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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 4: DT Swiss EX 1700 Wheelset
  • whytetrash
    Full Member

    Thanks guys..thought 5 yrs would be about right

    Full Member

    DT's £400 on CRC, stiff, light, plush and Bling…4months in and loving them!

    Full Member

    Zokes is spot on with his post…these guys must be non-judgemental, contraception is an arkward subject for teenagers both preventative and emergency..sure that a teenage lass who's bricking it about being pregnant needs some religious do-gooder tutting and huffing about supplying the morning after pill….THE PATIENTS NEEDS ARE PARAMOUNT!…keep your narrow minded views to your private life!

    Full Member

    People buy em cos they aint being made any more and will probably appreciate in value….how many "fun" things do that?

    I will never part from my columbus max Fuquay!

    Full Member

    Think your mum must have dropped you on your head mate!..very reasoned response there addressing all the key points!….Rugby is a game to entertain…England patently do not ergo Wales are better!

    Full Member

    Back hander you are a clown…2005 2008 grand slams…how can you say England have been better than Wales for the last 4 years..

    Think it was Hensons comment after we kicked you sorry arses at the Fortress in 08…"we only played well for 10 minutes but it was enough"

    England have played a load of stodgy crap…only entertainment is watching MJ having hissy fits with post game interviewers!

    Where have been your exciting trys?…we have had loads!

    Full Member

    Yeah medium cage is fine…got a 34 tooth rear sprocket as well…unlike Freegan BF I use Sram cassettes cos I like the shiny red carrier…is that a good reason?

    Re XO vs XTR…most of the really blinged up mega bikes are on XO!

    Full Member

    Hmmm…sounds to me like you need to take charge of this a bit fella, you obviously love your Mrs to bits and know her best…what would motivate her?..I get really peed off with diabetic nurses who bang on about losing limbs etc…cos it ain't gonna happen to me…I'm gonna stay as fit and healthy as I can forever…I'm generally the most positive person but was miserable for a few days after diagnoses until I posted on here and got back on my bike.

    Ideas would be get her swimming, get a tandem or more walking

    Hide those veggies…soups, stews etc…any fruit in smoothies (watch the sugar though)

    Does she want to give in to this or be strong and see her kids/grandkids grow up and have lives she plays a big part in?

    Full Member

    mail order has been ace for me….always next day delivery lately too!

    Full Member

    3yr old set here going strong…look scruffy mind! rings lasted 18months on middleburn hardcotes now seem to be bearing up well, original bb lasted 12months so not bad…I'd be getting another set as think they are way pimpier than XTR :wink:…does the 170mm length make much difference though? anybody used both 170 and 175 and noticed?

    Full Member

    Try pancakes with grated milky bar and root ginger…sounds odd but a taste sensation!

    Full Member

    Knott4me…clarify is it ep90 or float fluid you'd advise avoiding?…and why?

    Full Member

    Did some research into this a while ago, this is from a coffe buying mate…Fair Trade set a minimum price for each product standard they set up based on costs of production in each producing country.
    If the market price falls below then producers / farmers / workers are protected. If market price is above, then they receive the market price. At the moment the tea market would need to fall off a cliff for the minimum price to kick in – don't think we have used it in 5 years…

    On top of the minimum price there is a fixed social premium paid directly to the workers / farmers to be used in social projects. On tea this is 50 US cents per Kg – Sainsburys are currently paying c.$2.5M a year on tea premium alone – god knows what its costing them on bananas!

    The use of the premium varies depending on where it is used. In Africa its mostly used to provide clean water, electricity, clinics, hospitals, food stores, educational bursaries, etc. In India and more 'prosperous' countries where infrastructure is generally better its used to fund workers pensions, higher education, crop diversification and sustainable agricultural practices.

    Workers don't get 'paid' a lot more in most cases – but they are guaranteed a much better and safer standard of living than if not FT.

    FT is still the gold standard – Rainforest Alliance (PG tips, McDonalds, etc) and the others, who do not guarantee a premium or a minimum price, are nowhere near as strong on ethical stuff but stronger on environmental.

    Clarified it for me because, like most people I only had a vague idea of what it meant!

    Full Member

    Dead easy and well worth swapping seals for a tenner from Mojo while you are at it!

    Full Member

    Got a front one and like it lots…very smooth, pretty light and still ok bearings wise 6months in….not as cool as my old Ti axelled, carbon screw on rear original one though :D

    Full Member

    In a nutshell they've gone from the best to one of the best! I've had about 10% of incorrect items sent and now accept they have become a two day (or more) service.

    I do get peed off with the little "this item should be despatched today" message when it obviously isn't true anymore!

    Full Member

    I've had mine for about 6 months, and it's become my regular ride…..means he's been out on it twice :lol:…you sorted that back tyre out yet fella?

    Full Member

    Yeah avoid North Wales…lots of Snow due this weekend, Swine flu is really bad at the mo, bird flu seems to be making a comeback, casualty is full of MRSA and C-diff, there was a case of a kite attacking riders at NYA and hoards of killer zombies have been spotted at CYB…Llandegla is just about rideable….between 2.30 and 5.00pm on Saturday will be quiet :wink:…oh if you think the Wrexham lasses are bad…you want to see the Valley ones…proper scary!

    Full Member

    am I wrong…thought there was some treaty we entered into (Rome rings a bell) where if we buy from within the EU other EU importers have to honour warrantees, deal with recalls etc…pretty vaugue from the time of parallel immports of cars motorbikes etc….in theory now buying from Belgium should be like me crossing the border from Wales to buy in England?…thought this was the same rule that allows us to buy transits full of booze and fags from France for personal use!

    Full Member

    Done it fella…It's not too bad…ignore the pedants, I'm in the research business and we use Survey Monkey occaisionally for startup clients/low budget jobs ourselves.

    Full Member

    MrTall…going great TBH…think my honeymoon was non existent though! so think that makes it easier to cope with.

    Had a few lows that have crept up on me but years of bonking on the bike seem to have made me a bit attuned to sugar levels dropping.

    Started insulin on the friday did the Marin on the sunday (mid Jan) was testing a few times a ride but now just check before I set off and then mid ride, use a weak carb drink and munch a few jellybabies towards the end of a ride…if I can stop my riding buddies nicking them all :lol: done a couple of 4hr plus rides so far and going well…mates reckon insulin is performance enhancing :wink:…not worked that side of it out yet though!

    No major drama involved when you do need to be injecting…just a case of balancing inulin against carb intake…common sense me if you want any info…though not an expert yet…trick for me was taking charge and keeping a little diary of food consumed, insulin taken, sugar levels, ride 3hrs @ 156bpm avg…the little note book they gave me was too small, I find it useful to compare when not sure how much to inject.

    Diabetes will not stop you doing anything!….I'm nearly as fit now as I was in uni 16yrs ago….prob be fitter but works been so nuts last 3 weeks I've not had time to ride…good luck mate

    Full Member

    Not a fan of dogs….or the fact that typically owners don't take responsibility for them….summed up by me being bitten whilst rehabilitating….walking alongside the river Dee on crutches…woman said the dog didnt like sticks :cry:

    Full Member

    Hey Votchy it seems to be perfect for me…still pretty new to this mallarkey but I have a big bowl of the stuff every morning, usually with some dried fruit and pumpkin/sunflower seeds in it and it seems to be the best brekky I've tried …sugar level is usually great till lunch, I only make it in the microwave though(3 mins)…not all the soaking and stuff.

    Full Member

    Joshua tree…album and tour ace ..Edge at Cardiff Arms Park telling us how chuffed his grandad would have been to see him playing there (Rugby for Wales)…Alarm were ace supporting them too…still going strong too. U2 are just a bit corporate for me now…and Bono believes his own hype too much!….last gig at the Milenium was good…pleased the old War tour T shirt still fitted :D but I find stadium gigs a bit soul-less usually.

    Full Member

    Nah fella…you can't do it from the carpet side….you have to get at them from underneath to sort properly…usually needs boarding stripping off.

    Full Member

    Good news Folks since Tesco have opened in Newtown Mid Wales a price war has broken out and all the petrol&diesel there was at 1.09 a litre…handy if you are local or passing!

    Full Member

    Price might be a help fella :wink: currently paying a fiver each for standard ones…let people have an idea of the up-charge?

    Full Member

    Brain died on my hotpoint after 12 yrs…I wasn't arsed but mrs insisted we get a new one…£180 Beko is head and shoulders better than old one! loads quieter and cleaner dishes…happy days

    Full Member

    Bugger!….yep need to swap the seals in mine..still! can't believe Ive not done it yet…massive improvement to petes& chris's (couldn't have made that worse though!)glad it worked for ya..give it a squirt of stendecs sillicon spray to keep it slippy fella :lol:

    Full Member

    Haven't you just put on a bit of weight pudding :wink:…shock was probably too clean before…hence the reduced stiction now…leave the cotton buds alone will ya!

    Full Member

    More lube in the seat tube before you start :lol:…sorry somebody would have said it!

    Full Member

    Ok fella…Mrs has had it about 3/4 yrs now but I do the shopping and cooking so can advise…email in profile if you want to get in touch

    OK good news first…on a GF diet you will feel better quick, you will get stronger on a bike too…as(depending on your symptoms) you will not have been absorbing nutrients for a good while, your iron levels may be down….may be worth hassling for a bone density scan too as calcium isn't well absorbed either..

    The bread pasta etc isn't too bad,(lasagne is best) you should get all this on prescription from your GP gratis some coeliacs ok with oats but avoid them at first…get settled then try a small amount…you'll know if you can tolerate them :wink:

    Lots of things you can eat too…stay positive…it can improve your diet by stopping you eating some rubbish…try to radically change your diet away from pasta to rice and potatoes so you don't miss it!

    Ok downside …shopping is a ball ache…You HAVE to read every label initially…wheatflour is in loads of stuff you won't expect from chips, soy sauce, soup to soft cheese, crisps for example, some ok some not even within brands, also eating out is a pain..get the waitress/chef to check you are ok, also food on the go is a can't just grab a sarnie however if you take GF rolls with you most shops will knock you up something, same with Pizza Hut they will make you a pizza on your own GF base

    Mrs really misses french bread and cakes…but GF puddings and chocolate seem ok substitutes…good luck and feel free to mail me for advice…people on here were so good to me when I recieved my diabetes diagnosis a month or so ago be nice to return the favour :D

    ps get your kids, siblings, parents checked out …strong links genetically…loads of IBS etc probably is undiagnosed coeliac disease

    Full Member

    Oh yeah Alpin whilst the many English accents are so cultured…Essex, east end, scouse, manc….delightful! whenever I hear any of those I automatically think I must sound so thick compared to them!

    Notice you are always quick to criticise the Welsh on posts…you got issues?

    Full Member

    Anokdale ..I suspect you are wrong about Italy…Gatlands told them to start playing when they are just 10 points behind now!…we seem to have two settings, laid back and lacksidaisical or SFD…sheer F**king desperation…which produces rugby that is so fantastic to watch that it makes up for the earlier dross…and to some extent reduces the pain of the losses…plus once we've lost to England other defeats are just fleshwounds!…Wales fans defo get the best package in terms of excitement and tension!

    Full Member

    Thanks Mr L….while I've been working all day! :cry: yep that Cowlyd routes a toughy …feels good after it's done!

    Full Member

    when exactly was this ? In Victorian times ? Holy crap, how old are you ? you dont look that old in real life ! Did the bobby have a whistle too ? Hope he caught the rascal, did he grab the scallywag by the ear ?

    Ummm…sorry pedant a police motorbike…Honda Pan European if I rightly recall!

    Full Member

    Few of my mates got them, race each other online, you can do all sorts with them… race yourself on known loops as a quick fitness check, ride tour stages, classics etc seem a bit addictive…more sense than riding in blizzards like I did on Tuesday! and defo more fun than just sitting in your garage looking at your heart rate :(

    Full Member

    It's all he does with it these days…what grips is he on this week? :wink:

    Full Member

    Pook it's the stress!…they look a bit happier than him I reckon!..bugger oj laughed over the screen…thanks for that fella!

    Full Member

    Ey up old fart must have cleaned out a good few kids birthday cards to fund that lot!

    Good effort anyway…inspiring for us younger folks…big 40 in six months!

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