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  • Win this Lazer Jackal KinetiCore helmet worth £180!
  • votchy
    Free Member

    Automotive engineer but not a DH’er

    if you can answer this question in under 3 minutes you can be an engineer:

    Which is the 6th number?
    1, 2, 6, 42, 1806, ___???

    Free Member

    Numberwang, Mitchell and Webb, nuff said…

    Free Member

    and thankfully we’ll all be too busy on Monday for the star wars parody – May the 4th be with you

    Free Member

    gilles –

    You are riding with the wrong people.

    Watch it!!!!

    Free Member

    3/6 – sorry only went to a comprehensive school

    Free Member

    willard – we’ll see, media is closer to the truth than the experts are letting on

    Free Member

    franki – muddy in the usual areas but a lot drier than I expected

    shinsplints – only the deer :wink:

    Free Member

    :lol: just did the google chuck norris, excellent

    Free Member

    Was good to see a few new faces, not so good to see some older ones :wink: good ride, good fun and some stupid bikes :lol:

    Free Member

    Clown bikes, piles of scaffolding tubed bikes, riders as tall as trees, vegetables and differing breeds of dogs – should be an interesting evening :D

    Free Member

    Now they can get on with racing, seems quite fair to me

    Free Member

    retro83 – not able to run all the tests, ran scandisk ok but with my lack of internet access not been able to download the ones you suggested. I do believe it to be a PC issue, my continued internet questions are due to the fact that I can guarentee that if I try to connect to the internet between 9am and 9pm I can’t, then as if by magic from 10pm onwards I have no issues.

    Not sure about the position of the fans but whilst the pc is running I can hear fans running, will open it up tonight and switch on, see if it/they all work.

    thanks for your help

    Free Member

    Word from inside the health service is that this is very serious and the WHO (not daltry et al) are sh1tting themselves about it. I personally believe it isn’t that serious (if it was then surely to contain it you would close Mexico) but a heated debate with my opinion suggests the media ‘sensationalism’ is closer to the reality than the health minister’s comments

    Free Member

    router is an ethernet one, hard wired to pc with wireless enabled to allow xbox and wii connection. as there is no option of connecting another pc to my router could I connect my xbox 360 via an ethernet cable and access the web using that to try and eliminate ISP issues? Xbox live uses your windows live log in

    Free Member

    data backed up

    have run connection and speed tests and results are acceptable at 5meg download speed on an 8meg connection at 8:30pm, however still unable to open web pages, have IE7, firefox and google chrome, non of which made any difference.

    Finally managed to access web using IE7 so tried to download IE8, downloaded at 860KB/s and installed. Had blue screen of death (page error in unpaged area or something like that) when the pc restarted to complete installation. This happened a couple of times before the pc started ok, lo and behold using IE8 no problems with accessing web pages, didn’t try any other browser (was online so not willing to risk it). Was this a factor or coincidence that it was now 10pm and things generally seem better after this time anyway.

    Could there be a setting on the pc that might prevent access at certain times of the day (checking the router settings there is the ability to block the router with my firewall at certain times but the access at all times box is the one that is checked)?

    Free Member

    what storm? couple of rumbles of thunder and a bit of rain, leaving my small block 8’s on for entertainment :lol:

    Free Member

    re the mailing list, a select bunch of people that neither ride with us or respond when mailled…

    Free Member

    Who told shinsplints about my tooth/root interface in toothless gully on the pepsi max?

    sss – with feet that big his shoes act like pontoons

    Free Member

    Last night took me about 2hrs to get on to the internet and download defender, ran it and no issues. Carried out the diagnostics on the router and the connection etc were fine, just unable to open many web pages, some like hotmail and google can be opened albeit very slowly. decided to back up some of the latest photos on there and I got the windows blue screen of death 3 times whilst recording the data to dvd, finally got the disc burned and lo and behold tried to connect to the internet, was about 11pm, and click, click every page I tried opened quickly.

    have noticed that the hard drive makes some peculiar noises during start up recently, as if the bearings are fubar’d but also think that there is an issue with sky, my ISP.

    Piece of mind says buy a new pc as I think mine may be on the way out but also have a nagging concern that something is not quite right with the service i receive from the ISP, why no go during the day and early evening but almost flawless from around 10pm, anyone else have similar with sky?

    Free Member

    **** me, we have a mailing list of about 20 people and only 3 or 4 ever respond, a post on here and there will be more than ever

    votchy (st bernard class jey mincer ;-)

    Free Member

    Have most problems with connecting to internet, generally ok doing pc based tasks, photos, media files etc

    have spyware and antivirus running in the background

    have checked cpu usage and when it is playing up, cpu is normally 90+% usage, checked on processes tab and system and system idle process are 50-50 split on cpu usage

    Free Member

    Router rebooted about 10 times

    Free Member


    mick has been running bonty race lites, seem to be ok and as he is a tad bulkier than your good self they should be fine. can’t comment on the tyres as don’t know anything about them

    E-mail me and let me know what you want doing with the MM money???


    Free Member

    Saturday will be fine, Sunday will be showers

    Free Member

    Just in case anyone hasn’t seen it

    Free Member

    Park self adhesive repair patches are your friend, make sure the shifter body is nice and clean and they stick like the proverbial to a blanket, been on my shifters for nearly 2 years now and because they are clear they are quite discreet.

    Free Member


    5 bikes and 5 peeps in the Focus will be fun, see you Sunday


    Free Member

    No one interested?

    Free Member

    His fame has grown into the mainstream, video clip of him on BBC homepage now

    Free Member

    Another shout for Pulp Fiction

    Free Member

    The £2k car scrappage thing does nothing for the car industry as they have to contribute half of the £2k, with margins so low on lower end vehicles each sale could cost the manufacturer money. Not restricted to so called green vehicles either.

    Free Member

    Used them for about 2 years and thought they were great, new bike 2 years ago came with Nevegals on, used them to see what they were like and really liked them, did back to back rides a few weeks ago to compare my old Cinders against the Nevegals, my findings were:

    Didn’t roll as well as the Kendas
    Didn’t grip as well as the Kendas
    Didn’t clear mud as well as the Kendas
    Didn’t look as nice on the bike as the Kendas (red sidewalls)


    My dad now has another set of my tried but didn’t like tyres

    Free Member

    [/quote]with turning vehicles holding til the green man goes or the pedestrians have finished

    this wouldn’t happen, the traffic would have turn as allowed by the traffic lights and the pedestrians would end up as another unfortunate road death statistic

    Free Member

    Back is more painful this morning, stella and cuprofen are not taking the edge off it 8O

    Free Member

    Last year we turned up with a new team (mispelt giving it a whole different meaning The Client Duffers instead of The Clent Duffers), one guy never having done MM before. As team captain I got volunteered in to doing the first lap. I can’t run for toffee so was well down the field, not a worry as our goal was to finish and enjoy the event.
    Once on the bike things went quite well for the first half of the lap, got scared whitless at the bottom of the grassy climb up from the lake to the Red Bull tent as some lady jumped in front of me and shouted ‘you’re a winner’ and handed me a card for my spot prize from STW. having lost what little momentum I had the climb was a bit of a drag. Having got to the top I tried to quicken my pace slightly and as I dropped down the other side on the grass towards the fireroad behind the woods, the gentle right hand bend got the better of me. Down I went with a thud in front of a reasonable number of onlookers, with my pride dented I jumped straight back on and pedalled away on to the fireroad, once I was convinced I was out of sight I squealed like a girl, every breath I took sent a sharp pain through my chest, riding along the almost imperceptible climb of the fireroad I kept down shifting and downshifting until I was granny granny and still the breaths were causing my eyes to water with pain.
    Eventually the fireroad incline got too much and I had to walk, missing out all the fun of riding the twisty singletrack through the woods, my determination not to let the team down meant I walked the entire remainder of the lap, acknowledging the words of condolensce from riders of all levels as they flew past me with a raise of my hand and unable to hurl abuse at the rider who shouted ‘you could at least run’, walking was painful enough. Felt so embarrassed as I walked past the boys we ride with on a Wednesday night from The Duke William at Wyre Forest but thankful of their help in getting me back to the start/finish line.
    A sorrowful team captain handed the baton over in the pits then proceeded to get ambulanced to the first aid area where I recieved 2 Ibuprofen for the pain having been examined and diagnosed as bruised ribs.
    Stayed to support the team throughout the weekend and couldn’t believe that my 2hr 10min first lap was not the slowest, there was a team behind us at the end of the first lap!!!
    Safely home on Sunday and a trip to A&E revealed 2 broken ribs and a demotion to team vice captain this year, with a proviso that I have to do at least 2 laps this time.


    Free Member

    Was even more jey than that :D

    Free Member

    That’s what my wife said

    Free Member

    Not going to pay that much, will wait until Wembley then, neighbours are getting a bit bored with me watching the DVD’s at full chat through the surround system :D

    Free Member

    What’s the going rate for a ticket from a tout? Got tickets to see them at Wembley in June but would like to see them somewhere a bit smaller. Course, if anyone has a spare ticket for Birmingham would gladly exchange beer tokens with the bearer

    Free Member

    You on commission or something for them!!! Anyway, Trek are for mincers :wink:

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