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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • wiggles
    Free Member

    Hirano did a backside air on the first hit to set up for the 14’s

    White went straight into them and his set-up trick was a skyhook so higher scoring set up trick, bigger amplitude and straight into the the 14’s is enough to put him ahead imo

    Free Member

    I think white had to win it for a 1440 on the first hit was enough of a difference to win it for me.

    Just reading about the Jamaican bobsleigh coach quit and is threatening to keep the sled?!

    Also why is it called a sled when the sport is bobsleigh surely it should be a sleigh?

    Free Member

    Bit of a weird one this year as been seeing someone for a few weeks and not sure what the etiquette is…

    Last few years were in a long term unhappy relationship with so minimum effort cheap flowers and card was easy.

    Free Member

    Due to most men lying a LOT most women probably think 9 inches is the same length as a bog roll tube…

    Seriously though they seem to be way off in terms of their estimates compared to a Vernier/ruler/tape measure (delete as appropriate)

    Free Member

    Yeah obviously covering it up isn’t good but again any business (big charity=business) would try to keep this thing out of the public domain. Equally they do a huge amount of good so it would be insane to try and destroy an entire charity based in the shady actions of a few people there is no proof of some company wide conspiracy

    Daily mail headlines talking about people being offered sex for aid in their shops apparently as well now…

    Again funny all the sudden interest and the mail (who obviously always stand up for abuse victims…) Jumping in so heartily just after the report titles something like “the economy for the 99%” or whatever it was Oxfam published.

    Free Member

    In not saying I endorse what they did just that seems strange timing how it is being used now… Also unless shagging prostitute’s was part of their mission briefing it’s not really an organisation problem. If you got caught doing that on your business trip would it be you or your boss in trouble?

    If the head of an organisation is responsible for personal indiscretions of staff Teresa may has a lot to answer for…

    Free Member

    Funny how something from 7 years ago suddenly is back in the news and the government threatening to cut funding shortly after Oxfam made a report criticising the government…

    Free Member

    Tbf anyone that puts any kind of thought into torches is a bit of a nut compared to most people.

    Just when you started your post with that I thought a lecture on why we all “need” £200 artisan torches from a small British manufacturer was about to happen in a oh so stw way

    Free Member

    I like how 3 different torches since the 80’s makes you “a bit of a torch nut” 😆

    I’ve probably lost twice as many torches… And I wasn’t even born in the 80s

    Free Member

    Is that an example of one of the crap ones?

    I am very much in agreement with the people who said grime is much better than most of the US rap currently so much terrible stuff coming out of that place.

    Free Member

    To me it wasn’t so much the fact he said it wasn’t a try (debatable) but more the fact he stated  that Watson <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>touched the ball first which was clearly wrong</span>

    Free Member

    I had a bootloop on mine at only a few months old and had to send it back they had to replace the motherboard (or whatever the phone equivalent is) and appears to a be a common issue when I searched for a fix…

    The water ingress is usually measured by a sticker inside the phone that changes colour when exposed to moisture

    Free Member

    Women are generally smaller and lighter therefore more kite-like

    Free Member

    That should say tarted not tatted!

    Free Member

    Spent 2 weeks sharing a room with my mate in the premier Inn once… (Training course) wasn’t a whole lot to keep us busy… Not planning any return trips

    Free Member

    Looks like a tatted up fiat coupe

    Free Member

    Is the rugby or men’s fashion thread?

    Free Member

    Big shock is it!

    Sills are actually fine at the moment just right at the bottom of the rear wheel arch but the sills are surprisingly solid just starting to bubble the paint a bit so want to fix it all before next winter (that about April in Wales)

    Free Member

    Reading with interest as I have some paint to repair/make worse soon…

    However mine is due to rust so do actually need to take all the paint off first, luckily it is in an area almost impossible to see unless you are lying down so as long as it is vaguely the right colour it shouldn’t be obvious

    Free Member

    I find the whole thing a bit weird… I recently grew a beard for the first time (mainly through laziness) and now im apparently supposed to join organisations and buy “oils” for it….

    It just grew on my face I didn’t adopt it

    Free Member

    I gained slightly this week :(

    Had tonsillitis and hardly been able to eat so not sure how but oh well

    Free Member

    I cant see the liability being too much of an issue with insurance etc…

    If I can be let lose with an angle grinder and other powertools with my car balancing over my head* can see why you couldn’t do the same for other purposes.

    *Although Barry did give me some goggles to wear when I asked for the grinder (I find Barry a very reassuring name in this circumstance)

    Free Member

    I think  degrees that are more creative and you present a portfolio are more likely to offer unconditional offers from the people I know.

    As it gives more of an insight into how good you are rather than exam results for creative subjects

    Free Member

    Dirtier than the last one

    Free Member

    “What are hub rubbers?”

    If his parents had figured that out he wouldn’t exist

    Edit: still can’t get the bastard quotes to work!!

    Free Member

    Depends if the demand is there really what sort of thing would you use it for?

    I use a garage where I can rent a ramp and tools to work on my car and that seems to be quite popular…

    Free Member

    I love how any cheese that has a name (and doesn’t come in a can) is seen as posh in America…

    Free Member

    How long before he feels the long (latex gloved) arm of the law?

    Free Member

    It being banned and promising not to show anyone it kind of goes against the claim of it not being secret….

    Free Member

    THM – glad we have your somewhat homo-erotic inside info to help our predictions 😉

    Im being (overly) optimistic and going to say england fall behind early on and fight back but not enough to win

    24-17 to Wales

    Free Member

    I haven’t really got a type I look for but it just so happens that my past is filled with nearly all white brunettes…

    The lack of “ethnic diversity” is a bit boring but not by choice

    Free Member

    If you’ve worked there less than 2 years they don’t need to “set you up” they can just sack you as they are within their rights to do so (thanks Tories!)

    I’ve been there before although I’d worked for the company longer so had more rights but just left in the end was not worth the hassle of being so stressed out about it all just because my boss liked being a ****

    Free Member

    My ex told me that she was pregnant and wanted my input on when to tell the kids, no idea why as we never talk and she’s never asked me about anything else.

    Kind of seemed pointless really as it was starting to get obvious anyway

    Free Member

    Yeah best to do what you can to get it sorted as if it’s your personal problem it won’t go away could cause issues for your relationship and even future ones if it carries on.

    Free Member

    Glad to here it Phil,

    That has been the best/most surprising thing was how at ease I feel with this girl so I know  how much of a good thing that is! sometimes it just feels like being at a job interview on a first date…

    Hope things go well thursday

    Free Member

    French HIA scan pictures released

    Free Member

    Very impressed with Josh Adams not really put a foot wrong in an international debut

    Free Member

    The front row advantage hasn’t materialised for Wales but better in all other respects

    Free Member

    Agree that it looks like Wales are happy to keep the ball in play let Scotland have it knowing they can defend and wait for a break

    Free Member

    Scotland 9 cause of both the tries…

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