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  • NBD: Flow eBMX, Trek Top Fuel, YT Decoy SN, Kona Process 153 & 134…
  • waihiboy
    Free Member


    im getting my mates sony c905 soon.

    there are a load of websites on the net which you have probably seen, but they do look dodgy.

    for me a local 'backstreet' mobile shop 'apparently' unlock them for you, other than that maybe try an indoor market type place near you

    let me know how you get on though

    Free Member

    cheers all,

    yeah i will be playing on the ps3 downstairs and the dear wife will be watching sky in the bedroom.

    can you explain what you mean by "just remeber to turn on rf2 power in the setting menu."?


    Free Member

    that doesnt look half bad, they need to sort the front lights out, make it look more scary

    Free Member

    God what a great thread… im a total geek still after all these years after my zx spectrum!

    impossible to answer but i'll give it a go going in a time line styleee

    1 – Manic Miner (zx) – the original classic
    2 – Bubble Bobble (Amiga)- jump from spectrum 128k to amiga was huuuuge!!
    3 – Tomb Raider (PS1)- amazing graphics and was just such a jump!
    4 – Grand theft auto – (PS2) again amazing jump, open world environment!
    5 – Call of duty – massive jump again with graphics and online play

    again i agree with most of the above…

    gauntlet – amazing
    populous – first proper point and click
    gran turismo – (ps2) wasted my life on that
    syphon filter (ps1)

    thing is these days the graphics are in another world but most of the games dont have the gameplay the old ones did?

    Free Member

    servers just break for no reason at all…. COUGH

    "A long time ago, in a comms room far far away"

    i was the system admin for a very large financial place in dublin years ago NT/2000 days. (way in over my head- got the job by luck and some lies by my old boss 'bigging me up')

    it was just me and the IT manager, who was equally crap!

    we had an exchange server and one day i was updating the software with a Patch. I didnt realise i had to restart after the patch, of course it came back up with the blue screen of death….

    to cut a long story short, we had to call in the cavalry (outside IT firm) to sort it out as i didnt have a fekin clue… over 200 users going mental, had a to pay a small fortune to have the server re-built, they had to stay overnight for 2 days to sort it. ended up going for a pint with the guy who fixed it and he was laughing his head off becuase he knew i'd tried to fix it by taking the server apart and bascially ****ing up the inside.

    i think exchange server has come a long way since but i still have the nightmares of watching all the users through the glass door banging their heads on the desk and the comms room phone lighting up and the total feeling of fear in the pit of my stomach, the look on the IT managers face will stay with me forever aswell…

    i have changed career thankfully.

    Free Member

    damn i thought you were on about zombies on Call of Duty on the PS3 for a minute then.

    Free Member

    best of luck and hope it all works out fella…

    Free Member

    played it since it started, always a lucky dip.

    theres a few old grumps in work who do it an live for the lottery win.

    i wind them up constantly saying i'd hate to win a huge amount, give me a couple of hundred grand to pay off house and a few debts and i'd be happy.

    Free Member

    had an IT interview few years back and i failed one question.. "please explain what the REGISTRY is"

    just because i didnt hit the 'key words' on the clipboard held by the HR girl i failed the final interview.

    maybe i was bitter and totally got the wrong end of the stick about exactly what a 'competency-based interview' is 😆 but i did talk to the IT manager (who i knew beforehand)who sat in on the interview and he said he doesn't agree with the test and my past work experience was light years ahead of the guy that got it, also the guy who got the job was laid off after 3 months.

    but what do i know!

    Free Member

    round our way its 3 days, day one is cbt on a 500cc (cones on in the carpark basics then out on road if good enough), then second day is full day on the road intense training, 3rd day half day on the road again then taken to test centre in the afternoon


    Free Member

    i love her

    Free Member

    brother in law went a while back, stayed in a 5 star hotel that should have been a 3 star, food wasnt the best and it was a bit run down, long way to go when there are many places much closer that are better.

    each to their own i guess

    Free Member

    dont miss nant-y-arian… one of the best and underated!

    brechfa is very scalterix track like llandegla, good fun but i prefer more 'open natural ' stuff

    Free Member


    Just installed google chrome it is a MILLION times faster than Firefox.


    Free Member

    ive got 3.5.1 here and it is sh*t! what have they done.

    there was two updates i noticed, first one it was slow, second one its better but now gone crap again.

    the most annoying bug is if you type something into the search bar, it brings up the previous history of the site but then takes about 20 seconds greying out then it finds it and loads the page…

    can i go back to version 3?

    Free Member

    there is only 1 song that makes me want to shoot myself

    1 – 'constant craving' by K.D Lang i if ever saw her in the street i would steal a car and run her over

    on the shopfloor in work they have radio2 on all day and they must play the above fekin song everyday!!

    Free Member

    i dont know enough about cycling to comment, i enjoy watching the tour but i wish eurosport would get rid of sean (boring) kelly…. christ you could set fireworks off under his commentary seat and he wouldnt change tone.

    maybe its me

    Free Member

    after reading this im glad i went back to hardtail and my lovley P7 😉

    the E120 does look nice though

    Free Member

    the other thing i don't understand about the listings is that people never put pics up. "pics available on request". wtf, just put them on the ****ing thread in the first place


    Free Member

    did mine last october and never looked back.

    firstly it is NOT a test, it is TRAINING to make sure you are not a total mong!

    i had to go back as i had a few hours left paid for and they took me out on the road till i nailed it.

    our guys were really good, but there are some real cowboy outfits about so do your research, dont just go to your local one check them out first. my brother took me out for a few goes in a carpark. the hardest part of the CBT for me was the U-Turn… also forgetting to do your lifesavers (a quick look over your shoulder) at certain points. sometimes they are a good idea but other times (since ive got better) they are a bit stupid when a quick look in your mirrors will suffice.

    i really want to do my DAS now but finding £500 odd quid is going to be hard so saving up.As i said i did my CBT to save money as things were gettinng tight, i havent really got the bug to be honest even though i want to do the DAS as commuting was the main reason.

    ive been commuting in all weathers since, getting rid of my car and just having the wifes was the best thing we could have done.

    £15 tax
    £89 fully comp insurance
    £10 to fill the tank up and get over 200miles which is basically 6 weks worth of commuting.

    after searching and reading every bike review in the world i ended up getting one of these..


    Honda varadero 125

    the bike i did the CBT on was totally shit compared to the vara, the good thing with the vara is its a big 125 so you get used to the bigger size and weight. as ive got more confident i can see how crap a 125 is, especially when at roundabouts and needing a bit of power to get away quick.

    best of luck, its a great day, beware though when you actually go out on the road it is fekin mental!!

    Free Member

    what was the video where he was playing golf in the middle of a busy street… used to crack me up!

    Free Member

    each to their own but IMO exposure all the way, i know there are more powerful lights but the fact theres no extra battery pack and pain in the ass cables I'll never go back.

    Lets see you mount an exposure on your helmet then!


    easy, you must have oven gloves on!

    Free Member

    hard moral one this, ive only been a biker for 9 months and i was always been told not to ride directly behind the bike infront but to the side, so eitherway your mate was at fault. thats no help though, im no expert 😉

    make a claim and take him out on a piss up after the dust has settled! as above thats why you pay insurance…

    Free Member

    i know what you mean, i havent got kids 'yet' but i see the programs my mates kids watch and they are nothing compared to the scary stuff we were put through.

    i found it…

    the side show was this…

    The Boy From Space was one such drama. It told the story of Peep-Peep, a mysterious alien child, who was helped by two children, and kindly local astrologer, Mister Bunting. In an eerie echo of Terminator, Peep-Peep was being relentlessly stalked by an evil alien hunter, and only the children’s quick-witted reading ability could save him.


    how scary is that for a 5 year old!!!!

    Free Member

    excuse my spelling i was scared of ZELDA

    Free Member

    you sick man…. he should to scare the sh*te out of me…

    a few other classics….

    are you ready…..

    i have warned you….

    the scariest puppet kids tv show ever….


    Zelad from Terrorhawks even copying the link i was nearly sick…. how did they get away with it.

    also remember CHOCKY……


    way abck in the late 70's early 80's there was a kids show they made us wathc in school, i think it was called WORDY they had this side show where this weird alien kid and his dad came down to earth, they were dressed in blue and silver and had blonde hair??? or maybe i dreamt it!

    Free Member

    north/Middle defo (im from the south)

    Llandegla, Climax, Nant-y-arian, Penmachno, CYB

    Free Member

    (im not expert) but the wife had root canal then a post set, then a temp crown, then had to go back again to have the temp off then the perm one put in place. so it ‘may’ be your tooth wasnt as bad as hers and the crown will sit over what he’s already done.

    i feel you pain… i went to the dentist 3 weeks ago for the first time in 15 years, thankfully nothing was wrong all i needed was tow sessions of scale and polish.

    Free Member

    i tried to set up the ‘proper hosted’ one and my head melted.

    Free Member

    cheers, im going to give this one a go

    test it first see what happens!

    Free Member

    no mate, i have the crappy remote hosted one, its not on my actual fasthost account/webspace its a free one with ads on it with a crapy URL. 😕

    Free Member

    thanks all especially meehaja…

    i’m looking at all options, i thnk i’ll join anyway to get me out the house 😉

    i quit fancy the specific mtb first aid course aswell a few have done on here.

    Dezb ive sent you an email mate.


    Free Member


    to becom a first responder i have to start off at the bottom which doesnt bother me,

    St JA I’ve worked with over the years were terrible with only one exception.

    what was bad, the way it was run/incompetance?

    Free Member

    £27 for a pair of bling gold coloured jockey wheels for my XO rear mech.

    cheaper than the PLASTIC OEM ones and to be honest do feel better (in my head)

    after one weekend the gold colouring has worn off!

    3 clicks on ebay after a few beers 😯

    Free Member

    3 Sisters is a complete shithole.

    have to agree but its ok for a stag if you know what to expect.. there are loads of better bars up by the castle on the main drag

    was there last july for a mates stag

    theres a tour of the old underground city which was ok to kill and hour.

    we totally humiliated our stag by getting him on stage here…


    Free Member

    Goal Hanger?


    Free Member

    ladder drops have gone and it was HSE too many people having offs

    Free Member

    cut out bread and beer, ive lost 7lbs in 6 weeks just by doing this.

    keeping it off is the hardest part.

    Free Member

    sick, sick man..

    your in for a world of pain on some of the rooty step ups on the climb 😉

    Free Member

    Sell your car and learn to live with one car in the household.

    or buy a motorbike like i did,

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