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  • Georgia Astle: Finding Fun In The Process At Red Bull Rampage
  • whyterthanwhite
    Free Member

    Can anyone tell me why to buy a santa cruz apart from that it is a designer bike?

    Would really like some input back fromt he santa cruz crew.

    I'm particularly liking the superlight but can't justify £1350 on a frame that is basically a better looking kind of GT.


    Free Member

    Damn, Mike_P beat me to it.

    yeah, WHYTE 19 kicks ass!



    Free Member

    Actually, now you come to mention it, I have helped create the trails up there since '99.
    At the tender age of 13yrs old with some big meat-head blokes who brought up the tools in their pickup who also built nad put a lot of time and effort into Leckhampton too.

    T'was slave labour I tell's yaou! 😛

    BUT all's good except what has happened to ''Jim-bully'' up at cranham recently???

    Anyone care to discuss and update please as I'm due a ride over that way some week soon.


    whyter 🙂

    Free Member

    Personally, I'd go for a large, but best to be safe and get a medium if your inside leg in short at say 31" or less.

    Hope this helps.

    whyter 🙂

    Free Member

    Double post.

    probably get 100's of relies on this thread anyway so will mask my mistake 😛

    Free Member

    Hello Jamie,

    I have been following your stolen scandal thread for a while now and thouhg tthings had died down.


    That's fookin awesome news buddy.

    Good on yer.

    I don't want to take the credit 😛 😆

    Free Member

    You have to be careful not to have the lock out on when you wind it either way though.

    That would only be the case if the lockout function locked in any of the set travel no.?

    Please divulge.

    Free Member

    It's just getting silly, the amount of reposts of the similar/same thread title that's all.

    For my trouble of posting twice on this bloomin thread, I'll paypal you £230 for the frame. 😛

    Free Member

    Couldn't you have searched the forum as this very same question was posted yesterday.

    Free Member

    Well, there's no harm in that, or is there.


    Free Member

    The person uses a car, we do have a possible regestration number of the suspects vehicle…..a mate of mine has probably seen him at work and i think ive seen him walking up near the wall run..he will be found!

    Nice to knwo someone's closing in on him/her.

    Get real nasty and get the cotswold massiv and a nail gun and pin him up on the wall by his briefs.
    That should do the trick! 😆

    You could even setup some go pro cameras in the woods up there if your that way inclined on the paranoid scale of things. 😛

    Free Member

    OOHHH! my eyes.

    What in god's name posessed you to kill the style and colour of that Ibis frame 😛

    Apart from that, the orange x0 kit along with the noirs would look good on an Ibis tranny in candy apple red.

    Free Member

    The person(s) involved in this unsavoury behaviour is quite clearly living in one of the houses on buckholt rd surely 😕

    I mean the f##ker would of been caught by now if it was a walker that had to travel to get to cranham.

    Hmmmm, the trails up on cranham were fine all apart from the 1st one out of Birdlip where I saw some roofing along with the tacks/nails.

    #slightly off topic#

    What's happening with the popes wood owner's who were apparently going to seize bikes and crush them???

    whyter 🙂

    Free Member

    This isn't going to help to your query but have a blackburn floorpump since new and the pressure guage has never worked iirc.

    I purchased it thinking the lifetime warranty might be needed but have never bothered about returning it through madison.

    Just by feel, that's the story of my life 😛

    But obviosuly with a light, it needs sorting.

    Anyway, check out the bloke from madison over on forum as he will sort you out no probs (he better do after posting that).

    whyter 🙂

    Free Member

    I find the x-firm about right for my 14.5stone weight.


    I found when I was pushing 17st, the x-firm was way too firm and gave a harsh ride feel in all honesty.

    Tbh, your probably be best off with an air fork as mentioned above ^.


    (p.s. if anyone needs a new medium weight pike spring then e-mail is in my profile).

    Free Member

    ''nedrapier'' and ''KINGTUT'' get a room pleasssse 😛

    Free Member

    Parcel-Monkey seems good so far.

    Dead cheap at £13.50 3-4 day delivery or next day before 6pm for £14.80 inclusive of v.a.t.

    That's with FedEx btw.

    Happy posting 🙂

    Free Member

    ''mamadirt'' in far too laid back shocker'' 😛

    Free Member

    I do believe he frequents ''retro bike forum'' so probably no doubt got his rediculous way out pricing policy from them lot over there —–>

    Oh and if anyone wants to know how cheap he bought the Merlin for then do a search on retrobike, iirc it was something like £600/650.
    I mean surely you go and sit on a bike like that and try it on for size before committing to the purchase.

    I'm affraid it does suck balls when something like this happens.

    The guy is obviously a jerk off who doesn't really ride bikes nor treats them as a sport/hobby, merely a money making opportunity for him. 🙄

    Nough said!

    Free Member

    If your thinking of going 'core then get the 905 for 'core trail use. 😛

    If your thinking along the lines of adjustable geometry to suit both xc and trail riding plus also having the bonus of ss'ness then definately get the 19.

    Expect the 905 to weigh a tad more than the 19 though but I doubt by that much.


    Free Member

    Yes your scales are fubbared so to speak, unless you are looking at the kg measurement of it. I'd say it's more like approx 25lbs but is 'ard to tell.

    #Slight hijack#

    Dibbs, – What's your whyte 19 Ti like.
    Could you perhaps drop me an e-mail with a review if you so please.
    That would be ace.


    Free Member

    Yeah, I wasn't really implying that by my post but just clarifying for you what the general consensus is by the people who have posted.

    lycra, dirt, perhaps a beard, ermmm, this is catching on 😉

    Free Member

    The thing is with many a police officer is that they ask you after you have had your biked nicked;
    ''have you got insurance''?
    ''yes I do''
    ''well then, you can get a replacement then can't you''

    Well atleast, that's the type of dealings I have had with police over stolen bikes in the past.

    @Matthew, – don't you mean the lightside, as in, see the light 😆

    I'm certainly not ignoring this, and tbh, I don't think anyone else is either but we've only got 2bit's update info to go on here really so 2bit, what's up now?


    Free Member

    You have identified your property, and the police have a responsibility to get it back, all this balls about buying it back is rubbish and the p.c involve needs to get his act together

    This should be the way it's dealt with in an ideal world but most of us have recommended being the winner of the auction of this bike because the op 2bit has clearly stated that the police involved in this case can't do anything much.

    Thus leaving him with the only real option of winning the auction and retrieving his bike back that way.

    Then he can report the ebayer to ebay and expalin to the police where he lives.

    That way, everyone's happy, apart from the offender of course.

    Be good if you yourself easy girl as a police officer were to swap contact details with the 2bit's pc involved in this mattter to explain what's the really going to be the outcome of this.

    We're so damn close to nailing this scrote.

    Just my 10pence worth.

    Free Member

    Did anyone watch that plonker Peter Andre on this Wednesday's one.

    His magic touch on the Lotto big button had absolutely no joy for me. 👿
    Always hated that guy, and his ex btw.

    How can it be a stealth tax when it's governed by independant organisation to keep the Lottery in check with all the rules and regulations.

    People do win you know, just that they don't always want it made public, as there are people out there who do get a bit JEALOUS when it comes to money.

    Free Member

    @2bit – the little peabrain scrote replied to me sometime on Saturday but can't be sure of what time as I deleted the message from both inbox's.

    Tbh with you, I'd make sure you win that auction by putting on say £2k adn that way, is the only way you can find out where he is living with the bike.
    Therefore on the day of collecting it (I'm sure a few stw members may want/need to come along with you if they live locally), whilst phoning the police to say your going to retrieve stolen property and need some assistance.

    That way, you don't lose anything (money/freedom).

    I just hope that this does not spoil your holiday as you are quite lucky to see your bike again.
    Ime I have had many a bike stolen, 1 cheap nackared bike at knife point before and have never seen them again so thank your lucky stars you have a chance of doing something positive out of this experience.

    Right then, which stw members want to cover 2bits back? As no-one has thought that the scrote might have more scrotes hanging around to take/force the money away from 2bit whilst hanging onto the bike to sell in a different location.

    We salute you 🙂

    Free Member

    Just to confirm to 2bit on here,

    I'm 99.9% sure that it's stolen as I queried postage as he put 2nd class royal mail, what the rear mech was.

    He replied back saying he hasn't got a clue what I was meaning.

    Plus he's a typical londoner thief selling on ebay stating that the bike was a gift to him. cheeky fool if you ask me.

    Anyway, get onto your local P-station and take proof with you as they normally think ''he's got insurance so he'll be alright'' sort of thing ime aswell as many biker's out there.

    So all we can do is say good luck and givce him a good kickin for me. 😛

    Also, I won't contact him now, knowing what my suspicions were in the first place.

    Free Member

    One question to the op, – what made you not buy a ragley in aluminium for around the same price for new with warranty?

    Not to make you doubt your purchase or the like, just curiosity.

    I think it looks quite neat that orange, but the gusset is filled which looks odd and probably would be a prototype then.
    apart from that, it looks Aok.

    Free Member

    Glad I saw this thread as I have exactly the same problem as the ''op'' and will now have a fettle on mine. 😀

    Free Member

    @Dougal, – I had the flood gate set to the maximum firm setting and still get movement when locked out. 😕

    Didn't realise they had fast speed compression as well on bb sids, interesting.

    Free Member

    Well, it's good to hear your kids/yourself are ok after experiencing that as it does, I'm sure, shack your nerves silly.

    Still, better being in a car than on two motored wheels in this instance.

    I know a small amount of what you must be feeling like after this particular crash as my mother was involved in a slam on the motorway early in the morning (think 2.00am coming home from work).
    Some nutter who tapped her car from behind caused her to write off a newish second hand car after having been shoved into a spin and hitting the central barrier.

    Still it could of been a lot worse as it just upset my mother's arthritis.

    Can remember when I had to phone relatives to let them know what had happened. Shock springs to mind and lost for words to begin with.

    Anyway big thumbs up you survived, to learn one of life's many experiences.

    Have a 🙂 on me

    Free Member

    Well apparently, the black box lockout actually does lock out nice and firm unlock previous models which have a bit of movement in them iirc.

    That's not from experience though so best off waiting for someone else's review who owns them.

    However it might be a squeezing the gap between rockshox forks and fox forks hopefully with black box dampening. (he hopes) 🙂

    Free Member

    I heard that it was going to cost too much to produce ?I

    Then you go onto say;

    Wonder if they could bring it to life through Lynskey ?I reckon it would sell well .

    Is this because Lynskeys are becoming known to build cheap(er) frames for other companies 😯 😆

    Would be nice though if Kona would revamp their style as it's wearing thin, what with their lineup all looking tired and ''same old''.

    You could always write to kona suggesting that they could bring it from the drawing board and produce it no?

    Free Member

    New poster to and 1st post has to go to this thread as that (your) build is simply stunning, clean and fresh looking.

    Now time to get it nice'n'dirty. 😛

    Without researching, what grips are those you have?

    Be better/useful if they would of put an e.b.b. on there instead of swopouts imo.

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