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  • Deity T-Mac Flat Pedal Review
  • wiggles
    Free Member

    I own an RX7 so my outlook is a little skewed.

    As a fellow rotary owneri agree (only a rx8 though) 27mpg sounds pretty good…

    I did £65 of fuel in 150 miles recently :oops:

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I guess the main thing is just use the same scales for repeatability rather than absolute accuracy so best with home ones.

    (Based on the fact my home scales say I’m lighter :lol: )

    Free Member

    What car

    Followed by post’s about how great leases/finance are then followed by post’s about how terrible they are and you should buy a £500 shed

    Free Member

    my bedroom is 3 stories up on a platform 20ft higher than the road completely exposed on top of a big hill, feels like the windows are going to rip off!

    Currently trying to sleep downstairs…

    Free Member

    I spent 8 years waaay near the top of the scale (yes she was called louise)

    But it has seriously messed me up that “normal” women just seem too boring, I need to find a happy medium

    Free Member


    Had a few good friends in school but they went off to uni at 18 and I moved in with my ex had kids etc and was basically not allowed out…

    Now im single and they are are all living with girlfriends etc so we just ended up all out of sync with each other and just grew apart

    Dont have many friends as a result of all that… have one mate who I used to work with who is a bit older than me but lives on his own etc so usually about but not someone I talk to about serious stuff

    Free Member

    Im due to upgrade and have been trying to sort it for the last few days but cant do it online or ring them! due to technical problems there is literally no way of contacting them currently :? :roll:

    Free Member

    is it a bad thing?

    Free Member

    Am I the only one who is plowing my way through the rest of the christmas food before friday :oops:

    So will be full on fat-bastard weight friday then its time to get serious

    Free Member

    I kind of get what you mean, I was in a relationship (first proper one) when I was 18 until last year and it was… well always intense both in the good and bad sense, I was totally head over heals and this made me overlook all the problems and stay for way longer than I should have (2 kids probably helped that) then things ended (she cheated) and I was utterly heartbroken after all the things I put up with/took her side when no one else did….

    But with hindsight I realise it was never going to last and long term I would be better off without her, I briefly started seeing someone else and tried to go slow/keep things casual but she wanted a lot more and I told her I just wasnt ready and things ended.

    But again looking back (always easier) I just didnt feel the same like you said “the highs werent as high” which seems stupid because of the fact of being with someone normal without all the crazy bullshit should be better…

    Free Member

    No idea how they are built compared to cars but usually have grease/filled gearboxes and diffs but nothing electrical

    Free Member

    I am that person who fell on an open dishwasher*.. Luckily the knives were pointing down so all I got a few bruises! but handles up 100%

    I dont have a dishwasher so mine just go in the bowl hiding under the bubbles and despite the 50/50 odds are always blade first when I grab them

    *as a child

    Free Member

    Plumber/bathroom fitter

    Free Member

    Could be worse you could be unemployed and poor and have to go to the job centre tomorrow

    Free Member

    Definitely a “cinema” film watching it at home just wouldn’t be the same.

    Cant really understand all the hate for the historical and architectural inaccuracies though… did I miss the bit about it being a documentary?

    Free Member

    looks like a session enduro

    Free Member

    I’m in, started last year but my life sort of fell apart so lost track and ended up waaaay to heavy.

    5’8″ and tipped the scales at 18st not long ago, think I have dropped a few pounds but need to put a big effort to get it down to something reasonable got to be around as long as possible now my kids are totally reliant on me

    Free Member

    True, I meant more someone who can exploit his weaknesses rather than he doesn’t have any, just seems to smother everyone and not give them a chance, but there’s still some guys that have a decent chance!

    Free Member

    Seems crazy they can get this right was getting so much else very very wrong

    Free Member

    I feel sorry for the people that live in the area…

    When working out their renewal how many cars were fire damaged in this area in the last year…1400!!

    but I suppose it is Liverpool so maybe not that much difference :lol:

    Free Member

    In the car just turn the radio up

    Free Member

    probably got a few in here

    Free Member

    I once woke myself up with a fart because it smelt so bad…

    Free Member

    Ive been getting this and also adverts for some kind of magnetic pants 8O

    Free Member

    Yeah, I know it smells good, but CHOCOLATE WILL KILL YOU!

    22 advent calendar chocolates though had no effect on mine…

    Free Member

    My dog knows at least 20 words (all I have to say is “bath?” and he runs away down the stairs at full speed) but apparently not “stop eating my pillows” so that

    Free Member

    Targets on ranges are well known for trying to shoot back at you

    as apposed to un-armed Brazilian plumbers?

    Free Member

    How many shots were fired at Jean Paul de Menezes from close range and how many hit him? He was sat down at the time.

    11 fired with 7 hits. Now move the shooters away and see many more miss. This was on a brightly lit tube train.

    That just proves my point further… why put 7 bullets into someone?
    Seems they all think they are the SAS in an embassy siege against known murdering terrorists… when in fact they are up against someone who might be armed

    Free Member

    Chromebook sounds ideal.

    I have a user set up for the kids (mine are much younger) that rather than filtering out “bad” websites only allows them on the ones I say they can so nothing slips through the net as it were, If they try to go on anything else I get an email asking me to give permission for them to access it.

    Which I imagine will be an interesting feature when they are older 8O

    Free Member

    still looking for Numagomedov weaknesses… just had to much strength and just controlled the whole thing even if he didnt finish it.

    Similar story for Cyborg, just too powerful and strong for Holm to really do any damage although she didnt really land much anyway.

    Facebook just seems full of people calling cyborg a man :roll:

    Free Member

    Additionally, no sweets, booze, coffee, pron, weed, coke or hookers will be indulged in.

    just heroin then?

    Free Member

    Nice, always got to outgun the kids :lol:

    This is my current “fleet”

    Losi mini 8ight
    Losi mini 8ight-T
    Losi TEN-SCTE

    The little one is the fastest! at least 60mph with a 3s battery.

    EDIT: why dont flikr pictures embed?!?

    Free Member

    not much of a secret at this point :wink:

    Free Member

    was just watching him on worlds strongest man, he had some virus and half his face is paralyzed 8O

    Free Member

    You think life’s a film set? I guess you aim at the torso as it’s the biggest target.

    I think that a highly trained swat team at close distance should be able to shoot their gun accurately and perhaps more importantly not just shoot it at any person that moves their hands.

    But maybe we cant understand because we dont live in a country where anyone could actually have a gun on them.

    Free Member

    phil5556 – Member
    I’ve got a Baja Champ in the garage that hasn’t moved for a few years, I cracked the chassis, bought a replacement and I’ve never got round to refitting it. Tbh it never felt as good as the Top Force and my battery/motor combo didn’t seem to work that well so I lost interest.

    give me a shout if you fancy selling the baja champ…

    Similar story to you was the first “proper” rc I had my dad took me to pick it up from a guy in the free ads. Sold for peanuts when I cooked the electrics…

    Free Member

    America, where they ban people from being cops because they are too clever.

    Free Member

    Why do they shoot to kill straight away? why not in the leg or something?

    Free Member

    did you not have a debit card or something as the second form of ID?

    not sure what I would do if they need a passport as mine ran out ages ago so only have driving licence

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