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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • whatnobeer
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    2016 Yari.

    Keep the Pike. Unless you’re a really big lad/ladette then the superior damping will outweigh the stiffer chassis.

    Free Member

    Not many caps in the starting 15 there outwith Hogg and Swinson. Will be interesting to see how they go. Physical USA side against an reasonably inexperienced and youthful but mobile and ambitious Scotland.

    Free Member

    Don’t bother with Acestream directly, grab a copy of Sodaplayer instead. It can stream acestream links and cast to Apple TV and Chromecast. It’s also available for Windows and Mac :)

    Free Member

    Fit is more important than anything else in a full face helmet

    This. I tried a load on and not only was the sizing wildly different between brands, the shape of the helmet was too. Some fitted way better than others and a couple just weren’t the right shape for my head. Try a bunch on and go with which ever ones fit best, if there’s more than one then you can compare price/features etc.

    Free Member

    Better or worse than the ‘state of the nation’ one with the gay vicars, illegal immigrants and MI5 types?

    Free Member

    a rider whose been found with illegal levels of a drug in his system for which others have been banned.

    Technically the rule is about how much you intake in a period of time, not how much you have in your system later. It is the only way to try and detect the former though. Pedantic, I know.

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    Free Member

    Interesting looking changes!

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    Free Member

    The rules are the rules. If the rules don’t work then change them, don’t get pissy at teams for pushing them as far as they can go, because if one team isn’t doing it you can be sure all the other ones are.

    As for Froome, it’s shame his AAF was leaked, he’s now in a position that he shouldn’t be in and that other athletes in a similar position have avoided. Innocent until proven guilty imo. The evidence should be presented and a verdict handed down. It’s the only fair way of doing things, especially given that the rule that has potentially been broken is about a) how much of the drug you can take at a time, not how much is in your system later and b) it’s a drug with a debatable performance enhancing effect.

    Free Member

    Last Fort William where did you hear that?

    I heard that too. Hopefully just a rumour, but given how much it costs to host an event it could be up in the air? Visit Scotland not seeing the value for money?

    Free Member

    Not too many photos of the jank but a couple of the beautiful rock spine and exposed ridge near the end of my weekend ride in Squamish.

    Free Member

    What a great game of rugby. Some of the passing and offloads were outstanding. Great stuff all round.

    Free Member

    Can’t find any 2″ backer rod out here in Canada. Do we think taking two 1″ rods and taping them together would work? You’d the width but lose out on the height. Maybe it would set too well in the tire?

    Edit: Another option looks like this stuff:

    A couple of strips of that for ghetto huck norris style insert?

    Free Member

    Transition Scout? The SBG geometry is spot on (and similar to what Whyte are doing I think) and the frames are made to be abused, though as a result they’re not the lightest around. No idea how much they cost in the UK mind.

    Edit: Totally missed your budget and are looking 2nd hand. Best ignore this then as I’m sure they cost more than 2K!

    Free Member

    I am now 95% sure that andreasrhoen is an extremely well crafted troll account from one of the regulars. The fanatical references to the EWS team rankings are surely too good to be true (and real).

    On another note, I rode my Patrol down 2, yes 2, double black bike park trails yesterday and I didn’t die and the frame didn’t break. Winner winner chicken dinner.

    Free Member

    I rode the trails in the video, and rougher on my Norco Sight and it didn’t break. (No where near the same speed obviously). And I fully expect my Patrol to be handle being ridden in the bike park for a few hours every week for a few seasons without it break. Now Transition did make the frames heavier and stronger this year, but I’d expect the same from any other Enduro bike too. If the bike in question is snapping in the same place JRA then there’s clearly a problem.

    OP, I can maybe see why you won’t mention the bike in question, but why not he feature? It’s not doing you any favours.

    Free Member

    Does your girlfriend hate being a woman? Or having any rights?

    In some ways, yes. It sucks being a woman in a lot of ways and it’s pretty hard to disagree with her. Not sure what you mean about having rights though?

    She’s not the type of person who expects society or people to just give her things, so if she wants more money, she’ll ask for it. She is of course in favour of ‘equal pay for equal work’ but understands the situation is more complicated than it often appears. As I mentioned, she agrees with Peterson on the wage gap, so woefully explored by Newman but also on other things such as  how  a lot of men are useless and are basically overgrown children (especially evident living in Whistler where your average 28 year old is about as much use as he was 10 years earlier) and a bunch of other stuff. But I’ll stop talking about her and her views, it’s not really my place to represent her/them.

    Free Member

    Any more context to those quotes, uselesshippy?

    Flipping that round, why is she a fan of his?

    You’d have to ask her that, but as far as I can tell she agrees with what she’s heard him talk about? She definetly not a member of the alt right or an incel, in case you were wondering

    Free Member

    It’s funny you posted that Binners, I thought Newman comes across terribly in that interview. She’s trying to put words in his mouth and not actually listening to what he’s saying at all.

    Putting it mildly, he seems to be a very unpleasant individual, espousing some very dangerous sexist ideas which will get people hurt (mainly women). Which probably explains his massive popularity amongst the Alt-right.

    Care to quote some? I’ve not heard any and I listen to him quite a bit as my girlfriend is a fan.

    Free Member

    I’d never heard of him before until reading an article in the Guardian this morning. Promptly followed the link to the Cathy Newman interview and bloody hell did that 30 minutes fly by!

    <div>I’m normally a fan of Newman but she made an arse of that one. Wasn’t even interested in a debate.</div>

    Free Member

    Steven Gerrard as the new Rangers boss, eh? That’s a big job, lots of pressure. Hope he does well. Celtic were there for the taking this year but Rangers fluffed it each time.

    Question is, will be be a Souness or a Barnes.

    Free Member

    Are you looking for recommendations for what to buy or just interested in peoples 5k fantasy bike?

    If it’s the former the question is what kind of riding do you do? There’s a big difference between something like a Norco Sight and that Hope or a Transition Sentinel.

    But “Enduro” is per definition an race machine…. – here you are 100% wrong! Race machines which never win a race are … crap.

    If Sam Hill continues his domination then you could feasibly have only 1 2018 bike that isn’t crap by that standard. The Rocky Mountain team usually raced on Altitudes last year, rather than the Slayer. The Slayer is not a crap bike by any definition.

    Free Member

    I’ve never heard of a rim being manufactured oversize by mistake

    I had a set of Easton EA50 rims that were a pig to get tyres on. Emailed Easton and they said there were a batch that were slightly oversized. Sent them off, got them back and was much easier to deal with after that.

    Free Member

    Trying to replace a shimano brake lever. Getting the spring that makes the lever return to the right place is a real PITA.

    Free Member

    I think it was covered in the chatter above, top 10 from last year are protected so slot in up higher for prime tv viewing,

    <div id=”singl-9ee78274bda31927b9796cb5d49374f1″> That’s kinda crap isn’t it? What was wrong with the protected riders going in just outside the top 20? It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.</div>

    Free Member

    Don’t think we can embed from Vimeo, but this is a sick little edit from a couple of local shredders. I’ve skied 2 of the lines, though not with as much speed, a lot more turning and less air than these 2.

    Free Member

     People ARE riding more extreme terrain today than ever before, whether at Trail Centres or out in the wilds. Modern, light, efficient bikes mean you can ride more and push/carry less.

    I dunno, some of the old Northshore trails around Vancouver were pretty mental. There’s also old decommissioned trails up down that area which would be hard by todays standards never mind when they were built.

    As for the EWS, it’s horses for courses. The Rocky Mountain guys had Slayers and Altitudes last year and most often rode the altitude (though I think it was beefed up a tad in travel) and this year have both of those plus the BC edition Instinct. I think both Jesse and Remy are on the 29er this year, but it really depends what you’re looking for what where you’re riding.

    Free Member

    I get the same thing wrt to the autocomplete.

    The hashtag search finds it find though.

    Free Member

    TBH any decent implementation should have spotted the woman and stopped

    All we know is that car didn’t stop. We don’t know why. It’s entirely possible the car did see her and for whatever reason, decided not to stop.

    Free Member

     You really might as well not have the human in there because there is a high likelihood that they will fail to monitor the car correctly and when an incident happens they won’t be able to react.

    Indeed. There’s plenty of data out there to show that there’s no way a human will be able to stay attentive while ‘monitoring’ this level of automation. Nothing to do = distracted car sitter.

    Plenty of people saying the car failed to stop when it should have. Clearly the car should of detected the pedestrian before she steeped out on the road. Did it? We don’t know, all we know is that it didn’t stop. If the car behaved as some commentators would like then it’d never get anywhere as it would be stopping every time there was a potential hazard in another lane.

    I doubt most human drivers would have stopped in time for the same reasons as MaxTorque has discussed. They may have been able to slow down enough to not kill her, but I doubt that as well tbh.

    It’s most certainly a tragic accident, but it’s one that happens every single day on the roads of the world and no one bats an eye lid.

    I seriously hope that self driver car technology doesn’t get binned due to this as the majority of human drivers are crap. The sooner we hand over cars to (well written and tested) software, the better.

    Free Member

    Todays spicy line


    Free Member

    Cornices were much smaller today, that’s an older photo, but the line on the left – Exhilaration required a small 1m ish drop on to the shoulder high left. Excitation you could slide in at 2 or 3 different spots, the easiest being on the corners of the shadowy area.

    Free Member


    Checked both of these chutes off the list finally – Exhilaration and Excitation.

    Free Member

    The search appears to be doing some string matching stuff. I was looking for threads on the new Transition Patrol earlier and got a load of threads on Transit vans. Close, but not what I was after really. Swift Key issues do seem to be better than before though.

    Free Member

    Good performance from Ireland, not many mistakes and didn’t let the Scottish forwards play the way they did against England. Despite Scotland making the wrong choices and throwing shitty passes when the score was on, I have a feeling Ireland probably would of edged that regardless. Well done.

    Things are looking interesting in Paris now. Right decision on the card and the try?

    Free Member

    In the same way that prohibition led to people drinking dodgy booze and the illegality of cannabis leads kids to buying from dealers who’ll happily sell them anything else they fancy, this cannot be a good move. VPN usage will rise, which is probably a good thing, but some will probably use TOR and dark web sites, which is probably less than ideal. Never mind the HUGE risk of data breaches.

    On the other hand, maybe a huge data breach that reveals that 95% of the UK watch porn would be a good thing. Lead everyone to stop being so prudish about it and lead to sensible conversations rather than knee jerk reactions.

    Free Member

    12 weeks for contact with the eye. 4 for the eye area. Better get the good buscuits in.

    Free Member

    Not a fan, very hard to read on my mbp but a bit easier on my pixel.

    This is maybe for another topic but is swiftkey screwing up for anyoan else?

    Free Member

    Finding the new colours and font very hard to read, it’s already making my eyes hurt and I’ve only read 3 or 4 pages. Finding the background with the tiled ST logo a bit distracting and there’s a huge amount of wasted space imo, why are is the actual content constrained so much?

    I know change is hard to take sometimes,  and somethings are an improvement like the new top bar, but others don’t seem to add much.

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