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  • Fresh Goods Friday 654 – Kylo Ren’s British Knights Edition
  • vlad_the_invader
    Full Member


    ….Tax returns….

    Hahaha hahaha hahaha

    Full Member

    I’m afraid you seem to have broken STW! 3 pages in and near universal agreement…

    Full Member

    There’s several Sa Colabra segments. Which one are you all referring to?

    Edit: found it with some difficulty on my phone.
    Hmmm, 50+ minutes for me but in my defence, I was also shepherding my missus up the climb (and battling numerous tour buses). I’d by happy with sub 40mins now…

    Full Member

    Where is the “like” button?
    I fully support you!

    Full Member

    Out of interest, are you one of the beneficiaries of the will (with a vested interest in obtaining the highest proceeds of sale?)?

    If not, why go to all this bother?

    I’m curious of the legal implications as I’d be tempted to off-load everything as efficiently as possible if it wasn’t in my interest…

    Full Member

    Years ago, when I was about 17, my dad bought an Austin Princess (remember those horrible wedge shaped cars?). The sole redeeming feature was it’s heater. It could warm the inside of the car and de-ice/de-mist the windscreen in about 2 mins.

    Scroll forward a couple of years and when I was looking around for a car for myself, my list was very short i.e. it had to be a Ford of some sort with a heated windscreen ‘cos Im too impatient to wait for the blowers to get warm enough to de-mist or de-ice a windscreen.

    Why aren’t heated screens more popular??? AFAIC, they should be compulsory in wet/cold climate countries…

    Full Member

    I hope his lovely family have him a luxury padded room booked.

    He’s playing the long game. I’m imagining him sitting in court as the accused and dribbling whilst his lawyers plead mental incompetence (see above) to a gullible judge and jury…

    Full Member

    WTAF! I just assumed that ^^^ was some Trump fan with an over-active imagination but no, he trumpeted (ha!) that as a major announcement on Truth (sic) Social.
    He’s completely lost the plot and must be desperate to raise money

    Full Member

    I ordered a set of pike ultimates in February 21 they still hadn’t arrived in April 22 when I cancelled the order because I’d sold the bike they were going on

    That was fortunate! If that was me, I’d probably forget to cancel an order that late and end up with a product I don’t need…

    Full Member

    Never heard of “Tell us once” so no idea what you are trying to do.
    You might get a better response if you provide more details of what outcome you are hoping for…

    Full Member


    the answer is fairly simple

    It isn’t, or they’d have done it by now. This is an old argument, I once thought the same.

    I still stand behind that assertion though I have no doubt the implementation of the answer is a different beast…

    And I wasn’t necessarily suggesting any random forum user get access to any data which is likely to infringe on GDPR, but if we (as a forum) know that “product x” from “vendor ABC” is shite or very difficult to work with, then maybe there are other users of that product can offer some insight into config options or even something as simple as how to escalate support issues more effectively if the vendor isn’t responsive enough.

    Full Member

    1) Cookie consent popup (CMP) – This is out of our control I’m afraid as it is our advertising provider that implements this. They sometimes make changes and that can cause issues. We are not aware or told when they make changes to the CMP so we couldn’t even provide a heads up to you saying that it will change. We only find out when someone tells us they are having issues and we report back to them. They may then tell us they have made changes. So the best thing to do is to let us know and we’ll pass on the message. Unfortunately, that’s the best we can do about this issue.

    Hmmmm…not sure whether these points are listed in any sort of priority/impact order but, surely, if a third party vendor is proving shite support to a business critical function, the answer is fairly simple: dump them and use a better vendor.
    Granted, I know nothing about advertising providers but, presumably, there is a choice of them out there…

    There’s lots of techie people on STW, so are there any experts in advertising providers who can help STW choose a better vendor and/or help config the product to work better on this forum?

    Full Member

    Every year… can we just copy and paste the thread from last year ?

    Every WEEK, there’s a “Shimano brake bleed” thread of some description…😉

    Full Member

    FWIW, no problems apart from a brief 502 error.
    Pixel 6a/Android 13/Brave browser (with whatever default settings Brave uses)
    I don’t login from multiple devices.

    And I’m a freeloader as well…

    Full Member

    I’m not an expert but do you have separate SSIDs for the 2.4 and 5Ghz wifi networks? If so, can you prevent the device from connecting to the 2.4Ghz one? ie can you change the password on the 2.4 so it can’t connect to it, and fails over to the 5? Or something similar…

    Full Member

    You could have peed on your hands for a bit of (temporary) warmth…

    Full Member

    The new TV may have Chromecast functionality built in. As for the laptop, what are you doing with that? If you’re using it as a media source than I suggest you investigate Plex.

    Yes, I’ve been told the new TV has built in Chromecast. Old TV is, essentially, acting as a monitor for the laptop which is currently used to stream Netflix, BBC iPlayer, All 4 etc etc and well as general browsing. I’m not sure what apps we’ll be able to install on the new TV but we also want the new TV to act as the laptop monitor as well….
    I flirted with Plex several years ago (when I had lots of content from that dodgy pirate BT site) but never got it working properly (my fault, I think, as I couldn’t get Windows to recognize the NAS. In fact, I’d forgotten about the NAS until I pulled out the TV unit to check the connectivity!)
    I may re-visit Plex once I’ve got to grips with the new TV

    Full Member

    Even older HDMI will demolish optical. If you’re using the TV as the source to drive the receiver then what you’re looking for is HDMI-ARC.


    For some reason, I’d always thought optical was superior to HDMI… obviously wrong about that!

    Currently, laptop feeds receiver via HDMI, then receiver linked to old telly via another HDMI. A have an old Chromecast plugged into one of the old TVs spare HDMI inputs. I’m guessing I won’t need that anymore. They’re the only video sources currently.

    Now, I’ll have the apps on the new TV to take into account so I’ll follow your suggestion.

    Full Member

    Well, I pulled the trigger. 65 it is! Just gotta get some help installing it and playing around with the spaghetti to connect to my (5.1) amp/speakers.

    We cut down some cardboard boxes and taped them together in a flat panel the same size as 65 telly then taped it to the wall just to get an idea of whether it would overwhelm the wall (it doesn’t) and the best position.

    Any opinions on HDMI versus optical for feeding the amp (assuming, as this is just audio, then HDMI 2.x or whatever capability isn’t needed by amp?)

    Full Member

    If you don’t have any input sources then why are you worrying about HDMI input specs?

    Future-proofing…current telly is about 15 yrs old so I’m likely to keep this for quite some time and I’m just curious whether anyone knows of compelling reasons why HDMI 2.1 is likely to be useful/needed in the future (just like I’d prefer not to buy a 26″ wheeled mountain bike now 😄)

    Full Member

    HDMI 2 or greater is required to connect a 4k source.

    I’m looking at a specific Samsung model. Last year’s model had 4 HDMI inputs but only one is HDMI 2.1 whereas this year’s model of same TV all inputs are HDMI 2.1.
    Both are 4k. Apparently, Xboxes, Play Stations and other games consoles need 2.1 but I don’t have any games consoles and I don’t know of any other use case for 2.1….

    Full Member

    Not sure I want to ask a serious question as it may stop the puns cumming…

    Anyway, I’m not a gamer and the only sport I watch is F1 plus some of the big bike races (TDF etc). So
    (a) is 120hz really needed?
    (b) And if I’m not a gamer, do I need one (or more) HDMI 2.1 inputs, as I’m not sure what the benefit of HDMI 2.1 is….?

    Full Member

    5 hours a week for me at 80:20 came in approx as follows
    Z1/2 3 hours 54 mins
    Z3/4 30 mins
    Z5+ 36mins

    So comparing Z1/2 with Z5+ actually comes out at approx 85:15

    Even my 30 minutes HIIT session “only” resulted in 14 minutes in Z5. Not sure I could do significantly more than that in one session, though ultimately, once I’m past my niggling injury and have spent a few more weeks working in endurance, I’ll do two short HIIT sessions per week.

    Full Member

    Part of it is room design too. Our living room has a door on one side and a big window on the other, so the sofa kind of has to go on the one wall and the TV opposite. This means you’re sat facing a big blank wall, so it really needs a big (ish) TV to fit on it. Looks rubbish with a small one.

    Definitely an element of this, and we don’t have a Van Gogh to gaze at instead. I’m also getting on a bit and we have a laptop hooked up to the existing screen and use it for browsing as well as Netflix/Prime/You Tube etc. Text is getting harder to read at the distance the sofa is away from the screen.

    I thought 55 would be more than enough but, apparently, it should be 65 at 2+ metres away…and looking at the tellys on display in the shops, that seems a bit “in your face” but <sales talk>”everyone gets used to it and wouldn’t go back to a smaller size” </sales talk>

    Full Member

    Who remembers the ’80s when having a mini 4″ TV in your kitchen complete with telescopic aerial was the height of cool?

    My dad had one of those! He used to take it to work and whip it out on the night shift, when no one was looking


    Full Member

    As in its good to have one and fine to enjoy it but please don’t wave it around in public?

    Curtains will be closed. Don’t want the nosey neighbours to feel overwhelmed…

    Full Member

    First high intensity session tonight after 3 weeks of targeting zone 2 – bloody hell, that was even more unpleasant than it usually is.

    Think I’m gonna aim for 4 Z2 sessions per week (4-6 hrs total, depending on weather – outdoors being longer rides than indoors) plus one max effort interval session (usually 30 min including warm up/cool down).
    I assume that matches the 80/20 guidance for mixing it up. Correct?

    Full Member

    however.. there should be no need for multiple profiles, i have all my work stuff in work mode, which i turn off, i believe it can be automated..
    i dont know how you do this standalone, as i admin our comapny IT i deploy MDM to all devices and compartmentalize al lwork data and apps.

    I’m doing this “unofficially” – work don’t actually have Android Enterprise so I’m not offered a Personal + Work profile.

    Anyway, I’ve deleted the second user for now – will try again when I’m less busy and I’m confident that no updates are needed/underway.

    These are the great goggle phones we all hear about!

    Well, there’s an awful lot of configuration options that I have no idea what they are for or whether it’s worthwhile switching them on or off. I suspect it was something to do with aggressive power savings so I need to get my head around those options…

    Full Member

    That’s some Monster Cookies…

    Full Member

    Chrome can do it already. It’s in the history but not obvious. Something like ‘recently closed X tabs ‘. Click it and it opens the previous session.

    Yeah, that’s what I use now but when you’ve previously had multiple windows open, you have to do it multiple times and I often have many many windows/tabs open!

    Full Member

    Ah, the “On startup” presumably. Will try that as mine was set to “Open new tab”…

    Full Member

    in my brain, on the left feels right, you’re on the left of the road, they are also on the left of the road, moving it to the right, may suggest they are on the right of the raod and they aren’t

    I believe that is what Garmin implements by default (depending on market)

    Full Member

    Well, no idea what you lot are all doing, but I’ve had my Wahoo Tickr for at least five years and it still works fine and I, too, am a sweaty bastard who uses it for multiple hours per week.
    And I’ve only replaced the batteries about three times. Definitely got my money’s worth out of it.

    Just to point out, I always disconnect the unit from the strap and usually, but not always, towel the sweat off them both and make sure the strap isn’t scrunched up when not in use…

    Full Member

    I’m a late comer to this thread and I CBA reading through 22 pages worth of knowledge so I’ll ask a question that may have been asked already.

    Dog owners: at what point does low internal home temperature become an issue for your dogs and what do you do about it?

    Locally, temps have been dipping down to a couple of degrees below zero at night. I don’t heat the top floor of my house at all but have got one electric baseboard heater set at 15°C in the (open plan) room downstairs the dog sleeps in (and is my home office during the day).
    When I’m using that room, I supplement it with a gas fire when needed.
    I guess I’m wondering whether the room is warm enough overnight for the dog or whether I can turn the thermostat down!

    The dog is a mutt of some description – it’s probably a 4 (out of 10) on the hairy/furry scale and loves snow/flakes out in the heat so not sure how to rate his temperature tolerance 😃

    Full Member

    I notice that the tendency in many comments is to talk about (aim for) the upper z2 range figures.

    Per someone further up thread, high Zone 2 into low Zone 3 is the point where the body transitions from fat burning to glycogen burning.
    For me, I’m trying to stick with fat burning for the moment so I work on the assumption that high Zone 2 burns more fat than low Zone 2! Simple as that. Plus it would be even more boring to just sit spinning legs at an even lower intensity for an hour +

    Full Member

    So, did another Zone 2 ride last night with “new” zones as calculated by Crickles. My Zone 2 is now 122 – 133bpm. Workout consists of gradual ramp up then an hour block of 225w which put me at the upper end of the Z2 about 10 mins into that block. All was good for about another 30 mins and then my heart rate started creeping up.
    I tried to reduce power but, from that point onwards, HR wouldn’t get back into Z2.

    Any idea what I did wrong and should I just end my session early? I know you are not supposed to drift into Z3, but does doing so actually “invalidate” the Z2 work – even if your HR drift upwards for a couple of minutes??

    I specifically want to remain in fat-burning mode for another couple of weeks, so trying not do do higher intensity work yet. There’s no specific reason for me to do that except I want to try something different than previous winters when I’ve just concentrated on a LOT of high intensity sessions which may have compromised my endurance.

    Full Member

    Not an Apple fanboy but Apple should be free to spend their advertising revenue wherever they want (free speech) BUT I have reservations about whether they should have the power to pull the app from the app store (without allowing their phones to have apps installed from alternative sources)

    Full Member

    BTW: I’m loving the analogies Moly and Crosshair!

    Full Member


    We’ll, I can verifiy that lots of z2 riding does dramatically improve the ability to burn fat in at least one person – me. The change in results was huge.

    Out of interest, can you quantify that? E.g. I assume you actually lost weight – what sort of values are we talking about here, for what number of Z2 hours or sessions? Approx will do! 😉

    Full Member

    My niece married a Ukrainian back in 2017 – he got a temporary residence visa of some sort and was told he could get UK citizenship after 5 years (there were various other hoops they have to jump through).
    They are now past 5 years in the UK but he’s not got his citizenship yet. I’ve no idea whether he’s been screwed by Brexit…

    (Edit: wot he said above…)

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