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  • An Alternative Year in Sport
  • wilko1999
    Free Member

    Looks like a regular poster, check out his Forum activity, so probably on oversight I would say

    Free Member

    6’1 on a large, with 140mm forks. Just a seriously good fun bike to ride, light, nimble and there is something about it that makes me want to just mash the pedals and go flat out everywhere. It is happy just bimbling along mind, but really comes alive when you go for it.

    Free Member

    Re : the chocolate one – anyone know how to pause a gif?!? grrr :evil:

    Edit : did alt print scrn and pasted the broken sections into word – makes sense now, but very clever.

    Free Member

    Excellent :D

    Free Member

    Took our daughter out first when she was about 12 months, I don’t think she stopped grinning and giggling for the entire ride. Not been out that many times but she loves it every time

    Big +1 for a Weeride

    Free Member

    Yes, I like trying to get KOMs, it’s fun.

    Someone will soon chip in with a ‘whats the point/relevance?’ question, or ‘try racing someone properly in a proper race’ comment

    I take it as it is, a bit of fun. I’m in a club, and people are constantly trying to top each others times, good for banter and fitness too, even if one guy does seem to get the majority of them. Not me I might add, I have one. Just one.

    Free Member

    South west, Glos, South Cotswolds, FoD all bone dry and dusty at the moment, its amazing, fast, fun, best its been for about a year. All those months of slogging it through awful conditions makes you appreciate it even more

    Free Member

    Irritating in the sense of frustrating business jargon…

    “James, sports question for you” is one that particularly gets to me

    Free Member

    Flows aren’t that much heavier to be fair and would probably be a better bet for prolonged rockiness, but if you’re concerned about weight on that sort of bike (like what I am) then you’d probably be fine buying Arch EX’s (like what I did).

    I’ve had some very ungraceful landings off road gaps on my Arch Ex’s and they’ve stayed perfectly circular and true. I’m 15st kitted up by the way.

    Free Member

    Yeah, think I’m imagining it, the TT felt great on the test ride and after I bought it. I’m great at convincing myself there’s a problem sometimes though when really I just need to shut up and get on with riding. Amazing bike though either way

    Free Member

    On my motorbike yes. Bit like Weeksy, but mine was the best, and worst riding experiences of my life all rolled into one mad adrenalin-fuelled afternoon. Both awesome and sorrowful, people die there all the time, mainly bikers, but on the right day it is the most amazing stretch of tarmac there is, IMO

    Free Member

    Jim, how you finding the large ASR5 at your height? I’m ‘only’ 6’1 and I’m on a large ASR5, which on occasions feels like it could be a little longer in the TT, but I’m all torso and no trousers if you catch my drift

    Free Member

    Edit, d’oh double post, too impatient

    Edit again – Beaten to it on the Noahs front too :?

    Free Member

    Wahey if that ain’t a certain Biblically-themed bike shop somewhere near my hometown :D

    Forkin’ lovely build by the way

    Free Member

    I’d be keen to hear what mount / app combo anyone can suggest for an iPhone

    Free Member

    As soon as I got to the bit about us all being descendants of a murderous incestuous family I put it down

    EDIT : :-)

    Free Member

    I’d be keen to hear an update on the outcome of this case, if you’d be so kind as to keep us posted. It would be nice to hear some justice being done for once

    Free Member

    I have helitaped them. The day I bought the frame I also got one of those custom tape kits and fitted it that night before building the bike up. I thought I’d wear through that though after only a few rides judging by the state of the paint on my previous bikes.

    Maybe I’ve been my own worst enemy here. I have definitely developed a different pedalling technique, and this has probably highlighted/exaggerated lack of flexibility and muscular imbalance. I think I’m going to have to lay off it for a while, concentrate religously on stretching and strengthening and ease myself back into rides a little at a time.

    I’ve been trying to keep going though as I’m registered for the FoD Wild Boar Chase 42-miler in May but there’s absolutely no way I’ll be able to manage it. Just going to have take it on the chin I think, bite the bullet and get myself sorted.

    Edit : Thanks for the input, it has helped me see sense in the situation!

    Free Member

    Cheers all

    Yeah I definitely think the Yeti has highlighted a problem I already have, just want to figure out what it was about the bike that caused it to surface. The more I think about it the more I reckon its that I changed my foot position as I didn’t want my heels to rub on my fancy new carbon chain/seatstays (all my previous bikes have ended up badly rubbed in these points) My natural foot position is toes pointing out but I’m riding with my feet dead straight now. Maybe this is straining my ITB and pulling my kneecap out of position

    Anyway, I can’t afford private sports physio or a bike fit at the moment (‘proper’ ones seem to be bl88dy expensive), and in my experience NHS physios are a little ‘hit and miss’ if you can get a referral so not sure what to do right now

    Maybe I sell the ASR5, buy something much cheaper and spend the change on private physio / bike fit!

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, few more ideas there for me to look into, just getting really frustrated at the moment :cry:

    Free Member

    I had about 4 weeks off over Christmas, whilst performing the standard rehab ice ibuprofen stretches etc

    I also find it hard to believe that it’s the bike, surely you should be able to get any bike to fit poviding it’s the right size frame which mine definitely is. It’s just that pre-Yeti I was fine and the problems started from the first proper ride on the ASR5. It’s got a slacker seat angle and the chainstays are definitely wider at the heel region than my old bikes and I ride heels in so that’s why I was thinking along those lines

    May have to try physio, but all theyll do is help fix the symptoms, I need to know why the problem started when I started riding my Yeti :-(

    Free Member

    Pah, give me no grip, treacle-like trails and stopping every 10 minutes to poke all the mud out of my rear triangle with a stick any day :(

    Free Member

    Maybe raising the dispute was a little hasty, but to be fair to the the OP when you buy something (retailer or otherwise) you expect a certain level of service. Even if it’s a quick email to say the money has been received. It’s not difficult and no amount of snow can get in the way of common courtesy. Unless the internet is down obviously :D

    If I sell something I always let the buyer know I’ve received their money, give an idea of when I’ll post it etc. Not too much to ask is it?

    Free Member

    That Margaret Thatcher didn’t have a carriage clock?

    Free Member

    Camo, yeah they’re tough alright, and if they get organised we’re in trouble

    2 smokes and 2 frags. Sounds double-hard, but the smoke comes out bright pink and the frags bark is a lot worse than their bite. Good fun on ‘the battlefield’ though :wink:

    Free Member

    ha ha proper lol you’re not the first to say that :D

    Free Member

    :D yeah can’t say too much…

    Free Member

    Current armoury… :D

    Didn’t have a photo of just the shotguns!

    Quick edit: Everything except the shotguns are airsoft…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Don’t think anyones mentioned it yet but apologies if I’m wrong…

    King Bee – Back by Dope Demand

    Free Member

    Oooh valve balancing notes, please could I have them too. 3 storey victorian house with varying degrees of radiator warmth is causing me a few headaches. Email in profile, very much appreciated

    Free Member

    Enduro loop very wet and muddy today, other off piste stuff in that area pretty hard going but still fun! Took in the final descent of Verderers on my way back and that was fine, puddles and all, still really fast

    Free Member

    … or you could keep that kidney and get one of these :D

    You’ll probably find one cheaper if you look for a bit longer than I did

    Free Member

    Tang – could be any number of hippy fruitcakes capable of that around the 5 valleys!

    Free Member

    You’re not wrong Pigface

    Not long after that, later at night I heard some singing getting louder on the road outside my house. Looking out the window I saw a chap cycling along no-handed in just a pair of pants, playing The Wind Cries Mary on an acoustic guitar and singing at the top of his voice

    Free Member

    :D brilliant, how random

    I parked my Yamaha R1 outside Lloyds bank in Stroud once while I got some cash out. On returning to my bike a guy came over and asked if he could have a go on it there and then. He was pretty persuasive, but obviously I stood my ground! When he got the message that he wasn’t going to get a go, he proceeded to drop his trousers and pants and tried to stick his Johnson down the end of the exhaust can that was still boiling hot…

    Free Member

    Give him a break he was only asking!!

    Edit : possibly ‘she was only asking!!’

    Free Member

    I rode worse back in the day on a semi-slick rigid with full dayglo brakes, 440 inch thick tyres and 1.5mm wide bars :D

    Actually I did used to ride a full rigid etc etc back in the day (no lycra though) but nowt near as gnarl-full as the above!

    Free Member

    Reign in Blood and South of Heaven – Slayer
    DCLXVI – Entombed
    Master of Puppets – Metallica

    Free Member

    Its close at the top, Ginger Nuts are my ‘go to’ dunkers, but I have to say that my favourite’s are Foxs Viennese Melts. One for the connoisseur!

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