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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • votchy
    Free Member

    Is there any difference in the amount of fuel they can use/max flow rate? Will cornering faster mean more time on the throttle and potentially more fuel saving laps during the race?

    Free Member

    So far in the 2 practice sessions Mercedes are still the quickest, over 0.5 seconds on low fuel and more than a second on high fuel, Alonso in 12th but 2.4 seconds off the pace. Seems testing as always was a lot of smoke and mirrors :D

    Free Member

    Why don’t they keep religion away from things like this, call the perpetrator a terrorist or an extremist or a radical or an idiot or whatever, but stop referring to religion or even ethnicity of the perpetrator. It would stop a lot of unnecessary tensions between innocent people in my view.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the constructive help. I will speak to them and see what happens.

    Free Member

    lol @ perchy

    Free Member

    Look for cars that are less common, my son quoted over £1500 for 1l Vauxhall Corsa, ended up with Citroen C2 Code, same engine as VTR but insurance £1100. Insurance quotes are based on statistics, there are less than 3500 C2 Codes registered in the UK therefore statistically low risk, other examples were Golf GTi £16k to insure, Alfa Romeo with higher performance was £1600!! It seems the insurance is based on how many claims are made vs that vehicle more so than the performance of the car.

    Free Member


    perfect on their own, dunked in tea and dunked in milk, work dunked singularly or back to back doubled up stylee :D

    Free Member

    Some of the following videos show there are some very clever weirdos out there lol, great lunchtime viewing

    Free Member

    We are currently going through a pension consultation at the moment, the union (UNITE) have basically rolled over and are not doing anything much to help members to raise pertinent questions. Luckily there are a lot of people who have done the work I believe the unions should have done to help members raise genuine questions and concerns.
    My wife who works for the NHS has just had a 30% staff cut in Worcestershire and an increased expectation on the services they are expected to be delivering – UNITE stance on this was nothing we can do, the same week they sound out an email inviting ALL their members to attend a march in London to save the NHS – smacks of doing eff all at working level but lets get our faces on the telly!!
    Am seriously considering using my £16 a month on something worthwhile!! (as is my wife)

    Free Member

    Let’s sort a few things here:
    1 a brew is a cup of tea, not coffee.
    2 wrong uns dunk biscuits in coffee, tea or milk are the only acceptable choices
    3 Jammie dodgers are only suitable for dunking in milk
    4 dark chocolate is wrong

    You are now no longer confused or full of doubt :D

    Free Member

    Queen at Knebworth was probably the single best performance I have seen on the Kind of Magic tour. For different reasons seeing Nirvana open Reading festival, Pearl Jam at Brixton academy, Suede each time I have seen them over the last 20 years, The Who whilst Entwistle was still alive. having seen them twice without him you can appreciate just how good a bass guitarist he was, never heard anyone else nail the bass solo in My generation!!

    Free Member

    Echo Beach – Martha and the Muffins

    Free Member

    My dads first car was a baby blue triumph herald. he never learnt to drive until I was 7 which was 1976!!

    Free Member

    First band I saw live was Maiden at Birmingham Odeon on the NOTB world tour at the tender age of 13. Loved all the albums up to Powerslave which I still find average at best, missed a lot of the later stuff. One track that I have an unknowing penchant for is Women in Uniform from the Dianno era and the Maggie Thatcher sleeve artwork :D

    Free Member

    Managed to avoid knowing the result and watched it recorded last night, at half time was thinking there was no way back for the Patriots, also thinking Edelman was having a ‘mare as he seemed to drop everything thrown his way. Thought Lady Gaga was a poor half time show, then wow, what a second half. If ever there was a game of 2 halves this was it, think the Falcons lack of experience caught them out eventually with poor time management and also unnecessary penalties. Where did Edelman get that catch from, sheer brilliance. great advert for the NFL overall. feel sorry for the Falcons but at the same time gotta admire the Pat’s for their resolve.

    Free Member

    Stupid question, how do you create the short url using

    Free Member

    My next door neighbour is Ukrainian and married a woman that one would describe as a ‘traveller’ that has 2 daughters by different fathers that are both now shacked up with 2 lads with ‘origin unknown’ nationality!!

    Free Member

    Am glad I am not the only one then, was expecting someone to come along and say ‘its …..’ and I would feel stupid lol

    Free Member

    Rear discs on S-Max, 11mm new, 9mm minimum thickness according to EBC

    Free Member

    Pretty Green one is nice, comes with a free plectrum if you are that way inclined :wink:

    Free Member

    As its a ‘family’ gathering, how about forgetting the bike for 2 days and enjoy the family time? Just a thought… :D

    Free Member

    Does this tripe now mean toasters will have to carry a warning label?

    Free Member

    Cheers all, some good ideas there for him

    Free Member

    Go drinking/clubing on the Lower East Side (he is young after all)

    too young, drinking age is 21, he only 19 lol

    Free Member

    Had it on rubber queens too, got replaced under warranty and guess what? The same happened again, so had refund.

    Free Member

    The very first thing I do is switch the alarm off, followed by resetting it for the wife

    Free Member

    What is the story here? Link?

    Free Member

    Surely common sense should prevail when weather conditions are adverse…

    Free Member

    Just my observations and no help to the OP but I have a 40″ 4k Panasonic TV, my viewing position is 3m from the screen, there is a significant increase in picture quality when viewing 4k material vs HD, the iplayer 4k Planet Earth 2 sequence that is available is easily better than the HD version of the same clip, just my tuppeneth as a joe average user and not an ‘expert’

    Free Member

    I asked my colleague to have a look, this is his response, he is a 2h 31m marathon runner:

    Difficult subject for me to cover with regards to run duration as despite being a qualified coach I have to admit to being more focused and tuned into my own training. That said, the overall mileage of midweek runs does seem low… the plan appears to ‘peak’ with a week of 2x 3mile runs, 1x 6mile run, 1x20mi run, so >60% of the mileage is completed in the long run alone.

    For me, I would expect to see the 3mi runs up around the 6mi mark, (ramping up a lot quicker than the Sunday long run), and the ‘medium’ run building to 10mi+ (rather than 6mi)

    I would forget trying to train by HRM – a blunt/brash statement admittedly but so many variables to consider its not (IMO) worth the investment in time to understand and plan it all, given your goal and timescale.

    I would also forget doing any speedwork/intervals for this level of athlete – the marathon for this guy will be purely a test of endurance and stamina and thus his focus should be entirely on building his aerobic capacity – speedwork and improving his anaerobic system will have little benefit on his marathon performance… he would benefit a lot more aerobically from a 30min steady run than 30mins of intervals/rest

    If time allows, a rest day after the long run day would be beneficial, e.g.
    M – Rest
    T – Short
    W- Med
    T – Rest
    F – Short
    S – Light Core/spin
    S – Long

    could easily be hours of discussion, but a few thoughts anyhow…

    Free Member

    The comment regarding BWs and farmland resonates. As I push south from Bham towards Stratford I hit a bunch of claggy, horrible routes over farmland. Perhaps drainage is an issue in that area too

    Based in Redditch I have dozens of bridleway routes plotted using OS maps but the quote above means virtually all of them are not worth the effort due to the clay nature of the soil. There are some great routes for nice summer evenings where enjoying the views etc is more important than how far/fast/gnarly etc you ride. most of my routes are created from OS maps, marking all the bridleways with a green highlighter and all the footpaths with an orange one, then use this as a basis to plot a route on digital mapping ready to upload to the garmin.

    Free Member

    My 2 are 17 and 19, eldest not going to be home until approx 5am so alarm is set for 6 ready to do the snow, magic dust and presents. They play along with us now so its all good fun.

    Merry Christmas everybody

    Free Member

    Yep Merry Christmas to all

    Free Member

    I choose not to give Christmas cards because I can’t be bothered with the hassle.
    My charitable giving on the other hand takes place throughout the year in both financial and physical assistance to 4 different charities so I don’t tend to be guilt tripped into a token middle class contribution so I can feel better about myself over the Waitrose turkey.

    Good for you, the OP was specific about Christmas, hence the Christmas themed replies. Many of us are also charitable throughout the year but dont need to be spiteful about others and brag about it :roll:

    Free Member

    In no particular order:

    Polar Express
    Muppets Christmas Carol
    Die Hard
    The Night Before
    Home Alone

    Free Member

    Well done you, we stopped buying Christmas cards a few years ago and instead donate the money to crisis, in the scheme of things it probably doesn’t do much, but it does more than doing nothing. In this day and age, homelessness and hunger baffle me.

    Free Member

    isn’t yahoo the company everyone uses to register on ‘special interest’ sites so no real personal data on there to worry about? No-one actually uses yahoo as a serious provider shirley?

    Free Member

    Definitely with a backboard, worth spending a few quid extra on one that mounts solidly to the wall with coach bolts, both my lads dunk on ours and regularly hang off the hoop with no ill effects

    Free Member

    Just a general tidy up, they will remove all that is required for the actual op. I had mine done at this time of year, the most surreal thing ever having the snip whilst discussing the merits of various Christmas songs that came on the radio during the op. The surgeon had never heard ‘Fairy tale of New York’ much to the disbelief of the nurses!!

    Free Member

    One thing to remember around the ‘ditch is the bridleways are rubbish at this time of year, the soil is high clay content so they become sticky quagmires very quickly and hence soul destroying to ride (even trailrakers clog up and provide no grip!!!). Plenty of loops using canals can be created up to 60km if you head all the way to stratford and back, get on at tardebigge and worcester is towpath all the way there, head the other way and you can go in to Brum. Plenty of miles to be had on the towpaths if you just want to avoid the roads.

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