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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • Whathaveisaidnow
    Free Member

    lock him up! :-)

    Free Member

    not compact or rechargable, …just dusted mine off ready for winter…

    not subtle, but a head turner and it keeps the ******ers away from you! :D

    ooh shiny![/url]

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Had to smile,… there was guy in Kinver who was happily sat down in a cafe, noshing and drinking away, he didn’t seem to be in a rush to get on with it at all. :-)

    Free Member

    enjoyed a lovely few hours encouraging people, rather loudly, up church hill in Kinver.

    Helped a guy with a chain stuck down the back of the cassette, had my wizard chain breaker and brute strength from another rider.

    wash of hands and a pint in the vine for my efforts.

    Free Member

    best band in the world! :-)

    Free Member

    Local busy bodys claiming that all those cyclists won’t fit through the traffic calming in Kinver high street and it’ll be like Hillsborough.
    **** idiots

    lol, yeh i read that….i think he thinks it’s actually starting in Kinver!!

    not doing it, but should be out supporting SW of Wolves or possibly at the top of the climb from stourton to where it meets Greensforge lane,..that is a bit sharp and people may need some encouragement or the climb out of kinver, lol…good luck folks!

    plan to do it next year if all goes well.

    Free Member

    i call myself a ****ing ****head whenever i trip over, drop anything, break-stuff, do something wrong.

    …usually at least once a day :lol:

    Free Member

    allow me…

    On Monday, I came up with the perfect plan. No one even knew we were friends.On Tuesday, he stole the gun from his dad.On Wednesday, we decided to make our move during the following day’s pep rally.On Thursday, while the entire school was in the gym, we waited just outside the doors. I was to use the gun on whoever walked out first. Then he would take the gun and go into the gym blasting.I walked up to Mr. Quinn the guidance counselor and shot him in the face three times. He fell back into the gym, dead. The shots were deafening. We heard screams in the auditorium.No one could see us yet. I handed him the gun and whispered, “your turn.” He ran into the gym and started firing. I followed a moment after.He hadn’t hit anyone yet. Kids were scrambling and hiding. It was mayhem.I ran up behind him and tackled him. We struggled. I wrenched the gun out of his hands, turned it on him, and killed him. I closed his mouth forever.On Friday, I was anointed a hero.It was indeed the perfect plan.

    the perfect plan by huntfrog

    Free Member

    fashion has changed.

    Back in the day of going out, you always wanted your trousers a bit hunched up at the bottom, heaven forbid anyone should see your socks or legs!

    nowadays there is more emphasis on, especially footwear and to a degree socks of showing them off, they are fashion statements in themselves.

    also the trousers free of the shoe area are likely to stay more pristine.

    Free Member

    they should have made the packaging look like a sack and just had the word ‘Nuts’ tagline ‘grab yours…’

    lol @ ninefan….haven’t heard that in years… :D

    Free Member

    yeh, 3rd time this week, largely weather dependent, but usually 3 out of 5 days.

    Free Member

    He supports West Bromwich and has 2 of absolutely everything

    …sounds great….

    Free Member

    jack daniels honey mixed with a bit of Laphroaig

    or make a blend from all the above to taste :-)

    Free Member

    ‘flock off’ definitely… :-)

    Free Member

    red nail varnish.

    Free Member

    one mtb ride this year,..and not as much on the road as normal, but still a fare bit.

    Free Member

    Ben? is he gentle? ask for a discount?

    Free Member

    You still have the till receipt, right?

    …seen here just checking the parking disclaimer at the bottom!

    Free Member

    in 1997 (first summer of Uni) I worked in Greenwich, Connecticut in a very affluent neighbourhood, but on the worst house on the road, my face dropped when i saw it.

    General handyman type doings for a very strange man, even his kids called him Dracula!

    Highlights were stripping then painting a long V shaped roof facia, only to discover that he had given me the top coat instead of the undercoat, meaning i had to strip it all again and paint it for a third time! Getting electrocuted, and falling off a ladder and knocking myself silly! A bag full of spicy maryland crabs that it took about 4 hours to eat!

    Did get to Amish country, Philly, Washington DC (he had a house there too) where the tenants had left the dog, so when we turned up it went metal and ran off down the road!

    He had about 25 aircon units in his garage that he sold to unsuspecting bargain hunters and none in the house! Yep!

    saving grace was NYC which was easy to reach on the MNR.

    The day i left the property was one of the happiest days of my life!

    happy days!

    Free Member

    lol, yup, youtube. :-)

    3:20 should do the trick.

    Free Member

    The truth is some nasty people who were probably talked into it by some even nastier people flew large aircraft into the WTC and the Pentagon.

    The fun part is choosing to believe a bunch of nutters and shysters because it fits your chosen theory

    and you know it’s the truth how? please provide me with your research. tah.

    remember i aim to find the truth, whereas you have already reached a definite conclusion. you must have some really compelling evidence, so please share it, link to it so i can consider it.

    p.s. you used a ‘probably’ 8)

    Free Member

    Some of my inlaws believe in Chemtrails, and Orbs, Spirits, Bush did 9/11 and anything else they read online.
    …because what the news tells you or will have you believe is all true of course.
    How is your statement related to what P-jay said ?

    true enough…

    is trying to discover the truth of why 3000 plus people lost their lives on 9/11 ‘great fun’ ?

    is that better for you?

    Free Member

    Some of my inlaws believe in Chemtrails, and Orbs, Spirits, Bush did 9/11 and anything else they read online.

    …because what the news tells you or will have you believe is all true of course. 8O

    Free Member

    Saddle looks similar to the very uncomfortable, cheap, heavy saddle that comes with various Euro brands, ditch it, apart from that looks mint…

    Free Member

    sit back, ride your bikes, relax, nothing will happen.

    Free Member

    the yanks and the banks love a war.

    Free Member

    our latest victim, sorry work colleague has so far been tagged as…

    wrong eye, but close

    a younger version before all the trouble and strife

    in profile…

    It’s an anatomy thing…allegedly…

    Free Member

    bicycles and shite.

    Free Member

    road biking…40mm trye width….60 psi….

    does not compute! :D

    Free Member

    the deer hunter, a great film that has it all.

    Free Member

    will do, thanks.

    It’s not on the frequently asked questions list….i’m beginning to assume there are more than likely seats provided.

    cushion, great idea.

    Free Member

    vintage cider lidl £1.15 – 7.3 %

    Free Member

    I found a £20 note outside school in about 1985….

    i handed it in to a teacher who probably brought drink and booze with it.

    in today’s money it is £20,000 …i struggle with that every day… 8)

    Free Member

    i’m beginning to wonder why i waltzed past it,..i’ve got a camping holiday all next week and a big fat cigar….looks like a trip back tomorrow!

    Free Member

    highland park 12yo is £26 in sainsburys at the moment, that’s cheap for a 12 yo. nice packaging too, looks like a gift.

    Free Member

    Tell me about it,……stud….

    Free Member

    I’m fortunate that my father was a keen amateur photographer, so i’ve got loads!

    Swan Pool Park, Stourbridge circa 1979, dry summer by the looks.

    …no ball surely?

    Free Member

    TNT are useless.

    UPS are out go to.

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