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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 16: Continental Argotal Tyres
  • votchy
    Free Member

    Pepsi Max is a fast downhill section in a gully with an elbow shaped tree root on the left with bite marks in it (mine) followed by an up and down section of singletrack that flows nicely

    Wyre route including pepsi max

    Pepsi max starts at the fast tag on this route and runs away from the dowles road.

    Free Member

    How confident is he on singletrack? Where the route enters the forest at buttonoak there is a fast flat loop at the top that then leads on to the 'infamous' Pepsi Max, if however he is not that confident on singletrack this may not be suitable for him.

    Free Member

    Get some sun on those legs, bet they dazzled people for miles :D

    Free Member

    AC/DC – If you want blood you've got it (live)

    Free Member

    I bought one and find it comfier than my mule so am using it regularly, also find it better organised than a camelbak, the full length zips allow full opening so you can see what you are looking for instead of fumbling around trying to find stuff, still not got the hang of the bite valve yet

    Free Member

    Another 661 Kyle Strait user here, never used pads before but tried them as a little confidence booster, have worn them all winter and as said above, once you start riding you really don't notice them and after last nights off I can vouch they work too, not sure how I managed it but seemed to 'naturally, land knees first in one of those comedy dismounts the wrong way on an off camber section (3bears at Wyre if anyone's interested)

    Free Member

    Banana omelette with tomato ketchup – nomnomnomnomnomnom

    Free Member

    If one touched me i'd go full on batshit loco!

    Just wet myself laughing – brilliant :lol:

    As for the OP – apples

    Free Member

    I understand the concept and what I need to do – 2

    Ehh???? WTF???? Do what??? – 0

    Free Member

    I have some hand cream – 4

    I'm not a big Susan so I don't have any hand cream – 2

    Free Member

    Did you have any witnesses to your crash? I am amazed you didn't get hurt hitting a tree that hard, or did you really forget the bike was on the roof when you drove through the height restricted car park entrance 8O

    Free Member

    Brown girl in the ring traaa la laaa la laaaaa
    Brown girl in the ring tra la la la laaa

    Can't beat boney M for annoying the pants off you :D

    Free Member

    Been listening to that a bit too, in readiness for seeing them at the NEC in May. Also been listening a lot to Iron Maiden Live After Death, not willing to pay silly money to see them at sonisphere though :(

    Free Member

    MaX – thanks for clearing that up, wasn't sure of the facts but glad someone is. Fully agree with your comments re cyclists and cycling bodies, I believe we are the biggest bunch of apethetic countryside users going and considering the cross spread of occupations and salaries that seem to be spouted on here you would think we could use some joined up thinking 8O

    This is the one of the largest mtb forums, surely we could become a representative body to address these issues? I am a current IMBA member but I believe their contribution is a drop in the ocean due to lack of members/funding and regional representation.

    Free Member

    Is there evidence that the footpath is actually used by walkers? Just wondering as if it is not, can't the landowner get the ROW closed after a certain time without use, could they be going along this train of thought to prevent ALL access to their land?

    Free Member

    Running Kenda BG and Nev combo on Flows but needed the specific rim strip, couldn't get a seal with just the yellow strip, been running fine now for about 8 months. Ghetto'd a pair of Razors on my other wheels (WTB Speed discs) for MM last year (wishful thinking), never been ridden but they are still holding air and that was 8 months ago 8O

    Free Member

    Collar bone – 18
    Arm – 7
    Leg – 6
    Jaw – 2
    Cheek Bone – 2
    Rib – 56
    Finger – 45
    Skull – 1
    Ass – 0
    Wrist – 12
    Knee Cap – 2
    Nose – 8
    Big Toe – 4
    Metatarsal – 4
    hip – 2
    elbow – 2
    pelvis – 2
    wrist – 5
    ankle – 8
    middle toe – 2
    Thumb – 4
    little finger – 2
    Hand – 6
    SCAPHOID – 5
    spine – 2
    Back – 3

    Free Member

    Well bugger me, just back from a local mince and the light has run faultlessly for 3 hours

    Free Member

    Used to run mine with 2 or 3mm of sag, checked statically, doesn't cause bobbing but allows the suspension to be a bit more active especially over small bumps, the design will never be plush but it is nice when run with a little sag

    Free Member

    It's Type II BTW and has been controlled well by diet in the past, but it (the change of diet) is what really gets her down. That and she is sh*tting herself about the future.

    The change in diet will help the future, what she is scared of is going to come true if she doesn't change her diet, kidney, heart, eyes are all things we rely on and are very difficult to cope with when they fail.

    Depends how solid you like your concrete. Newcastle family study a few years back ( :oops:) found families where non-diabetic mambers had early and irrevocable changes in the way they processed glucose, although those tests are not done clinically. Women who have diabetes in pregnancy usually go on to develop type 2 in later life, and whereas if none of your family have Type 2 your lifetime chance of developing is about 10%, if your parent/sibling/child has it the risk goes to 40% and increases with increasing numbers of relatives until if it is your identical twin who has the disease then the risk is well over 90%. Nevertheless, what you inherit in most cases is still probably not the full story and lifestyle certainly accelerates or retards the progress.

    Was referring to Type 1 in my post, although the 'facts' you have posted are about as concrete as mud, nothing there that shows anything more than coincidence based on the percentages imho

    Free Member

    I am in the same, or very similar, boat to Dick, had Type 1 diabetes for 33 of my (nearly) 41 years and can't really add much to the comments he has posted. With the right support and help she can get on with life in a near normal way. From what you have said though it would seem she may be Type 2 rather than 1, as Dick says above, there is nothing concrete to suggest it is passed on generation to generation etc. My personal take on things is Diabetes doesn't stop you doing anything, what it does do is make you think a bit more about what you are doing. If Type 1 she can control it and not have to give up the cakes and sweets completely, just reduce the quantity and replace with better food.

    Also try diabetes uk as there are plenty of helpful people out there.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Smudge – cheers for that, your testing kit portable? If so will bring it over for you next time you join the Clent Duffers (TM) for a ride (Mick Arms et al)

    Free Member

    Hope it rides better than it looks, sorry, not my cup of tea, just hope you haven't got ginger hair :wink:

    Free Member

    No, Lumen Liberator

    Free Member

    £200 plus £70 for battery and charger

    Free Member

    Cheers Nige, looks like I might have to buy the whole package then, a lot dearer than you paid too :(

    Free Member

    Could the link between increased head injuries and compulsory helmet wearing be due to the 'claim' mentality that is sweeping the world i.e. I was wearing a helmet and fell off my bike and my head hurts, therefore the helmet didn't do its job?

    Free Member

    I have, not replied yet so asking on here :D

    Free Member

    That was the worst motor sport spectacle I have ever seen, thank god I recorded it and could fast forward through lots of it, seems that it's a case of once the first guy pits for tyres everyone else will, very dull

    Free Member

    It's £14.99 from Amazon in paperback, job done, thank you all for your help and useful comments :D

    Free Member

    MrTall – as you are aware, the drivers do not buy the drinks

    SOOOBalias – don't spend money I don't have

    Cookery Book

    – recommend me a good one

    Free Member

    Ordered a white 3l jobbie, purely a want based on my thread on other forum :D

    Free Member

    save it! why spend for the sake of it?

    Why save it, what use is having money in the bank? I spend all of my income every month in the belief that I will have contributed to getting us out of recession. Money in the bank is worthless if I drop dead tomorrow

    Anyway, still got £15.01 to wastespend and need some suggestions

    Free Member

    Too late, just bought one of those Lezyne hydration packs complete with 3l bladder, multitool, minipump, puncture kit for £34.99 off wiggle, just need 7 gear cables and a choccy bar now :wink:

    have I got this right? You've got fifty notes and don't know what you want but still feel the urge to spend it?

    is it just me?

    You never just wanted to buy something for the hell of it?

    Is it just me? 8O

    Free Member

    Lol @ Mic – didn't think I'd mentioned it to you, you travelling with Steve tonight?

    Free Member

    Did like the humour of the united fans last night, Beckham comes on as sub and gets a standing ovation from the entire crowd with chants of 'Only one David Beckham' etc then he gets booed the first time he gets the ball, brilliant :D

    Free Member

    One of the massive problems we (society) needs to overcome is to get over to people that far from being just a chore, getting involved in community matters is actually rather satisfying.

    – exactly the thing Tony Blair was trying to introduce along with family values, it is about time people started helping themselves instead of blaming others

    Free Member

    because nothing makes me smile more than being on 2 wheels

    – you should try sex :lol:

    As for why I do it – it's ace (that goes for sex too)

    Free Member

    Not read all of this but some of the work that is done by these people is amazing, as always it is the odd incident that grabs the headlines and all get tarred with the same brush, what about the ones who have to visit on their own, going in to houses that are no-go for the police, gangsters, pimps, drug dealers, every move being watched by some gun toting thug, dealing with ethnic families where beating sh1t out of women and children is a 'family value', dealing with people under threat of honour killing etc, etc – and all this is inevitably handled by an unsupported woman on a very poor wage – my hat goes off to ALL of them and to the thousands of men, women and children that they help

    Free Member

    Single laps during day, double laps at night allows everyone to get 4 or 5hrs kip. As it's your first time you may do as I do every year which is just get caught up in the whole thing and only get an hours kip if you're lucky. You will need spares that you don't think you'll need. Make sure you are all happy that if something/someone goes t1ts up you will all be ok with it (after all you don't have corporate sponsorship resting on your result), I broke 2 ribs in 2008 on the very first lap, took over 2hrs to complete, team ran as a 3 for rest of event and because it hooned it down in the night they had a break from about 12 until 6am, everyone was ok with that, no pressure to ride if they didn't want to etc. Take your own bottled water for camelbaks. dirtworker or similar is invaluable if it rains to keep drivetrains working, if you can get a f5th person to cook etc helps as the time quickly passes between laps, once you are back to your area, checked/cleaned/lubed bike ready for next lap, got changed in to clean/warm/dry clothes there's not much time to cook a warm meal before it's time to start getting ready for your next lap.

    Enjoy it, it's brilliant

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