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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • whattyre
    Free Member

    Oh that would be most awesome! Are you localish? It’s called ferry tasty and it’s opposite the cop shop

    Free Member

    Yes it’s a busy well trod route…I’m not a cafe as I’ve not got the room but there’s benches close with a view of the bridges..

    Free Member

    Ha yes I’ve got a chopper coming…a nice flying Scot and I’ve got quite a few tops etc..ha I won’t ban mobiles or anything! I’m purely takeaway anyhow but get a lot of passing cyclists every day as I’m on the main route to the forth bridge..aye pop in for a blether anytime

    Free Member

    Oh sorry I’m in scotland south Queensferry near the bridges

    Free Member

    His legacy already has been the posts and mentions of meeting him here…I was chatting to one of his mates jay and we’ve chatted about planning a ride to raise some money for his cancer charity…I’ll share it here when That comes good

    Free Member

    eat onions as theyre cheaper than apples

    Free Member

    giro and bell is the same co…theyre will be very little profit on that i guess

    Free Member

    pretty bad isnt it? ive always thought that a big group of riders going down a road is very visible to cars/traffic from both directions.ive ridden in big groups and have always felt pretty safe

    Free Member

    great pics peterfile!

    Free Member

    Brought to you by the same co who brought you barracuda/Haro/emelle….all designed in house by a roadie..built in Taiwan…not bad specs/prices

    Some of the carbon offerings are great value

    Free Member

    Relationship….never liked it

    Free Member

    Discombobulated….I try and use it daily

    Free Member

    least youve got a job smug bastid! :roll:

    Free Member

    i didnt watch it when it was on but been catching up on netflix…its really good

    Free Member

    Cool thanks…..

    Free Member

    Yeah that’s what I thought…anyone know a good lbs near CDg airport?

    Free Member

    Move to gods trail centre…scotland.fairly ungroomed areas up here

    Free Member

    Not on a bank holiday….bummer!

    Free Member

    interesting thread chaps!

    Free Member

    i remember bumping into a chap going up the munro id just battled down and thought hes underbiked,he had a crosser and tons of like to have seen him ride down on it..i struggled with 5 inches of travel..

    Free Member

    ive done a few butchery courses and they were great..not pro ones just as a xmas pressie,learnt loads about meat/cuts etc.and came home with enough meat to fill me freezer :D
    still got some left..

    me too very jealous…would love to rear a beast!

    Free Member

    theyre was a street i lived in had a newish peugot with nob as the end of the plate…mate sold peugots and said they got a batch of plates(like 30) with that prefix..

    im not sure i would want to drive a car with nob on it..

    Free Member

    I think it is on a Bentley…not sure about the other reference…

    Free Member
    This is my bosses(ski school at glenshee) place…it’s really nice,self catering and about a million times better than the spittal hotel…takes family’s/dogs and is cheap.. :-)

    I’ll be dual qualified by then so if you get a lesson you may get me! It all hinges on wether there is snow of course!

    Free Member

    a mates wealthy dad has g4 and g3…theyve been valued at over 1/4 mill! :roll:

    Free Member
    This place is lovely and has great grub/coffee,just north of Laurencekirk on the 90

    My 2p

    Free Member

    I should be free too and know Laggan really well…mail me nearer the time and I’ll hook up with you…if you like I know some good routes near aviemore…also done the brown at Laggan which is a blast!

    Free Member

    Cool was going to have a look at various funders…. Was the go course tough?

    Free Member

    I know the mech at bothy and he’s a great lad…however the guys at base camp are awesome too…. You takes your pick!

    Free Member

    I think it’s made humanely now…the calf ina cage thingy isn’t done anymore…

    Free Member

    the pro climbers view…tim emmet

    “I’m pretty shocked by the Everest saga with Jon Griffith Ueli Steck and Simone Moro. Jon and Ueli are very good friends of mine and respectful people. Simone is considered to be one of, if not ‘the’ most experienced Himalayan climber in the world, he has visited Nepal 43 times, he is a helicopter pilot and offers free rescue flights to climbers on Everest and the surrounding mountains. Together they have more experience in the Alpine environment than anyone other team I have come across. Moving quickly and efficiently without disturbing others is an integral part of Alpine climbing, especially when climbing without ropes. A skilled climber can climb ice without knocking any down, most other can’t. I totally support these guys and I strongly believe that they were courteous to the Sherpas while climbing near by. Just the fact that they were there, climbing solo, next to the Sherpas who were using and fixing ropes, triggered this outrageous reaction.

    In the past, I have heard a few stories of wealthy westerns who have invested large sums of money in hope of reaching the summit of the Highest Mountain in the World. Unlike many other situations in life, here money can not ‘buy’ your way to the top. Unsuccessful ascents have resulted in abusive behaviour and bad language towards the Sherpas, where clients ego’s are bruised and money is lost when the ‘goal’ is not achieved.

    Out of all the climbers I know, none would do this. Understanding when to say no, taking responsibility for your own actions and making calculated decisions are the key to climbing longevity. It seems the unexperienced ‘want to be’s’ don’t know how to respect the mountain and the people that live and work there. I think these people form an integral part of the problem. Ueli, Jon and Simone just paid the price for it.”

    Free Member

    ive read all these posts with a lot of interest!
    heres my experience…i split up with the missus last year and one of the first snippets of advice i got off here was book a biking holiday(i did two in the end!) scroll 4 weeks forward and i tagged onto an exclusive booking with riviera…a bunch of lads who were very capable riders…mostly ex or current dh racers..i turned up much to theyre amusement with a brand new five(never ridden)and a day late..luckily theyre mech skills were loads better than mine as my front M4 had leaked everywhere..first day was nuts and i had to swallow a lot of mtfu pills/ lunch i was questioning wether i was on the right thing but had a word with myself and carried on.ive ridden for a long time but this was some of the hardest/techy stuff id ever ridden on.

    anyway as the week progressed the lads excepted me into the fold,saw that i wasnt the slowest and as the days progressed i improved..i had a few stacks.first one in front of jo and dented a 2 day old xen(that i still ride with)i was “inverted” (her words) at one point..2nd involved a stupid stall that resulted in scratched oakleys and grazed second the advice above ref tyres/ it happened i didnt need either and didnt puncture or have a serious mechanical..if your unsure about the trails have look at theyre website and google the area…it will give you a great flava for what to expect(i didnt)
    the day off was a day over the border in france doing some of the sweetest flowy/loamy singletrack i think ive ever done..despite feeling a little battered i loved it although bailed early and went for a pint and missed the last run which was an old dh race track..

    as for customer service skills i would say based on my group position(the back) i didnt get a whole lot of crack with ady..but i found him ok,but id agree hes not the most patient of characters.that said i think if anything went wrong which it didnt i reckon hed be pretty good in sorting it out…in all i had a great time which really took me out of my riding comfort zone(which has to be good!)the lads that i joined with were a good laugh and included me into everything..i may have had a real diferent holiday if the group wasnt as proficient/fit/and generally up for riding/having a laff.some weeks ady spends all week on cycle paths down by the sea which must be really frustrating,would i go again? yep you betcha!!..anyhow ive rambled on..heres some pics…get well soon jo! and ady comes on here so im sure he’ll pop up.. :-)[/url]
    2012-06-22 15.38.03[/url] [/url]
    2012-06-22 15.37.53[/url] [/url]
    2012-06-21 15.46.57[/url] [/url]
    2012-06-19 16.14.51[/url] [/url]
    2012-06-20 12.18.20[/url] [/url]
    2012-06-19 12.07.50[/url] crazy steep switchbacks….that go on for miles :-)[/url]
    2012-06-18 16.28.41[/url] the weather was epic all week…as the pics show.its a stunning unspoilt go back with a road bike too..

    Free Member

    Nah doing the main alpine climbs….only for 4 days but I don’t wanna be dropped all over the place..

    Free Member

    That all sounds good….I’ve got a bit of time ATM as I’m not working…so just hit the bike and eat well?

    Free Member

    i spose i was after some iridium ones as im going to the alps shortly.. :D

    Free Member

    2013-03-30 08.49.18[/url] [/url]
    2013-02-18 15.31.29[/url] [/url]
    2013-04-03 11.52.37[/url][/url]
    2013-04-06 13.11.21[/url] [/url]
    2013-04-27 16.11.50[/url]
    this is what glenshee looks like now…..although the glas maol is almost complete…..we had some cracking t-shirt days…

    Free Member

    i had the best amount of skiing/boarding time this winter mainly due to me being able to resurect an old teaching qualification and doing a full season in glenshee…had 87 full days fo snow…didnt ski/board every day but most days i got out between or after lessons..

    skiing down butcharts with a gin and tonic at night half cut :-)
    2 or 3 epic backcountry days which were mint…
    mastering switch skiing and boarding
    getting the hang of powder with both planks..
    seeing some of the best powder in scotland ive ever seen(you know its good when you come back from chamonix and its just as good in the glen!)
    making some great pals

    the boot saga continues…had 3 pairs of salomon boots and they just dont fit me…gonna look at something else
    twisting my knee first week
    new gf doing the same and not being able to ski this weekend

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I like it…theyres still some old singletrack if you look…..the manmade stuff is pretty well made and rides really well….I was they’re last week and it was ace!

    Free Member

    i rolled it 3 weeks ago in the snow…i thought it was fine.. :-)i dont think hitting it flat out would be wise though

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