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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • Wibble89
    Free Member

    Yes but purchasing has more significant barriers to entry than renting. Where/how are these first time buyers going to achieve a deposit (edit: without first renting while they save)? Deposit free mortgages are likely to drive up the lower end of the market

    Free Member

    I don’t think the fixation on being a landlord being a bad thing is a useful one or correct viewpoint. When our last government introduced rules to make being a private landlord more difficult it lead to a sell off of rental properties, the then inevitable shortage of rental properties coupled with supply and demand lead to the increase in rents. At the moment it’s a landlords market.

    People in the UK seem to think you have to own your own house, but that requires saving up for a deposit and meeting the banks criteria for lending. Neither of which are easy for a considerable percentage of the population or requires a length of time to save for where lower rents would greatly help.

    If government were to make it easier to be a (long term) landlord then this would result in more available rental properties and help swing the supply and demand curve towards lower rents and a renters market. That in turn would assist with saving a deposit should people wish to aim to purchase.

    More properties still need to be built to accommodate the growing population but to achieve control of the housing market (both buying/selling and rental) there need to be competitive options so if one runs haywire then there is choice of the other which will let the market better self regulate

    Free Member

    Sounds like you have pinch punctured the tyre, sometimes called snake bite, which is common if you have damaged the rim also. The pressure between the ground and the rim cuts through the tire.

    If it was just spurting by a tyre knob you may be able to seal it with a tubeless repair product such as a worm or mushroom. As it is leaking from the rim in two places it’s possible there are holes here too, they can be sealed in the same way but to be honest I only treat those repairs as temporary.

    Unfortunately it may be new tyre time.

    Free Member

    Lots of heat so the bolt expands and reduces tension whilst also reducing friction from the heat?

    Grind/burn it off, get the wheel off then weld a nut on again after to try and unwind it without tension?

    Free Member

    Seat clamp too tight?

    Free Member

    Perhaps if government didn’t lower national insurance rates like they have this year they’d have more money to put towards pensions…

    Free Member

    Thought the light near the window was to stop the silhouette through the curtains post shower or whilst horizontal jogging.

    Free Member

    9.81 being what taught as average value to use. As you say the change is measurable at different places on the earths surface.

    Value of g surely is effectively negligible at very large distance, maximum at the earth’s surface, then reducing to zero as you approach the centre

    But yep think mostly you’d come out BBQ’d as TINAS says so probably doesn’t matter too much

    Free Member

    At 1m from the center you would weigh about 4×10^16N

    If you consider the earth as two separate hemispheres placed together then not sure this makes sense. I would suggest being weightless similar to in space?

    Free Member

    The gravitational acceleration would reduce from 9.81m/s2, that it is at the earth’s surface, towards zero as you approach the centre but you’d still be accelerating and velocity increasing just by a reducing amount (assuming no frictional losses). Then the same the other side of the centre except rather than increasing your velocity, gravity would be accelerating in the opposite direction to your velocity slowing you down until you reach the same radius.

    If you start with some velocity (being fired out a canon) then you’ll have the same velocity at the same radius the other side. The velocity from being fired out of a canon is the same as jumping from higher up in terms of energy as you’d accelerate to that canon speed if you jumped from the correct height.

    Free Member

    Assume this is the brittle inner cable insulation cracking and causing short circuit and the battery going into protection mode until plugged back into the charger to reset.

    On my 3rd removable battery cable and second head unit here. Managed to warranty the cable which went first, then the head unit which went something like 6 months later – luckily manufacturer had increased the warranty period which I had to ask the distributor about as they initially said it was out of warranty. Latest cable is purchased but have also cut out the offending section of the failed cable and soldered so have a spare.

    I’ve seen a thread somewhere else showing the head unit opened up so at least that section of cable should be able to be replaced at some point, but the bullet connection may be a pain to replicate.

    I’ve asked last time if the manufacturers are aware and if they have plans to change the specification of the cable but had no response.

    Free Member

    Surely the law and any prison sentence is there to protect the public from a criminals activities (actual or as deterrent) and if possible to rehabilitate that person.

    Seems in more recent times public and news demanding more retribution from the process than actually looking to tackle the what surely needs to be the core aims as above.

    While victim statements may assist with some level of closure, unless the perpetrator is accepting of responsibility and wanting to change then doesn’t the whole process just give the perpetrator more limelight and risk pandering to their ego?

    Free Member

    Could the fuse have rusted from being damp then the increased resistance of the rust caused the heat issue?

    Free Member

    Not sure gravity Vs pumped system dictates what you are asking…

    As it sounds like you have a conventional boiler with hot water tank sounds like your asking whether you have either a  pumped W plan system where you can’t necessarily choose hot water Vs heating as you have to wait for the hot water to heat first, or if you have a gravity fed C plan or pumped Y or S plan type system where you can choose either heat or hot water independently?

    Way to tell will be how your valving and pipework connects to the tank/rad circuit.


    Edit as I wrote P when I meant Y…

    Free Member

    Photo is the socket behind the wardrobe? Looks like wires head to the floor, so at least part of the ring and “original” spur may run under the floor?

    Ring could be through the floor or through the ceiling/attic so doesn’t instantly scream spur off spur to me but IANAE.

    If the wardrobe wasn’t there would be easy enough to isolate, remove the “original” spur, re energise and see if newer spur is still live?

    Assume the newer spur isolates off the same switch in the consumer unit?

    Free Member

    150 / 55 X 50 = 136mm

    Free Member

    For those with the infotainment crashing/locking up issue, and assuming the infotainment system is basically the same as the Seat Leon and you have an SOS button on the ceiling, or similar, then next time it crashes try pressing the SOS button until it causes that module to reset and the infotainment system auto reboots. It can take around 50 seconds. You’ll then get a message on the screen and possibly audibly saying it’s going to make an emergency call, just press cancel.

    The infotainment should hopefully now work (until the next lock up).

    Had the same issue on the current model Seat Leon which this used to sort. First signs before it would crash was the GPS location on both built in satnav and android auto would start bouncing about up and down the road I was driving along by about a mile. I told the garage about it at the last service and they replaced various bits under warranty, with no problems since. Definitely worth being persistent with the garage and trying to work out if there is any odd behaviour before it crashes each time to persuade them into investigating.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand why they aren’t planning to spend the money on dualling the A303 in its entirety.

    Seeing as this proposed tunnel bit of the A303 is currently part of a single carriageway bit of the A303 I’m confused how they would spend the money for a section of the dialling on dialling the whole lot?

    Last time I drove the road there were large sections with construction ongoing adjacent to the road to provide new dual carriageway so it would appear that dialling the whole lot is the endgame plan.

    Due to how the funding tranches are applied and bid for, it’s fairly normal to undertake projects as smaller sections of a greater master plan.

    From a heritage point of view, the tunnel boring will have next to no effect on archeology in the area if done deep enough to be below those remains. London underground for example, when redoing Kings Cross underground station, tunnelled within 300mm of a buildings foundations with no ill effects. The potentially risky bit for archeology is the tunnel entrances and these will have been carefully sited with regard to the large number of remains that are known about.

    Some nice screening fences would be a nice cheap option to reduce the rubbernecking but this has previously been rejected by the public

    Free Member

    Rubbing for the entire revolution of the wheel, if so on one side only or both sides? If only one side (always the same side) brake pad is rubbing then caliper is not aligned or one piston is too advanced. Realign or move piston back using the plastic pad spacer. If rubbing both sides of brake pads are rubbing then pistons are too advanced. Push them back using the plastic pad spacer.

    Or rubbing at certain points of a wheel revolution, could be one side only or one side then the other side? Disc needs straightening. Yes they might be new but that doesn’t mean they’re straight. If this is the issue I’m sure we can talk you through (or find a YouTube video) to talk you through the process.

    Free Member

    All bar 9 riders go economy, 9 riders go business.

    Doesn’t seem so sensationalist with that as the title.

    Edit read as 7 first time but actually 9

    Free Member

    I thought it was quite strange to phone back to a media office and try to do a fashion report in the middle of one of the biggest news stories of the last few decades

    I think the consensus is that it’s not strange for someone to do their job, in a way they are trained/experienced while also going above and beyond in terms of blood donation. It’s your right to feel aggrieved by a 20 year old article, but as other posters have commented they are not aggrieved and support the writer.

    Having someone actually there but trying to phone in a fashion show story was bizarre.

    Consensus of posters is that its not bizarre

    an on-the-ground first-hand report would have a useful thing.

    Plenty of other reports. Not sure how exactly this would have been useful. Fairly easy to see the link between fear derived from reports and that resultant fear being in the terrorists interests.

    Also, if you think it’s not interesting, you aren’t forced to comment. You can just ignore stuff that you think isn’t worthy.

    So if someone doesn’t agree with an Ops frame of reference/feelings then they shouldn’t comment on/contribute to a thread? Now this really is a bizarre comment, you appear to be defending your right to your opinion while trying to stamp on those who’s differs from yours.

    This feels more like a troll than a personal grievance. In what way has it caused any offence or harm? It could almost be argued that it helped bring the story to a wider audience or that it helped give some distraction for readers who were spiralling from the terrible news while being somewhat linked.

    Free Member

    CRC need to redesign their website. The latest colour scheme burns my eyes – have to click away from the main page and scroll down on subsequent pages to avoid needing the eye bleach :'(

    Free Member

    Spooky, if the old piston is sticking i.e. the outer diameter is effectively too large and it definitely sticks and you’re at the point of hunting for a new one then you have nothing to lose so try cleaning up the master piston, any seals off, pop it on some time foil on an oven tray and shove it in the oven at 50 degrees for about an hour.

    I can’t remember if I did 50 or 100 degrees but 50 is probably a better starting temperature, it was back in early 2020 I had to do it, and I’d found a post or video else where about it. Got my slx working perfectly and stayed good for at least the next 18 months. Still have the spare slx lever I bought but was delayed hence the oven trick, but don’t have the bike anymore…

    The idea being the plastic has absorbed mineral oil and swelled, heating allows it to evaporate and shrink slightly as a result. It’s only a tiny amount of swelling that causes the sticking as tolerances are so tight normally.

    Basically if it’s borked, you have nothing to lose, so why not give it a go

    Edit: this assumes the master piston is plastic on the xtr similar to slx and not metal or some such

    Free Member

    Had at least three slx or xt brake levers have the master cylinder swell and stick from absorbing brake fluid over the years, like the SRAM ones in the op.

    Take them apart, place then in a 50 degree oven or similar to evaporate the oils for an hour, put back together, job done.

    Be nicer if they didn’t need to be sorted in the first place but not too strenuous to sort

    Free Member


    3m x 3m? You might want to go 2@ 3m x 1.5m or you’ll be trampling your raised bed to reach the middle

    Wow he’s building one million 3m by 3m beds in his garden? 😉

    Think that’s three 3m by 1m, no?

    Free Member

    In the normal spirit of recommend what you use…

    If ODI has been your historic go to then could try ODI rogue?

    Free Member

    Can you legitimately claim Mileage Allowance for a commute? I didn’t think you could.

    If by mileage allowance you mean tax relief then yes if it is not your standard place of work. E.g. if you have followed the recent trend of moving to some work from home, then if WFH is 60% and you go to the office 40% using your own vehicle you should now be able to claim tax relief for going to the office.

    If the company is paying you money then that’s not tax relief, it’s just income as agreed within your contact surely.

    Free Member

    Not sure why everyone above is being so negative… Lets say you had accrued two weeks holiday with your current employer, you booked your two weeks holiday and then handed in your notice so that your holiday ran for the last two weeks of your employment (notice period). You then advised your new employer you were available to start work for them at the start of your holiday.

    As long as you’re transparent to your new employer, along the lines of I’m still employed or being paid in the first month/period of employment for you so I wont be able to provide a P45 until the second month/period I really can’t see the problem.

    Similarly what about someone who has two or more part time jobs, I’m sure HR can figure out PAYE around that scenario.

    Free Member

    Definitely got the right wheel on the right bike?

    checked the cassette over for misalignment? Hasn’t come loose and moved away from the freehub?

    are the hub and freehub bearings good and free of play

    are you seating the wheel the same each time you install

    Free Member

    Got a few across Port du Soleil: Chavannes (of 6500), Golf, Jurassic, Green in Les Gets, Super Morzine backdoor, Mossettes to Morgins all in 2013.

    Then about 5 around Meribel/Courchevel 2015/16.

    I’m probably a bit (lot) slower these day.

    Free Member

    Day before holiday

    Free Member

    Had to do the same recently, easy enough but took a few goes as my allen key (as per the first video link) wasn’t long enough so had to use a metal coat hanger that was a little flexible. check off an identical window if needed to double check if your locks release inwards or outwards otherwise you may be tugging in the wrong direction.

    Free Member


    Well, no. There will have to be an attribution of the increase in value between the equity put in by the OP and the mortgage. If he put in £200k and her £0 and they each funded half a £150k mortgage, he’s funded 275/350 and she’s funded 75/350 of the property. That would work out at roughly the £30k she’s asked for, so it might be that she’s been advised to be reasonable and has been.

    Only the £150K mortgage hasn’t been paid off as far as I can work out from reading the Ops posts so she hasn’t contributed 75/350.

    The Op also hasn’t said what value he may have contributed to the improvements of the property, increased value of property is likely in part due to improvements.

    She sold her house when she moved in

    She has been paying half the mortgage repayments since moving in

    Doesn’t read as though they bought together to me, to me reads as Op purchased the property prior to moving in together?

    For those raising whether it was rent or mortgage payments and whether if rent it was declared, GOV website says no need to declare as less than £7.5k per year

    “The tax exemption is automatic if you earn less than £7,500. This means you do not need to do anything.

    If you earn more than this you must complete a tax return.”

    Free Member

    If the outer 3mm of pad doesnt wear then the brake pads may foul each other at some point and stop the pads biting on the rotor. I’d also have thought as it doesn’t make full contact there could be heat issues on steeper/longer descents as the bit of pad in contact is working harder for the same braking effort?

    As its the rear its probably not such an issue, but up to you. Think I’d look for other adaptors that may have a different angle or look for what I think is old stock/standard 185mm rotors. Think hope do them for example

    Free Member

    Checked and it’s <5mm, concern is it has to be broken up to replace a rad valve, olive needs changing, different radiator in the future. Also need to mention the bare pipes as they should have been insulated as well.

    Did you specify future proofing in your scope for the works? Or radiator/towel rail height?

    Why would you insulate the radiator pipes? Any heat “lost” from the pipes heats your home, doesn’t it? So isn’t actually lost heat/energy. Did you specify insulated pipes in the scope for the works?

    Free Member

    Tar from road planings will most likely leach into the surrounding ground

    Tar being something that has to be tested for during road works/demolition and disposed of correctly. Any road planings in recycled aggregate used these days will be bitumen based.

    Free Member

    Air somehow burping to the negative chamber during compression, likely a damaged seal or foreign object/scratch in the grove under the seals.

    Order up an air can service kit for £15 and replace all the air can seals.

    If you’ve previously taken off the air can then you definitely have the skills to do the air can service as you’ve done the difficult bit which is simply getting brave enough to have a go.

    A full service for £100+ wont do any more to help than the air can service as the damper isn’t the issue.

    Free Member

    Rode it Wednesday night, and saw it for the first time.

    As you say quite distracting at first as its rather unusual but just slowed down to look/take in the view then ignored and carried on.

    Looks quite fun, it’s certainly a spectacle, perhaps someone’s interpretation of Christmas lights? Though not sure screwing(?) a load of bits of plastic to trees is necessarily a good idea unless it was sanctioned…

    I doubt its meant to be either helpful or disruptive to bikers.

    There will be people who are outraged and people who it brings a bit of cheer to no doubt.

    Free Member

    Surely if its UNvented then there would be a filling loop as how else can water get in to replace the air you’ve removed.

    If its vented then air lock or the header tank is empty perhaps?

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