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  • wicki
    Free Member

    Ok all thanks for that I don’t think 1 x will work for me reading these comments

    Free Member

    I went ubuntu about 6 months ago and I am no computer wiz this old dell is 2009 vintage and all works a treat I prefer it to windows.

    I dont buy an anti virus software keep my Docs on the cloud etc its so much less clunky than windows.

    Free Member

    Fleas ticks mosquites big problem here in France.

    We treat the cats with a pill from the vet called cofidice or close to that much better than frontline, and like the rest said bomb the house once a month and i would repeat a month later, its great! dead bugs every where.

    Free Member

    A small under counter in the kitchen because there is no room
    another under counter in my old dads rooms
    another in the cellar to suplement the small in the kitchen
    and two freezers in the cellar as well.

    Free Member

    The problem is I have 5 fridges and 3 are ancient they are sucking back the leccy I need to buy some new and rationalize down to 3

    Free Member

    maybe 1.40 tall 600 wide

    Free Member

    Hmmm all i know is it has a timer and counts the minutes hours and shows the kwh used.

    Free Member

    Its an unbranded cheapo I will admit but it measures the correct voltages according to my multi meter.

    Free Member

    Ok I’ll leave the meter on for 24 hours, bear in mind also the temp here has been hitting 37 and this fridge is like I said 20 plus years old And I can see daylight where the cooling pipe enters the box.

    Free Member

    Ahh the thing is this old fridge is running nearly all the time i took a 2 hour measurement as well which confirms the result of just over 0.04 kwh.

    Electricity is soo confusing.

    Free Member

    The online calculator would then bring back a horrendous figure of

    Cost Per Hour:
    Cost Per Day:
    Cost Per Month:
    Cost Per Year:
    kWh Per Day:
    Hours Used Per Day:
    Power Use (Watts):
    Price (kWh):
    Calculate Reset

    Free Member

    Ahh so if its 40 watts then i have the decimal point in the wrong place when doing my calculation for the 24 hour period giving me 960 not .96 yes ?

    Free Member

    I plugged the meter in and ran it for 1 hour to get the reading of 0.04 kwh.

    Free Member

    I found this calculator

    but iam not sure what to put in the Watts section as I am measuring in KWH.

    Free Member

    I plugged a meter in to the socket and got the measurement 0.04 kwh.

    Free Member

    Whats the opinion on the bundled wheels and brakes ?

    Free Member

    Any opinions on the bb5’s?

    Free Member

    michel thomas

    Free Member

    How the hell can this be legal?

    Free Member

    So 1 billion of tax payer money to prop up the Tories in power and the tail will wag the dog…’s a sad day.

    Free Member

    I can see the Stelvio in my future :D

    Free Member

    This article in a Swiss newspaper today.
    If it weren’t so serious, the situation in Great Britain would almost be comical. The country is being governed by a talking robot, nicknamed the Maybot, that somehow managed to visit the burned-out tower block in the west of London without speaking to a single survivor or voluntary helper. Negotiations for the country’s exit from the EU are due to begin on Monday, but no one has even a hint of a plan. The government is dependent on a small party that provides a cozy home for climate change deniers and creationists. Boris Johnson is Foreign Secretary. What in the world has happened to this country?
    Two years ago David Cameron emerged from the parliamentary election as the shining victor. He had secured an absolute majority, and as a result it looked as if the career of this cheerful lightweight was headed for surprisingly dizzy heights. The economy was growing faster than in any other industrialised country in the world. Scottish independence and, with it, the break-up of the United Kingdom had been averted. For the first time since 1992, there was a Conservative majority in the House of Commons. Great Britain saw itself as a universally respected actor on the international stage. This was the starting point.
    In order to get from this comfortable position to the chaos of the present in the shortest possible time, two things were necessary: first, the Conservative right wingers’ obsessive hatred of the EU, and second, Cameron’s irresponsibility in putting the whole future of the country on the line with his referendum, just to satisfy a few fanatics in his party. It is becoming ever clearer just how extraordinarily bad a decision that was. The fact that Great Britain has become the laughing stock of Europe is directly linked to its vote for Brexit.
    The ones who will suffer most will be the British people, who were lied to by the Brexit campaign during the referendum and betrayed and treated like idiots by elements of their press. The shamelessness still knows no bounds: the Daily Express has asked in all seriousness whether the inferno in the tower block was due to the cladding having been designed to meet EU standards. It is a simple matter to discover that the answer to this question is No, but by failing to check it, the newspaper has planted the suspicion that the EU might be to blame for this too. As an aside: a country in which parts of the press are so demonstrably uninterested in truth and exploit a disaster like the fire in Grenfell Tower for their own tasteless ends has a very serious problem.
    Already prices are rising in the shops, already inflation is on the up. Investors are holding back. Economic growth has slowed. And that’s before the Brexit negotiations have even begun. With her unnecessary general election, Prime Minister Theresa May has already squandered an eighth of the time available for them. How on earth an undertaking as complex as Brexit is supposed to be agreed in the time remaining is a mystery.
    Great Britain will end up leaving its most important trading partner and will be left weaker in every respect. It would make economic sense to stay in the single market and the customs union, but that would mean being subject to regulations over which Britain no longer had any say. It would be better to have stayed in the EU in the first place. So the government now needs to develop a plan that is both politically acceptable and brings the fewest possible economic disadvantages. It’s a question of damage limitation, nothing more; yet even now there are still politicians strutting around Westminster smugly trumpeting that it will be the EU that comes off worst if it doesn’t toe the line.
    The EU is going to be dealing with a government that has no idea what kind of Brexit it wants, led by an unrealistic politician whose days are numbered; and a party in which old trenches are being opened up again: moderate Tories are currently hoping to be able to bring about a softer exit after all, but the hardliners in the party – among them more than a few pigheadedly obstinate ideologues – are already threatening rebellion. An epic battle lies ahead, and it will paralyse the government.
    EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has said that he now expects the Brits to finally set out their position clearly, since he cannot negotiate with himself. The irony of this statement is that it would actually be in Britain’s best interests if he did just that. At least that way they’d have one representative on their side who grasps the scale of the task and is actually capable of securing a deal that will be fair to both sides. The Brits do not have a single negotiator of this stature in their ranks. And quite apart from the Brexit terms, both the debate and the referendum have proven to be toxic in ways that are now making themselves felt.
    British society is now more divided than at any time since the English civil war in the 17th century, a fact that was demonstrated anew in the general election, in which a good 80% of the votes were cast for the two largest parties. Neither of these parties was offering a centrist programme: the election was a choice between the hard right and the hard left. The political centre has been abandoned, and that is never a good sign. In a country like Great Britain, that for so long had a reputation for pragmatism and rationality, it is grounds for real concern. The situation is getting decidedly out of hand.
    After the loss of its empire, the United Kingdom sought a new place in the world. It finally found it, as a strong, awkward and influential part of a larger union: the EU. Now it has given up this place quite needlessly. The consequence, as is now becoming clear, is a veritable identity crisis from which it will take the country a very long time to recover.

    Free Member

    Crack on Jezzer

    Free Member

    Contrary to most peoples belief the countryside is a giant food factory not an idyllic “darling buds of May” retreat for IT professionals and the retired.

    Free Member

    Thats where iam at Garage-dweller I have a road bike way to big for me for parts and groupset and that frame wheel deal is damn attractive.

    Free Member

    The young will fail to vote again then whinge and moan the babyBoomers have screwed their lives up.

    Free Member

    Concrete block and a nice render finish

    Free Member

    I moved alot in the uk before I left, I have given each address to the east devon councill and they say they can not find me and were not very helpfull.

    Free Member

    Give it a good wash and then see what it looks like ,you have to wash it to paint it any way.

    Free Member

    Lagertha every time Ann bonny needs a wash and max’s boreing monotone would drive me nuts.

    Free Member

    Dont do it its not as simple as it sounds.
    you must use a really high quality paint or it will fall off like dandruff you will have to pressure wash and treat the mold or it will be back like arnie even if you cant see it its there and its bloody hard work.

    oh and remove all gutters and drain pipes and cables or you will have paint on them too
    and it will look crap.

    Free Member

    Another month on and my Linux adventure is still good.

    I now have installed steam for Linux and have started playing ETW again for the first time in about 6 years, got my music on here rhythm box is enough for that Gimp and darktable for photo editing Chromium browser, and free Libre office suite, vlc for movies it’s all good!

    No anti virus software no malware, my other half has a 2 year old laptop running Win 10 for facebook email and a few facebook games it runs like a pig compared to my 10 year old dell on Linux and is forever being infected with malware.
    twice I have had to research problems once for video drivers i needed proprietary drivers for the nvidia card an old gtx550 and once for using flash in chromium.

    It’s not as scary as i though it would be now i would like to find an old laptop to run linux any recommendations ?

    Free Member

    Check your chrome version i had a recent update.

    Free Member

    Test it out wih some drones

    Free Member

    Buy an old Dell and wack linux on it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Do you get Ibuprofen on prescription?
    Do you know the cost they pay? Or are we back to make an accusation and then declare it fact until somebody goes and disproves you.
    We alredy established that all drugs have patents just some are expired.
    If you insist that drugs are sold at manufacturing cost from day 1 how do you fund the research and development costs?


    SAME WAY WE FUND WAR! :idea: and yes i ment to shout.

    Free Member

    How many people in this thread have young children with asthma type problems and live in a city

    Genuinly interested as it seams all our grand kids from the city have breathing problems.

    Free Member

    inboard bar ends sould do the trick.

    Free Member

    Conti tour ride cheap as chips indistructible but heavey mine were about 10 quid but they just wont die in flavours up to 47c

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