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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • wenanwhere
    Free Member

    guys, went up yesterday, although its been raining on and off for a while here it didnt seem particularly bad, just the usual sandy conditions

    Free Member

    Mike, your should start a new branded product ‘pacelets’ :) I used one last year and lost count of the number of people asking me how far it was to the next stop. Did about 10hr 30 last year trying to take it steady until the last 8 miles or so when I was able to give it the beans until the finish line.

    Bag drops- everyone will have their own top tips (secrets) but one freebie is to put a spare pair of gloves in one half way round.

    I’ve got a few 100ml plastic containers to put energy powder in as I like my own brand.

    Was up at kielder last night and went up to the boardwalk for some shots to help with press and fundraising, the switchbacks up to there are still cut up but generally despite the rain I thought the trails werent too wet. Did a lap of the lakeside way in 1hr50 to get the heart rate up, think it might take me a bit longer to run round on the day though…


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    Free Member

    Any tips on tyres guys given loose conditions, surely kielder doesnt warrant anything more than a crossmark?

    Free Member

    Can we all pray for sunshine!

    Trying to up the fundraising on my killer kielder epic on the same day, link to my fundraising page is all for the local charity Calvert Trust Kielder.



    Free Member

    Event went well, managed to get all the way across in the day and sell lots of smoothies for charity:

    Free Member

    Just finished the prep…

    Come down and help me towards raising my £10,000 goal for killer kielder

    Free Member

    Exhibition square, in the middle of the kids metro gnome show things, we are making metro gnome themed smoothies! Will be carnage I’m sure!

    Do come and say hello.

    Free Member

    Some good tips guys, I recently participated in some sports science research and got my proper heart rate zones etc, bit late to be using them now though! My VO2 max is 63 apparently, racing roadies are about 70 so not too bad.

    As I’ve got 3 totally different events to train for on the day for Killer Kielder I’m doing as much as I can fit in including early morning swims (motion is similr to kayaking) and doing evening duathlons.

    I think generally there’s not much point doing loads of miles at this stage, some short sharp sessions will give you more bang for your buck I reckon.

    I’m doing the coast to coast virtually in the metro centre on saturday on a tacx turbo trainer with gps software whilst selling smoothies made by pedal power, a good solid 12 hour fund raising session for the Calvert Trust!

    My top tip would be focus on what its going to feel like when you finish, this will help you get there.

    Free Member

    The day is pretty epic and you get dragged along with that and particularly getting chatting to people. Just make sure you have you back drops dialled in with your favourite munch and carry plenty of fluid, best to carry too much better stops than run out. A few people were losing bottles so make sure your cage(s) hold em tight.

    Mike, agree with the head game stuff, look at Eddie Izzard, say no more. Mind over matter…

    Free Member

    Both washers and anti turns outside of the frame?

    Free Member

    I’ve done a lot more training than last year, thought I’d better if I was going on to kayak the lake then run the lake straight after, all for a good cause though…

    Can’t wait for the pacing charts to get done again, they were seriously valuable, lost count of the number of people saying ‘any idea how far the next water stop is’

    10.35 last year, hoping for the same this year or quicker with some energy saving built in.

    Start praying to the weather gods about now.


    Free Member

    Cheers Nathan, that last can only be described as horrid, really didnt want to go out again!

    Free Member

    My brief thoughts here:

    Brilliant course, would be good to get a bit more lap time info on the day but you can’t have everything.

    Apologies to all who had to witness me cross the finish line.

    Free Member

    Anybody got experience with the new gen of watch that are a bit slimmer? Also it isnt always clear which ones include heart rate monitors? I’m after something that just displays the core stuff like av speed, distance and laps which I assume most do as standard or do some just act as training tools to be plugged in to get the data?

    Free Member

    yep 12hour solo with dodgy calf but a very well prepared pit crew setup :)

    Any news on the course, and most importantly what tyres?!

    Free Member

    Thread hijack but I have a single room at the Clifton Hotel not far from the event booked for saturday night that I can no longer use, I can’t get a refund and the room was £48, if anyone can use it I can change the details on the booking. Just asking for some sort of donation to my justgiving page for Killer Kielder

    Free Member

    I looked before and might be missing something but they dont do bigger than 90ltr and those are more of a dry bag than a holdall style?

    Free Member

    cheers ferrit and others, how much did you get for the sale of the front end and shock? Will get on to SC direct.

    Free Member

    Hi, havent sent the pics to jungle but a shop had described it to them. They basically won’t give any firm opinion (for obvious reaons) but just give the option to buy under crash replacement at £300.

    So trying to work out if its worth spending that on it if I’m going to sell anyway.

    Of course I’d tell any buyer and show all these pics and then the subsequent weld etc but I’m sure many wouldnt!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’d be the first to admit Kielder isn’t perfect but there’s also a lot of over exaggerated negativety about it imo. For example the lonesome pine ascent is pretty cut up (and got a lot of comments from the kielder100 riders) and really hard to get your flow going uphill, however, its that not what mountain biking is all about, a tough challenge?

    There are loads of opportunities to get involved at Kielder to help shape the trails there (and were in the past when it was originally built) so get out there (note I’m not part of the trail reavers).

    I just fear that the makers of said trails won’t bother in future if they think their efforts have gone to waste (plenty of people go up to kielder of all abilities and have a decent ride, what about the avalanche enduro event, that was quality?)

    Anyway just my 2p

    Free Member

    Thanks but they don’t have the size I want :( (medium or 17.5)what are the other alternatives for a cheap but light shiny mtb frame with rack mounts?



    Free Member

    Does anyone know if these frames are still knocking about, can’t seem to find them? Found this on ebay, similar?

    I’m after something with rack mounts as well, cant tell from the pics?

    Free Member

    Power monkey strapped under the stem for a few hours in the night gave it full charge, dont bother with the biking specific one just get a normal one and put it in a pouch.

    Free Member

    My garmin:

    lap function went a bit wrong but you get the general idea.

    Free Member

    cheers nonk

    Free Member

    Few initial thoughts from me:

    What were everyone’s funniest moments of the race? Hearing Ant’s playlist being pumped out at the end of the race was pretty amusing, happy hardcore all the way, his secret has now been revealed, ridiculous bpm to match the cadence! Also seeing a drum kit being setup by a guerilla in the woods was random but they didnt stay long?


    Free Member


    Free Member

    A 24hr rider once said to me you can’t die from tiredness so just keep going?

    Free Member

    Currently on holiday for a week so we all know what that means! However will kick start with the dyfi on sunday. But have just found out there’s a crack in my frame so lets hope it holds out as too late to do anything about it now.

    Training only gets you so far (well for me who doesnt have time to do as much as I need), being prepared in the pit and in the head does the rest I reckon…

    Looking forward to it, word is there will be a bit more ‘in the woods’ this year which should make it more fun.


    Free Member

    “Just dont get one of the ghey gel top tube bags that trianthelopes use”

    I never ride without one ha, seriously they are sooo handy for filling with fuel on races, personally I’m not a fan of having too much in my back pockets bouncing around. Under shorts, back pocket, frame bag, as long as you have somewhere within easy reach then its all good.

    Free Member

    zip vit bars are very nice and have kept me going many a time, I really rate the powerbar energy shots, not cheap but the little bit of liquid inside them is magic

    Free Member

    Just a quick update and thanks for the idea, I’ll now be found on a turbo trainer all day in the metro centre on 13th august 2011, but it doesnt stop there, I’ll be making smoothies by the power of bicycle all day!

    Free Member

    Yeh tunebug looks a good idea but not sure how well it would would on an xc lid, also might be a bit vulnerable in crashes etc?

    Free Member

    Seinheiser do some sport ones like these:

    Just wondering whether they would intefere with the helmet size adjuster? Or am I better with ones like these:

    Free Member

    ok thanks

    Free Member

    There’s nothing gay about SCIENCE, science fact :)

    Free Member

    Probably not ideal for the 24hr race then when more padding the better!

    Free Member

    Would it not be really difficult to pull them over lyrca, particularly something with a thicker pad? Probably a good market for someone to do a sensibly priced compression tight with pad like dhb or max gear?

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