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  • Live to Ride: Can Roger Vieira Break the Top 20?
  • wiggles
    Free Member

    Superstar are always good for a laugh (not my pic)

    My missus and the kids know superstar packages mean haribo now so they are always open before I get home from work :(

    Free Member

    Used my Hermes for some I sold on eBay. Was about £6 and just dropped them off at local dry cleaners where they scan them and Hermes pick them up so no queuing at the post office or waiting at home.

    Free Member

    I just bought a XT bb for £18 from merlin, seems best balance of cost/durability

    Free Member

    Just statistical analysis though.
    If that happens to you it is more likely to happen to you compared with someone who didn’t have the first accident.

    Can’t really apply logical scenarios to it

    Free Member

    You won’t be able to sorry.
    Insurance is based on statistics so claims means a higher policy regardless of fault usually.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t thinking that was a pair so makes more sense.

    Free Member

    So you spent £170 on Zee brakes that aren’t as powerful as zees :/

    Get it I do not /yoda

    Free Member

    Went out last weekend into a essentialy a swamp and feel into a lake (puddle) so staying inside and fettling (with the bike…honest)

    Free Member

    It’s just for sale items, so on certain items it has the extra 10 % logo on the thumbnail.

    They have XXL(63-65cm) full faces so think I will put in an order seeing as works out as just over £50

    Free Member

    Good to hear, will have to start saving as they don’t come up 2nd hand much

    Free Member

    Brakeless, it benefits the economy.

    Well for people who sell trainers anyway

    Free Member

    Rib eye ftw

    Free Member

    Did the credit expert one, just ring to cancel before the free trial runs out.

    Mine was pointless. Nothing useful just pay off more debt for a better score…

    Free Member

    Strava segments?

    Free Member


    less viruses to catch and stuff for kids to install/mess around with

    Free Member

    Thats made a right mesh[/I] of his back.

    Free Member

    As you guys said above I know people who take/taken them and saw some friends get in a bad way when I was younger. Just never felt the need personaly if people want it it is their choice. Just commented to see if I was the only one really as surprised me how many said they had.

    Free Member

    Just need loads of these….

    Free Member

    I must be one of the few boring ones and never touched any drugs…

    Free Member

    I’m better off but much less secure…

    I am in a temp job paying more than my old permanent one, rent bills etc have all gone up, so purely looking at the figures I’m a bit better off but in a much less secure place.

    Free Member

    Ironically I work in HR… But as a provider to another company other than the one I work for. So have no insight/dealing with our own HR.

    Free Member

    I’m not saying that is what atheism is, as it should be an absence of belief which is essentially passive.

    But there are a number of Facebook pages for example, that people post links to on my feed which are just pointing out contradictions and making fun of religions in the name of atheism.

    Free Member

    Militant atheist-vegans are the real threat ;)

    Free Member

    Don’t open it!
    probably a turd.

    Free Member

    I agree with what you are saying but it just feels like atheism is no longer just a passive view of I don’t believe in god but getting close to an ideology that its followers seem try to force on others, which is exactly what they abhor organised religion for doing.


    The point is people like that aren’t moderate though are they?
    They may be in their country but overall they still hold extreme views.

    Free Member

    Yeah but atheism is just forming another large gang…

    The human race will never agree on everything so i think we should just focus on stopping the extremist views of any religion/cult/political party from harming us, the problem is not what religion or idealism the extremists base their view on it is the fact their views are extreme to the point of harming/killing people.

    People who go to church and mosques and as a result hold moderate beliefs that sex is for after marriage and don’t eat pork are not causing the problems.

    Free Member

    I genuinly don’t know as the bike I am building is pretty much all I want (sub £2k build) anything more would be wasted on me.

    But would probably add a mid travel full sus like a rocket or a DMR Bolt

    Plus a full on DH bike to the stable/quiver/armory/other nonsensical words for bikes

    Free Member

    What helmet?

    Free Member

    TooTall – Member
    would they ever really be afraid of the people? It’s not a battle that the people would ever win by firepower.

    I’ve spoken to a couple of people over here who really truly believe that their government is kept in check because the American people are armed.
    I backed out of the room, smiling and not breaking eye contact.

    I think that pretty much sums the whole thing up, there is no logical reason for modern america to be full of guns. But it makes them all feel special by some divine right and they are in control of their country not the politicians.

    Rather them than us. I’d rather be aware of the fact our country is run by tossers and owning a gun isn’t going to do squat about it…

    Free Member

    (1) It has been and many agree with me but they cannot recruit outside of the current process.
    (2) They have directly confirmed I am at the level they want and actively encouraged me (and others) to apply and have advised of the fact there would be bureaucratic hoops to jump through before they could hire us. there would be no fees involved if I was to be given a permanent job.
    (3) I agree but nearly a years worth of getting to know me and all of my results should help

    Free Member

    I saw a programme about the anti-gays laws in africa is astounding that things like that are still happening in this century.

    I don’t believe in a god but don’t really like to call myself an atheist… probably use agnostic if am pushed for an answer.

    As out of all the people I know the religious ones, (Muslims, Hindus and Christians) I have had many interesting conversations about their beliefs but not one of them has even been offensive about my lack of faith or tried to convince me that their viewpoint is the only correct way.

    On the other hand nearly all the people I know who openly describe themselves as atheist continuously try to shove their view down others throats an tell people they are wrong and seems massively ironic to me that not having a religion has practically become a religion in itself which the main belief seems to be to make fun of and attack the beliefs of others.

    Free Member

    When I was younger I was working at my gramps farm, nature called so I ran over the brow of a hill, there was nothing in site for miles in that direction. Squat down about to let rip when two military helicopters come overhead at very low level drop some ropes and a load of blokes start dropping out of it…

    Free Member

    Not Wales then, I can sleep tonight

    Free Member

    Not got one anymore place I bought my last bike from is gone and not found anyone else I trust yet. Any recommendations for the Newport/Cardiff area? Mostly for spannering rather than parts.

    Free Member

    Who wants to inflict some mass stw immigration on Canada?

    We could all chip in for a boat/ark

    Free Member

    Ur bike is sarcin

    Had to get that in there first, very nice looking frames though.

    Free Member

    I don’t see the need for automatic weapons outside of the military what so ever.

    You’re hardly going to fill a deer you want to eat full of 50 bullets or need it to ‘protect’ your home

    Free Member

    I felt so bad i was tempted to just go back to sleep and forget it happened.

    Also my son was in the bed and I didn’t blame it on him, so I’m not that bad.

    Free Member

    About 2 weeks ago and I had to wake my missus up at 3am to tell her to get out of the bed because I had just shat myself all over it.

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