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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Emma Osenton
  • WackoAK
    Free Member

    9 weeks since I’ve been offroad following a broken collar bone. I’ve got a final assesment on the 1st of May where the docs will decide if I need an operation to remove some of the bone that’s protruding.

    Free Member

    I might be interested in doing this on the 2nd, will you be setting off at the same time again?

    Free Member

    I have the exact same tensioner and I’m running a singlespeed chain with no issues??

    Free Member

    whitemapex – sounds exactly like what I done to mine.

    After a few weeks the consultant talked about having to “chisel” a bit of the bone off as it was sticking out however they reckon it looks a bit better now. Mine was done just over 6 weeks ago – it’s still sticking out a bit and I can feel a sharpish point. I’ve got a final consultation at the end of the month where they are going to xray it again. I suspect that they should have pinned it in the first instance.

    Free Member

    Bushwacked – the simple answer is rest.

    Free Member

    There are still a lot of naysayers around where UST is concerned, but if they’re fitted and inflated properly they work a treat.

    Exactly! The main problem is that people confuse UST and tubeless conversion – they are not the same thing!

    Free Member

    The only reason I’ve not used sealant was that I used to have a roof rack and the tyres had to be deflated to fit in the holders so I knew I’d end up forgetting and clog the valves. I’ve now got a towbar rack that fits the tyres ok but I’ve just not got round to it yet.

    Free Member

    Chalkyslide – no idea how many miles I do but I’ve had to replace one worn tyre (skids are for kids etc) other tyres I changed on a whim but I’m currently sticking with 2.35 LUST High Rollers although they’re probably due to be replaced soon.

    In the time I’ve been using UST my mates have had countless puntures on their non ust tyres.

    Free Member

    I don’t use any sealant in mine, most of my riding does not involve thorns so I’ve not bothered yet. Not had any punctures yet but I always carry a spare tube just in case.

    Free Member

    Have a look at the site below but they may be a bit too far north for you?

    Free Member

    click on “set program access and defaults” on the start menu and you will have the option to choose which email program for emails.

    Free Member

    Sharki – I’m currently nursing a broken clavicle from 4 weeks ago so my sympathies. It’s unlikely they will plate it – mine was in a similar position to yours but it’s slowly getting better, there was talk of them having to chisel a bit of the bone off but that appears to be not the case anymore thankfully!

    Free Member

    SFB – BikeLove is a shop!

    Free Member

    Fantastic! – Don’t listen to all the moaners, I reckon you’ll spark off a whole new niche trend.

    Free Member

    Freeflow bikes in Glasgow should have some in stock.

    Free Member

    CFH – eaxctly my sentiments.

    Free Member

    Use the Sheldon Brown gear calculator – you can work out speed at certain RPM

    Free Member

    There’s a set of Mavic CrossTrail’s for sale in the classifieds at the moment? (not mine)

    Free Member

    I have no issues with the protest but they should be protesting againt the correct people – the soldiers did not start the war, they are merely pawns in a politcal game.

    Free Member

    I consider myself a midge magnet – nothing works so I just take an anti-histamine tablet before venturing out and it stops any of the bites flaring up.

    Free Member

    It has the potential to be a cracking day if England can score quickly and get WI under the cosh early on. Moving along at 5.5 an over at the moment so that’s encouraging although it’s mainly due to KP as CFH says above.

    Free Member

    If I’m going somewhere that I know will be bad for them I take an anti-histamine tablet pre-ride. They still bite you but the bites do not swell up or get itchy.

    Free Member

    I think the Burner has a non removable inner.

    Free Member

    Ouch unlucky mate, makes my broken collar bone from saturday seem like a walk in the park!

    I’ve pulled the tendon off my knee cap before and from what I remember it was when the plaster came off that things became very difficult, chin up etc!

    Free Member

    It’s superb I d/l the first series a while back, can’t wait for the second series. Never knew about the books – I’ll give them a try.

    Free Member

    It’s Maths, short for mathematics. We are not in the USA.

    Free Member

    Ah – always wondered what the difference was, so in essence the tubless ready is really no better than a normal tyre? For the record I run my UST high rollers without sealant as I don’t normally encounter thorns on the trail – yet to have a puncture in 1.5 years.

    Free Member

    I’d stick with the 2.35 high roller UST’s (I have the LUST version), they come up nice and light c730g iirc.

    Remember the bonty tyres are tubless “ready” rather than proper UST although not sureif this to just get round the mavic patent?

    Free Member

    I have an appointment with my GP on Thursday, I will get him to arrange a physio appointment. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies, doc said it’s a straight forward break so no need to pin it. He never mentioned anything about exercises? It’s a velcro sling so I take it out now and again to straighten the arm.

    I’ve got a folow up in 2 weeks so I’ll ask them more questions then.

    The actual collar bone is not that sore, it’s my lower back as I cracked a rib and bruised the kidney!

    Thanks again.

    edit: The main thing is the bike was ok :D

    Free Member

    No charge and I get 10% off all stock!

    Free Member

    you can create an additional column that creates the first part for you by using this formula =LEFT(#CEll#,LEN(#CELL#)-4)

    where #cell# is the postcode, you can then run a pivot table to get counts.

    The above formula will be able to take into account WS1 etc.

    edit: or use the simple method by wwaswas above, doh!

    Free Member

    Mackem – you can use a proxy to mask your internet address to appear as if it’s from the UK and iplayer will work.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Good find, I might pop along to have a look at the plans.

    Free Member

    I’m running 2.35 LUST High Rollers and it’s perfectly fine, the mavic site states it’s for up to a 2.3 tyre. I also know people who are running 2.5’s with no issues.

    Free Member

    My mate works for Barclays – I think he’s used the bike once or twice to cycle to work since he got it. He’s certainly never mentioned anything about them checking up.

    Free Member

    Hopefully he’ll be more aware in the future now. If so then job done!

    Free Member

    Cheers for the replies – I went with go travel in the end.

    Free Member

    He’s waiting for this thread to get to 100 before telling us.

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