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  • Deity T-Mac Flat Pedal Review
  • whytetrash
    Full Member

    Just rinse it out straight after a ride with hot water then hang up to mould no dodgy taste no lurgy…simples!

    Full Member

    This is crap…sorry guys you can't use a bike without the cable in place, TREK have to design the bike so it doesn't wear through the frame or provide the owner with patches and a great big warning about the consequences of not fitting them!..TREKs response is bollox , where that cable has exited the frame has worn…irrespective of whether he fits a 150mm stem and drop bars to it it won't affect where that cable guide is!

    Cracked my E5 frame last year and when stripping it realized one the rear Goodrich hose had worn 5mm through the frame where the links mount…I'd never noticed it and wonder where I'd have stood on warrantee if the frame hadn't cracked elsewhere first

    Full Member

    I'm out tonight …make the most of it!…reckon this latest snowfall will be minimal…forecasters just covering their arses!

    Full Member

    He will be missed…truly was THE voice of rugby, it was a sad day when he retired…todays even sadder

    Full Member

    Zip tie it to your handlebars fella!…used to be a mad DJ in Cardiff called lizard who had a longhorn skull on the bars of his chop…sure it could catch on!

    Full Member

    Travis & Gravy thanks for the link and offer of advice….got loads to read through ..only trouble so far is being a wimp on the lancet front…its like waiting for an electric shock!..defo need to MTFU!

    Full Member

    Wow…blown away by the responses above…really appreciate you all taking the time to chip in….just got back from hosp, saw a nurse, doc and dietitian…got a bag of stuff to play with and 2 lots of insulin…needle doesn't hurt at all :lol:…dietitian blew me away with complexities of glugacon and exercise..gonna be a steep learning curve but looking forwards to getting levels right.

    Thanks again…gonna print this lot off for inspiration!

    Full Member

    Yeah what happened to the Kylie threads?..welcome aboard fella…you'll be needing a tesco torch if your gonna hang about!

    Full Member

    whats the difference between a vitamin and a hormone….you can't make a vitamin

    Whats the difference between Airfix and David Beckham…ones a glueless kit….

    Full Member

    Thanks All some great stuff to cheer me up….dont worry my glass is always half full so no doubt will be positive about it…still looking for ideas how long it takes to aclimatize…anyone?…I know I'm a bit older than average for type 1 to start.

    Full Member

    Thanks folks, Votchy cheers for those sites, been on runsweet (insulin pumps bit scary…cyclists testing blood every 30mins even more so… North Wales based, got a mate with it who does the same events you do he's been great for advice but diagnosed 20 yrs ago…I'm just being impatient really looking to find out how long it will be before i get back to normal riding…bit scared to push myself at the mo, and blurred vision/icy conditions would make it interesting anyway…how quick will the vision clear up anyone?…Hi Crell…will email you fella…Frase has been great actually…combining Ironmans and drug fuelled weekend benders in the same email!

    Full Member

    Good start guys..BigJohn…no worries down there ta :wink: and am Welsh so no precription charges …2nd thoughts may get some viagra for the Mrs anyway!

    Full Member

    Problem with Delicas is your mates will wet themselves laughing….knew a lad who bought one…whenever he arrived to meet the his football team mates he was accompanied by the famous East is east quote…"The **** are coming"…it was always the "****-wagon" from then on….however non football players may not give you such a hard time!

    Full Member

    Thanks all…

    Full Member

    Thanks guys…been a bit put off Cairngorm because of all the access issues,how bad can it get? whats Glencoe like for apresboard?…know Aviemore is lively enough!

    Full Member

    Cheers fella

    Full Member

    Yeah saw that stumpy, the snow was about 18" deep on the picnic benches so can well believe it's waist deep on the tops. Think the frost heave will knacker the new sections too…can't see it reopening anytime soon as we are forecast more snow for weds and thurs up here…fingers crossed for em!

    Full Member

    Just put a DT Swiss 130m XCM on mine…massive improvement, don't think going longer would suit the frame as it is noticably slacker with this one fitted…CRC had them half price…bargain

    Saw a guy at Penmachno with pikes on his mind and he thought it was great..

    Full Member

    Stans fluid and two bmx tubes bout £20 if you shop round…jobs a good un!

    Full Member

    NMA Thunder & Consolation/Impurity tour?..Levellers supporting saw them a fair few times thought they were going places!

    NMA Reading awesome gig Pogues headlining Shane came on shitfaced & Crap mate and I looked at eachother and said lets do one…were NEVER gonna top the Army

    John _Drummer that sounds like a classic!

    Full Member

    Yep get a Vauxhall, same car for less money….I wouldn't touch em mind…pretentious poser mobiles bought for the sake of being different!

    Full Member

    Got mine ta!…was a thread on this last week…not moaning like but if you dropped 800 notes on em would you expect a shock pump?…you don't get one!…not fitted them yet…just lick them occaisionally :lol:

    Full Member

    Got the vet to worm two cats this morning for a fiver…great eh? I know Ron Spencer would have charged more than that :lol:

    Full Member

    Drops some hints about marriage or kids…it'l :cry:l soon stop

    Full Member

    Thanks Fella…anybody else got a view?

    Full Member

    Not funny for kids….they can't change can they? it and assume its pretty much continual throughout their school life :cry: Wife had a hard time at school, my Mrs still hates standup cos she knows she'll get the p**s ripped every time…though last time some Aussie comic looked at me and said "he's a bit burly I'll shut up now"…

    Full Member

    How do you get two whales in a mini?

    Across the Severn bridge!

    Full Member

    Oops double post …got excited!

    Full Member

    Non stop nun beat me to it…

    Smash it up ..the Damned

    Public Image awesome base PIL

    Number of the Beast ..Maiden..Phantom of the Opera too

    A forest…Creaming Jesus's version 12" ideally!

    Holiday in Cambodia…DK

    Holiday in the sun…Pistols

    51st State…NMA

    Oh and when the mission used to come on stage to the Dambusters…it's an intro I suppose?

    Full Member

    Scary thing is he sounds Kosher…well meaning but insane retired fella…anyone spotted him out on the trails?

    Full Member

    Cranberry & raspberry juice…Alternative Ulster genius play list on itunes…..quietly though as supposedly boxing a report off…XX housing association has 5% bisexual tenants by the way!

    Full Member

    Pretty cheap to set up on your own, get a website…reassures people you are kosher, speak to your local / regional development chappies, they usually have advisors who can tell you about tax implications of different ways of operating eg sole trader, ltd etc, get some funds behind you and invoice 50% on commission…people are slooow paying at the moment…and be prepared to put the hours in…says he at his desk at 9.30 on a friday evening….oh and block this chuffin website cos I waste far too much time on here!…good luck by the way…and Thomas Higgins and co are great for extracting money when people refuse to pay :lol:

    Full Member

    Ok thanks for that John…will get em on the classifieds ASAP

    Full Member

    Sorry Saladdodger just been on CRC and dropped 500 notes on those DT XMC 130 forks and a new front wheel…hoping to cover a chunk of it…and that Mrs trash doesn't notice the new bling front end of my bike! :wink: dangers of working late eh?

    Full Member

    Cheers Fella

    Full Member

    Hello anyone there?

    Full Member

    Yeah not nice when having lunch!

    Full Member

    Got a set of FSA's like Bream above 3yrs on bit scruffy, lots of rock strikes but solid still, I'm over 14stone kitted up…ride it once or twice a week….would defo buy again, have seen them for circa £175 with bb can't recall where though…bit more interesting than XT which are as common as muck…bike snob and don't care!

    Full Member

    Srams nice too!…just to confuse issues, Prefer Shimano to campag but not much in it!

    Full Member

    Hmmm.. thanks John, alerted me to the new dates..will get down to Bristol and Swansea too in March…long distance following brings back memories, it don't half get cold on a motorbike after a 2hr sweatfest! :lol:

Viewing 40 posts - 721 through 760 (of 988 total)