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  • Downhill From Here: How climate change threatens cycling as we know it
  • vlad_the_invader
    Full Member

    My road bike came with the cheap stamped rotors. They started squealing like mad, to an insane degree.

    My road bike came with expensive Ultegra ice-tech rotors. They squeal like mad, to an insane degree until super hot, and then squeal again when they cool down. (That’s with both Shimano OEM organic and sintered pads, btw. It’s bloody annoying….)

    Full Member

    The odd day, no but I’d start to feel antsy if a couple of days go by and I haven’t done any form of exercise.
    Jobs,chores,DIY etc – nah, don’t feel the slightest bit guilty of putting off those type of activities…

    Full Member

    Someone up there ⬆️ (MCTD?) mentioned that only 95% of tax due is actually paid.

    I propose that any business (or individual/employee) that, however tangentially, facilitates tax avoidance/evasion, MUST be licensed in the same country as they are providing advice on AND such license costs MUST be sufficiently high to recover a big chunk of that missing 5% tax AND profits on any such activities should be taxed so heavily (separate corporation tax if needed) that the remainder of the missing 5% is recovered.

    In other words, reduce the incentives for creative accounting by those who pedal it…


    Feel free to critique!

    Full Member

    If you can box it, can’t you just use a regular courier company (UPS or DHL, for instance)? Can’t imagine it would be cheap though…

    Full Member

    I’m a long term user of Backcountry Navigator (and a fairly recent user of Gaia). Both are a bit rubbish for planning purposes (I tend to use Komoot for planning) but the big advantage of BCN and Gaia is they allow you to switch layers, which can be very useful in-the-field (assuming you have phone coverage or have download the map tiles in advance).
    If the current on-the-ground conditions don’t match the map, switching layers may help…

    (Plus, I’ve got at least 7 different mapping apps installed on my phone so can switch apps if I’m really lost!)

    Full Member

    I made a one of payment for something on Komoot a couple of years ago for what I think is full access to UK and Europe, will have a rummage to see if I can access offline versions.. They appear to have changed their subscription model since.

    Last time I looked you can buy access to particular regions across the world for a relatively cheap one-off payment (and there are regular deals as well. I got worldwide maps for $20 I think) PlUS (and entirely separately) you can pay monthly for “Premium” access which gets questionable functionality such as turn-by-turn voice navigation and weather reports

    Full Member

    FYI: Gaia maps have various European topo maps (inc French and Spanish IGN) plus lots of generic topo maps (eg OSM) and you can actually blend together two different layers.
    No idea of cost though, as I get “free” access as part of Outside membership.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Calvi, on Corsica. Or Corsica anywhere really.

    Loved Corsica when I went about 20 years ago but the driving standards were appalling. Maybe they’ve improved but I’d be wary of road riding there, even though some of the mountain/cliff-edge roads were spectacular
    (I was mostly in the NW of the island)

    Full Member

    A few years ago, when Trailforks started charging, I signed up as, at the time, I traveled enough to justify needing access to maps outside my own region.
    Anyway, the introductory price was 50% of the regular account. Since the Outside buyout, that Trailforks membership also gets me access to Outside and Cycling Tips PLUS full access to Gaia maps (which provides access to loads of different mapping layers and topo maps all over the world)…I’m still paying the same annual price so, a bit of a bargain really!

    Full Member

    The Cycling Podcast are only about £20 a year.

    What??? I get that for free on Google Podcast!

    Full Member

    IBM? If so, let me know as a good friend of mine is pretty senior in IBM and I’ll give him a good kicking if his team are responsible…

    Full Member

    I have several clients who are in the hotel/banqueting business in Las Vegas and have got to spend some time in some VERY nice hotel rooms. In fact, just about all the hotels I’ve stayed in for works purposes and have been a LOT nicer (and a lot more expensive) than any I’ve paid for myself…

    Full Member

    Komoot or RideWithGPS apps will probably suffice though they do not include OS mapping (which is more of a problem when mountain biking than road riding…)

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Trump and his enablers and supporters will use that argument regardless of the charges. So whether it’s accusations of vote rigging in Fulton country or illegally removing classified documents, they will always claim it’s politically motivated.

    Let’s not forget Trumps obsession with Hillary’s email server or Hunter Biden’s laptop.
    Republican & Trump hypocrisy at its finest. Of course there’s an element of political motivation, that’s what happens when you enter politics, behave like a WGBE and provide a never ending stream of subject-matter…

    Full Member

    All five criminal and civil investigations currently taking place into Trump’s behaviour/affairs are ultimately responsible to Democrat politicians.

    Point of order! I believe the Georgia “I only need 12,000 votes” investigation is Republican-lead, hence the RINO jibe (though happy to be proven wrong if not)

    Full Member

    I’ve ridden those trails (on Fromme) but it’s been a very long time since I’ve mountain biked in the Alps so can’t help you, but I’m interested in others opinions!

    Full Member

    I love that his legal team applied to refuse cameras access to the court as it’d create a “circus”.

    Typical tactic of Trump. Will do anything to frustrate justice as long as possible. I’m half expecting him to feign an illness next…

    Full Member

    The callousnous and schadenfruede on display on this thread really is something to behold. I really hope none of your kids go through something like this. Have a word with yourselves.

    Lol, what a drama queen! They’re spending a bit more time on a coach than originally planned, they’re not being conscripted to join an army FFS

    Full Member

    As it’s only one, near the back, I’m hoping I can leave a gap.

    That’s what I did about a year ago. No problems so far…

    Full Member

    If he gets tried for sedition, and if you and I were on the jury, I think it’s highly likely that we would vote him guilty. But, for whatever reason, the wheels of justice are turning very slowly in the DOJ. I’m hoping they are building a watertight case but equally, they might be bricking it because of potential fall-out and are just kicking the can down the road hoping the problem goes away…

    Full Member

    To me that sounds like having some sort of coordination. It’s Murica you know.

    If you smell some sort of conspiracy, I have no problem with that but I don’t care whether there is or isn’t (though I’m not the sort of person who’s drawn towards conspiracy theories anyway).

    Sure, a lot of career-minded individuals in important positions probably realize this may be the moment to make a name for themselves (but that’s not unique to Trump)

    Full Member

    It was with reference to people apparently getting excited with regards to the Stormy Daniels payment allegations.

    Got it. I, too, would rather he was successfully prosecuted for a “more serious” offence (pref related to Jan 6) but he’s such a slippery bastard I’d settle for this* just in case nothing else sticks.

    * whatever “this” turns out to be when the actual charges are un-sealed. Hopefully, there’s an element of serious tax fraud as well…

    Full Member

    You mean they are all coincidence?

    Eh? Trump has been involved in multiple court cases for what seems like the entirety of his career. Previously, no one was interested as he didn’t have the public profile he does now. So it’s nothing unusual for him to be battling various courts for various charges….

    Full Member

    Well I thought I was suggesting that he should be prosecuted for something which will end his political career, ie sedition/encouraging insurrection,

    You do realise this is still a thing, don’t you? Or if you’ve learnt that the “authorities” (DOJ?) have definitely dropped any possibility of charging him for something related to Jan 6, please do tell cos I may have missed that…

    EDIT: as of a few days ago, DOJ still investigating:

    Full Member

    So why is he being pursued over minor stuff which could possibly play into his tiny hands?

    There’s at least three different entities pursing him for various misdemeanors. Are you suggesting they should coordinate their actions? The very fact that there isn’t such coordination should dispell myths of some great anti-Trump conspiracy 😄

    Full Member

    Do you think that if the D.A. had been a Republican we would be in the same place?

    Equally, its highly likely a Republican DA would turn a blind eye to “obvious/flagrant” white collar crime by one of their own…

    No one is naive enough to dispute that there’s an element political motivation to this but Republicans do this all the time and shrug their shoulder (at most). It’s in the Democrat make up to get hung up about shit like this but, frankly, it’s karma…he’s had this coming for a very long time (and, for the record, he’s still innocent until proven guilty…………)

    Full Member


    Full Member


    Can’t offer any answers but I have a muscle imbalance as well so I’m interested, though mine is only in the order of ~4%.

    I’ve a long history of lower back pain brought on by tight glutes but I’ve been working on core strength, stretching and mobility and things seem to have improved (though I’ve haven’t rode up any of the local big mountains for six months or so, which is usually what triggers my back pain and consequent imbalance.)

    Full Member

    does it need to be removable?

    I hope not! I’ve used solution proposed by @fettlin though I’ve used Sugru to “secure” the top part of the mount as I don’t have any epoxy to hand. Job done (I hope)…

    Full Member

    Free Member
    There are something like 2000 Leopards in Europe. How many are Ukraine getting, less than 100? Germany is sending 18, its pitiful.

    I’m not disagreeing at all, but is there some (justifiable??) concern about a large number of western MBTs falling into Russian hands?

    Full Member

    Can’t you drill through the seatpost mount at 6 o’clock and use the correct screw? Then use some Gorilla glue or other strong binding agent to hold the top in place?

    Hmmm, that’s probably the best solution

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Does the unit not function at the horizontal orientation or is it your sense of symmetry that it grinds on (personally it would annoy me 🙂 )

    Not actually tried it horizontal but as it’s a radar unit, Im more interested in cars approaching from behind rather than planes or birds! 😄

    And it would trigger my OCD!

    Full Member

    but can you turn the mount 90 and screw through?

    Possibly but it looks like the screw would need to be exactly the right length and (a) it’s difficult to determine what length to use as the back in chamfered and (b) I don’t have a large collection of tiny screws to test out! (And that’s assuming Id have the correct drill bit – which almost certainly don’t)

    Full Member

    Hmmm, do you see the six photos in the post?
    But yes, I’m intending on twisting the mounting disc 90° as per last photo. Just wondering whether Sugru will work…

    This is back of adaptor:

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Not road, not gravel, not motorised…

    So we’re playing guess-the-bike with just a photo of the box as a clue? In which case, it’s either a unicycle or a tandem of some description…

    Full Member

    Obviously not but I’d question if/why public sector contracts have *redundancy* clauses in them that are above statutory levels.

    So you want only the shitiest workers who only work for employers with the shitiest contracts looking after your health, teaching your kids or putting out fires at your house?
    OR maybe CEOs of privately owned companies are also banned from getting big pay offs when they are terminated?

    I have no particular axe to grind here, but I don’t see why people who happen to work in public sector jobs should be treated worse than private sector.
    So if it’s good enough for the private sector, it should be good enough for the public sector

    Full Member

    The solution is so bloody obvious but it’s unachievable because mountain bikers are too lazy (sorry, too busy…) i.e. put some effort into trail building/repairs (or at least advocacy or donations, if you genuinely, physically can’t do trail work)

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Watched this the other day, they refer to a overland\motorcycle gravel track in the North.

    Have just “wasted” too many hours over the last week watching the PanAm Highway and Nordic (as well as truck build) episodes! What a way of life!
    Weirdly, though, I can’t work out why they opted to use the gravel route mentioned above. The routes mentioned by MatthewNorway below see much more scenic

    Full Member
    I’ll leave this channel here. Say good bye to a few hours while you watch stunning riding venues…

    Another several hours lost…. can’t help feeling, though, that CyclingMickey and/or would be posting endless videos of close passes. Some of the roads he rides on seem super-sketchy and that’s not even including some of the scary tunnels…

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