faced and once you have them what do you do?

    Personally, I would be happier if no-one had them but that’s not going to happen. I can understand why Israel wants them, their neighbours have repeatedly called for their complete destruction. The problem is if Israel is seriously threatened by a nuclear Iran I have no doubt they would perform a pre-emptive strike.

    I think that the best solution would be for all the Middle Eastern protagonists to be forced to get rid of their nukes but that is not going to happen.

    Free Member

    +1 for avast

    Free Member

    is don simon taking the p!ss – trolling?

    Why do you think that? Are you taking the piss or trolling?


    Free Member

    is don simon taking the p!ss – trolling?


    Free Member

    The best thing about using a PC for iPlayer is the desktop app that lets you download shows and watch later. No stalling and buffering.

    I agree that the Sony blur-ray players are very good for iplayer and watching movies on hard drives, but I have found my old pc to much more flexible that the blu-ray. I’m lucky I can hide it away in a cupboard and fan noise is not an issue. With an upto date graphics card it copes with hd easily.

    Free Member

    To be honest, with my very limited knowledge of spherical trigonometry, I don’t believe you could call many, if any, tents “geodesic”.
    The shape is made up from criss crossing sections or whole great circles of a common sphere. This would mean the resulting shape to be pretty useless for small tents.

    I am happy to be proved wrong – as TJ said every days a school day on STW.

    Free Member

    3 poles not a geodesic. Not possible.
    “A pole configuration must usually have 5 or more cross-over points for it to be considered fully geodesic”

    Free Member

    I have a geodesic tent made of robust materials a similar size that is under 3 kgs. Its 3 pole not 4

    That’s not a geodesic then.

    Free Member

    One of these
    PC £100 with wireless

    install one of these

    graphics card £23

    and one of these

    keyboard £26

    Free Member

    What do you mean by cheap?

    You can get a refurb PC for £100 and stick a HDMI video card for £20 in it.

    If you want a remote get a mini wireless keyboard for £25.

    Free Member

    I agree with Ox – what has he done which is so bad that makes you hate a disabled relative so much?

    Free Member

    I think the geographical context makes it worse.
    Besides the Anglo-Saxons lost! Anyway the management were all a bunch of Vikings on both sides.

    Free Member

    I’ll let you know how I get on.

    I now have a Linn Mimik, arcam alpha 8, Arcam FMJ DVD 27 and an old Technics deck.

    I going to listen to them all and sell the losers, I am just stupidly attached to Arcam 8 so I might keep that one!

    Free Member

    Encouraged by the wine mentioned earlier I have bought a Rega Apollo for £230 off Ebay.

    I know I was looking at the amp but it would appear that the source is where I can make the best value improvement.

    Its just for a bit of a dabble and I will have to clear out my hi-fi collection now, the Mrs will go mental when she sees it!

    Free Member

    All tv interviews are edited at the producers discretion.
    Do you think they just replay exactly what is said to them?

    Free Member

    Rich- I often consider the wine or hashish options!
    Any decent stereo sounds brilliant with the correct chemical adjustments to the audio chain :-)

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the advice.

    I must admit that I do love the build quality and the look of the Arcam FMJ stuff. I know that isn’t a sound quality reason!

    Geetee – The PC and the DAC was not a replacement for the hi-fi – nothing is better than a bottle of wine (or 2) and a rack of cds. Thanks for the info on the cd players, I might try the cd upgrade path.
    Do you think something like the Rega Apollo would show an improvement over the old Linn Mimik I have?

    GJP – Thanks for the offer of Arcam 8, The first “proper” cd deck was a Alpha 8, I loved it, I also love the 90’s look of the Alpha kit, though I think the s/h prices on ebay are inflated from what they should be.

    Richpenny – I would love to have a play with Naim but it is expensive even s/h. I’m sure it’s very good and I might have a dabble. If I was looking to upgrade the Linn Mimik cd deck, what Naim cd would you consider? (I know your biased but I would appreciate an objective response!

    Free Member

    The 2 westies are sleeping.

    They have never been bothered by fireworks, in fact one of them used to sit and watch the rockets in the sky when a pup.

    They have never been close to them though or shotguns etc so the bangs doesn’t bother them.

    I feel sorry for the collies, they all seem to suffer really badly. My sisters is a quivering wreck.

    Does anyone know why they are so sensitive?

    Free Member

    If you just want a basic system what about a refurb?

    Black barn computers

    Free Member

    I got a Miele dishwasher off ebay for £70.
    Can’t fault it.

    I would buy all Miele appliances if I could afford it.

    I agree about Smeg, bought a range a few years ago and it was rubbish.

    Free Member

    I read “Adolf Hitler: My part in his downfall” by Spike Milligan when I was about 13 and thought it was the funniest thing in the World.
    Not sure if I would now.

    Free Member

    Fish and chips must be cooked in beef dripping. Veg oil is just southern rubbish.

    I also find that they are slightly more digestible when cooked in dead cow.

    Rick Stein always uses beef dripping.

    Free Member

    It is a completely reasonable request.

    If they don’t want you to lift the carpets what are they hiding?

    Free Member

    you couldn’t make that up!

    Free Member

    +1 for Lotus Notes
    Also, a very obscure package called HECSALV or POSSE, depending on where you are using it, it is absolute sh!te!

    Free Member

    Where the f!c5 do you live? Sunderland?

    Free Member

    It’s malware.
    If you have access to the internet on another pc try a website called

    A first go might be to try “rkill” download it, then see if you can run it before the malware stops you, depending how smart it the malware this, this might be tricky.
    What ever you do don’t pay any money!

    Free Member

    If your serious, I can recommend the N Diver Flectalon or something by Weezle.
    Or go for layers, silk or merino base with a fleece outer.

    Or stop being a tight bstard and put some heating on.

    Free Member

    I would go to the Citizens Advice.
    They have very helpful when my Mrs contacted them.

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