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  • The story behind Troy Lee Designs A3 Helmet – The Stikman Interview
  • wiggles
    Free Member

    I’m in Newport within a mile of the seawall in one direction and even closer to a very full river in the other direction. Started getting the warning calls from the environment agency as well :/

    Free Member

    skiing is a rich persons sport, healthier, fitter, better dentists/ surgeons

    So is rowing, shooting etc
    So not that logical ;)

    Free Member

    Topless darts is a bit different though… I imagine there is a election process not just based on your dart throwing ability ;)

    EDIT: Shaun white has always been really annoying for being talented at pretty much anything… Now he looks like that just makes me more angry. Can’t even call him the flying tomato anymore…

    Free Member

    Not really a super hero but managed to convince my missus to dress up as lara croft for a fancy dress party when we first started going out 8)

    Come to think of it not sure I have successfuly convinced her to do anything else since…

    Free Member

    Beach volleyball could be in with a shout…

    EDIT: beaten to it.

    Still not sure anything beats skiing

    Free Member

    Just watching that. Is the front end of the bike MTB parts? Rear obviously different but forks and front wheel/tyre look MTB sized.

    Free Member

    Can easily fit a bike with wheels on with only one of the 3 rear seats down in the berlingo (2010 multispace) only have one yo try but think could get 3 with wheels on.

    Used to have an astra and even with all the back seats down could barely get one in with the front wheel off. It doesn’t really feel bigger to drive and park, it’s more the height that makes it so much easier to load.

    Free Member

    Adam Sandler films like the waterboy and happy Gilmore…

    They are by no means great films but they still get a chuckle out of me.

    Free Member

    takisawa2 – Member
    I too, would position myself right behind Pippa on this, & follow her lead closely.
    I’d stay hard on her back end, but I would have to concentrate to avoid coming off unexpectedly


    Free Member

    Look quite good but my fatbar lite (ALU) is only 6 grams heavier. So not tempted me enough to bother yet.

    Free Member

    What is the reason for wanting to have a small car?

    Just asking as I recently got a berlingo, was actually cheaper to insure than all of the usual small cars, tax and fuel are not far off to. So small cars aren’t always cheapest.

    Free Member

    Took me far longer than it should have to work that out…

    Free Member

    but unemployment figures improving doesn’t mean we are as well off as we were before the recession does it? just because people have jobs doesn’t they are as (comparatively) well paid, due to inflation, pay freezes etc.

    I’m not saying immigration will not effect increased demand for labour but isn’t that pretty much always the case? It’s not like immigration is a recent thing.

    Free Member

    yes supply AND demand… but as mentioned if the bankers(not just them) hadn’t sent us into a recession then there would be a lot more demand for workers than there is now.

    I feel this has now gone somewhat off topic… especially as we all seem to be arguing against each other despite agreeing over the original question.

    Free Member

    SD-253 – Member

    only if you are selective with the statistics Boston is struggling to supply medical care for vast increase in immigrants. Schools have to teach children to speak English before they can teach them normally. Clearly there is an increase in costs or alternatively the British born children are loosing out. There’s always this assumption that immigrants will stay in the UK and continue to pay high taxes and be net contributers thats assuming they are (they are not). Why would they do this? Once there own country catches up economically they will be off. Leaving us with more schools, hospitals etc than we need.

    But it has been proven that (recent) immigrants do make a net contribution.

    we (possibly) have more people leaving the country than coming in.
    wow you must be the only person who believes that. And please tell me why the “books should balance”

    OK I worded that wrong, currently more people are coming than going but overall there are more brits living overseas than immigrants living in the UK.

    People working for less than minimum wage is not just down to immigration is it? just because people are allowed into the country doesn’t mean nothing can be done to stop them working illegally…
    actually that is entirely the cause when we were short of Labour wages went up again supply and demand. AND I was not aware I was talking about illegal immigrants, where did I mention them? But as you brought it up it does appear that there is nothing that can be done to stop them working illegally BUT I doubt they are the main contributes to the working class being spat on by the middle class. No that is down to people who support mass immigration. Oh well at least your Labour party has garunteed its self lots of extra votes!

    You said people are working for 12 hours a day 6 days a week for less than what someone else earns in a normal working week, so therefore that < minumum wage = illegal. Nothing to do with their immigration status. Obviously illegal immigration is not a good thing so there is no point arguing over that. I love how you know who I vote for without me ever mentioning any political party ;)

    Free Member

    The only thing I’m claiming is that we are a very extremely primitive species,

    I know i’m the 3rd person to ask this, but no answer yet so I will go again…

    Compared to what exactly? the human brain is regarded as the most complex structure in the known universe, we understand comparatively more about black holes and galaxies than our own brains…. So how are we so primitive?

    Free Member

    I don’t believe you, if you did you would understand just how badly effected the working class are by mass immigration. AND wages which are far below £6.31 an hour. My wages? I live of you I have a Army disability pension. So I can only gain from mass immigration but I have morals. I don’t like to see people working 12 hours a day 6 days a week to get the equivalent of what you get for 36 hour week.

    Care to show any proof immigration leads to lower wages?

    As already pointed out recent studies have shown immigrants are net contributors to the economy and we (possibly) have more people leaving the country than coming in.

    People working for less than minimum wage is not just down to immigration is it? just because people are allowed into the country doesn’t mean nothing can be done to stop them working illegally…

    Free Member

    I don’t even know where to begin pointing out all the mistakes in this thread…

    Free Member

    Just put a Sign Saying “KOM Line” on a tree with an arrow then paint one of these…

    Free Member

    I think they are a great idea for people in your sort of situation, where riding would be difficult without them. A medical issue shouldn’t stop people doing what they enjoy, the issue I have is if they make them stupidly overpowered so people just light their rear wheel up constantly and all the trails end up the same as a rutted MX track.

    So IMO depends on the reason for getting one and how sensibly it is designed/used.

    Free Member

    konabunny – Member
    Gordimhor: it says

    Scotland’s differing demographic and migration needs mean that the UK immigration system has not served our interests
    It doesn’t say

    Scotland needs more immigrants


    You could read that sentence which every way you want, “differing” could mean we want more or we want less.

    Being Welsh I don’t have that much of a say in this, but I certainly think there are plenty of lose ends and inaccuracies to be tied up before anyone should consider independence it a viable option.

    Free Member

    Keep going, sneak in a few “accidental” groin kicks if you still think he is a bastard after some time has passed.

    Free Member

    God there are some right sanctimonious hippy trolls on the comments page on there…

    What is he going to do next start saying all Lions and sharks are peado’s because they eat meat as well?

    I’m fine with people being veggie if they want to but no need to start telling everyone they are disgusting for doing something which is completely natural and our bodies have evolved to do so over millions of years.

    Free Member

    Post of the year is not much an achievement at this point though is it

    To quote johm clease “If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?”

    Free Member

    Worked out today’s code is UKTYRE15 (I know, I should be wokring for MI6 right! ;) )

    Chunky monkey and smorgasbord ordered with some tubes (looking to run these tubeless though) for £37, worth a go before splashing over £40 on one* conti tyre…

    EDIT: *pun not intended

    Free Member

    Mine is pathetic and all fits into this.

    Free Member

    That pedal one looks handy (living in a flat) but is it a good idea to have a 30lb bike hanging by it’s pedal?

    Genuine question, just seems like a lot of weight on a small area, but then again me stamping on the pedals is a damn sight more weight….

    Free Member

    1.6 HDI berlingo.

    Average about 45mpg which is not bad for something with the aerodynamics of a brick.

    Someone doing 15k a year in a diesel shit box will use far more fuel than I do in my 25mpg petrol. They’ll also release far more harmful pollutants. Btw breeding is about the worst thing you can do if you care about the environment.

    Yeah so lets all not have any children and save the planet for future generatio…. oh wait! :roll:

    Free Member

    Though to be honest, although I never grated one of my turds, me and my best mate did get such a reputation for breaking things/causing trouble at house parties that people stopped telling us about them because they were scared of what we would do to their house.

    Free Member

    Now that^ is some serious effort….
    Where did you freeze it?
    How long did it take?
    How did you get it to the party?
    What did you use to grate it?

    Free Member

    Was going alright while they were building the chain motors etc. Then Suddenly now it’s race day and we are going to slowly drive around for hours with a sidecar…

    Free Member

    Lied… A lot.
    Probably caused a lot more trouble than I thought I did.

    Free Member

    Dialled alpine or prince Albert.

    Free Member

    Was good, will rewatch when kids are not running rough screaming as only heard every other word.

    Free Member

    opposite of the above, since our first was a few months old we haven’t even had a pram, much less hassle next to no space in car, don’t have to use lifts etc. Used various different carriers and the missus uses wraps (I can’t get on with them) don’t really need a big backpack based thing for short works.

    Free Member

    My mate who lives about 10 mins away(lives a few hundred meters froke the sea wall)has been told to evacuate in the morning because of the tide.

    Hopefully just precautionary and won’t be too bad :/

    Free Member

    I will have a new bike to ride this year… Well I hope so anyway I started it in July :(

    Free Member

    Cut off corner, place over toes (after socks) and insert into shoes.

    Free Member

    It’s in the OP…

    Waiting for tyres day Sunday!

    Free Member

    Rode the new penhydd trail at afan last week in torrential rain on very slippy summer xc tyres and was fine.

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