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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • wardee
    Free Member

    If you have used Indeed it is very important to check the CV that you have uploaded on the site itself. Especially if you upload an existing file.

    The sites AI is very clever, but does not work!

    When I last used the site in October it automatically rewrote my CV and screwed it up royally. It deleted key sections and qualifications and added new and incorrect statements like “3 months project management experience.” 15 years would be more accurate.

    The website script automatically deletes contact details,radically changes the structure to match the proforma it wants using cut and paste, and adds its own list of skills based on a search of the document for dates and keywords. It tries to turn the cv into a searchable database entry.

    It does not send the CV that you upload to the recruiter, and does not warn you that it has changed your CV after upload.

    The agency I spoke to said that they regularly receive CV’s from Indeed which are almost totally blank.

    Free Member

    Where are the drains in the road? They tend not to works as well if you block them with loose soil.

    Free Member

    20 ebikes is a lot of Li ion batteries.

    Have you checked the local regulations on transporting hazardous goods?

    Free Member

    @jodafett, I’m thinking you’ll want loads of cushioning which means I’d look at a road shoe.

    Whereas I would say the exact opposite for someone with a shin problem.

    Run in a firmer shoe ( preferably with a lower heel drop) and you get more feedback from the ground. You naturally run with better form and higher cadence which results in less impact each stride. They are inherently more stable too.

    Soft shoes encourage you to clout the ground harder and the duration of the impact is extended. They allow you to overstride and heelstrike and often encourage poor form with lower cadence.

    It’s the combination of heelstriking, overstriding and lower cadence that often causes shin pain.

    Free Member


    If you are 100% sure that there isn’t an assembly error on your part, then as a last resort the solution would be to fit gears with bigger teeth than the originals. get some 32dp gears if you haven’t already.

    Theres someone on ebay that sells them for the Bugsta. Much more expensive than the standard gears though, especially if you go for the all steel ones (which appear to be sold out at the moment.) They will still self destruct if the mesh is too far out or the chassis is too flexible, but give more margin for error.

    link to gears

    Free Member

    Anyone run/hiked Goat Fell on Isle of Arran?

    Not personally but there’s an annual fell race on the route. Try google.

    Free Member


    As I said in my post a week ago. Your mesh looks wrong.

    ( Or there is something else wrong which is causing the mesh to change, e.g.excessive play in the layshaft bearing assembly or the motor moving due to missing washers or loose screws.)

    The difference between cheap and expensive spur gears is that the cheap ones are always moulded whereas expensive ones may be machined. The cheap ones are less round. When you check the mesh you need to rotate the spur gear and check the backlash at both the tightest and loosest points. You should aim for the minimum backlash possible without the spur jamming at the tightest point.

    Spur gear failures when the mesh is set correctly are an extremely rare occurance. In 10 years of racing most weekends I don’t remember ever stripping a spur gear.*

    * Rc10gt spur gears don’t count as the chassis had a major design flaw.

    Free Member

    Adopt the Boris Johnson approach.

    Hire a remote cottage somewhere in Scotland where there is no mobile network coverage and loads of midges.

    Jump over the fence next to the cottage and erect a tent in an enclosed field without permission. Claim you thought the field was part of the cottage if challenged.

    Sit in the tent in your midge net.

    Sleep in the cottage overnight.

    Go home the next day after the annoyed farmer whose field you used has alerted the media.

    Distracting the media by getting your partner to distribute photos of your baby is optional.

    Free Member

    You can buy the rights to a star for about £20 on the internet.

    So whatever the volume of 15 stars is.

    Free Member

    It’s not just qualifying modes.

    During the race, they often turn the engine down for reliability, or save fuel or do the opposite to overtake.

    The only way of doing it is to remove the ability of the driver to change engine settings at all.

    What about changing the mode to start the car?

    All seems a very big can of worms and a big change at such short notice.

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t need a metal spur. Your Stripped gear has almost certainly been caused by the mesh between the pinion and spur being set too loose. You can see from the photo that only the tips of the gear teeth have gone.

    When meshed correctly there should only be a very small amount of backlash between the gears.

    The other possibility would be if you have changed the pinion and tried combining 48 dp (imperial pitch) gears as used by most rc manufacturers, with the similar but not quite identical 0.6 moduli (metric pitch) gears as used by Tamiya and a few other Asian manufacturers..

    The motor mount looks quite rigid si you can probably rule out chassis flex as a cause.

    Free Member

    is it actually closing?

    I’ve noticed the past few days that there is a formatting issue with guardian articles on my samsung phone using chrome.

    I scroll down and then the entire screen will suddenly go totally black mid article. Scroll down a bit further and after a few seconds the next line of text appears at the very top of the screen.

    Free Member

    I also think (over a genuinely long distance race) a well-prepped and efficient, mindful rider will be fresher and make fewer mistakes than a strung-out caffeine-reliant or pill popping rider.

    It’s not about muscle power in a genuinely long distance race. It’s about managing sleep deprivation, whilst staying alert and keeping your metabolism high.

    When you have been awake for 36 hours or more and are starting to hallucinate and fall asleep on your feet then caffeine (or a stronger stimulant) wakes you up again and is a massive advantage.

    Free Member

    I found MAF did not work well at all.

    If you were running on a flat athletics track in a warm location under controlled conditions, with constant heart rate (I.e. as maffetone originally trained his runners) I can see it working well, but it does not translate well to running in the real world.

    The basic problem I found is that heart rate is not constant, is too difficult to measure accurately, and is affected by too many variables. It is not a reliable indicator of effort at slow speeds.

    There is a lot of lag in heart rate readings. Running at a constant rate is difficult without over compensating.

    Heart rate monitors only work well when you are sweating. In Scotland this needs a hard effort for large parts of the year. In the winter, Maffetone heart rate is too slow to generate enough sweat unless I deliberately overdress so that I overheat.

    In cold conditions, running too slowly can make your heart rate rise as you don’t generate enough heat at low efforts. This then puts you above the maffetone limit. You then slow down a bit more to try and reduce heart rate and end up barely moving and shivering.

    Drink a cup of coffee for breakfast and your heart rate spikes for a while.

    If there is a hill or you have to stop and start say for a junction during a run your heart rate changes.

    Running on a flat track at maffetone heart rate is actually quite a quick pace and is proper running. The same heart rates in the real world (which has more accelerations, changes in effort due to terrain etc.) result in a much slower pace and a different gait. Most people who follow maffetone end up running too slow as a result.

    Maffetone training was developed for people racing frequently, but maffetone barely mentions that in his book. Racing hard generates a huge training stimulus!

    I agree with most of the basic philosophy behind Maffetone and his book is an interesting read. I just found it a very unreliable way of determining training pace.

    Free Member

    A couple of years ago I stood beside a group supporting a foreign runner (might have been Spanish but can’t remember) at the Glencoe skyline. They had laid all his stuff out in a line (pun intended) to make it easy for him to pick up. There was some food, mainly gels and about 6 different pills. Given the openness of that it’s probable none of it was illegal but it did strike me as odd, what could they all be?

    Most likely Salt / electrolyte tablets (e.g S Caps) and/or caffeine pills as well. Possibly amino acid pills. you can get gels with all of that mixed in but taking seperate supplements gives you more control so easier to avoid stomach issues etc.

    Pain killers and indigestion tablets also commonly used in ultras. Most organisers are clamping down on pain killers these days due to the risk of rhabdomyolysis which can result in death.

    Difficult to monitor several hundred athletes in the middle of nowhere though.

    Free Member

    I’m at the stage of judging when my almost 4 year old (well, me) can be justified in running a Mad Bull. When did they get the feel for it to make it worth it?

    Back in the day, I set my 4 year old brother up with some of my old kit, (and restricted the throttle.) We set up tracks in the back garden.

    A 4 year olds small hand size makes control difficult with most transmitters. Some can be modified, e.g sticks shortened as I did. A neck strap is essential to avoid dropping the transmitter.

    The other issue with 4 year olds and driving rc is they are too short. If you watch any rc race, the drivers stand on a tall rostrum because you need to be looking downwards on the car to judge its position. As your vision gets closer to parallel with the ground you lose perspective.

    Smaller kids need boxes to stand on to compensate for their lack of height.

    If there were no distractions and if he was heavily incentivised with “cow-sheep-pigs”, (Percy Pig sweets) my 4 year old brother after a few weeks of practice could drive a lap or 2 around our garden circuit at slow speed in a stop start fashion without crashing.

    This was better than my middle aged parents could manage.

    Unfortunately my brother thought that holding full throttle as much as possible and crashing almost every corner was much more fun than driving in accordance with his ability.

    He viewed me as a hypocrite, because he regularly saw me racing, knew I drove fast, knew I sometimes crashed, and knew i sometimes broke things. He would stamp his feet and accuse me of being a “meanie” for telling him to slow down.

    It is very difficult to get young children to appreciate the benefits of slowing down or braking. Excessive damage to the car is a given.

    7 or 8 would be a better age to start driving rc.

    9 or 10 will allow them to build a Tamiya kit with minimal assistance, and is probably the ideal age to start.

    Free Member

    If you are really determined to go ahead I would try a different bodge.

    Make up a new head tube and some plates to attach it.

    (Old frame + hacksaw may be the easiest way)

    weld the new head tube assembly to the existing head tube giving a longer reach.

    You can position the new head tube so that the bottom bracket moves down and back a little bit and the seat tube angle gets a little steeper and then also move the saddle fully forward on the rails.

    The probability of you ending up with a wrecked frame, or injured when it goes wrong is fairly high and £50 is unrealistic unless you can weld aluminium yourself.

    Free Member

    Do manufacturers fit bigger brakes to e bikes?

    The weight change is similar.

    Free Member

    Could LH have crossed the finish line in the pit lane?

    Schumacher won the Britsh GP from the pit lane with the assistance of some very dodgy stewards in the late 90’s.

    Ferrari brought Schumacher in for a stop go penalty on the last lap but their pit box was after the line. The stewards were going to add 10 seconds to the time but mclaren protested because that’s less than the 25 seconds a stop go should have cost and meant Schumacher still won.

    Ferrari then escaped all penaltys on a technicality because the stewards took too long to reach a formal decision.

    The stewards were sacked and I’m pretty sure that finishing the race in the pit lane is now classed as retirement as a result.

    Free Member

    But, but, HIGH RAKE!!!

    One of the c4 commentators remarked during practice that Mercedes appear to be running a higher rake this weekend.

    Still not as extreme as red bull, but headed in that direction.

    Free Member

    I’m Jealous of all the people that have managed to injure themselves properly.

    Been having problems with a minor big toe joint injury since January.

    The injury won’t heal. but I can’t get treatment as the NHS will only treat what they deem to be emergency cases and I haven’t done a sufficiently comprehensive job.

    Can’t cycle, Can’t run, Can’t wear most of my shoes. Getting seriously fed up.

    It doesn’t even hurt most of the time, but as soon as I resume activity the joint just swells up.

    Free Member

    Conversely the two Racing Points seem to be extremely fast in terms of single lap and race pace, but they’ve been hobbled by misjudged strategy calls. They’ve easily got the third fastest car, they shouldn’t be finishing behind a McLaren.

    The racing points lost out to a McLaren yesterday due to driver errors.

    Perez was over 20 seconds ahead of Norris and the cars behind and challenging strongly for 4th place until he drove into the back of Albon and broke his front wing.

    Stroll made a mistake when overtaking ricciardo who was holding him up. Stroll forced both of them off the circuit and it would have been a crash if ricciardo had not taken avoiding action. Norris just drove past.

    Free Member

    Reading the original article it’s about emergency workers in general and also includes prison workers.

    The majority of incidents will probably be police officers. Most people don’t like getting arrested or forcibly restrained and a lot of them strike back.

    Free Member

    Somebody needs to explain to the BBC how to turn their radio transmitters on and off.

    Yesterday they forgot to turn the feed off after qualifying.

    Today they did the opposite and the feed on the bbc website didn’t start until part way through the warm up lap, with the commentator mid sentence.

    Free Member

    I thought the engines were frozen for this year (other than for reliability updates) so the only opportunity for an upgrade was to bring one to the first race? Merc & Honda brought a new one, Ferrari & Renault didn’t AFAIK.

    The reliability clause makes the engine freeze a joke.

    Renault were caught out by this when the old V8 engines were “frozen” for several years by the FIA to reduce costs. Renault ended up well down on horse power compared with Mercedes and Ferrari who continued to develop their engines much more aggressively.

    A lot of things which make an engine more reliable will also increase power. Increased reliability also allows you to run the engine at higher power settings for more of the time, without worrying about it failing.

    Free Member

    Renault recently announced that they have stopped engine development for this year due to covid related budget issues.

    Signing Alonso in that context seems to make absolutely no sense to either Renault or Alonso.

    Free Member

    Have you lost and replaced the standard kit wheel nuts?

    The standard tamiya nuts are flanged nuts so have an inbuilt washer.

    If you use normal nyloc nuts instead, Ttey work fine but need to be used with a seperate washer to avoid cracking.

    Free Member

    Mama Mia was deeply disturbing and caused me significant mental trauma.

    Free Member

    1980’s computer programmers debug software and restore access to users accounts on a mainframe.

    Free Member

    What paint do you use for the inside of a polycarbonate shell? Does it have to be Tamiya? Asking for a friend.

    It does not need to be tamiya, plenty of other brands exist they are all pretty similar and most model shops have a selection. just make sure the paint is intended for polycarbonate. (It needs to be a specific type of acrylic paint that will flex with the shell, enamel will flake off.)

    Main things to watch are:

    Wash the shell first to remove the release agent from the mold.

    Get the right sort of masking tape from a model shop. The stuff you buy for house painting has too thick an adhesive layer and will allow paint to get underneath

    (Most shells come with pre cut window masks these days, so you may not need masking tape at all if your design is 1 colour )

    how good is a 4wd RC rally car on grass… ?

    Assuming it’s 10th scale the answer will be that it’s rubbish. The wheels are too small and they also grip roll a lot as the width is narrow to match the real car. Better off with a truck or a buggy if that’s what you want to do.

    Free Member


    No need to change batteries if going to brushless, but there are a lot of other good reasons why installing a brushless system in a Mad Bull would be a bad idea.

    The mabuchi motor has been the least powerful 540 sized motor you could possibly get for at least 35 years and literally anything else will be faster. The mad bull is a very basic vehicle and not designed to handle massive amounts of power and you seem to be getting breakages at current power levels.

    Many of the current brushless motors would not be used for racing even in unlimited classes because the sheer amount of power is too difficult to control. 3.0t brushless motors exist because beginners will always ask to buy the most powerful motor possible. It’s invariably an expensive mistake.

    If you really must go brushless then I would suggest 13.5t as a maximum. (Higher t numbers are slower) The value of 13.5t assumes you are running a basic nimh or 2s lipo set up with no timing boost on the speedo as that can increase power output significantly (whilst being less efficient and running much hotter.)

    If your kit uses plastic bushings they will need to be replaced with ball bearings to avoid melting.

    You may need to change the pinion gear to match the motor.

    Free Member


    Think “Brant, Brant Brant.”

    Free Member

    Any headphone recommendations for someone whose ears don’t confirm to normality – things don’t stay in them?

    Aftershokz bone conduction type headphones fit really securely and work really well for running. You will sacrifice a little bit of bass and audio quality but they have got much better with recent models. You gain a lot more awareness of your surroundings as there is nothing blocking the ear which is a major advantage. I would not go back to normal headphones for running or cycling.

    Only annoying thing is the controls on the models with hands free option. Pressing the main button once pauses or plays music. Pressing twice skips to the next track. But if nothing is playing, then accidentally pressing the button twice will automatically phone the most recent caller.

    Free Member

    Also a general question, when I were a boy etc etc the radios were two stick types, most seem to be these wheel types now. Why is this and is there a downside to asking for a shop to supply the stick version?

    Back in the 80’s and 90’s, the uk, japan and europe all used to use stick transmitters. The american racers all used wheels.

    Before RC cars came along America had a big slot car racing scene which some of the early rc firms were involved in. The wheel transmitter design is what you get when you modify a scalextric controller to add steering.

    We’d decided on the Lunchbox but looking at recent threads it seems as thought they ain’t that great at the actual driving bit unless they’re modded. Are you guys modding because its really needed or you just having too much fun?

    Some people don’t appreciate the design intent of the lunch box.

    The lunch box and midnight pumpkin were designed to wheelie. They were not designed to corner well.

    With the original mechanical speed controller in the 80’s you had 2 throttle speeds. Full speed made the car wheelie.(at least with a fuly charged battery.) Low speed allowed you to steer.

    The car is designed with a high centre of gravity and rearward weight bias which maximises weight transfer and encourages the front wheels to lift off the ground under power. It is fitted with a wheelie bar.

    A lunchbox will never handle well because of the high centre of gravity and lack of weight on the front wheels.

    I’m speculating, but a lunchbox fitted with modern electronics might not wheelie as easily as the designers intended. – The reason being that modern nimh cells are much heavier than the old 1200 nicads that the car was designed for. On the other hand modern electronics are much smaller and lighter and probably fitted lower down in the car. A bit of lead fitted up high at the rear of the vehicle could solve this if needed.

    Running a lunch box in low grip conditions will result in wheelspin instead of wheelies.

    Basically buy a lunchbox if you want to do lots of wheelies with relatively low power. Buy something else if you want a car that handles well.

    Free Member

    Thanks, I need to learn to spell.

    The flying saucer has components missing.

    The book with the eye is a pair of magic words.

    Free Member

    49 down.

    Stuck on the large beetle next to the duck.

    Free Member

    So todays big achievement was that I finally managed to get seen by a physio. :)

    Physio thinks I have damaged a ligament. :(

    I now have a list of exercises to do twice a day and another appointment in 2 weeks.

    Free Member

    Also upgraded the stock NiMH battery in my daughter’s FTX vantage, to a 2s lipo. But it burnt the motor out within a minute.

    That doesn’t sound right. A 3s or higher battery might gives those symptoms, but not 2s.
    the nominal voltage difference between 6 cell nimh and 2s lipo is only 0.2v. It’s a little bit more power but nothing that would cause a motor to expire that quickly unless there was already another problem.

    Did you replace the battery because the car was getting slow and the battery going flat prematurely?

    It sounds like something is stalling the motor. Is the transmission binding? Remove the pinion and check it rotates freely.

    Or you may be running far too high a gearing. Have you changed the pinion, or installed bigger wheels?

    Or throttle has been applied when something is obstructing the car, e.g. solid kerbs, deep mud, long grass etc.

    To get a motor to smoke in one minute you need to really abuse them hard.

    Could also be chemicals on the commutator e.g. too much oil applied to the bushings or freshly applied motor cleaner will cause burning.

    Free Member

    I’ve not tried the Brooks models mentioned, but the brooks cascadia I purchased about a year ago were a bit too big in a UK size 10, whereas other brook shoes in the past have been true to size.

    According to the label in the shoe it is a size 10 Uk, 45 in European, and size 11 US. The UK size has not been converted correctly and this appears to affect other models of Brooks shoes too.

    I would suggest using the US or European sizes for Brooks shoes.

    Free Member

    Changing shoes doesn’t really help in my case. The Xray was because the doctor wanted to see if I had arthritis and nothing showed up.

    My toe is fully mobile, just uncomfortable when weight is applied with the toe bent, and the joint swells up if I run or cycle.

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