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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • WEJ
    Full Member

    Any recommendations for a shop in Les Gets or Morzine where I can get snowboard bindings?

    Full Member

    Sign made with on a scrap piece of Ash, Espresso Martini with Coffi Eryri Indonesia Decaf, Derw Coldbrew Coffee Liqueur and Smirnoff Vodka.
    Coffi Eryri

    Full Member

    I know a few Conservative councillors who are quite effective in their wards, but will happily slash the budgets of services that their residents rely on. Having a council being run by councillors of your political leanings will probably make more of a difference to your life rather than having an effective local councillor. Obviously, could well have both with a bit of luck.

    Incidentally, it is very rare to have an effective local councillor and an effective Cabinet member or leader, the local councillor who doesn’t respond to residents requests might be really good at a strategic level, working with officers or government ministers and officials to make your county a better place. Or might be useless at everything…..

    By the way, I’m standing from my local council after 20 years, if anyone here is standing for election, good luck!

    Full Member

    @pyro The cheapest payment method for us is bank transfer, then stripe and Paypal. But I really don’t mind, whatever is easiest for the customer is fine.

    Full Member

    Many thanks all, much appreciated, @Alex and @Whydot, your coffee was roasted and sent today, @mikeys I’ll roast yours tomorrow.

    Full Member

    Set up a new Coffee Roastery last year, going well until March… Still in the process of finishing my website, I’d be delighted if you had a look!

    10% off for forum users with STW10

    Full Member

    Going to Monterosa in a couple of weeks, staying near Gressoney. First time in the area, any tips?

    Full Member

    Reversing a four wheel caravan/trailer with an axle at each end is really difficult, as you have two pivot points to cope with. Probably be great otherwise.

    Full Member

    As any combination of numbers is equally likely to win, I used what
    I thought was an unlikely set of numbers, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49 I think. My theory was that in the unlikely event of winning, I wouldn’t have to share. Probably hundreds of others doing exactly the same.

    Full Member

    That’s great, many thanks to you both. Started on the Virtual College one, as it’s cheaper!

    Full Member

    It’s all relative isn’t it? There are millions (Billions?) of people on the planet who can’t afford to eat properly, and can only dream of buying a second hand car of any sort. The idea of spending £1000+ for a bike for fun must seem like madness to them. On the other hand, people who think that spending £200k+ for a car is normal are probably amazed at the vulgarity of people spending £100,000,000 for a yacht, “you could 50 Veyrons for that…..”

    Fwiw, I think society’s acceptance that it is fine for a handful of individuals to have the same wealth as the poorest 3 Billion people on the planet is only second to climate change in the problems we face.

    Full Member

    I bought a Radfan to get a bit more heat out of our barely coping radiator. Works well, slight fan noise, but we got used to it quite quickly.

    Full Member

    If you’re concerned, contact your local planning dept. They would require planning permission for the case you describe, which they may or may not have. Might even be possible to check online.

    Full Member

    @FuzzyWuzzy It’s a rural area, so business/daytime demand shouldn’t be massive. The leased line we intend to use was installed  couple of years ago, so I believe could be easily upgraded if necessary. I don’t see that there will be any need for any blacklisting…..

    We’ll probably have to contract out the management and the admin of the network, so all the replies and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Full Member

    Thanks again for the replies, much appreciated.

    In my theoretical scenario, it was 10 separate homes/routers.

    We’ll need someone to set up a suitable traffic management system, not least because we’ll probably be using an existing business’s leased line, and would need to protect their bandwith. I hadn’t thought about prioritising traffic, but that would make sense, and might reduce the need to increase the leased line’s bandwidth?

    Full Member

    Many thanks for the replies. To be clear, there will only be one leased line shared by all users. Realistically, around 30-100 homes/small businesses.

    , thanks,  I went to a B4RN open day at Melling earlier this year, it was quite inspiring!

    Full Member

    Thanks, Gigabit connection via a leased line.

    Full Member

    I’ve been a member of planning committees on and off for over fifteen years, never been offered any bribe or ‘reward” by a developer or applicant. Not aware that any other member or officer have been offered anything either.

    Full Member

    If you’re happy to do a weekend and feel that you’ve sufficient confidence that it’ll work, I’ll gleefully do it.

    Hi Cougar, Fine, no problem. As a test, I’m not keen on digging holes in my garden to “prove” that there’s a cable or water pipe buried somwhere that I know is already there, and know that won’t convince anyone.

    I’m not a scientist, and know that you are a tough crowd, but how about; you lay 10(?) identical <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>carboard tubes on the ground, one of which contains a legth of wire/bottle of water/open to suggestions. Mrs WEJ then attemps to find said item by using two length of wire rods. Happy to repeat several times, but she has mobility problems so movement would have to be limited. Passing an object under the rods seems to cause a reaction, so movement shouldn’t be a problem. Hopefully, we’ll have a bit of time today to try something out.</span>

    Happy to consider any other suggestions.

    Full Member

    Where are you geographically? I’d love to see this first-hand.

    I made an offer several pages ago. North Wales, about halfway between Gwydir and Penmachno, so you wouldn’t have a wasted journey 😀

    Full Member

    What’s the difference between an empty box and the rest of the patio as far as dowsing is concerned? Why did the dowsing rods react to empty boxes and what were they detecting?

    No idea, but I thought it was interesting. It would be great if a Scientist looked into it 😀 I don’t think that anyone has said that they understand how it works. One frustrating thing is that it is difficult to differentiate between the causes of the rods movement.

    As has been said, I’m not sure what the fuss is about, it is a phenomenon that many peaple use, probably based on personal experiences rather than reading a scientific study, but they keep on using it because it seems to work.

    What is interesting about this thread is that it is so easy (and fun) to try. I can understand that most of us haven’t the means to spend thousands on decent hifi just to test whether £500 speaker cables are any better than £10 ones, and you’d have to be curious to the point of madness to risk your health just to see if homeopathy would cure a serious illness. Divining you could have tried in less time than some people have spent on this thread.

    Full Member

     The force imparted onto the rods would be easy to messmea, but nothing has been found.

    I think that the problem is that the force is easy to feel, but not measure. And it’s an explanation that’s not been found.

    Lots of people can find water by using metal rods? I’m not aware of any evidence for that.

    Why not give it a go?

    Full Member

    The burden of proof lies with those who claim it works.

    I suppose you’re right, if I was on a mission to convince the world that it works. I’m not, I just contributed my experience to this thread, and mae an offer of a demonstration if anybody was curious.

    It is not an unique skill, a lot of people can do it. Why not try it if you’re interested?

    Full Member

    Positive results from a properly designed and peer reviewed scientific paper, by reputable researchers. Just like anything else.

    We live between Penmachno and Gwydir, you’re welcome to set something up.

    Not sure why I would want to be convinced that a phenomenon which is occasionally useful does not work and should not be used. How else would you find a pipe or cable without either buying/hiring a tool or digging a much larger trench than is needed?

    Full Member

    My dad could do it and my partner can. I can on occasion, but a bit hit and miss. They use a couple of L shaped rods. To clarify, we use it to find water pipes and electric cables, not water sources in desserts.

    The most interesting occasion for me was when I wanted to find a water pipe in the garden. She walked across the area, rods crossed and I started digging. Two foot down there was still no pipe. She tried again, but this time no movement at that point. She then went over the area again to find the rods crossed where the soil was. So I dug again, still no pipe. She searched the area once more, for the rods to cross above the soil again. I searched through the soil and found a lump of metal ore, probably lead.

    We then placed the lump of ore on the patio, got a reaction when she walked over it. Being a little curious, I then place the ore (without her knowledge) in one of three cardboard boxes. She found it every time. What was even more interesting, she got a small, but noticable reaction from the empty boxes as well, but not as strong as from the box with the ore. She could also do it blindfolded.

    For those that don’t belive that it is possible, what evidence would you need to convince you?

    Full Member

    Having lived in Wales all my life I was convinced that a pubfull of people switching from English to Welsh on arrival of strangers was bollocks, but here’s video evidence:

    By the way, it is nonsense. I don’t belive it ever happened.

    Full Member

    Many thanks for the replies, we’ll go and have a look today. Thinking about something like this

    Full Member

    Talk to your County Councillor, He/she should be able to help.

    Full Member

    I don’t get the “high population density” argument for poor roads, surely densly populated would mean more tax revenue per mile of road?

    It’s more down to political will and balancing investment in roads/education/social care/every other public service and promising to keep tax low enough so that people will vote you.

    Full Member

    We’ve a Neff 4 ring induction hob, powered from a 13a plug. Works well. Has a boost setting, wich only works when only one ring is in use, otherwise will happily power four rings.

    Full Member

    Whitttards for their Guatamalan Elephant beans. Nothing comes close.

    Do they quote the rosting date now? Last time I was at a Whittards, they had no idea when any of their coffees were roasted.

    Full Member

    Plaid Cymru.

    Labour been in power for 17 years in Wales, still one of the poorest regions in Europe. Time for a change.

    Full Member

    Is Slaymaker ( spelling ?) still on Welsh telly?
    Went to college with Sledge, original hey and boy he could drink for the country.

    Yes, now and again. He was on the radio the other day: “Politicians are the same as nappies, they need to be changed often, and for the same reason.” :-)

    He’s on Twitter as @TheSlay

    Full Member

    Contact Social Services. Your concerns on their own might not be enough to instigate a visit but they might have other “minor” concerns from other sources, which together might add up to a case which needs looking at.

    Full Member

    You’ve seen very much alive sheep with their tongues removed?

    Well, they were alive, as in breathing, hearts beating and capable of stumbling around. Definately not dead.

    Full Member

    I’ve seen a weak or ill, but very much alive sheep with their eyes pecked out and tounges removed by crows. Very intelligent birds though, would know the difference between a gun and a stick from a long way off.

    Full Member

    I’m no expert, but I dismantled a couple a few years ago. The structure is usually really lightweight, so I doubt the joists would be up to the job, especially the internal wall. If the joists were strong enough, I’m not sure how you’d find them?

    Would removing the existing singles and replacing with freestanding bunks be an option?

    Full Member

    People who say “I haven’t had an explanation” when they actually mean “I haven’t had an explanation I understand/accept/agree with”

    This winter’s weather.

    Why is it (usually) much easier to stay upright on a moving bike than a stationary one.

    Full Member

    We had a 5m Solarlux doors fitted last year. Very happy with them, draughtproof and waterproof. Ours open outwards, so the wind pushes the doors against the seals, as advised by our supplier. Patio is a couple of inches lower than internal level, and slighlty slopes away from the house, so, for us, a 20mm drain is fine.

    Full Member

    Road will be open now. When are you thinking of going? Heavy rain and high winds forecast tonight and tomorrow, so wouldn’t be surprised if the road will be closed again.

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