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  • Whathaveisaidnow
    Free Member

    Do you want to understand the facts

    please God just give me the facts, actual undisputed, 100 per cent facts and truths please

    Free Member

    Ground Zero isn’t a new term. It’s been in common useage since the 40’s.

    (Do you even read what people post?)

    who mentioned ‘new’?

    Free Member

    He lives where said he lives, he saw what he said he saw. He even filmed it from his living room. This is all verifiable fact if you can bothered to look it up

    …of course…you don’t set up for this and still be in the green room…

    Free Member

    speculated that the fire had damaged the building structurally

    Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense.

    …maybe he should have said ‘maybe…’

    or….I don’t know how the hell they collapsed like that, that is unbelievable…etc…

    Free Member

    Then he used a term “ground zero” on broadcast TV, that was later picked up and used by others.

    any proof?

    Free Member

    WhathaveIsaidnow what do you find abnormal about the interview ? Obviously other than its about an abnormal event on the day of the event !

    Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense.

    …that’s a very assured guess…

    …. the guy in black, with the ear piece moving in and listening intently… to make sure he gets it correct…

    ow and he just happened to work for Fox occasionally…

    …he is very assured, like he has read this a few times in advance, he doesn’t miss a beat, almost sounds excited….

    Free Member

    I know I’ve posted this before,….it was ignored…

    from 1 min in…

    Could someone paint this as perfectly normal? Pretty please?

    Free Member

    What do you buy a woman with everything? She says more of everything.

    ermmm….donate what you would have spent on a local needy charity…

    Free Member

    beckham from one angle….bostup from another

    Free Member

    famous grouse smokey black blend,…not all that smokey…only £15 in ASDA,…my go to.

    Free Member

    oooh nice work by some experts

    awaiting this report with eagerness,…well..if it ever gets to see the light of day of course.

    Free Member

    I’ve been reading up on this…

    Generally it starts with name calling…deriding…etc IMHO…

    p.s. edited :-)

    Free Member

    @whathaveisaidnow you continually fail to explain why the fire crew on wtc7 would be told in advance about the demolition in your conspiracy model?

    what I do know is that there is video evidence and speech on those videos, that suggests that people close to the building somehow new that its collapse was very imminent – not ow… it might come down,… more…’it’s coming down right now.

    there is also a video of two guys talking near to WT7 and two very loud (what sound like explosions) are heard. Their reactions are consistent with the sound of the explosions, so I’m airing on the side of it is not a fake video.

    Also weinstein said the decision was made to pull-it. Now everyone will try and put a spin on that, but the most obvious conclusion for anyone taking it literally is that – hey, you know what, he meant ‘pull the building down’.

    Why would he say it? Maybe these devils are so far up their own rectums that they bait each other into playing these games, who knows?

    If i was in the kitchen,…holding a tea-bag in my hand, and a mug in the other and the kettle was whistling and I told you i was going to make a tea.

    would i be: making myself a cup of tea


    would i be fashioning a letter T out of the kettle, the tea bag and the mug?


    pentagon…er yeh….that wasn’t a plane. a couple of fuzzy images and one very poor video from one of the most protected and highly surveillanced buildings in the world?

    …ow..ow…and all our fighter jets happen to be on training exercise.

    i think I’m done now. 8O

    Free Member

    Rock Bitch, …they used to throw a condom into the audience at the end of the show and whoever caught it got to have sex with one of them!

    true story.

    Free Member

    grafham and a pint at the lion in Buckden for afters.

    Free Member


    no experience myself, but has good reviews.

    or a g-shock, if that’s your thing.

    Free Member

    They didn’t. Do some reading

    done plenty of reading thanks, also lots of video evidence of policeman, construction guys saying that its about to come down.

    I’ve linked to it before.

    But you have no answer.

    Free Member

    I’m really sorry, but you appear to be struggling to make any kind of coherent point in your posts.

    I just want someone to explain to me how they new WT7 was definitely going to collapse, seemingly to the minute.

    Free Member

    As the joists on one or two of the most heavily burned floors gave way and the outer box columns began to bow outward, the floors above them also fell. The floor below (with its 1,300 t design capacity) could not support the roughly 45,000 t of ten floors (or more) above crashing down on these angle clips.

    wow was this guy in there? How did he survive?

    Free Member

    …terrorist attack you mentalist.
    Care to comment on the fireproof explosives used?

    No, because in the words of Mhairi Black, you’re chattin’ shite hen.

    Completely disappear?
    Didn’t happen ya shitehawk.

    You’re not suitably equipped for this discussion pet.

    the explosives could have been strategically placed below the impact zone, the drone planes hitting exact spots. Entirely plausible.

    the rest of your post leaves a bit to be desired.

    Free Member

    3 massive skyscrapers completely disappear due to fire…, on the same day…

    gotta be…

    Free Member

    Just the heat and the smoke from all the other

    ? buildings on fire, you couldnít see anything.

    So it took us a while (i.5 hrs) and we ended up backing
    p everybody out, and thatís when 7 collapsed.

    Lieutenant William Ryan, Ladder 85

    Yet they could see well enough to carry out a structural inspection to determine when it was going to collapse?

    Free Member

    But why should we take the official line as gospel?

    What if the official line was controlled demo? Could you prove otherwise?

    I like this….

    Look how it came down just like a demolition, case closed.

    Free Member

    there are conflicting first-hand reports of when building 7 was evacuated, one as early as 1pm – even firefighters statements on this matter and the NIST report conflict one another.

    Still, no one has come up with a plausible reason as to how it was deemed to be very imminent of collapse.

    well apart from it was creaking… very weak…

    Free Member

    Anyone qualified enough on here, who could assess a 46 storey building’s likelihood of collapse, whilst fighting raging fires, and can predict the time of imminent collapse so as to tell, workmen, policeman anyone around to get clear,….please step forward.

    it was creaking will not wash. 8)

    Free Member

    More importantly, what are you seeking to infer from it? Let’s just pretend for a second that there was a planned power shutdown from roughly midday Saturday to mid day Sunday. What do you possibly think happened during that period other than electrical maintenance and why?

    last final check over of course.

    Free Member

    That truthers choose to ignore statements made by multiple witnesses or scientific experts, but jump on ones made by people who appear to be trying to make themselves famous from a national tragedy is rather pathetic.

    tar (tick) brush (tick)

    I’ll admit I failed to do due diligence on that quote, but it would appear there was a power down. And his original quote may still be true and correct, even though he can’t be 100% sure, doesn’t mean he was wrong. I’ll do more research into it.

    Free Member

    I guess this thread is one way to out the forum loons

    if this did happen? if you were in their situation, would you have chosen instant death?
    No but that “fact” in no way proves that this scenario did indeed happen
    Lets put it another way
    if this did happen and you were in their situation, would you have chosen to NEVER EVER come fwd or ever contact your family ever again would every single pne of the people involved in this have done so? You think that is credible that none of them with kids, wives, partners parents ever wanted to speak to them ever again – dont be so daft. What next did the MIB use that pen thing on them?
    FFS this is **** ludicrous debate

    still, a power down took place, 2 people have confirmed this, the extent of which is a little up in the air,…. coming so soon prior to the collapses, which in itself is of interest.

    Free Member

    Incorrect, and debunked. You do know the observation deck was open dont you?

    You can’t be a truther by repeating lies

    I meant 7th & 8th… not 9th if the debunking exists please show it.

    Free Member

    fold street, or around the perimeter of west park if you don’t want to pay. :D

    Free Member

    if so where are the original passengers

    1) landed elsewhere and killed/or given the option to live with a new identity and a big wedge of cash on the condition they always keep their mouth shut or death would ensue. Entirely possible.

    …on this, if this did happen? if you were in their situation, would you have chosen instant death?

    Free Member

    the top 60 floors of the south tower on the 8th and 9th sept were on a 36 hour power down. fact. Pretty disruptive for such high profile tennants. The guy who reported this had worked there for 3 years prior and had never had this while he was there, and he asked colleagues who had been there longer and they said the same. Workers in overalls were seen coming and going.

    must just be coincidence. 8)

    Free Member


    2 steel road bikes, 1 steel road bike but its the girlfriends, so I’d be hunched over, bmx, brake is deadly, but it goes.


    1 mtb awaiting new brakes, 1 steel road bike with crank issue, 1 steel road bike without wheels and cables…

    Free Member

    5:40 …more people who knew WT7 was about to collapse…

    Did you hear that? Keep your eye on that building it will be coming down soon…

    wow, everyone is an expert, or everyone got to have a nice chat with an expert with a crystal ball

    Free Member

    Thinking doesn’t appear to be one of your strong points anyway. So I wouldn’t worry too much.

    Oooh get you. 8)

    Free Member

    Jive do you think two big passenger plains with passengers on flew into the sides of the WTC towers ?

    On this: planes were swapped in flight (youtube is your friend), with military planes, adapted/loaded with lord only knows,.. passenger planes were diverted landed (lord only knows what became of the passengers, don’t even want to think about that)… planes hit buildings. no plane hit WT7, that was demolished, so…that means 1 and 2 were too.

    …there were supposed mobile phone calls made from loved ones….this has been proved impossible in 2001 from the height the planes were at at the time.

    Free Member

    A) The WTC was hit and brought down by aircraft hijacked by terrorists: VOTES: 2

    B) The WTC was brought down deliberately by some secret agency to cover some secret evidence or event, or to influence public opinion: VOTES: 1

    Free Member

    …oh and just some people who were actually there ….

    Free Member

    fire too intense…

    mostly due to structural failure…

    ground zero…

    from one minute in should do you.

    Free Member

    …with magic explosives that don’t make any sound. Aye. Right.…with magic explosives that don’t make any sound. Aye. Right.

    …oh you were there?

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