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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • winston_dog
    Free Member

    I would recommend dropping the starchy carbs and cereal.

    Cut out or reduce potato, bread, pasta etc.

    You do realise what you have started with this thread? It won’t end well!

    Free Member

    I call BS on that…

    I will rephrase it then.

    After living in Scotland for 6 years and also working offshore and around Aberdeen for about 15 years, I have lost count to the number of Scots who referred to the oil fields as “theirs” and that they wanted independence to keep the revenues in Scotland and not to feed the Southern English Bastards.

    Is that better?

    Free Member

    surely the nature of our respective economies is so similar

    I thought a major part of your economy was the fact you are a net exporter of oil?
    It’s also a major reason a lot of Scots want Independence, so they can keep “their” oil.

    Free Member

    You were the one who brought it up, no? But you’re right, suggesting the EastEnders, Dr Who etc wouldn’t be available is silliness of the highest order.

    They wouldn’t be unless they are exported and paid for. Besides as an Independent nation why would you want our shitty “culture” for?

    As I stated earlier, it was about turning fact into an accusation of scare mongering not about the detail of TV production.

    Is that clear?

    Free Member

    But produced by BBC Scotland.

    Exactly. BBC not SBC. Why would the BBC stop making it if you vote Yes?

    Enough of this silliness.

    Free Member

    You don’t want Waterloo Road or Question Time, then?

    You are joking aren’t you?

    QT is broadcast from all over the UK, that’s half the point.

    Waterloo Road I can honestly say I have never watched it and had to google it to find out what it was! I’m not a TV snob either! :-)

    As I stated earlier, it was about turning fact into an accusation of scare mongering not about the detail of TV production.

    Free Member

    @BenCooper – The point I was trying to make about the BBC was that the No campaign was labelled “Project Fear” for stating a fact.

    What’s wrong with fact?

    Free Member

    Hanke is referring to the idea of a currency board. In the simplest terms, Scotland would peg the new Scottish pound to Sterling one-for-one. It would be British pound, for all intents and purposes and there would be little that Osborne can do to stop it.

    That said, there are some downsides:

    First, Scotland would cede monetary policy to the Bank of England.

    Ben – This isn’t a currency union. It’s simply pegging to Stirling, it was never suggested that this wasn’t possible.

    Free Member

    Hanke is referring to the idea of a currency board. In the simplest terms, Scotland would peg the new Scottish pound to Sterling one-for-one. It would be British pound, for all intents and purposes and there would be little that Osborne can do to stop it.

    That said, there are some downsides:

    First, Scotland would cede monetary policy to the Bank of England.

    Ben – This isn’t a currency union. It’s simply pegging to Stirling, it was never suggested that this wasn’t possible.

    Free Member

    Pacific Quay will change one or two letters on the front.

    Are you suggesting that the SBC will be able to make similar programs to the BBC? The BBC has a budget of something like £5 BILLION!

    It will be more than change a few letters.

    Free Member

    In other good news, Paul Dacre has said he’ll stop doing the Scottish edition of the Daily Mail if we vote Yes.

    There will a lot of disappointed Scots then, it’s the 3rd best selling paper in Scotland!* :-)

    *Yes I know the Fail is the 2nd in England.

    Free Member

    Yes, to the Scottish Broadcasting Company

    So you won’t get the BBC then!

    Free Member

    You do realise they were named project fear after their threats that “an independent Scotland wouldn’t get the bbc.”

    In what context was it said? Sounds pretty reasonable to me.

    There are plenty of ex pats in Europe who watch the BBC via satellite. However, this is in breach of copyright and is technically illegal.
    Are you suggesting that you will still pay your licence fee after a Yes vote?
    If not, are you suggesting you will continue to watch without paying?

    Why would you want such an anti Scottish broadcaster anyway?

    Free Member

    Show me the legal advice form the EU that confirms that? It’s not been given because it’s not been asked for.

    The EU in it’s current form came about with the signing of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. This treaty makes no mention of the state of “Scotland”. This treaty would have be changed to allow the entry of Scotland.

    If you look back earlier in the thread there is a link to a video of a LSE Professor, who specialises in EU Law speaking to a government committee and he is quite clear about it.

    Free Member

    The idea that come the first day after a YES vote Scotland would be kicked out of the EU is ridiculous and as far as I can tell has no legal standing.

    Your not getting kicked out, you are leaving the UK and therefore the EU. You will be a new nation state, which then will have to apply to join the EU. This has been confirmed by several sources.

    Free Member

    Arrange to meet them at drop off point. Avoids paying the pick up car parking charge.

    A bit naughty but if you’re quick it’s not a problem. They have to walk a little further though.

    Free Member

    EDIT: I suppose you (and the EU) could be saying that Scotland won’t be forced to use the euro as they wouldn’t be joining the EU

    I was.

    I am just waiting for the accusations of bullying by the EU from the Nats.

    Free Member

    An independent Scotland would not be forced to use the Euro.

    From what I heard today that is exactly right.

    European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has said it would be “extremely difficult, if not impossible” for an independent Scotland to join the European Union.

    I suppose he is bias as we all know how much the EU loves the UK government.

    Free Member

    8 quid for a take away pulled pork burrito

    That’s some mark up!

    Considering Asda sell British Pork shoulder for £3 a kg, I would guess you can get Dutch stuff wholesale for £2 a kg.

    No doubt some serious overheads for the pitch but still must be making some cash.

    Free Member

    I bet he does.

    A marine engineer on a cruise ship told me that if you ever had to clean the filters in a jacuzzi you would never, ever get in one. Apparently they get gunged up with fat.

    Free Member

    It’s like lamb shanks were 15 years ago.

    Nobody wanted them then some chef made them fashionable and they rocketed up in price. Belly pork is trendy now as well.

    Free Member

    He clearly doesn’t understand how a central bank balance sheet works or the messages of Europe and elsewhere on how currency unions actually function. (Or he does and he chooses not to show it)

    THM – Didn’t he study economics at the same uni as yourself?

    I would suggest he understands perfectly but the majority, like myself, do not.

    Shock horror – Scottish MP’s are liars to!

    Free Member

    Um. That’s why the UK (no oil fund) got a few years of low taxes for the rich, whereas Norway (oil fund) has one of the highest standards of living and happiness, and every citizen is a dollar millionaire?

    Norway has one of highest taxation levels in Europe. They also have very high property prices.

    The Norwegians I have worked with complained about their government just as much as we do!

    The Norwegian Oil reserves are similar to the UK’s but it has a much smaller population, similar to Scotland and the Oil Fund may of worked for an Independent Scotland in the Seventies but it’s too late now.

    Free Member

    Nice one Winston dog…we are UK citizens so hs2 is to all of our benefit,yet in the same post you try to use the trams as an example of not helping Shetland.Choose.

    You kind of missed the point I was trying to make…….

    Free Member

    Legally, no.

    Illegally, loads.

    Free Member

    julioflo – What chance a Galaxy S3 case?

    I used to have an Otterbox, middle of the range type, commuter I think. it was very good, when I got a new phone a got an Otterbox Defender and I don’t like it. Good protection but the outer rubber case has gone baggy.

    I was thinking of getting the Lifeproof one.

    Free Member

    your beloved North East becomes the new Scotland if we win the vote

    Mate I live in Kent!

    Besides the NE was rogered by the Tories, worse than Scotland ever got it. Probably only Merseyside suffered worse. IMHO.

    Free Member

    now tell me how much benefit MY country will get from the crossrail and HS2..

    This is a flawed argument. Currently you are a member of the UK. It is supposed to be of benefit to the whole of the UK. If it is a totally different argument.

    What will the residents of Shetland get from the Edinburgh tram system? They would definitively prefer that money to of been spent on the A9. I think they were also a separate country until 1707? Are they going to separate as well?

    Free Member

    Let’s use Winston ” some of my best friends are porridge wogs*” dogs example; transport.

    It wasn’t my example. It was that well known NO voter Ben Cooper.

    Just saying like.

    *They really are.

    Free Member

    it’s about the next 20, 50, 100 years,

    Ben – It should be and it may be for you. But it isn’t. Most people don’t look beyond a couple of years max. Politicians, particularly at cabinet level, don’t see beyond the duration of the time in a post.

    Unless all those Scottish politicians are a completely different breed from the UK ones……..

    Free Member

    Not sure how you managed to get that from my answer. Is that what they call a red herring?

    epicyclo – How else would you “provide an environment where new industries can flourish “? What can you actually do apart from reduce taxation?

    As a point of interest the minority SNP government tried to stop the tram project in 07 with a saving of 1.1billion they were defeated by a coalition of Conservative, Labour and Libdems.

    That’s interesting. Are you suggesting that the vast majority of MP’s in Holyroyd are just as useless as the ones in Westminster? Doesn’t look good for independence!

    Free Member

    Love you digging up the embra trams as an example of poor spending on public transport Winston dog…HS2 represent vfm? And we will see how the crossrail pans out as well.

    Digging up? It hasn’t even ran any services yet! :-)

    7 years for 9 miles of line at the cost of £1 billion.

    Personally, I think HS2 is a waste of money but it appears there is no stopping it.
    Crossrail is huge and already underway, but it seems like a sensible idea. However, it is massively complex, 73 miles with 26 miles of tunnels. So you would expect some problems and overruns.

    Hardly the same as laying 9 miles of track on top of existing roads. I wasn’t sure what benefits it’s really going to offer as it doesn’t appear to increase capacity. Can’t be nice to cycle on those routes either!

    Free Member

    Public transport investment in Edinburgh is a fine example of Holyrood investing resource wisely. :-)

    I just hope they make better decisions when they have independence.

    Free Member

    Just provide an environment where new industries can flourish, whatever they may be

    Reduced corporation tax?

    Doesn’t sound much like a workers utopia.

    Free Member

    Public transport in London gets £2000 per person per year – in the North-east, it’s £2 per person per year

    Not this again!

    If you are talking about the NE of England, then they have quite a good public transport system around Newcastle and it is even connected to the other principal “city” sunderland. Most of the NE is a pretty empty rural landscape where an extensive public transport system isn’t feasible.

    Free Member

    Artist spaces are opening up all over.

    It’s hardly mass employment is it?

    satellite manufacturer

    The UK, including Englandshire, are currently doing quite well in the high tech specialist manufacturing.

    The Silicon Fen and the F1/motorsport industry are 2 that spring to mind.

    Isn’t specialist manufacture what you do Ben? :-) Being in the UK doesn’t seem to have held you back?

    Not sure what magic wand will be waved by the SNP after Yes.

    Free Member

    Is the independence issue a left/right question then? Scotland the socialist paradise struggling to emerge from the yoke of the evil Tories?

    For some it seems to be. Certainly on here anyway.

    I reckon a strong centre right will emerge if they vote Yes.

    How will Scotland as an independent nation rebuild its manufacturing base?

    That is fantasy. It is too far gone to turn it back.
    Do any Scots honestly believe they can start building ships again?
    Rebuild your car plants? Last time I looked it was an Asda.
    Rightly or wrongly the UK cannot turn back the clock and get back the major manufacturing base.

    Free Member

    Warhammer fans yesterday

    Free Member

    I made thousands doing matched betting in 2008-2010. Easiest and most fun money i’ve ever made. Helped many, many people do the same (and took my cut!).

    peterfile = How did you make thousands? You would have to make a lot of bets.
    How did you manage to register with lots of different identities?

    Free Member

    I really feel for you on this.

    I had an old stone built house, that was dry lined with a plasterboard inner. It was very typical of the area.

    There was a common problem of stone and mortar falling away and getting trapped between the outer wall and plasterboard, forming a bridge for the moisture. When selling a surveyor insisted on a timber and damp survey be performed because of moisture levels. The damp guy wanted £6000 to remove the plasterboard and replace the lintel!

    I told him to do one and it turned out it was simply some small bits of stone that were causing the problem.

    Absolute tossers.

    \try this link Independent Surveyors

    Good luck.

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