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  • Mental Mondays #14 – Let there be love
  • white101
    Full Member

    cheers sniff, I think I got a leaflet for them when the guy put my cast on at the hospital. I’ve been using charity bags and sellotape when having a shower!
    I’ll wait thanks, only 4 weeks 3 days to go

    Full Member

    Sat here with a broken ankle and my leg muscle is wasting away, I have a lower disc problem but because of the cast on my foot I’m unable to do the exercises needed to sort my issues, I think I’ll be taking up swimming as soon as the cast is off.

    Full Member

    I hope the boss man from Nottingham doesnt read your posts Ton!

    Full Member


    bring your bike, thats my local patch and lots of pedalling to be had, also I walk the dog round that way and you will find plenty of routes around the museum.

    Try this place about 10 mins drive (or 35 cycle) sorry got linky thing the wrong way round. Its about 1/2 mile from A1.

    Full Member

    Mcmoonter has almost finished a shed on another thread, looks like the kinda guy who can turn his hand to most things

    Full Member

    and more pics? its like watching grand designs this (though without the pompous flounce-abouts you often get of course!)

    Full Member

    Aracer – I tried some at a cider festival last year and it didnt like me too much, and normally if stuff doesnt like me it doesnt stick around to long!
    In the safety of my own home I tried budweiser as its mainly rice and I can handle that, otherwise my local got in gluten free beer and lager in bottles as the manageress has the same issues as I do.

    Ive tried Aspalls when i’ve been out and found that easier to drink that strongbow, I dont find it as harsh. Strongbow and woodpecker jsut leave my mouth feeling like I’ve been chewing sandpaper.

    Full Member

    esselgruntfuttock – Newcastle Exhibition was a fine beer, I would say I grew up on it but thats sounds a bit wrong. Hardly seen it on draught anywhere in the last 5years if not longer, same with McEwans Export, great on draught but as pointed out above the multis are ditching beers in favour of bland fests to appeal to those with no tastebuds and little care to what they drink, I give you pub after pub offering Fosters, John Smiths and Strongbow. I was in Newcastle after Christmas and just about every bar I was dragged around had not much else to offer.

    Full Member

    perhaps the OP meant the langauge of the court, rather than spoken english. I for one would struggle with the erudite and eloquent barristers trying to tie me in knots with their prose

    Full Member

    was having a chat with a mate a few weeks back over beer strengths, and he pointed out that a lot of beers these days are weaker (abv wise) on draught than they are in cans/bottles etc.
    I was talking about how strongbow was to strong a session drink for me and had to resort to woodpecker (at this point I should mention I cant really stand cider but due to gluten issues can no longer drink real beer 😥 ) he said that it might be 5% in a can but in the pub its 4.5%, same for stella and John Smiths (which for me was always p!$$ in a glass or can) and many others.

    EDIT: if ciderinsport should pop in, no offence mate!

    Full Member

    I think there’s a fair chance that given the options by the defence (as stated above) that a few on the jury would you use Kyles Defence (see $H-ITV weekday mornings) which states:

    Why should I care

    Full Member

    yes dusty indeed.

    Full Member

    2 tickets for ashes test match at Durham this August for my dad and me.

    Arguably I might not have bought them but sitting at home with internet and unspent wages and a broken ankle, I was driven to it by the voices in my head.

    Almost the second I click ‘buy tickets’ I felt pain and guilt for some odd reason (£80 each was probably the reason) so I went online to check out prices for the current New Zealand v England series and felt even worse, you can watch all 5 days of any test match over the next couple of months for as little as $112. Thats about £60 for all 5 days!

    Full Member

    one of two things;

    either wait for the apologetic letter through the post saying we are sorry it was meant to go up by a third


    delete thread and say nowt

    PS: its never happened to me!

    Full Member

    Amazing coincedence!

    Never seen these little birds before in our garden yet a couple popped up yesterday mid morning, played around in the twisted hazel for a while then flew off. Later on in the afternoon 6-7 of them turn up have a feed and stick around for a while.
    Had to visit the rspb site to learn what they were. Tiny little things with big long tails and really quick.
    We are in Gateshead in a fairly urban area although not far (1/2 mile) from woods and fields.

    Full Member

    Some cracking nutters on here today, cant find a photo but there was a kid in a wheelchair who went of a skate ramp and did a 720 flip and nailed the landing, sure i saw it on CH4 news last year sometime.

    Full Member

    Can you not lower it? Certainly that will help with ‘bouncy’ ride you get with vans and the power your putting through it would surely be more managable?

    Full Member

    full of cold

    ankle still broken

    Full Member

    She’s going to let me watch the Newcastle v Metalist game tonight on ESPN and make my tea for me, because I have a broken ankle and cant do owt for myself. She’s not aware of this as yet but I will let her know when she gets in from work 😀

    Full Member

    How much of a hurry do people need to be in to do that?

    Full Member

    if you were told there was horsemeat in the food, at least you would be able to make a choice about eating it or not. The fault is in that it fails labeling laws and thats what the Gov can argue from a legal perspective.

    Full Member

    I posted this a couple of months back and have since changed cos I felt like to many companies were getting by on mugs like me sticking with the status quo….

    Just got my annual assessment in from EDF energy.

    Page 1

    Dear sir we are putting your monthly dd up to £153pm (currently £134)
    This will be made up of:
    £36 for gas
    £40 for electric
    £42 for under payment gas
    £27 for under payment elec
    £8 for gas debt.

    Page 2

    you are currently £46.00 in credit.

    So I reaches for the phone……

    conversation goes a bit like this:

    White101: WHY?????
    EDF: Well we estimate that your costs for next year will be £1665 which works out at £139pm, however at this stage of the year we think your credit is low at £46 and you should be in more credit.
    White101: How about I give you £140 pm and I’ll keep the credit in my bank not yours?
    EDF: yes sir that’ll be fine, I’ll change it now
    White101: Ok then how come I’m only paying £76 for gas and elec where does the rest of the £64 bill come from?
    EDF: standing charges sir.
    White101: Doesnt mention them on the bill here!
    EDF: well it should.
    White 101: No sh!t sherlock!!!

    check your bills people

    FYI we live in a 3 bed semi, 2 big ins and 1 teen, all walls insulated, loft done (both in the last 3 months) all argon filled glazing.

    Full Member

    These van threads should be banned till i have the money for a van, MODs help please, temptation to great…reaching for wifes credit card…aarrrggghhhhh 🙁

    Full Member

    Soma, I look and I think of a close encounters type scene

    Full Member

    Just looked through the pictures and my break seems like a a nettle sting on a summer ride on dry dusty trails.
    Pleased to hear things are looking up.

    Full Member

    I know exactly what your saying, its just since my Mam died I worry about him when he’s on his own at his garden. Ive told him to take the phone he has but the buttons are tiny and he has butchers fingers and he phone has a tiny screen.
    He will say things like, ‘I didn’t answer cos I know your just checking up on me’ cheers Dad

    Full Member

    Good news? I’ve just broken mine and would like to catch the original thread any links?

    Full Member

    He likes a good headline

    Find me a current politician that doesnt, and this is the main problem with modern politics, its all about the 6 o’clock news headlines not actually about real policies that will work.

    Full Member

    The is no such thing as the opposition, despite a large number of Labour MP’s being former union stooges this doesnt mean for one minute that they will stand up for the ‘man in the street’ with any great conviction, they know nothing will change because they are also part of the machine that is making the change to privatisation of everything.

    Next year will see the first contract awarded by this government to a private company to provide Telehealth. A system whereby a callcentre rings you up at home and checks on your health, you will be asked to take your own BP and Ox Sat levels amongst other things and give the info to the call handler, they will pass it all on to a doc for review. Thereby saving time and money going into a GP surgery. The DoH have figures which suggest that 15m people could use this system. It will be run by a private company, they will have nurses and doctors working for them but they wont be the NHS.

    PS What a lot of people forget is that the GP and dental work carried out in the UK is already private, these people just have contracts to supply services to the NHS, for a cost.

    Full Member

    Jools you dont want a frost!!! thats what did for my ankle!

    Full Member

    Its funny isnt it, he rushed out and condemmed everything about modern education and exams saying things had to change to make Britains education system a better place and something the world will be jealous of, yet his actions would suggest he would fail Q1 of a SAT test for a 7 year old.
    When are politicians going to realise that you actually have to think through your answer to the question before scribbling down the first thing that comes into your head.
    Knobs, the lot of them.

    Full Member

    I bought Underbelly on boxset cos I missed a lot of episodes on FX the cable channel a few years back, it an Aussie drug crime family thing.
    I have secret state on my V+ box (might watch that as I’m laid up With broken ankle)
    A lot of them BBC northern dramas are good, playing the field, the street, etc etc, always a similar group of actors but the stories are always quite real.

    Full Member

    So far the year has been pretty bad, I lost my mam suddenly at New Year which has really shook the family, still awaiting some ideas from the coroner as to the reason why which is not helping my Dad
    Then on Saturday I slipped and broke my ankle and damaged ligaments so 6-8 weeks in a cast has kinda put a bigger downer on things for me, as the only driver in the close family its also not helped my dad as I have been up to see him every day and have been running him around when he needed stuff.
    I was hoping to get out more on the bike this month to ward off any ‘bad vibes’ getting into my head. Just going to have to do my cycling via videos I find on the net.

    I started the ‘photos’ thread again to cheer myself up, its working well, 2 years of quality pics really lifts the mood.

    Full Member

    I like this continuing thread, but ths weeks topic is really depressing and gets me annoyed about some members of the (almost) human race.

    Full Member

    Feeling very jealous of all that, pics look good drac nice journey along the coast to warkworth.
    I spent the weekend lying on my back in the QE Hospital with a broken ankle, black ice at top of my drive on saturday morning has got me laid up for a few months, bit gutted, but will no doubt fill my time in on here!

    Full Member

    wine without lemonade….shudders at the thought(though haven’t managed red wine yet)

    Full Member

    …er, yes they do. The government are the elected representatives of the people.

    And straight after voting day the manifesto goes in the bin and they make decisions on the hop for the next 5 years, such as this which they have now u-turned on, along with about half a dozen other ill thought out ‘plans’ for the future.

    Full Member

    Surely you could just shoot lance and she would go at the sound of the shot

    Full Member

    I need biking more than it needs me, my release, my light at the end of the tunnel, my peace, my fun, my danger, my drug.

    Full Member

    Hasn’t stopped in Gateshead since 11.30am, getting bored now, its not heavy just constant. And I have things to do tomorrow which involve moving around without skis

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