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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • williamnot
    Free Member

    In Online, Fishing is a good money earner. A single steelhead trout brings in as much money as a story mission

    Free Member

    Dark skinned people stealing white children really is the most racist of tropes

    Free Member

    pretty sure once you’ve killed a legendary animal even if you lose the pelt its still available at the trapper.

    Free Member

    So, I’m the only on thinking ” A tenner? good value that”

    Free Member

    good job I don’t answer to you then Kimbers. But there are enough examples of this on the thread already.

    If absolutely must bring the Nazis into every criticism of Israel then you are an anti-Semite

    Free Member

    Because there are many ways to criticise Israel without comparing them to the Nazis? Which is a long running Anti Semitic trope

    Free Member

    its really easy to criticise Israel without being anti-Semitic. And yet so many on the left fail to do so. Wonder why?

    Free Member

    @ 701arvn

    considering the amount of “what Ken Livingstone said wasn’t so bad ” comments on this thread I’m not sure many understand your point

    Free Member

    plenty of anecdotal evidence in my own CLP of moonhowlers who think mossad are behind everything gaining more and more power.  I saw minutes of Birkenhead CLP where they rejected diversity training with the Jewish Labour Group because of “possible links with ISIS and the Israeli government”

    The very fact that the NEC is willing to die in a ditch to protect their pals rights to compare Israel to the Nazis is pretty damning evidence in itself

    Free Member

    As someone who has just resigned from the party because the rising ant-Semitism disgusts me, the far left have always had an issue but to see it become mainstream has scunnered me, Labour will not get my vote till Corbyn and his fellow travellers are gone

    Free Member

    ” stockholm syndrome”  Oh the arrogance

    Free Member

    dear god, I wondered why I don’t come on here as much. This thread is a perfect example . infowars links cited as evidence. Misogynists hiding their views behind pseudo  intellectual claptrap . This place is looking more and more like a youtube comments section every day

    Free Member

    I tend to just put it where I can see it, secure in the knowledge there are far nicer bikes than mine next to it

    Free Member

    I read this in Dave Gorman’s voice

    Free Member

    Ah the sweet irony of being told to open my eyes by someone who only sees the world through a nationalist lens

    Free Member

    [/quote]british nationalist in inability to see British bias shocker.

    perhaps I spoke too soon when it comes to new lows

    Free Member

    nationalists claiming equivalence between the propaganda mouthpiece of a state who murders journalists and the BBC really is a new low

    Free Member

    Couldn’t get past episode 2 and the scenery chewing baddies. Shame as the first episode was so promising

    Free Member

    Just back from seeing it. Such a dull predictable film. And how the line “you blow while I do the fingering ” got kept in I will never know

    Free Member

    It’s apparently Georgian according to some historian chaps on the Twitter. It’s been known about for years. Nowt to do with the Knights Templar

    Free Member

    surely this result is more a judgement on Arlene Foster’s handling of the RHI scheme and the prospect of a hard brexit than due to a surge in nationalism

    Free Member

    their pretendy craft beers are ok. I like the Green Gecko IPA and purple panther porter

    Free Member

    cinnamon_girl – Member

    There’s an expose of their working practices in yesterday’s Sunday Times. Employees living in tents beside the Dunfermline warehouse (biggest UK distribution centre) otherwise they’d have to pay £10 daily for the 75 minute journey by organised coach.

    Welcome to the 21st century consumerist society.

    I ride past the warehouse frequently, those tents have been there for weeks, empty and surrounded by beer cans. A similar thing happened in other woods close by a couple of months before. turned out to be kids buying cheap tents and having a party. i suspect this was the same

    Free Member

    Tjagain. halfway through would give a year. cant see that being long enough to come to an agreement with HMG , draft and ratify a section 30 order, produce a white paper and hold a referendum.(although getting the bill through the scottish parliament should be a skoosh as they dont seem to have much else on)

    of course that’s assuming its a two year process, most of the policy guys i have spoken to don’t believe that is an achievable timescale. very few believe it can be done within the lifetime of this parliament in fact

    Free Member

    i have no doubt you are speculating like he is

    and i imagine continued membership will be easier to agree than an exit deal

    just leave that here

    Free Member

    tjagain, I concede that there comes a point where a special application process looks for all the world like Scotland becoming a successor state (Scotland applies and joins the EU on the same date the UK leaves) but there would be crucial differences as a successor state would, normally, be expected to take on all the responsibilities of the outgoing state. Its very unlikely that the EU would allow Scotland to enjoy the same vetoes and perks that the UK currently enjoys.

    There is also the issue of timing. If HMG wins the Supreme Court decision and the PM triggers A50 straight away (unlikely I know) Do the Scottish government have enough time to broker a deal and then hold a referendum? do the Scottish electorate have sufficient time to come to an informed decision as to what to do next? I’m not convinced.

    Free Member

    tjagain, but none of your quotes actually say that do they? I have no doubt Scotland would face an expedited application process but being considered a successor state is a whole different ballgame. even an expedited process would result in Scotland facing some hard questions with regard to currency and budget deficits.

    Thanks for the offer but I’ve been condescended to by better than you

    Free Member

    Yes no one can be sure but 4 things are clear
    1) Major voices in the EU have said there would be no issue with scotland becoming the successor state
    2)there is no legal or constitutional problem with this
    3) the spanish objection no longer applies
    4) its in the EUs interests for Scotland to become the successor state and to remain in the EU

    1. nope, major voices have said that they would be friendly to scotland joining the EU under an expedited process but this is not the same as being a successor state
    2. probably not but there are some major political ones.
    3. yes it does as the core principle remains and any independance referendum that results in EU memebership will embolden catelonia
    4. possibly but you have provided no evidence to support that assertion. Scotlands likely deficit would be a fairly large impediment

    Free Member

    Freakonomics is a really interesting read
    all of Jon Ronson’s books are well worth your time

    Free Member

    ah the usual whataboutery. whilst those of us with children in scottish schools know exactly what 10 years of decline in standards looks like

    Free Member

    I tried the C25K twice. both times got to about week 6 and had to stop because of painful arches, put it down to being a porker

    Free Member

    was in there last sunday, had probably the worst bacon roll i have ever eaten. More fat than bacon and in a stale roll. Coffee was nice though

    Free Member

    Word from cabinet Office is that we are talking 10 years worth of work to get the our of Europe. Although wouldn’t rule out the politicals picking an arbitrary date and expecting the civil service to meet it

    Free Member

    Sirloin steak, herby potatoes and sauteed mushroom and onion. washed down with a nice rioja

    Free Member

    I have 2015 revs, you need to change the air spring. I sent mine to loco, cost about £40 iirc

    Free Member

    As above, generally if you are moving between departments you would join on the grade minimum. especially important to consider if you are moving to or from one the departments which still maintains pay progression

    Free Member

    Lallands peat worrier

    another good blog post that shed some light on the legal aspects of this. this paragrapH particularly resonated with me

    “But if you found yourself in his position, would you ignore your lawyer’s advice? If so, you may well be a nobler and more self-sacrificing character than this man. Perhaps the right thing to do would be to stand behind your deeds and your mistakes, and to take what comes. Reading reports from the inquiry over the last few weeks, I’m struck by the all too human qualities of Harry Clarke. An unfit, unhealthy man of a certain age with limited education and limited skills. A man who had his trade – and who desperately wanted to keep it. A man who succumbed to the all too human desire to keep his livelihood, little thinking, little imagining, the gruesome consequences of the white lies he thought he told. I don’t know about you, but I can see clearly, all too clearly, how this might happen.”

    Free Member

    my understanding is that the offence of failing to notifiy DVLA of a medical condition carries an absolute 3 year time bar (as does a whole host of motoring offences) This guy as had blackouts for a lot longer than that. As tragic as this whole situation is there doesnt appear to be an indictable offence.

    Free Member

    steel is a 25 year member of SWP who campaigned for the greens at the last would have to be insane to give him a vote in the most important leadership election the party is ever likely to have

    Free Member

    Unbreakable. it should have been called unwatchable

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