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  • Podcast: Taiwan, crap 90’s bikes and Benji makes mudguards great again
  • wilko1999
    Free Member

    Wherever they end up going, it’d be worth stopping off for a loop of the Family Cycle Trail in FoD, really nice ride, but only 11 miles. Link to details…

    Free Member

    “…wasn’t pure Lurcher”?? A lurcher is a cross between a pure sighthound (whippet, greyhound etc.) and any other dog. Strange thing for a rescue centre to say.

    Anyway, pedanticism aside, he looks great. We’ve got a whippet and a lurcher. Our lurcher is a whippet crossed with a mystery larger breed, and he is much harder work than our whippet. Very head strong off the lead and once he goes after something will not come back until he has caught it or it is completely out of sight.

    Whippets recall though is brilliant. Both had the same training. Have worked on his training since he was a puppy (he’s 3 now) and its got to the point that we can’t let him off the lead anywhere other than our enclosed garden (police involvement didn’t help…)

    I digressed, but just be aware that the sighthound instinct in him may, on occasion, override any training that you give him!

    EDIT : Beaten to it on the lurcher explanation..

    Free Member

    Up until early this year I was a serial tyre junkie. Swapping all the time and trying out different combos. Then I realized that the differences between them weren’t that big anyway, the main limiting factor for grip was my skill, and for rolling resistance – my fitness. So when I went tubeless I went for what seemed like a good all round combo – purg rear, butcher front and have used them since. Get on with riding, forget about the damn tyres. So far so good, just need to see what they are like in the depths of winter!

    Free Member

    Maybe there’s been a 650b ‘about turn’ and its back in the hands of development..?

    Free Member

    Does anyone else find the cops a little keener than previous games? I seemed to spend the first 2 hours of the game (outside of any missions) on the run for pretty minor incidents (well, minor by GTA standards)

    Free Member

    lol @ crell

    Lovin the game so far but then I’m a closet low down seedy rotten scumbag so it seems to have been made with me in mind :D

    Free Member

    Spent 80 dollars on a stripper called Sapphire and ended up back at hers for ‘coffee’, now she’s a contact on my phone and just sent me a dirty text :D

    Free Member

    This is driving me nuts, bought it from Tesco on the way to work this morning, sat here at my desk with the game just staring at me…

    Free Member

    Yeah pretty much all the DH’s are well rooty, and great fun. Compound and size, dunno really depends on how you ride. There are so many options with the Minion. I used to run 2.35 60a’s for everything XC and DH but if it was purely for uplifted DH’ing I’d probably choose 2.5 42a front, 2.5 60a rear, both dual-ply.

    Free Member

    If you ride anything other than the new GBU track, you’ll want something that’s half decent on wet roots! Your XR4 2.35’s I reckon would be a pretty good choice out of your two options. In your ‘something else’ category I’d say Minions front and rear, very popular on the DH’s at FoD as with everywhere really.

    Free Member

    I thought it was going to be ‘…wheelie in a trail centre car park’ for some reason

    Free Member

    Was his name Dennis?

    Free Member

    Chucky-Pig in Glaarrssterrshiyer

    Free Member

    We paid £350 to move from a 3 bed terrace to a big 4 bed, only about 5 miles away. Had loads of stuff so we needed an HGV, a Luton would have taken 2 or 3 goes. If you are moving out and in the same day, and have someone waiting to move into your house that day, you have little choice but to hire someone. Unless you can fit all your stuff in an HGV that you or a mate can drive. But seriously, in the scale of how much a house move costs and how stressful it can be, it is so worth the effort to get someone in to do it.

    Free Member

    All smells a teeny-weeny bit troll-y to me! See if you can get in touch with popular STW-er bikeind, he will be able to sort you out a 650b that will bring the trail alive before your very eyes

    However, if I were to want a new ‘techy-trail’ 650b and was suitably wedged up, I’d look absolutely no further than a Bronson C

    Free Member

    Doesn’t quite follow on from your thread title, but the same principal, I always liked…

    You’re so ugly it looks like your face was on fire and they put it out with a spade

    Free Member

    They absolutely decimated all the plums on our tree in the space of about 2 days a few weeks ago. You couldn’t get near the tree for the damn things. Just spent 4 days in Vilnius and they saw their way clear to landing on every meal I had and helping themselves to some. Greedy sods

    Free Member

    Reminds me of these so-called newspaper/article headlines. Not sure how many are real, but they always make me smile:

    1. 20-Year Friendship Ends at Altar

    2. Include Your Children when Baking Cookies

    3. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says

    4. Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers

    5. Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted

    6. Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case

    7. Survivor of Siamese Twins Joins Parents

    8. Iraqi Head Seeks Arms

    9. Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus?

    10. British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands

    11. Eye Drops Off Shelf

    12. Teacher Strikes Idle Kids

    13. Clinton Wins on Budget, But More Lies Ahead

    14. Enraged Cow Injures Farmer With Axe

    15. Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told

    16. Miners Refuse to Work after Death

    17. Stolen Painting Found by Tree

    18. Two Sisters Reunited After 18 Years in Checkout Counter

    19. Killer Sentenced to Die for Second Time in 10 Year

    20. War Dims Hope for Peace

    21. If Strike Isn’t Settled Quickly, It May Last a While

    22. Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures

    23. Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide

    24. Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges

    25. Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead

    26. Man Struck By Lightning Faces Battery Charge

    27. New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group

    28. Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft

    29. Kids Make Nutritious Snacks

    30. Ban On Soliciting Dead in Trotwood

    31. Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half

    32. New Vaccine May Contain Rabies

    33. Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors

    34. March Planned For Next August

    35. Blind Bishop Appointed To See

    36. Lingerie Shipment Hijacked–Thief Gives Police The Slip

    37. L. A. Voters Approve Urban Renewal By Landslide

    38. Patient At Death’s Door–Doctors Pull Him Through

    39. Latin Course To Be Cancelled–No Interest Among Students, Et Al.

    40. Diaper Market Bottoms Out

    41. Croupiers On Strike–Management: No Big Deal

    42. Stadium Air Conditioning Fails–Fans Protest

    43. Queen Mary Having Bottom Scraped

    44. Henshaw Offers Rare Opportunity to Goose Hunters

    45. Women’s Movement Called More Broad-Based

    46. Antique Stripper to Display Wares at Store

    47. Prostitutes Appeal to Pope

    48. Teacher Strikes Idle Kids

    49. Lawyers Give Poor Free Legal Advice

    50. Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant

    51. Fund Set Up for Beating Victim’s Kin

    52. Killer Sentenced to Die for Second Time in 10 Years

    53. Cancer Society Honors Marlboro Man

    54. Nicaragua Sets Goal to Wipe Out Literacy

    55. Autos Killing 110 a Day–Let’s Resolve to Do Better

    56. Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures

    57. Half of U. S. High Schools Require Some Study for Graduation

    58. Blind Woman Gets New Kidney from Dad She Hasn’t Seen in Years

    Free Member

    Is that statistic based on your own findings allthegear? :D

    Free Member

    This thread is now officially pedant’s corner

    On topic, for some reason I really dislike the word utensil

    Free Member

    You could do far worse than this I reckon

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure the tongue in front of your bottom teeth, making that eeeuuggh-euuuggghhh noise is now global. Didn’t that all stem from Joey on Blue Peter? Terrible really, we used to do it all the time at school, and call people Joey etc. Kids are horrible! The code of the schoolyard did not suffer fools lightly

    Free Member

    No you can’t drive on the motorway until you have passed your test regardless of who is sat in the passenger seat. It almost calls for a 2-step license, part 1 allows you to take part 2, the motorway bit. Its all a bit daft really as you are allowed on dual carriageways with only a provisional which is pretty much like being on a motorway anyway

    Free Member

    Check OP’s recent posting history – he certainly likes to ‘start an informed debate regarding wheel size’ :D

    Pack it in, isn’t everyone sick of going over it again and again!?

    Free Member

    Double post

    Free Member

    Pretty sure this has been in the Highway Code since I learnt to drive 21 years ago:

    Free Member

    As others have said, regardless of what speed people around you are doing, its your job to drive at/within the speed limit in the correct lane, which is lane 1, unless you are overtaking.

    Anyway, I think they will enforce this as much as possible. They currently can’t be arsed basically because of the hoops that need jumping through to get a conviction. This costs a huge amount. Now your average work-a-day traffic cop can just pull you over and get £100 each time he does it. Its a win/win for them

    Free Member

    Another member of the only use water / haven’t cleaned it in 3 years / no ill effects brigade here

    Free Member

    Ouch this sucks, big time. And he gave you a ‘Best Avoided’ negative feedback too, I’d be absolutely tampin mad mate. Did you refund him before he sent them back?

    EDIT: just saw your post above

    Free Member

    I go through phases. Lately, not much, touch wood…

    Normally I crash on my 3rd or 4th go at a jump or difficult bit of trail when I’ve easily cleared it the first 2 or 3 times, then start thinking about it and BAMM I’m off

    Free Member

    The Bigfoot ride on Saturday morning in the link above would be good, get in touch with them via the website, I’m sure you could tag along. Can you follow gps routes?

    Free Member

    Errmm, how about looking at it as simplistically (is that a word?) as possible: If you suddenly lost 1kg of excess flab from your stomach, your power to weight ratio would increase by the exact same amount as if you suddenly lost 1kg of metal from your frame

    Free Member

    When you say big to big, short as it can be, shouldn’t you have allowed for two extra links at this point anyway? Or have I misunderstood what you said

    Free Member

    The black run on Whites is good fun and not that black at all. There is one bit where it goes off a bit steep and rocky but you can roll it all

    Free Member


    Free Member

    We scraped together £2500 (not including honeymoon) for our wedding and had close family and friends only totalling 30 people. We didn’t want presents but said to people that if they desperately wanted to give us something then a donation towards our honeymoon fund would be hugely appreciated. Whats wrong with that? Any good family and friends will understand, and anyone that doesn’t (or thinks its cheap or chavvy) don’t count

    Free Member

    Years of skateboarding and rugby (not at the same time..) have ruined my knees and back. Standing from a seated position for me is a long and painful process and definitely involves facial grimacing and seemingly uncontrollable grunts, gasps and sharp intakes of air through my teeth. This has been going on for at least 10 years, and I’m 38 :|

    Free Member

    CountZero – is that how you try out a pair of shoes, stomp round the shop for 5 minutes? Sorry, that just created a comedy image in my head of someone doing that with a really exaggerated stomping motion, arms pumping and a determined look on your face, while all the other customers/shop assistants look on in bemusement :D

    Free Member

    I’ve used all different versions of both of those and you’ll find the snakeskin sidewalls a bit tougher than the minion single plys and they’ll roll quicker. However they won’t provide anywhere near as much grip accelerating, cornering, braking or climbing in any conditions as the minions. I really tried to like the NNs because they’re relatively quick but I much prefer minions in every situation

    Free Member

    Urgh seriously I don’t even think it qualifies as food. My wife and daughter love it, I can’t go near them for a couple of days after they’ve eaten it though.

    I like the idea of calling our new baby Taramosalata, although my wife’s not so keen. Luckily we’re having a boy, and it would quite obviously be a girls name :D

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