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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
  • winston
    Free Member

    Maybe he should go freelance!

    Interesting article in today’s Guardian

    I didn’t realise US participation in Pro road cycling had fallen so low

    Free Member

    They Live still stands up pretty well to be fair, I watched it a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it.

    Dogma is a great film – I’ve got it on DVD and watched it last year and its not a ‘sad state’ at all, its a typical JASB effort with a bit more money thrown at it – plus Salma Hayek!!

    But the real question is where for love of god is Condorman?

    Free Member

    “The TRG sound like a political force to be reckoned with. I wonder who he is?”

    Free Member

    yes, top marks for that artwork!

    Free Member

    I think the fault there was his campaign team that monumentally stuffed up by trying to rig the vote in order to get him against Jenrick in the last two rather than Kemi. Whilst this is proof that you would never employ a Tory to organise anything important (like the country for instance) it……..well yes he probably would have been useless but…….versus who else?

    Free Member

    Every time you think the conservatives can’t inflict any more damage on the country they somehow manage it. There is nothing good here at all.

    Firstly the obvious, a victory for hard right nutters is never a good thing in any setting.

    Secondly we now have the unenviable proposition of either happy fascist or grumpy fascist yelling populist rhetoric at the PM for (and Ernie is correct*) probably the next 5 years with the same sort of biased media coverage we are all used to.

    *my caveat here is I reckon that if Kemi wins she is so unsuited to the job and so good at making enemies in her own party and pretty much anywhere she goes that she may well not last the distance to the next election. Jenrick on the other hand is a politician so will probably last out.

    Free Member

    There is literally zero chance of any landowner, hedgefund manager or judge stopping me or asking me to pay when going for a walk and eating a sarnie on Dartmoor. Zero.

    Free Member

    The Wiim amp is down to £250 (Normally £319) which is pretty good (if you want it) and the Fosi Audio ZA3 amp is down to £113 from £150. I have the fosi and it is an amazing little amp for the price

    Free Member

    The whole Beth Rigby thing was a PR stunt. Boris is a **** but not a stupid ****.   He would have know that a Sky journo would never agree to an off record interview. He also knows that unlike LK, Beth can’t stand him, is no tory shill and would probably ask some difficult questions which would be reported. Hence the impossible request which would obviously lead to cancellation but still give his dumb supporters plenty of material to use in order to construct their weird fantasies about how good old Boris is always slightly edgy and left field, doesn’t want to be bound by the staid old rules and too quick for ‘the establishment’.

    There aren’t many people I hate, its such a wasteful emotion but he’s one. I wouldn’t even give him one second of my time except that he’s destroyed so much for so many people and actually properly impacted my life in a hugely negative way for no good reason other than his own vanity and narcissism whilst knowing full well the repercussions of his actions but not giving a frig.

    Free Member

    “Took it into one of the plethora of Greggs in Cardiff yesterday”

    They only allow fatbikes in Greggs

    Free Member

    I honestly don’t think the non alcoholic are any better for you than normal ones. They all taste like they are full of chemicals and the Guinness zero I’m currently ‘enjoying’ is making me fart more than Newcastle Brown ale

    For the rest of the month I’m going for herbal tea as my tipple of choice

    Free Member

    Edit. Post deleted.

    Free Member

    “a balancing act between developing self contained coping strategies and relying on third party support”

    I completely agree hence the other two pillars of the solution, therapy for the coping strategies and medication to provide scaffolding inside which these strategies can be built.

    Free Member

    “As somebody who used to be a teenage girl, who was very bright but didn’t like being called on in class – handling this by letting her avoid the problem might not be the best thing.  Perhaps the teacher is testing if she has changed, giving her the chance to prove that she can handle the attention, the sky won’t fall in etc.  She won’t gain confidence in herself, and that is what she needs, by hiding.”

    Unfortunately this is precisely the wrong approach, no matter how well meaning it is. Before I had first hand experience and three years of a very sharp learning curve involving doctors, therapists and ASD specialists – not to mention doing a lot of my own research it was exactly how I thought. It is in fact the best way to break a young person suffering from these disorders, especially a girl as they are far better at masking the symptoms until its too late to avoid a crisis. Boys with ASD are much more vocal, normally cause trouble earlier in the school program and are therefore identified quicker but girls get left as they ‘are so good in class but so quiet’ ‘a delight to teach but so shy’ ‘so polite and lovely but she needs to speak up more in class’   No No No she doesn’t need to speak up more in class, or rather she does but it will take a lot more than the teacher calling on her to make it happen. This lot more will probably include a diagnosis, therapy and almost certainly medication. Three things I was well against at the start of my daughters journey but I’ve seen her go from a normal high achieving child on the outside to the brink of insanity and now thanks to diagnosis, therapy and medication she is hopefully back to a semblance of happiness and at University. We are still taking it one day at a time though.

    A diagnosis is the number one most important part of the solution as it unlocks all the other pieces of the jigsaw. Unfortunately you simply cannot get this on the NHS in time for it to be of benefit. Privately it will cost between £1500 and £4000 and for a proper clinic diagnosis you need to be referred by a GP

    Its the best money we ever spent and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

    Once you have this you can get an Education, Health and Care Plan EHCP   This is an amazing document that sets out the educational and health special needs that will allow your daughter to begin to function normally. It varies from child to child but essentially its a legal document that means schools and universities take things very seriously. My daughter had access to a quiet space at all times, was allowed to leave lessons and return unasked, was allowed to take exams in a smaller room etc   Now she’s at Exeter Uni they are being amazing and have so much support. All this is laid out in the ECHP. Its pretty much the only reason she can go there.

    The other reasons she has made huge progress are therapy and medication but that’s more private so I wouldn’t talk about it on an open forum.

    But it all starts with a diagnosis. Without that you’ll always end up with people saying what the well meaning person said above which is vary versions of just pull yourself together and you’re fine and the HYO thinking he can just get her to snap out of it…….THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN

    Free Member

    “.If the grades are very good I’d not be worrying about her attendance record and what the teachers think of that. Think of the incidents as bumps in the road.”

    Definitely do not do this.

    It seems to me your daughter is almost certainly ASD and probably has hyper focus disorder as well. These incidents are not bumps in the road, they are signs she is extremely stressed and the human body can only cope with so much stress. I know this from experience with my daughter. Without early and comprehensive intervention there may well be a big crash coming down the road as she can no longer summon up the energy to continually mask and has a breakdown. I’m sorry to scare you but its not a good situation and your HOY clearly does not understand how serious it is.

    I’m really busy right now so no time to write a long post but please PM me as I have just been through exactly this.

    Free Member

    If you use the Ruk style ones linked earlier in the thread then don’t forget to get a cockpit cover or you’ll end up with a boat full of water.

    personally unless it’s a very fancy composite kayak I tend to just use pads like the Palm 80cm roofbar  pads.

    If it’s more than one plastic boat that needs to be carried then it’s Eckla folding uprights for T tracks

    Free Member

    “asking the poor sod for his details like you want him flogged by head office ”

    Considering head office is probably the Kremlin this may be more serious than you think…..

    Edit – non paywall

    Free Member

    Most H&B shops I’ve been into have had precisely 1 person in besides the staff….me. I would suggest that assuming the OP is telling the truth the only person breaking rule No. 1 here is the supervisor. If he had said excuse me sir, its not really ideal to have a bike being wheeled around the shop, perhaps you could leave it at the till and I’ll keep an eye on it for you whilst you complete your purchase then I’d have agreed with him…but to ask you to leave seems not in the best interest of the business or the customer.

    Free Member

    More importantly did he have tomatoes for lunch? If he did then at least any staining of the blade would have gone unnoticed…..

    Worryingly this IS my local hospital.

    Free Member

    I know nothing of the legalities but I do know a professional drone pilot who sometimes uses his for ‘action’ sports and its waaaay harder than you’d think to get useable footage, even for a pro. The thought that you can rock up to a trail centre as a newbie and get anything like the shots you see in professional you tube vids is excuse my pun pie in the sky without a huge investment in time spent practising. Also in order to take footage of us wingfoiling at the local reservoir he needed to have his various certificates logged with the owners of the leisure rights to the venue and it took around 6 months before he was allowed to take off.

    Free Member

    When this type of thing happens with my Hive it usually ends up being the app and gets resolved in a couple of days whilst the heating system still works fine using the hardware controls.  Like almost everything I’ve bought that has app control it’s always the (cr)app that lets the rest of the system down.

    Free Member

    Education, education, education……..whilst the mantra was laudable the implementation was lamentable.

    The middle classes could only envisage one type of education for their little darlings and it became degree or bust….usually both. There was a reason only 5-8% of the population had a degree in the 70s, it was because only 5-8% of the jobs needed one and I reckon though its increased with the advent of the tech sector the number of jobs needing one now isn’t anywhere near the current 40% of the cohort that attend uni.

    Meanwhile all the other routes to a meaningful career were abandoned and sneered at. City and Guild, Apprentices, Night School etc previously all valid routes in to serious jobs became void almost overnight. The career ladder became a career hurdle. You either had a degree or you were worthless.

    The current higher education nightmare has been a 28 year timebomb in the making.

    Free Member

    Funnily enough @oldnpastit,  I was checking out my old photo album from back in the day when I was more of wheels off the ground rider and I came across this shot a mate took at Six Mile Bottom:

    Happy days, can’t think why I left…

    Free Member

    I was actually joking! After the answer was posted I did it and it was the second hit! I thought it was The Mountain Goats Sunset Tree which shows how wide of the mark I was

    Free Member

    I think I’m in. I just caught sight of me in a shop doorway and I have a beer belly. That is probably more the result of the lousy weather we’ve had this year and my love for food but I’ve been tucking away a fair few beers so it’s got to stop or the missus will be casting her eye ;0)

    Free Member

    It’s retrospective. It’s not conjecture. Just look on the gov website.

    Free Member

    Easy! You google tomato in a jar of runner beans album cover……erm

    its not The Mountain Goats btw is it?

    Free Member

    Tame Impala, currents.

    Free Member

    Whereas VED doesn’t cover a fraction of the social cost of car ownership and penalises those who try to act responsibly and drive less miles. It disincentivises use of other forms of transport which in turn helps their decline.

    Free Member


    sorry mate, you can’t convince me. I grew up in a village 10km south of Cambridge and after uni and travelling for a few years moved back to the city with my wife. I reckon I’ve ridden every b road in the county. It gets a bit more interesting out towards Safron Walden but literally everywhere else I’ve lived is better and that includes Birmingham!  Now live in East Sussex and it is 100 times better for cycling than Cambs.

    Free Member

    I guess you charge people more per mile in urban areas or for short journeys in general

    Problem is a policy like this has to go hand in hand with a boost in active travel funding so people actually have an alternative – but we all know this simply won’t happen and it will just result in the people who can least afford it paying more.

    Free Member

    Out of my two colleagues, one has an ev that is moving from 0 to 190. One has a diesel estate that is staying at 35

    My ev is moving from 0 to 20 as it’s really old and I’m not sure what my hybrid is doing – I think staying at zero

    Its all total nonsense anyway – the sooner we realise that all cars are basically bad for the environment no matter what they run on and just tax by miles driven the better.

    Free Member

    It’s rubbish for road riding. No hills, boring countryside, and a headwind whichever way you ride!  Good for commuting if you actually live in Cambridge and that’s yer lot.

    Free Member

    Motorcyclists who don’t know the difference between filtering and barging in. Whats the point of squeezing past me at traffic lights if you are just going to sit in front of me taking up as much room as a car but with a louder exhaust.

    Free Member

    Thing is, when I was first drinking in the late 80’s and early 90’s a pint cost around £1.50 . We drank loads, didn’t care (much) about the quality and all was good in the world.

    A quick google shows that equates to around £4.30ish in todays money so not that far off a £5 pint.

    When I say we drank loads, I mean 5-8 pints…..several days a week….on part time wages, student grants, entry level job wages……

    Yet we could still afford to drive, save up for houses, go on holiday

    I’m not sure its the price of beer that’s out of whack here

    Free Member

    Its not just bikes. it seems there is a glut of everything right now and its a buyers market. I just bought a PRS Santana SE in mint condition with upgraded Grover lockers and a bunch of extras (stand, hanger, tuner etc ) for £200.  Conversely, i have an almost brand new boxed Orange amp which retails at 110 plus postage (lowest internet discounted price)  which I literally can’t give away for 50 quid.

    Free Member

    @simondbarnes  If I pay for it through my phone app (IOS) can I also use it on my windows PC or is it restricted to 1 device or 1 operating system, it doesn’t seem to be clear in the info…..

    Free Member

    Does anyone here subscribe to the Ultimate Guitar Pro Chord app?   They keep bugging me with bigger and bigger discounts – currently at £19.99 for a year. I wondered if people had found it useful as a play along tool to practice songs with(I’m a beginner btw)

    Free Member

    What course is he doing?

    My daughters course ramps up from 8 hrs a week for the first couple of weeks to 18-22 a week later on in the term. She does have lab work though and I guess that will up the hours a bit as it takes longer to set up etc

    Free Member

    ahhh that would be Death in Vegas then!

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