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  • wiggles
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    I dont really see them as the same category…

    A 6k yeti is out of my reach but is nice to look at the latest stuff, in the same way I will never get Scarlet johhanson but I can look…

    But are there really trousers so special and unobtainable that you just admire them from afar?

    I`m not saying people dont/cant just seems very different to way I choose clothes… (“oh crap I ripped my trousers better get some new ones” usually)

    Free Member

    Also If I may add a controverial view as a 20 something year old with a “sports” car most of my close calls with crappy driving are by middle aged people in family type cars and they also seem to be a the most angry and seem to automatically blame me because of my age

    Free Member

    Some people are just **** and apparently being in a car multiplies this as they feel invincible…

    Was just driving down a dual carriageway about 1/2 from a round about both lanes can go right and there is a slip lane off to go left, travelling in the left lane at 40mph or so right lane is stationary the car in front of me decides it needs to be in the right late (despite being able to turn right from the lane it is in) slams on and comes to a stop still 1/4 miles from the roundabout… after being stationary for a minute the other lane moves enough for them to get over so I carry on then just as get moving again a car flashes its indicator once whilst simultaneously pulling out in front of me… so its now in front of me doing about 2mph I had to full on emergency brake (ABS and everything) to pull up about 2ft of their bumper! all so they can get in the left lane and not use the sliplane and go the same way they could of from the other lane!

    Glad my car has decent tyres and brakes…

    Free Member

    If the glass slipper was a perfect fit for Cinderella, how did it fall off in the first place?

    Why didn’t it disappear/turn into vegetables like the other stuff?

    Free Member

    My mum knows where I keep my bike and car keys… so thats all sorted.

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    I’ll definitely not be buying anything more for a while

    1 week ago :lol:

    Free Member

    It’s going well thanks have been a few “mishaps” but haven’t really eaten any bread etc just been over the calories a but really.

    Lost a few kg so far so going well. At about 106.5kg now (from 109.2) aiming for 99 or better so looks like I’m heading in the right direction.

    Below 14 stone is my aim long term really, I was 12.5 at this height once upon a time 8O but after being over 17 st for a few years I’d be very happy with less than 14.

    (Yes before any says I am aware I switched from metric to imperial in the same post…)

    Free Member

    Plain cashew are what I’m having at the moment peanuts are gross without getting salt and/or honey

    Free Member

    It makes you really consider what that 800 consists of and you make sure it is something that will fill you up. Eating 800 calories of something like a chilli with plenty of beans and stuff in it will last you a good while.

    800 calories was a packet a biscuits for me in the past

    Sorry so many typos in there I couldn’t even understand my own post

    Free Member

    I got “caught” when I let the kids do the scan as you shop thing at Tesco and one item wasn’t scanned I was even arrested or anything

    Free Member


    Insurance seems pricy though? Where do you live, Baghdad?

    Free Member

    Manual all the way for me…

    Don’t like driving auto just feels like something is missing! In general I just prefer cars that make me do things rather than doing it for me.

    I can see why people drive them I just don’t like it.

    Free Member

    I make you really consider what that 800 consists of and you make sure it is something that will fill you up. Eating 800 calories of something like a chilli with plenty of beans and stuff in it will last you a good while.

    800 calories was a packet a biscuits for new in the past :lol:

    Free Member

    I’d do it, Volvo with that milage isn’t really an issue to sell when the time comes.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I’m not doing a lot.

    I walk a a few miles in a day taking the kids to school and walking the dog but no gym or bikes at the moment. The diet is 800 per day for 8 weeks but I do go over sometimes but the good thing about it is “going over” is still only 1000 calories when I was aiming for 1600 I was still going over but then you end up at 1800 which isn’t going to do much for me. Just stupid psychological stuff I suppose…

    Honestly not finding it harder than 1600 though

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Most of us do that… Well most of weekends end up being a bit of a write off with the kids home I make more food so there is more stuff to eat, but as long as I keep it together during the week it seems to be ok.

    Free Member

    Haha well done :D

    Free Member

    It’s been a real shock to my system that I won’t die from eating 800-1000 calories a day…

    A few weeks ago that was lunch

    Free Member

    I went in my grandparents garage for first time in years last week to get a ladder to clear their gutters out the smell instantly took me back to being a kid making stuff in there with my gramp using his ancient tools to make bows and arrows and drilling holes in old bikes to attach stuff to..

    Amazingly what smells can do, but that is basically an hardware shops smell lots of old wooden tools and grease probably made of stuff very bad for you

    Free Member

    My dad’s mate is blind and he always has really hot girlfriends… I think it’s the dog thats his secret weapon

    Free Member

    When you’re 15 and your whole right arm is in a cast for 8 weeks you learn to adapt :lol:

    Free Member

    Is there a dating site?(sight?) For blind women? :wink:

    Free Member

    Only one issue really, though the pics were taken late last summer I’ve put on 4 stone since then. I’m a per eater.

    Well done on planning ahead :D

    I literally had a haircut and updated my picture (lost a few pounds but doubt much off my face :lol: ) and I have easily quadrupled the attention Im getting 8)

    Free Member

    *the right hand – my left arm is pathetically weak.

    Try using the computer with your right hand to give the left more “strengthening exercises”

    Free Member

    Is the part when I find out it’s a fake person? :lol:

    Asked her out she said yes and now she is actually talking to me more and gave me her number :o

    What is wrong with her hmmm :?

    Free Member

    I like ukip in the sense that if they implode the votes will most likely end up with the Tories…

    If they are just the shit party that gets a few percent of the votes it just keeps the biggest idiots out of the way

    Free Member

    I manage to lift myself off the sofa occasionally

    Free Member

    Arguably THE most successful “guerilla” political movemnet ever.

    Yeah they have done way more than those other ones no one can remember that overthrew entire regimes…

    Free Member

    So does a 1 ton bull :lol:

    Free Member

    I grew up spending a lot of time on a family farm driving tractors, moving large animals around etc etc (they sold it when I was 15 so was pretty young for all of this) the only things that I was ever told not to use because they are too dangerous was the shotgun and the chainsaw…

    Free Member

    Well done!

    I’ve managed to lose half that with basically no exercise so I don’t feel to jealous ( :evil: ) but when you start off as heavy as me it’s not that hard really!

    Free Member

    I used to work in a bike shop and am now unemployed ;)

    Nah I have a car and somewhere to live so I’m not the poorest

    Free Member

    I chased two guys who knicked bikes from the shop I was working in, found them loading into a car blocked their car and nearly got run over all while on the phone to the police gave them the reg number and descriptions etc

    Apparently the car belonged to a woman in the next town and when they asked her she said she didn’t know anything so that was that… Also lost my bonus that month for bikes being stolen as a thanks from my boss… Wouldn’t chase anyone again

    Free Member

    It’s fine TJ although I don’t subscribe to the ” all poor people are poor because they didn’t work hard” stuff people with rich parents say I fully accept there’s no reason for someone like me to earn much as I don’t have many qualifications I’m not entitled to anything

    Free Member

    Just bumped into my mum’s best friends daughter who I used to spend a lot of time with when I was little and our parents joked we would end up getting married…

    Well how wrong were they :lol: I’m well… Me and she is an actual professional fashion model now :lol:

    Free Member

    As someone who (currently) barely has enough money to use the heating/car it’s not very enjoyable. I’ve never had a well paid job (my fault for being lazy in school) and I was happy with the bills paid and a bit of money left to go out for the day with the kids etc never had holidays abroad or anything. Obviously would be happier with a bit more money though…

    I agree with the people who generally say “money isn’t important” have at minimum enough money for a mortgage and annual family holiday in Spain which is pipe dream stuff for me

    Free Member

    What has she done to you to deserve that?

    Free Member

    Yeah true, but I don’t think all women are bitches because of my ex…

    Latest matches include a 34 hear old personal trainer but I suspect she is using it as some kind of targeted marketing :lol:

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