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  • First Look: New Stamp Flat Pedals From Crank Brothers
  • willard
    Full Member

    Sorry… What you really need for snow is one of these:

    That one is in better nick thatn my old one.

    Full Member

    Brave New World – Aldous Huxley

    Full Member

    That song is really bad and the bloke just looks totally wasted. Not impressed. Do kids like this sort of stuff any better?

    Full Member

    Ah, you say “don’t burn bridges”, but one of the things I truly regret was not writing a truthful resignation at my last job. Not so much burning and bombing, napalming and then salting the earth around the bridge.

    I ended up taking my dad’s advice and just saying something along the lines of “Dear Sir, I am writing to inform you that I am resigning from my role as a… “. I think I signed it with “Yours,” as opposed to anything else.

    What I should have said was “Sod you and your badly paid job. I’ve found another place with a boss that is not a complete bullying w4nker and where I can expect a reasonable appreciation of the skills that, so far, your company has ignored or obstructed.”

    Full Member

    Hold on… I’ll get you a number for a bulk quicklime dealer.

    Seriously, if someone gets that “offended”, then they are probably not worth worrying about. Just wait and see what happens and then say sorry if required. Not before. They are just upset that you found out they were a muppet.

    Full Member

    I’m sorry, but the definition of a gentleman is: “One who knows how to play the banjo, but chooses not to”.

    Full Member

    Dear gods… There are many things you can try. Pie, flash fried after a few hours marinading in red wine, herbs and just a dash of tabasco, BBQ, in with rabbit and pheasant in a game pie.

    The list goes on and on.

    Try here for game recipies though:

    Full Member

    The fiancee and I have been together for a three years now (I think) and I try and _never_ fart in the same room as her, or in ear or nose-shot. If I have to, I head to a man friendly fart safe zone (one of two bogs) and let rip there. That is acceptable. So is outside if there’s a breeze, I am quiet and I can blame it on the dog.

    Speaking of the dog… Little bugger lets rip just about every time the fiancee makes a fuss of him. I guess he’s just helping me out.

    I have to point out at this stage that one of my proudest moments was making my ex-wife retch with a fart one morning. That was not the reason for the divorce I hasten to add.

    Full Member

    Meh… Jodie’s still shorter than me. Not too keen on the horse bit though. Women with horses are very odd as a rule.

    Full Member

    Sorry, Mrs. Pitt just really does not float my boat.

    However, this lass from Canada does. Dallas Friday – Pro Wakeboarder

    Full Member


    Where is the Captain’s stand in though? I thought he’d arranged cover for his day off? Honestly, you can’t get the staff these days…

    Full Member

    IHN – like that’s going to cheer him up.

    Well, it might…

    I’m currently a 3, but that might increase to a 9 or 10 depending on what happens in the next week.

    Full Member

    Is that a bloke then? Christ on a bike, I thought that was a girl.

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    Full Member

    Cast iron is your friend. Just let the oil infuse it and it will stop sticking.

    Full Member

    Must have been a crap spaniel if it did… Maybe one of those King Charles things with short legs.

    My Springer would have dragged him over the line if he’d slowed down at any point. Which reminds me, I am _not_ going running with my dog any more.

    Full Member


    I like a nice discussion on grammar in the morning.

    Full Member

    Rich Tea, either with or without chocolate.

    I’ve loved ’em since I was a kid and they just keep getting better!

    Full Member

    If your budget was not quite so big, you could go for an ex-police Omega MV6 estate. They are, surprisingly, great fun and a very comfy drive.

    By the way… RS6 Avant. Nice. It might be a bit heavy, but the power it has more than makes up for it. I speak with the power of armchair knowledge as I could _never_ afford a 75k car.


    But I have owned an ex-police Omega.

    Full Member

    That’s a bit extreme! I mean, how about an intermediate step or two? Maybe a sheep’s head in the lounge, or a goat’s head in your swimming pool.

    It’s a big leap from falafal to a horse’s head.

    Bloody mafia types

    Full Member

    B, BE, C1, C1E, D1, D1E, f, k, l, n, p

    So, cars, vans and minibuses, all with trailers and then some other stuff.

    Full Member

    Mudshark, that’s a damned good way to ruin decent sushi. Ya freak.

    Full Member

    Bloke I had come round and quote me for a log burner said annually is the way to do it.

    You don’t want to risk a fire up the flue.

    Full Member

    Oh yes… make sure you add some rice wine vinegar to the rice when cooking it. It stops it getting all gluey.

    Full Member

    Mackrel!!! Mmmmm. Sushi. I like sushi and sushi likes me.

    I remember the time at the “all you can eat” night at the sushi bar in Banff. Oh dear. That cost them a bit.

    Full Member

    Hang on… With the euro and pound about equal now, wouldn’t joiing it make sense? We could just get rid of the £ sign on the keyboard and replace it with the € (which my keyboard doesn’t have on, but I ound by hitting a lot of buttons)?

    Maybe we could go back to actually making things. Useful things. Like tractors and stuff.

    Full Member

    What? At the police station after the raid?

    Full Member

    Job is about 5/10 at the moment, but home life is a rocking 10/10.
    Moneywise, I earn enough to keep me in food that’s not Morrison’s Economy range

    Full Member

    House first and foremost. After that food and fuel. Then savings, then fun.

    Gotta think of the future…

    Full Member

    When I was contracting for BT, I seem to remember that toilet time accounted for about 30 minutes a day. I was on a cheap contract, so it was only five quid a day for crapping.

    Satnav’s annoy me. mine sits down on the gear stick/transfer box lever place. That way I don’t have to look at it, just listen to it. When I need it that is.

    Full Member

    Did the same thing as you, but with the less well know Cambourne 10k.

    The best thing you can do is get a good pair of shoes that match your gait, and stretch. After that it’s just a case of starting with small distances and then working up to your target distance.

    The schedule I have (run is on April 5th) sets me an “agressive” three runs a week. I have not stuck to it, but I am increasing my distances weekly, so I reckon I’ll be ok by April.

    Full Member

    BSc in Applied Biochemistry, which I why I now work as a Release Manager at a software company. I’ve been here a while now, which is why I get the big bucks… about £40k.

    Mind you, I was earning more in 2000 when I was contracting, but then the market fell out of testing. Which is why I ended up working as a highways inspector for a year. I really quite enjoyed that job.

    Full Member

    Springers are ace!

    They are one of the happiest dogs around and are a joy to have in a house.

    But… They are mental. A brief summary of Ted (my B&W ESS) would be that he is highly intelligent, but very active. They need work to do, both mental work and physical, otherwise they get bored and that’s not good. They will also eat anything (chicken poo, cat poo, sticks, skirting board etc) when young.

    I have had him trained as a gundog and he’s good at it (so far), but he’s a softy at heart and really like sitting on the sofa with me and the missus. I would not part with him.

    Full Member

    Not sure… The John Major guest appearance in Judge Dredd was pretty ropey.

    Full Member

    I have a choice. Out of “this” window, I can see a car park with a couple of trees in the middle of it. Out of “that” window, I can see a slightly larger car park that does not have trees in it, but has them round it.

    If I go to the kitchen, the big windows there allow me to see a Truman Show-esq eco-town, some council offices and a big field with nothing in it.

    I like that view because, if I look right down the middle, I don’t see the houses or the offices, and the field makes it look like I’m not at work.

    Full Member

    Calgary? Go see the Olympic park eh?

    You could always head out to Banff and the three resorts round there, but it’s a 130km drive and if the weather’s bad, it can get nasty.

    Banff’s nice though.

    Full Member

    I thought the Fat Duck was the world’s _second_ best restaurant?

    Ok, his food is very poncy and anyone that calls a kitchen a “lab” deserves a slapping, but I’d like to see if the hype is up to the end result. Can anyone spot me the money to take my missus there?

    I’ll let you know if the food’s worth it…

    Full Member

    Ah yes, dried apricots… I ate a pound of them once and nearly had to head to A&E to beg for them to get rid of my cholic. Luckily a few hours lying in bed (with Richter Scale 8 farts) sorted it.

    Proudest moment of my life so far? Making my ex-wife retch one morning with a perfectly time guff. It didn’t help that I was laughing lots at the time. Did I mention she’s now my ex-wife?

    Full Member

    Not sure you can get 1080p on a 32″ TV, only 720P or 1080i… I’d have to check that out though.

    Mind you, it’s all redundant if you have crap eyesight…

    Full Member

    What about Rich Tea? Not as fattening as them thar chocolate things and structurally stronger after dunking than both the hobnob (or porridge biscuit as it is known) and the digestive.

    Rich Teas rule!

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