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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • weirdnumber
    Free Member

    If you have a Gamecube definately check out Ikaruga. I have the Dreamcast version so haven’t actually played in the the GC but it’s fantastic.
    Fiendishly hard as well.

    Free Member

    Spent a while in Botswana when I was younger, and I gather it has been very stable for a while now.
    The Okavango delta is wonderful and the salt pans are impressive. I remember digging a latrine pit in the middle of the delta when I was 7 and a pack of wild dogs came splashing through the water frighteningly close. Wonderful 🙂
    I gather its drying up due to increased pressures on the water because of agriculture. Not sure how accurate that is though.

    Free Member

    Certainly not cheap. A little out of my budget! 🙂

    Free Member

    So I went to the physio this morning as I have the same pain as described by the OP but only in my right knee. After lots of prodding, pulling and twisting she declared that my iliotibial band is very tight which was what was causing the pain.
    Some of the twisting that she did made it very noticeable how much tighter it was than my left leg. I have been banned from cycling for a week and given some stretches to do every day.
    Hopefully all will be well soon.

    Free Member

    This was an issue, but my understanding was that it was fixed a while ago.
    Can you sign in to on your browser with your address?

    Perhaps you need to create a gmail account to get passed the start pages on the market? You can probably then remove the account and delete it. I have 3 gmail accounts on my phone, 2 are gmail and one is a private domain. I can download apps on any of them from the market and switch between them as I wish.

    Free Member

    There is a massive scam going around with regards to Fifa 12 and hacked Xbox Live accounts. I haven’t paid it much attention since I don’t play the game but just be aware before you go and give some random guy online your money.

    Free Member

    I had exactly the pain you are describing the last two times I went out cycling. Only in my right leg though.
    I have moved my saddle forward as it seems it was a little far back on my new bike. Haven’t been out a ride since though to test, but I am going to go to a physio this week just so that someone can have a look at my knee/leg as I don’t want to do permanent damage.

    Free Member

    Alpha1653 – Member

    Giraffe’s can’t drink water from a watering hole because lowering their heads below their hearts will make their heads explode. It used to be very messy on the African savannah until the giraffes realised what the problem was and stopped.

    To be fair to them, once they realised the problem they all grew sponges at the base of their skulls so they could go back to drinking water. It’s hot on the savannah you know.

    Free Member

    Having done some hiking around Oregon, I would love to cycle around there.

    Free Member

    Three lefts make a right

    Free Member

    That crossed my mind during a a rocky descent when my shorts got caught on my saddle because I hadn’t lowered it.

    Free Member

    Same thing I seem to do everyday this year, working. 🙁

    Free Member

    Ok thanks, I have no idea about these sort of things as I have never used one, and just assumed that a sports specialist would be necessary as it seems to be caused by cycling.
    Some places I have googled suggest that I can get a referral through my GP which I didn’t realise.
    Suppose that will be my first port of call.


    Thanks for the suggestions guys, I will look those up.

    Free Member

    Is Ladybower a rideable bog at the moment? I was debating heading over there today.

    Free Member

    I struggle to sleep more than 8 hours in a night, after that I automatically wake up and staying in bed makes me feel horrible for the rest of the day. On days off I prefer a shorter main sleep then an afternoon nap of 35 minutes.
    My afternoon nap always feels like very productive sleep. I fall asleep within a minute or so and after waking experience about 45 minutes of sleep enertia but then feel extremely refreshed for the remainder of the day.
    Often my night sleeps are plagued with horrific nightmares (usually involving me being stabbed, sometimes I wake because of muscle spasms that feel like I am really being stabbed) that prevent me from feeling refreshed in the morning. I always make sure I wind down before bed as well, tv is off at least an hour before I go to sleep.
    I also tend to nap on the train to and from work, usually about 10 or 15 minutes each time.

    Free Member

    I always had a nice steak after a chemo session. Apart from that I found eating in the week after a chemo session utterly detestable. My taste was skewed, my mouth would hurt so much that drinking water was hard.
    Peas, cheese toasties and pumpkin soup were sort of my go to foods, but I was literally having to force feed myself and without family making me eat I probably wouldn’t have.

    Chemo was one of the worst experience I have ever been through and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
    Eat what you want, if you can stuff your face then stuff it!

    Stay positive and I wish you well!

    Free Member

    Man on Wire is absolutely fantastic.
    Enron: The Smartest guys in the room.

    Two off the top of my head, seriously though Man on Wire is amazing.

    Free Member

    I used to live near Cambridge, the biggest hill for miles was the road up to the local golf course.
    I was mighty tough when I was 13 years old and had a shoulder bag full of Sunday papers.

    I don’t think it would even be mentioned in a route guide as a climb, or a hill. Just a bit of road that is a little sloped. Sort of like your neighbours drive but a little longer.

    Free Member

    Whats wrong with Stockport? 🙁 (apart from some guy being shotgunned, beheaded and set on fire in a mattress)

    On a serious note Stockport has some nice bits (and some not so nice) and I gather Stockport Grammar School is pretty good.
    I mainly live here for public transport links to Manchester though (train every 10 minutes, and the 192) since I don’t drive.

    If I had a car and enjoyed sitting in it in traffic I probably would live somewhere a bit further out, Marple is nice (at least in passing), and the New Mills area seems nice as well. Both have frequent train access, approx two trains an hour or so.
    No clue about schools though.

    Free Member

    I dropped an extremely sharp kitchen knife and then caught it. Sliced open my palm 😕

    Free Member

    I have been on again off again on thyroxin for about 6 or 7 years since radiotherapy treatment because different doctors I have seen as I move around can’t decide what to do.
    I have only had a max dose of 50 micro grams (not milli) though which strikes me as neither here nor there, and I guess the doctors felt the same. I’m actually due to get it looked at again in a couple of weeks.
    Not much help for your situation unfortunately.

    Free Member

    I feel like a peasant being pandered to by the political classes as they spill the blood of the rich, stabbing their chums in the back with a “sorry old friend, you know how it is”.

    Current political jockeying is so transparent its despairing.

    Free Member

    Lots of men I believe. IIRC the ratio of men to women is nearly 2-1

    Free Member

    I buy CD’s and Vinyl fairly regularly. Probably 3 or 4 albums a month on average, more if I can depending on cash flow.
    After a tough day at work I find it cathartic to take a record of my shelf, slip it out of its sleave, place it on the record platter and gently brush it before dropping the needle and sitting down to listen.
    I have only ever bought one track on MP3 and while I purchase music from a few online places that give access to great quality downloads I have never bought any.
    I just wish more labels would include a download code for the MP3’s with their vinyl releases 😕

    Free Member

    Im in the middle of a one month trial of Netflix on my PS3. The quality is much better than the quality of the lovefilm streaming but the selection is no where near as good.

    Free Member

    Blind Killer McGee

    I kind of like it.

    Free Member

    So I followed the advice on here and contacted British Gas today. After keeping me on hold for about 20 minutes while the lady on the phone spoke to the billing and debt departments she came back and told me that they don’t have a bill for the amount and she can’t tell me what the amount is for. I would have to ask the debt collection agency and see what they say, but here is an address if you wish to write to us. 😕

    I guess the next step is contacting Energy Watch tomorrow and seeking advice there.

    Free Member

    Do you have an old hard drive lying about. The magnets in hard drives are extremly strong. They are small though and don’t have a large field range. Once stuck on though they don’t let go.

    *edit* btw hard drive magnets are neodymium I believe

    Free Member

    Everybody must have differing levels of natural immunity, regardless of supplements or other preventative measures that you take.

    I work in retail (mobile), in an evironment where I deal with hundreds of people in a week in close proximity. I touch their phones which have been near their faces and in their grubby hands as well as money which has no doubt been all sorts of places. If I get a cold during the year I consider myself unlucky, my colleague gets a cold every couple of months during the season and often brings it to work. We are the same age and lead very similar lifestyles.
    I certainly don’t have an especially great diet. The only thing I do go out of my way to ensure is that I get a decent amount of sleep.

    Maybe some people are just more prone to getting them?

    Free Member

    I dropped out of Uni half way through instead of applying myself properly. So far the biggest thing in my life I look back on and wish I hadn’t done.

    I can’t see having a degree as ever being a negative thing, not having one sure as hell closes a lot of doors 😐

    Free Member

    I’m new to the area as well and just started out doing some of the rides from Roman Lakes in Marple on my own. They have a little route book for a quid or so and the gpx files are available online as well.
    I was actually hoping to go out today but seem to have woken up still feeling the effects of the last week of work.

    Free Member

    I use my Merrel walking shoes, they are pretty expensive compared to some of the cheap skate shoes you can get but they work very well. Takes a lot before my feet get wet, they are warm, grip pedals very well and grip the ground very well for if I need to push my bike.
    Plus I can use them when I go hiking as well which was originally why I bought them.
    Decathalon probably has similar shoes for a quarter of the price.

    Free Member

    Tethering has always been against the T’s & C’s of most of the internet boosters that T-Mobile has offered.
    Since iOS 4.3 IIRC they are actually able to enforce it since you can’t edit the APN settings on the device.
    I believe there is a WiFi hotspot app on iOS that can be used which circumvents the issue, but not sure if you need to jailbreak to use it or not.

    Free Member

    You don’t have to spin your wheel fast enough to remove a finger! Just fast enough to listen for rub.

    Free Member

    I do the loosen then squeeze the brake thing to get them in the ball park. Then I spin the wheel in the direction of travel, adjust them by hand and tighten bit by bit as the wheel spins. Quick and easy, just mind your knuckles.

    Free Member

    To quote your own source of information TJ

    Alternatively, consumers (see definition in
    the “Introduction”) can choose to request
    – a repair or replacement.
    The retailer can decline either of these if he
    can show that they are disproportionately
    costly in comparison with the alternative.

    That clearly says the retailer can declince replacing it if they can show that it is disproportianatly more expensive than repairing.

    I’m done, this is pointless. Have the final say, I couldn’t disagree with you more and every source you have quoted makes the same points I have made.
    Others if they can be bothered can read the posts draw their own conclusions.

    Free Member

    Let me highlight the salient points that you are completely choosing to ignore.
    You are right it cannot be any clearer.

    Well its quite clearly stated in the regs and advice quoted as I have explained to you and quoted at length.

    Have a read of this – it explains your obligations as a retailer. It cannot be any clearer.

    Oage 7 has a flow cahrt that explains it well
    If a product that was faulty at the time of
    sale is returned to the retailer, the buyer
    is legally entitled to:
    P a full refund, if this is within a reasonable
    time of the sale (“reasonable time” is not
    defined in law but is often quite short);

    P a reasonable amount of compensation
    (or “damages”) for up to six years from
    the date of sale (five years after discovery
    of the problem in Scotland).
    This does not mean all goods have to last
    six years! It is the limit for making a claim in
    respect of a fault that was present at the
    time of sale. It is not equivalent to a

    rejection of sale, covered this several times

    Additional rights for consumers
    Alternatively, consumers (see definition in
    the “Introduction”) can choose to request
    P a repair or replacement.
    The retailer can decline either of these if he
    can show that they are disproportionately
    costly in comparison with the alternative.

    So the retailer can decline either if it is disproportionately costly in comparison with the alternative. Reads exactly like the point I was making a few posts up.

    However, any remedy must also be
    completed without significant
    inconvenience to the consumer. If neither
    repair nor replacement is realistically
    possible, consumers can request instead:
    P a partial or full refund, depending on
    what is reasonable in the circumstances.

    If the retailer can’t repair or replace then they have to offer a partial or full refund, this has never been in dispute

    And then the flow chart you post exactly demonstrate the points I was making.

    Is there a fault?
    Is it within a reasonable amount of time (usually a fairly short period)? rejection of sale, again covered this
    Refund is allowed as sale is rejected. again covered this

    Is there a fault?
    Is it within a reasonable amount of time? rejection of sale declined, again covered this
    Is it within six years and a period in which the goods can reasonably last?
    A repair or replacement should be offered or a refund if this can’t be offered. covered this already Within the first six months the burdon of proof is on the retailer again, covered this

    So in summary;

    Product faulty within a short period of time = refund due to rejection of sale – Check
    After that period and within six months the retailer has to demonstrate the goods conformed to contract at the time of sale – Check
    If they can then they offer a repair or replacement – Check
    They can decline either repair or replacement if they can show one is disproportiantly more expensive than the other. – Check

    So err, thanks for demonstrating my explanation the sales of goods act I guess. 😐

    Free Member

    @Cougar – sugdenr has offered to get him a new one 😈

    @TJ The value the goods would have is taken into consideration. So repair would not have to be carried out if a replacement is cheaper or vice versa. That is valid but it does not exclude the consideration that the seller may also refuse one over the other if they are disproportianate in comparison to the other even if both cost less now than the value of the goods at the time of the contract.

    I disagree with your assertion and interpretation that a replacement can only be declined if it costs more than a replacement, and I have yet to come across any consumer advice, government or otherwise that explicitly states this.

    And the act as I read it allows for a replacement or a repair to be declined with respect to the value of the goods or to be declined with the respect to the proportianate cost of the other.

    Free Member

    It says disproportianate to the cost of the other.
    It does not simply say that it has to cost more.

    Free Member

    Ok thanks sugdenr, so essentially you are saying that either case in my example could be argued validly and the law is as grey as I assumed.

    To clarify my points though, I was never referring specifically to the issue the OP had, just the law in general.

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