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  • First Look: New Kenda Nevegal2 Pro & Hellkat Pro Tyres
  • willard
    Full Member

    Hell, I run outside three times a week (training for a 10k) and I sweat buckets too. Being outside is more fun than the gym. Try it…

    Full Member

    If I were FRed, I’d be rubing my hands with glee at that statement. Pension right, here we come!

    Full Member

    I was thinking about a revolution. What day is good for everyone? Next Thursday?

    By the way, continuing to vote labour to prevent the Tories from getting in is almost as stupid as someone continuing to drink meths so that they don’t have to see how badly they are messing up their life.

    If politicians are messing up the country, do something about it. if that means voting for another party, vote for another party. If that means starting your own party to deal with those specific issues, then do that. Our “democracy” may be flawed, but you can do that and at least say that you tried to change something.

    Full Member

    Mmmmmm. I see an opportunity selling Adult incontipants at the airports they land in.


    Full Member

    Poor little Chris. He looked really gutted.

    Anyone else think that rack of rabbit is a little pointless?

    Full Member

    I quite like working in my office. not that many people annoy me here and they are, for the most part, friendly and helpful. I also work with some really talented and professional engineers, so dealing with them is good.

    Mind you, when I deal with peopel from other offices that are not so talented or professional I tend to swear a lot. Usually loudly. maybe I’m the one that’s annoying in the office.


    Full Member

    So what are the signs of uPVC double glazing being fscked then? Noise? Condensation? Drafts? All of the above?

    Full Member

    More warning would have meant more time for the passengers to panic too. If I’d have been in that situation, I think that would have been the best way to do it.

    Full Member

    Losing my fiancee for any reason at all.

    Vomit-inducing I know, but I love her and want to be with her for ever. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to be sick in a bucket.

    Full Member

    TJ, that’s bollox.

    True, some people might get a little arsey when some “sab” deliberately gets in the way of their half tonne horse, but if people who did n;t like cycling kept getting in the way of your bike and you, wouldn’t you get a little annoyed? “Sabs” really enjoying winding people up and viceotaping the results.

    As for only posh people having horses, that’s shite too. I’ll mention that to the people I know with horses, that spend just about every spare penny they own on the dame things, getting up at 6am to put them out. It’s a fool’s game, but it does not make them any more posh.

    The feeding foxes thing is shite too as well. If these people are “posh” or landowners or farmers, there is no way they would voluntarily increase the population of a predator that is quite happy ruining their livestock.

    I will readily agree that it’s a bloody stupid way to reduce the population of foxes in an area though. Shooting them is a much more effective way to do it.

    Full Member

    I’m just going to guess what it is from the name. Not nice.

    Sit down and have a nice cup of tea. Relax. Take the weight off things with a very small pillow or something.

    Full Member

    For once I am goign to have to agree with the Captain.

    I know a fair few people that hunt and they are what I would class as “normal” people. Not a toff amongst them. One is a mechanic, one is glass engraver, another’s a plasterer.

    Ok, the whole thing about killing foxes that way is not my cup of tea, but far more foxes are shot over a year than that, so my personal view is that Labour wanted to make a point about still being Labour. Unfortunately, it’s just not worked.

    Full Member

    That’s just the long house and the forced jollity that being a children’s TV presenter forces you through. Poor girl. If she’d been in a normal job she’d probably look a little more relaxed.

    Mind you, it’s completely understandable… If I had to be cheerful to my neice and nephew constanlty, every day, I’d probably serisouly consider a DIY labotomy.

    Full Member

    Ah yes, but don’t you think that being there, hanging out with all the drugged up smelly poeple is a little bit passe?

    I like live music, but I would seriously avoid Glastonbury because of the people I know that have been there.

    Full Member

    I tend to get really annoyed at people who are not courteous on the road. You know, when you stop at a “Give Way” or behind a load of cars on a residential road and let a load of cars through, and _no one_ thanks you or even acknowledges your existence, even though you’ve been waiting for minutes to let their shitty cars through the gap.

    It really pisses me off that people can be that rude.

    Full Member

    Are they the people that give you a crime number when you get burgled so you can claim on the insurance, but not the ones that actually go and find the theiving little shits that stole stuff from your house?

    Or are they the ones that like stopping people for having a dirty number plate?

    Full Member

    Does anyone have a means of identifying the members of the group? To me they are all vacuous tarts with different physical appearences; I don’t know their names.

    Who’s the short-haired blonde one that seems to always be drunk?

    Full Member

    How about starting with the people that wilfully borrowed way outside their means, then went bankrupt knowing that it would be written off?

    Then you can have the bankers that made all the mistakes, but you have to leave the normal bank staff out of it.

    But… You can mob Howard from the Halifax straight away. Those adverts have signed his warrent.

    Full Member

    I posted up a wakeboarding lass the other week. That’s almost nautical…

    It might have been this one of Heathyr (She’s from florida, hence the silly spelling…)

    Full Member

    We have a single shower for blokes in what used to be the womens’ bogs on the ground floor (great design… put all the showers in the womens’ toilets, even though there are about 5 or six women and eighty blokes here), and cyclists have a locked storage shed for their bikes. Unfortunately, you can access the inside of the lock through the bars on the door, so they get a B- for that. No drying facilities either, so those that do cycle have to put stuff in the loo or leave it on the window sills.

    Full Member

    iPhone satnav doesn’t do voice.

    I got told by a bloke at the Carphone Whorehouse that if you want a phone for “the intenet”, get an iPhone. Blackberies might be better for corporate mail stuff, Nokias might do other stuff better… You get the idea.

    They do have the best touchscreen though and the browsing experience is damn good. The only downside with the iPhone is that nearly everyone has one. Do you want to be a sheep like everyone else?

    Why not consider the Google Phone? If you are a geek you can modify the code, otherwise you get a decent phone that does internet and stuff.

    Full Member

    I think the traditional response of “I blame the Americans” would go down well about now. However, I think it would take far too long to take a set of Bombers to an entire nation on my own, so I would have to either enlist help (preferably with their own Bombers) or limit said owning to the last US cabinet.

    Full Member

    Been to Relate, but did not get the T shirt.

    They listen, they encourage you to talk to each other, they offer advice, they don’t judge.

    Mind you, it did no bloody good. We still got divorced, but I think that was more to do with depression on my part and her being very inflexible and lying to me about wanting to have kids.

    Ah well…

    Full Member

    Today? Well, better now than Friday I guess. Mind you, you do share a birthday with my Gran, so that should be easy to remember.

    Happy birthday Binners.

    Full Member

    Speaking of which, is the 405 worth the money? I’m looking at getting a new GPS for running and stuff (my last one is currently somewhere in the garage and remains hidden despite my best efforts) and was tempted by it, but mildly put off by the near 200 quid price tag.

    If not, are there any other wrist-mounted ones that people would recommend?

    Full Member

    When I was 13, I was more interested in climbing trees and getting the next badge at Scouts than bothering with girls. Mind you, I grew up in the country, so maybe things were a little different.

    I can’t wait for the papers to get into work. I feel a bit of a shouty-rant coming on.

    Full Member

    Michael, you are an extremely bad person for posting that link.

    Sweet mother of God! I only have 36GB left on this disk and there are sooooo many mixes on that site!

    Damn you!

    Full Member

    Christ, that kid looks about 10! Who’s the woman with him? His mum?

    Don’t tell me that she’s the mother…

    Full Member

    How retro do you want to go?

    This one always reminds me of finishing sixth form…

    I really need to go through my vinyl collection and mp3 all my old Hard House and Hard Trance vinyl. That would really sort you out.

    Full Member

    “Training Spaniels” by Joe Irving.

    Stuff in there worked on my ESS, but generally I would go for the loud yelp, followed by a shake by the scruff. Joe recommends replacing fingers with a sock stuffed with something tough.

    Full Member

    Some complete knobber did something similar to me when I was working in Hemel at 3Com. Except he undertook me on his shitey little 125 and managed to remove my Golf GTi’s nearside wing mirror with his elbow.

    He knew he’d done it too, little fecker never stopped and I was too shocked to take his number plate.

    Full Member


    You need to really make sure that you stretch well beforehand and well afterwards.

    That’s one of my biggest problems… I just never seem to stretch enough beforehand, then forget to tretch much afterwards in my haste to get back to work.

    Full Member

    Darcy, you seem a little upset. Are you annoyed at the way that the free market and capitalism works?

    Maybe the government should put a bit more regulation into the financial system after this. Is that on the cards?

    Full Member

    That was one of the funniest posts in a long while.

    Off to search for ponies now.

    Full Member

    You can’t really ask a question like that without opening a huge can o’ worms.

    What you need to do is go to a proper running shop and get gait analysis done, then pick a pair of trainers from the ones that suit the way your legs and feet move.

    I could say Saucony Progrid (‘cos that’s what I have), but I chose them because they suit my gait (Neutral) and were the lightest and best fitting pair of the ones that suited me. You could also be neutral, but might want Mizuno or Asics instead because they fit you better.

    A good pair of shoes will save you from really **** your knees up. You can’t really save money on running shoes.

    Full Member

    I’m not a big fan of dogs having their cojones removed that early on. Thining about it, the poor little sod is barely 4 in “human” years and if you did the same thing to a kid, he’d never develop properly.

    _If_ (and it’s a really strong “if”) my ESS Ted needs it doing, it will not be until he is 3 or so years old. However, since he has never attacked anything in his life and it’s not in his or his breed’s nature to, I do not think that’s going to be an issue.

    I’ve heard stories of other male dogs trying it on with castrated dogs by the way. Apparently it’s quite confusing being a euneuch: not quite male, but not female either.

    Full Member

    MY EYES!!!

    Good christ! I was not expecting to see that last one… It was like those dogs out of the first Resident Evil film.

    Full Member

    Harsh. I think you’ll find that the Panda 4×4 actually has the drivetrain and 4WD system made by Steyr-Puch. It’s so tough that the Swiss use them for postal delivery in the Alps. I’ll admit that 100,000 hp might be a little much for ecen that sort of Germanic engineering though…

    Full Member

    Or how about this… It’s a Bucyrus-Erie 1550-W.

    The biggest dragline in Europe at the time. They do have larger ones in Athabasca right now though.

    It’s actually nice to see pics of the draglines up and running. My dad used to work at RB (formed as part of Bucyrus-Erie and Ransome-Rapier, both huge players in the dragline market. Sad I know, but has a lot of my dad’s cranes in from both companies.

    Full Member

    Happy? Yes… Reduced strain on her load-bearing joints, reduced risk of dying from the folds of fat on her neck suffocating her during sleep, reduced risk of heart problems…

    Mind you, initially she’s going to be in a world of hurt.

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