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  • MTB DH World Champs: When & How To Watch
  • whytetrash
    Full Member

    Our club did it 2 years ago as a charity thing….we took 6 days and cycled between the peaks, 512 miles of cycling from North Wales…Didn’t half wipe the smiles off peoples faces when we told them what we were doing!..proper challenge and ace fun.

    one van support for 7 of us and train back from Fort Bill before anyone gets precious about our carbon footprint!

    Full Member

    I got a telegram from the Queen 3 weeks ago tipping me off!..nice to have friends in high places.

    Seriously it is a bit of a mess really, did it last year so they have all my details but a post on my club (VC Melyds) site was the first I saw of it!

    If summit do a mailshot now when it must be nearly full then there’s gonna be a lot of peed off folks!

    Full Member

    Nah coal was more useful…and easier to nick….nobody knew what to do with oil until fairly recently!…plus sands a bugger to cycle on….pretty sure he knew what he was doing!

    Just need him to keep an eye on the lads on friday night now!…fingers crossed

    Full Member

    Third World….cheeky sod! Wales is Gods own country….bring on global warming…lets see what happens to my house price when London dissapears!… I like living up a mountain!

    Full Member

    Nah I live in a trailer park and am Dyslexic :wink:

    Yeah the E5 was great last year, not sure if I’d use 2.1 speedkings again though, then again nothing could cope with the combination of gloop, rocks and endless fire road climbs any better!

    Full Member

    I’m in no 341 and that was half an hour ago….hope my mates get in, can see it filling up today!

    Why its dropped from 700 I don’t know…that sold out too!

    Full Member

    Needed a filling once in France, was in agony!, local Dentist was ace and wouldn’t accept payment… her a couple of bottles of red though!

    Full Member

    The Whyte ones are really solid with a positive clunk shut…try a Whyte dealers or ATB Sales…not sure if available aftermarket…bit Industrial looking too

    Full Member

    Thanks richc…Acros 2 yr warranty…thats quite impressive

    Full Member

    Filthy…cheers mate you paying?…WWaswas… they were designed to be more fit and forget than stainless, run smoother and colder so more efficiently they are a lot more durable than steel as a material in the same circumstances…so it is a case of a good SS BB versus a budget ceramic?

    in terms of bad experiences related so far it’s mostly Superstar…any others?

    Full Member

    Nickc… Idea is that ceramic bearings are/should be/can be made to greater tolerances ie they are more spherical and therefore run smoother. They also should be able to run more easily without grease should it become washed out. harder material so less likely to wear with grit ingress and become sloppy…and yep whatsit a bit more life would be nice too!…if I can get back to the lifespan of my old WTB grease guard BB it would be great!

    PS as expected Hope are winning so far!

    Full Member

    Speaking as a luddite who only got a full sus 20 months ago, things have definitely moved on ….I know the push pedals harder arguement rings true on the climbs but downhill give me discs and 5″ travel over my old steel hardtail please. I went thru rigid forks, elastomers, early Rc36’s etc and am glad to be on newer stuff TBH

    MTB tech isn’t as good as motorbike tech I feel….look how Honda with little backround or experience could produce an ace DH bike….imagine where the sport would be at if they had got in with Shimano back in the day!…we’d all be riding 15lb 8″ travel beasts that climbed like a hardtail I’m sure!

    Full Member

    Nah Teeto…a genuine one I know Hope are bombproof in terms of customer service but as I said it was actual experience of product use I was after….I know the science behind ceramics and they should outperform stainless bearings…but as Singlespeedstu (cheers Fella) says his 2 haven’t…more comments like that really, cheers folks

    Full Member

    Yeah it was a post on here that gave it away…..Carbon frame painters near Liverpool?…..calm down calm down!

    Full Member

    For me its an Atmos on the road Xen for getting dirty… is good and as you had the pneumo should be fine for you….some less honest people crash in theirs and get a half price replacement….just an observation like!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Booze and fags will cripple the NHS eventually….up the tax on fags I say!

    Full Member

    Re selfish etc…I don’t think Lance expected his profile to drop so much when he retired….he can’t do much to promote Livestrong when he’s not in the media….best way for a pro cyclist to get back into the media is to return to racing methinks!

    He’s an inspiration to many…me included but admired more than liked.

    It’s a cliche but I do believe in Innocent until proven guilty… and I’ve seen no proof from a trusted source…old urine from french labs with a vested interest in bringing him down doesn’t cut it for me.

    “The cancer has returned” is a bit harsh…think I’d get a bit arsey if I was described that way!

    Kimmage has admitted to using amphetamines at low level crits….for those who haven’t read his book…easier to admit stuff once your cycling career is over!

    Full Member

    In defence of Chavs….I rack up a fair few miles and some of the crappest driving I see is from very old people….they seem to come to the coast in North Wales to retire/die….followed one the other week who was literally all over the road….she was quite happily driving through some red lights until I hit the horn!…also had a pensioner drive across a zebra crossing whilst I was on it with my 2 kids, and they also seem to go up motorways the wrong way on a frequent basis!

    Off to polish my Saxo VTR now!

    Full Member

    Run in the dark…down unlit country lanes….gives you great adrenaline shots when badgers etc crash into hedges next to you!

    Build up slowly and the iPod helps a lot….just one ear though if dead busy….very quiet around hear so see the odd car coming from miles away.

    I think its a faster workout than cycling, 5 mins to change, 1hr 30 run 15 mins for shower is a good workout in less than 2 hrs…less faffing about than bike and lights etc

    Full Member

    Driving down A14 this morning passed a truckdriver buttering bread whilst driving …..obviously doesn’t watch the news….I’m from N Wales and actually worked with the lass who was killed for a short time

    I wondered whats the correct thing to do in this situation…didn’t seem to warrant a 999 call….but suppose it could have caused a similar accident!…what would people here have done?

    Full Member

    Hmmm…tense game good result…Martin Johnsons training with 14 men midweek didn’t work very well!

    Knew it would be close …proud of the lads hanging in there…slams on!

    Full Member

    Long&fun in an old skool xc type way ….lots of fire road climbs (its Wales!) but a fair amount of singletrack climbing too.

    Watch out for a few big holes you can drop a front wheel into and the last descent has some slippery slabs of slate…don’t brake!

    I ride it lots and love it

    Full Member

    phew!…onwards and upwards….as close as I expected

    Full Member

    Scott Gibbs…awesome…Mrs knows the commentary off by heart…..and whispers it in my ear during naughties!

    Full Member

    Remember an 11yr old getting a 14yr old pregnant when I was about 15…not much else for kids to do in our village!

    Full Member

    So am I the only nervous Welshman in Wales then? Shane will be missed even in a “quiet” game last week, he made one try and scored another!

    Glad Powell’s in though he would have really been missed

    I think we will win it but tighter than most Boyo’s think….go on Wales prove me wrong!

    Last year one of my English mates texted me “16-6 worried?” at half time…needless to say I had the last laugh!

    Full Member

    The EPO use relates to stored samples…which they were not permitted to test, LA denied them permission, but again it’s down to clear rulings I understand he doesn’t trust the french labs or their staff and has had no control over the storage of the samples….would anybody on here risk their entire career/reputation on a bunch of guys of dubious morality (leaked results to journo’s prior to official notification) who hate him for dominating their event?

    Kimmage’s book is ok but too outdated now…charged up at crits where team managers basically expected them to, and knew there was no testing

    Don’t read the Pantani tome unless you are prepared to lose half your childhood heroes…it’s depressing as hell!

    Full Member

    I went to a scabby Welsh comprehensive…and my 5yr old lad looks cute with a No2 all over haircut….what tatoos would the Singletrack massive suggest I get?…oh and some names for my two pitbull puppies would be good too!


    Full Member

    LA youngest world champion ever I recall, then lost 10kg and upped power…pretty potent combo I reckon….drug use never proved unlike Kimmage,Millar, Landis,Indurain,Riis Basso et al

    Kimmage has to make a living from journalism…hence riling Lance is a good way to up his exposure

    Lance probably isn’t a nice bloke but had a tough childhood and lives in an arena where a “troll” can make a fortune with a pic or story linking him to doping…he can’t trust anyone can he?

    We either have a 2 yr ban for doping then a clean slate or a lifetime ban…can’t blame people for mistakes for ever

    Full Member

    ours did that yesterday …slooooow then dead….back to life and fine again this morning!…pretty reliable so far…fingers crossed

    Full Member

    Penmachno snow was very deep last Sun, can’t imagine it will be clear yet

    Full Member

    JulianW …good idea I seem to recall the single jabs were not UK approved due to cost…going back a bit now

    What about proven life saving cancer drugs that the Govt doesn’t allow to be prescribed on a cost basis…ok in some postcodes/countries though?

    Maybe Tony’s mrs was as mad as a box of frogs but she’s also pretty intelligent….still think if they’d had it we’d have been told at the time!

    I don’t care really, if people think I’m niave/gullible it was money well spent for peace of mind…got a mate who’s adamant his sons autism is MMR related…reckons he noticed an immeadiate decline after the jab

    Full Member

    Re MMR anybody else (parents ideally) on here think even the remotest possibility of a link to autism is enough to make separate jabs worth the cost?

    It was the cost of an entry level mtb /wheelset as I remember it for my two

    In all honesty what swayed me was Tony Blair being unwilling to confirm his kid had the MMR jab…if he’d had it I’m sure we’d have known about it in great detail….sure he and Cherie got the “best” advice not DR’s toeing the party line!

    Full Member

    Agree that it’s down to who instructed you to do the work…I’d suggest a patient but persistent approach…keep being a pain in the arse who obviously won’t go away! works in the end

    I’,m in the same boat frequently but wouldn’t threaten legal action as am sure that it would mean an end to future business

    In the current climate bad payers are still worth having as clients!

    oh and ride your bike lots to clear the frustration!

    Full Member

    Check yourself out for Coeliac disease(get Dr to do a bloodtest)…pretty common 1 in 100 people have it often undiagnosed…can be nasty long term if not spotted

    Full Member

    Dol gech lie…will get you near enough I reckon

    tool eh….the rack pronunciation, not the initial poster :lol:

    Tongue in roof of mouth and breath out whilst speaking will work just practice needed (and a clear area in front of you!)

    re place names never forget some English mates visiting me …couldn’t get over the fact that my village name had no vowels in it!

    Full Member

    Bit late but another vote for the Gill E-Vent Pro speed…its ace, out last night in foul very heavy sleety rain riding home slowly due to a split tyre wall…nice eh?… got in like a drowned rat but noticed my base layer was bone dry apart from a bit around my neck.

    Also when it arrived (mid summer) I tried it on in my office and felt like it breathed like a cotton shirt, not clammy at all in a warm environment.

    Pockets not really an issue off road as Camelback takes the strain, though Napoleon sp? pocket would be ace for iPod whilst running

    Tough too…I crash a bit and it’s fine!

    Full Member

    Cue list of campest pubs in Brighton lads!

    p.s… good place might be behind the sofa if you’re English!

    Full Member

    Sounds great…how did you break it?….love my E5 but a 120 would look sweet!

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