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  • Issue 143 Bonus Content! Classic Ride Fuel – Flapjack Recipe
  • votchy
    Free Member

    Was thinking along those lines, had a look with him last night and he seemed to like the look of them. Might take a trip to the spesh store in brum to see one in the flesh.

    Free Member

    18 months without issue on mine so far, 16.5st racing weight :wink:

    Free Member

    Padded gloves like spesh BG ones or try different grips, used to get hand ache and tried ergon grips, no more hand ache.

    Free Member

    Was a nice loud pop, unfortunately I missed the actual comedy dismount :( just the humorous post crash recovery dance :D

    Free Member

    surely the chemical containers should’ve been in the recycling bin

    Free Member

    Just out of interest, why are the enduro seals twice the price of the Fox ones? £15 from Mojo and £29.99 from CRC.

    Free Member

    Was out with Mick last night too, as his post above, wish they would sort this forestry work out, every time I ride there another one of the good trails has been blocked by felling, from what we saw last night they must be putting a new Bewdley by pass in or trying to create huge car parks with scattered woodland.

    Free Member

    £6.5k on fishing tackle, now most of it sits in the garage unused, £1650 of that was for a 16m pole, sold last year for £450.

    Free Member

    The only thing that spoiled it for me is that poxy commentator, where did they find him from? most boring and unknowing commentator I have ever heard, every time someone did the old ‘move to the side so you know I’m here’move he thought they were trying to overtake, he has no idea, even that pleb james Allen on ITV had a little knowledge. great race though, nice to see someone else at the front, well done to JB, almost perfect drive

    Free Member

    Dark chocolate = wrong
    Chocolate Rich Tea, what a **** waste of chocolate

    I agree that a packet per pint of tea is a good starting point

    36″ waist (waist size is kind of irrelevant, try asking for body fat percentage, BMI is also largely irrelevant)

    Free Member

    dradams, turn the tube to 5 or 7, any slime sat in the valve will then drip out and hence no leakage when dropping pressures

    Free Member

    davidtaylforth – can’t remember last time I serviced the bushes, bearings or shock on my full susser’s either, over 2 years old, used 3 times per week in all weathers and the bearings and shock are fine, previous bike had 3 years of the same use, frame still in the garage with original shock, bearings and bushes, your point was????

    Free Member

    Fiction – full suss requires more maintenance, absolute b0ll0x in my experience

    Free Member

    Scruff’s friday troll, virtually every week he posts and when he does he always gets many rises, just wondering where todays is?????

    Free Member

    Are we attempting the ‘manfield challenge’ tonight then?

    Free Member

    Blue Groove front in DTC and Nevegal rear in DTC, never found them slow rolling myself

    Free Member

    Got a 4″ drop gravity dropper, works fine and was warrantied without any hassle when I had a problem, I like the benefits and not worried about the slight weight penalty, do change it for a Thomson for things like Mayhem where it wouldn’t get used.

    Free Member

    How long is the cockpit on the 405? All the pics make the bike look very short and the one of the guy in France he is virtually bolt upright even with his arms bent, is there a tendency to send you over the bars with the 405 as illustrated above?

    Free Member

    Can you bleed all brakes in the same way, ie from caliper up to reservoir? Just wondering as this is the way it is done with cars when they are built.

    Free Member

    Have one low energy light bulb in the bathroom that is less than 2 months old, 60w equivalent output, takes at least 1/2 hour to get up to full brightness and even then I can’t read ST in the bath like I could with the original 60w bulb in there.

    The bulb pictured above does look like a normal bulb, albeit it has white glass not clear and would look sh1t in a light fitting that currently uses clear candle bulbs, if you like pig ugly bulbs like that on show in your house then fine, in mine I like the bulbs to blend in with the light fitting, ie aesthetically pleasing, not scare people when they enter the room because it looks like a **** ghost hanging from the lamp shade :D

    Free Member

    I really dislike low energy light bulbs, changing to them will require me to change every single light fitting in my house as I have yet to see an aesthetically pleasing low energy bulb, this is going to cost me more money than I will save using low energy bulbs for the next 5 years, it will also cost me a fortune in batteries as during the hours of darkness I will have to carry a torch so that I can find what I’m looking for, don’t want to have to switch the lights on 30 minutes before I go in to a room and then still wonder why it’s not very light in there.

    With the improvements in LED’s surely they would be a better bet in the home, at least they would light the rooms up.

    The above is based on my own experiences with low energy bulbs and yes I am in favour of lowering my carbon emissions.

    Slight aside, climatecare do a carbon offset program where you can pay to offset the CO2 you produce, if I pay the £130 per year to offset the CO2 my driving, flying and home produces shouldn’t I be allowed to use proper light bulbs etc?

    Free Member

    Paddy says to Murphy ‘ Why do scuba divers fall backwards off the boat?’

    Murphy ‘You thick tw*t, if they fell forwards they’d still be in the f*cking boat!’

    Free Member

    2.35 Blue Groove front and 2.35 Nevegal rear running ghetto, no size difference I can see and they roll well on tarmac with 30/32 psi, not found this draggy idea myself, grip well in most conditions

    Free Member

    Got the e-mail too, Team Garlic and Pork Scratchings, mayhem here we come :D

    Free Member

    Is there an alternative to ebay?

    Free Member

    Everything has gone silly price wise, can’t afford to run XT drive train anymore :-(

    Free Member

    Having had both my current account and credit card emptied via paypal and then not recovering the full costs due to changes in exchange rates (transactions made in dollars) I won’t use them again in any way, shape or form.

    Free Member

    Didn’t start biking until 2003 so nothing very old, however, I still use the original inner tubes from the Giant NRS that I started with, albeit there are more patches than tube now :D

    Free Member

    No MOT = no tax = no insurance, police have the power to seize the vehicle and have it crushed

    Free Member

    The Joker

    Free Member

    Have used both 2 Wheels and Race Co, spent more in race Co and got much better service from 2 Wheels, bought bikes from both, warranty issues were dealt with by 2 Wheels replacing item then claiming from manufacturer, Race co warranty dealt with by sending said part to supplier then waiting for replacement etc, very frustrating for the customer, especially when the supplier takes a long time to address the warranty issue (4 weeks for a RF bottom bracket) but understandable for the owner. My experiences would result in me buying a bike from 2 Wheels if they had what I wanted but wouldn’t buy from Race Co again

    Free Member

    Wyre forest was mostly dry yesterday but as usual was a complete swamp in the usual places, couldn’t see what colour my bike was when we got back to the visitor centre to enjoy tea and cake and admire the middle aged guy fully padded up with a chrome SC Bullit with a Rohloff having a pre ride cuppa.

    Free Member

    How do you know which processes can be stopped/deleted etc, there seems to be dozens running on mine and I have no idea what they are?

    Free Member

    househusband – he is going away next month for a weekend organised by the diabetes nurses from Redditch, Worcester and Hereford, approx 30 kids from 8-13, also a couple of guys with diabetes in their early 20’s, hope he gets a lot out of it. Thanks for the link

    Free Member

    Have had my debit card done twice in the last 2 years and my credit card once, both companies sorted it out eventually. Both of the debit card issues I believe the bank should’ve picked up ie my Paypal account was linked to my debit card, changed debit card and all transactions made through Paypal were against my old card number that the bank alledgedley automatically cancel when a new card is requested, 2nd time someone cloned my card and made £300 cash withdrawals from cashpoints in canada while I used my debit card in England on the same days and in some instances, within minutes of making a withdrawal in Ottawa!!!!

    Free Member

    PS – I am not suggesting that DickBarton thinks it is a doddle, that was a general summarising comment, not one aimed at an individual, in fact the whole post is aimed generally, not at Dick even though it was in response to his question, hope no offence has been taken as none is intended.


    Free Member

    DickBarton – the issue with my son being diagnosed is that after 32 years of diabetes I know how much effect it has on your life, I know all the ‘it doesn’t stop me doing anything’ side of the disease, and effectively it doesn’t, the effect it does have though is you have to think about everything you do for 24hrs a day, something that is extremely difficult for a child to comprehend. He is the only child with diabetes at his school, he is the ‘weird’ kid, the ‘oooh I feel wobbly, I need to get something to eat’ comments, the sudden change in friends and friends parents attitudes, no longer invited over – all these things have a massive detrimental effect on a child’s mental health and well being, there is no counselling support currently available for children with diabetes, he doesn’t want to be different, he wants to have his food the same as his friends do, not do a blood test, calculate the carbs he is consuming, calculating the required number of insulin units depending on his blood test and the carbs and also factoring in if he has PE after lunch and needs to reduce his insulin because of that.
    On top of all that is the worry for the parents that he is doing all the above, my wife is a Health Professional and we have been married 14yrs, the sh1t I put her through with all the side effects of diabetes such as mood swings, hypo’s during the night etc that no amount of testing and insulin dosages can change as changes in blood sugar levels can be affected by so many things such as temperature, stress, amount of sleep, illness etc.

    In summary, yes there are worse things out there but do not think diabetes is a doddle.

    Free Member

    Diagnosed Type 1 32 years ago at the tender age of 7, been on an insulin pump for around 18 months now. I find that I can ride longer and slightly faster (for me anyway) when my blood sugar is elevated slightly ie around the 10mmol/l mark, I use High 5 isotonic in my camelbak at 50% recommended concentration and carry Dextrose tablets, glucogel, jelly babies and a couple of cereal bars, drop my basal rate to 50% of norm 2hrs before ride and continue for duration and for 2 hrs after. Also take 50% bolus with my post ride meal, if the ride has been an all day epic I also run reduced basal through the night. Still experimenting a bit with these figures as they vary depending on the ride, don’t drop the basal rate as much if it’s a spin round the lanes as this is more aerobic than my normal off road rides.

    For those with children that have been diagnosed I wish you the best, my eldest son was diagnosed last summer at 10 and it was the worst day of my life :-(

    Free Member

    Thursday was still very claggy in places, lots of the stuff at the top by button oak was dry but with lots of wet slippy patches to catch you out :D

    Free Member

    TF that coldplay won nowt, what a pants performance too

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