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  • vintagewino
    Free Member

    and doesn’t have a back story because they never wrote one
    Expresses opinion without the relevant facts… Standard STW

    I see your snarky STW response and I raise you this… listen from 18.50. Johnson says Snoke’s story is not relevant to this one.

    Free Member

    I reckon he is dead and *might* come back as a force ghost. Snoke is dead and doesn’t have a back story because they never wrote one. Who needs to know about the origin and motivation of the guy who destroyed Luke’s legacy? Not important! Rey is a nobody because they wrote it that way after TFA. And Kylo isn’t lying because that would imply a level of attention to the overall narrative that I don’t believe is there.

    If it turns out Andy Serkis is filming for IX I will extend a bit of hope that the story will be resolved at the end but I’m not convinced it will be right now.

    Free Member

    Pulp Fiction reference innit. Remember the wallet?

    Free Member

    11/12, got the Jabba one wrong.

    Free Member

    3/ TFA raised various threads and questions which all seem to now be irrelevant.

    It was as if millions of plot threads cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

    Free Member

    This is the thing that really grates though. It’s like they have rebooted the reboot 2 films into a trilogy. I might consider petitioning to re-edit TFA and TLJ into one better start to a new trilogy, there is surely a coherent story that could be told while still introducing the new characters and giving a satisfactory end to the old ones.

    Free Member

    Anyone think we’ll ever get a resolution on how Luke’s lightsaber got collected from Bespin and ended up with Maz Kanata?

    Free Member

    The Knights of Who? Oh… those guys. So, about all that stuff we introduced in TFA, we’re, uh, just going to forget all that stuff happened… ok?

    Free Member

    Instead it gradually made it hot.
    And Finn could fly straight up the beam in an open topped fighter thingy (that Hero Plumber Lady could seemingly fly without any training) without getting encoalified.

    this was unforgivable!

    Although quickly forgotten with Hux’s ‘do you think you got him?’ line to Kylo Ren.

    Free Member

    I actually like the idea that she is not a Skywalker, that she came from nothing and rose as a counterpoint to Kylo Ren, as explained by Snoke. All that ties into the force balance she discusses with Luke earlier on. It just annoys me in retrospect that it seemed so heavily telegraphed in TFA that she was one of the clan. Almost like JJ Abrams put the music there because it sounded good, with no regard for what it communicated.

    Also if she isn’t a Skywalker then the whole I-IX sequence surely then centres on Vader rather than the Skywalker clan as a whole, which would be cool. And it makes her bond with Kylo more interesting. I concur that a final revelation that she IS a Skywalker after all could make for some good drama, I just don’t think TFA and TLJ together demonstrate that they know what the overall arc of this trilogy was going to be.

    Free Member

    It does feel a bit like JJ Abrams came up with a load of stuff for TFA which felt star wars-y but wasn’t that well thought out, and this film tosses a lot of it rather than following it through. Snoke a bit random – kill him off without finding out who he is. Skywalker theme music when Rey is discovering her powers – but she’s not a Skywalker after all. I’m a bit conflicted just now.

    Free Member

    That warp shot was awesome but I thought the whole plot of the codebreaker leading up to that sequence was pretty unsatisfying. Felt a bit clunky but the casino as cantina was fun visually and I guess it set up the very last scene too.

    The Luke / Rey / Yoda parts were the best and Luke’s last stand with Kylo Ren was easily my favouite part of the movie. Tatooine tribute shot was so good.

    But who the hell is/was Snoke anyway??

    Free Member

    They should feel tighter than a gnat’s chuff when you put them on (but fitting – i.e. no pressure points and not too short in the toes). They will loosen off a lot over the first few runs and will break down significantly over a few weeks of riding them.

    As above, mouldable liners are a big plus and I also would consider custom insoles. Good ski shops will do them. I haven’t ridden without a pair for 20 years.

    Free Member

    Nice Underhill! I had forgotten I had one of them too. Might have been the one that got nicked by a group of malevolent youths when I was crossing the river from St Pauls on the way to South Bank when I was 15.

    Free Member

    Hosoi is sick but must have risers! Rippin styles holmes!

    Free Member

    SMA and then early World Industries graphics were great. I never had one but I loved all of their ads.

    I had one of these:

    but the best powell graphic was this one:

    That Ray Barbee section in Ban This was also amazing

    Free Member

    Amazing! Bearings need a bit of attention though. Urethane painted to look like clay, brilliant.

    Free Member

    I had one of these back in the day:

    and a guy at school had a pristine version of this:

    except with hand-drawn Gonz art on the topsheet he got at a signing. We lost contact but I hope he still has it today.

    Free Member

    the Gator one is a bit tarnished. I wouldn’t be coveting one. Anything by Gonz is the right answer, also unable to do pics.

    Free Member

    Glencoe opening some lifts tomorrow, hopefully an early start and not a false one. Forecast looks promising too.

    Free Member

    My inlaws have a new LG and it has some setting that basically makes it unwatchable (for me), like it’s so ultra-realistic that you can see all sets in TV shows are sets, CGI is really obviously an addition… I hate it but I don’t know what it’s called to avoid it when I go looking for a TV soon.

    Free Member

    The Fourth Phase is the MOST boring snowboard movie ever!

    Go for tech socks or nice base layers. I’m quite fond of the BAM bamboo-based stuff.

    Free Member

    I bought all new electronics for mine, all that had stopped working. I find the new electronic speed controllers a bit dull compared to the old mechanical ones which didn’t mid you slamming from full forward to full reverse in the turns.

    Free Member

    mrblobby I see you also have the cracked bumper, a very common problem. the hole in the hexagonal insert in the front gearbox is threaded on mine so the under bumper plate won’t stay on any more, should get a new bit.

    When I refurb’d mine I sorted all the bearings and got a hot new motor, the thing went way faster than I was ever able to run it as a kid!

    Free Member

    Schumacher Cat looks pretty sweet, especially with the 4WD upgrade version. I scratched an itch with an Associated RC10 re-issue a while back, really liked that one but the kids aren’t interested in playing along so I flogged it for a small loss.

    I keep really hankering after a re-issue SuperShot though. I had the original HotShot back in the day and converted it to the 4 shock suspension, loved that thing. I have restored it and run it recently but it’s a fragile old beast. Need a replacement!

    Free Member

    Joi isn’t being tracked by Wallace, but by Love. There’s a massive tension between them and K is shown to be able to lie to his superior, so Love should be able to deceive her master too.

    I wondered at the very end with the snow whether Dr Dreams was actually making all K’s memories in real time & if any of it was ‘real’ from his POV at all.

    So many layers…

    Free Member

    Must be about 20 – 30 for me. 30+ nights in hotels for work so far but most of those have been multi-night. 5 overnight flights I think, moved house in August, my parents and the in-laws and a few nights camping. Must count properly next year!

    Free Member

    because it was freeeeeeeeee

    Free Member

    well out of character! do not like. Mirror bit at the end was good / intriguing though.

    Free Member

    If I was you I’d go for the prime wheels, based on having 2 sets of the Cosines. Primes have the anti-bite insert on the hubs the cosines lacked, rims look the same shape. The cosines were pretty close to the claimed weight and those primes are a bit lighter still if memory serves. And they are the cheapest!

    Free Member

    how did you lot wait so long to get it diagnosed? Both mine were so painful and my wrists totally useless. Straight to A&E!

    Free Member

    I have broken both mine (one skateboarding one snowboarding). Only had a cast on 10 days or so, the second one happened 2 weeks before a long-planned surf trip to Portugal so I just strapped it up with waterproof adhesive tape and toughed it out. Weirdly I think the paddling helped it heal, definitely got over that one faster than the first time.

    They stay fragile for AGES after they have healed though. Small knocks and they hurt like ****. I didn’t ride a bike at all for at least 6 weeks and for a good while after that took it really easy.

    Free Member

    interesting on the 26″ wheels, I am tempted to buy a hardtail frame to build up from my old bike. I guess if you ran one with a 26″ fork it would slightly steepen the head angle due to the shorter axle to crown measurement?

    Free Member

    Lounge access does indeed make a difference but the best thing about racking up points is when it gets you into the fast track lane at security. Think you get that on one of those ‘priority pass’ things you can buy?

    Free Member

    The roof was ok in the end but a bit scrappy. In the last few shots I was itching to get the circular saw out and cut the sticky-out panels flush with the beams. Maybe they were going to get to that later.

    Also the curve wasn’t fibonacci enough, looked not far off a half donut from the overhead shots.

    Free Member

    where are they going with the fungal drive thing? How will they join up the inevitable disaster with the fact that nobody in star trek ‘after’ this ever mentioned the technology.

    I like it overall but I can’t stand the Klingons.

    Free Member

    Hopefully a lot of misdirection in there, obvious parallels to ESB are too obvious. Luke looking worried when Rey cracks the ground is wicked though. Tickets booked!

    Free Member

    you guys who actually managed to read the third book after the dirge of the second, I applaud you. I liked the first but the second… just awful.

    Free Member

    I’ve had mine almost 4 years so the same guts as the current one but not the facelift. ST3, petrol though not diesel. It’s great, only issues in that time are front brakes needing replaced, 2x sets of front tyres (lots of fwd torque) and the front springs replaced too, but I blame the potholes for that. It is thirsty though, real world driving is 30mpg on average at best, if you are careful it will nudge 35 or a bit over on long motorway journeys. I guess the diesel is better but probably not as fun to drive. The boot is massive and very functional.

    Free Member

    I’m 5’9.5″ (much to my distress) and I’ve been on the 54 all year and a 54 CAAD10 for 18 months before that. Stem lowered from stock albeit not fully slammed. Fits perfect. Agree with the above – 54 is for you.

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