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  • How to Thrive, not just Survive, this winter
  • vikingboy
    Free Member

    I used to work near where he lives – in stereotypical boy racer fashion I once tried to ‘race’ him in my ’89 Escort RS Turbo but he wasn’t having any of it – knew he’d met his match I imagine! 😀

    Seeing Mr Bean driving a F1 is quite disturbing too

    Free Member

    Mr Philstone^^^ appears to have sorted some converters but from what I remember the bearings were a different size and conversion wasn’t possible – or was that just the carbon ones?
    Change in distributor also explains why Ive been unable to find some replacement spokes for my Havocs…

    Free Member

    Moving to a mac and using Office is like inventing the car and still using a saddle & reins
    Im not necessarily advocating using Pages either but look into the slew of distraction free writing tools like Ulysses and iaWriter (and markdown generally).
    The biggest advantage Ive found with Mac vs Windows is I actually get more work done on a Mac than I ever did on Windows (esp that horrid mess of 8.1). Its not any particular program more the philosophy behind some of the best mac programs. My advice is buy a cheap Mac mini and try it for a few months, see if you get on with it.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I have the same issue, 2 27″ TB monitors, one is daisy chained off the back of a Sonnet 10gbe pcie adapter. Annoys me slightly as it reduces my local traffic to 8.6gbps. I also use a HDMI TV and retina screen for some other stuff, the mac HW and drivers handle it fine.
    Easiest way to do this is to make sure you get/use monitors which allow passthrough of video signals so you can use one output, the new Viewsonic VP2772 for example supports this mode – there are others, Im just partial to Viewsonic as they have great warranty / dead pixel policies on ‘pro’ models.

    Free Member

    PSA: I was informed recently that the terms “dwarf” and “midget” are now considered offensive and politically incorrect, the term you are looking for is “little people”. Passing along for the betterment of the ST establishment.

    Free Member

    Digital Ocean great for ease of use and documentation.
    Ramnode are significantly faster and have provided 100% uptime for the last 11weeks for me which is pretty impressive. Lost 30 seconds of uptime last friday or it would have been 3 months straight.
    I use digital ocean for testing and Ramnode for live hosting I care about.

    Free Member

    any chances of a STW members discount for Mac Mini Colo? 🙂

    Free Member

    me neither! With all the useless permies let go from their cushy stable roles now freelancing, I’ve found it harder to get work. They either charge a fortune and do a shitty job leaving a bad taste in the clients mouth that poisons the well for other contractors or are happy to work so cheaply because its interim work until they find another stable job they don’t really care. Either way, times are getting harder for contractors and I wouldn’t assume a small amount of time between contracts as I once did.

    Free Member

    …got the scars to prove it.

    Free Member

    I drive an imported Evo IX Wagon – pretty quick with a few choice mods brought over from my 800hp hill climb Evo….dont actually have any pictures but it looks like the one below but with a dirty mountain bike in the back.

    Free Member

    or the park park press with bb92 adapters

    there’s your two extremes, £1 or £100 🙂

    Free Member

    ive had no trouble at all with the Spec DH casings……the SX casing I can burp fairly easily….I wouldn’t trust a SX carcass tubeless on a long run like the mega.
    Either go full DH casing or SX + tube (which is prob the same weight as the DH anyway). Weight isn’t your problem on the mega 🙂

    Free Member

    Maxtorque: if that picture is taken by the ubehebe crater, I nearly rolled our hire car there, got a drift wrong, hit the bank and was right up on two wheels with my missus looking down on! Would have been bad as typical stupid young tourist with no supplies etc. Its like a million miles from anywhere….good job we had the full damage protection stuff 🙂

    Free Member

    It get a lot better, worth watching for sure.

    Free Member

    Unique melody miracles. I’ve tried a lot and these were the best by a noticeable margin. Fit should be perfect if you get a good audiologist to take the molds. Not everywhere does them right, I had a couple of hearing aid companies do them and neither were as good as proper ear phone molds. ACS can do them themselves if you like their sound or headphone company near Ware are good too.
    Delivery is 8 weeks for UMs so if you are in a hurry ACS maybe a better choice.

    Free Member

    get some ear molds taken and grab a set of unique melodies… more noise

    Free Member

    @molgrips: they didn’t manage to track the source of the attack down specifically to a particular company or person but have their suspicions, nothing ever came to it. I suspect there will be a fair bit of code disassembly of future products from the suspected companies to see if they can identify any code or algorithms that might support their theories. Not sure what action if any they would take TBH, Ive done some reverse engineering type legal stuff before and it was quite frankly an expensive mistake trying to make a case.
    I can’t go into too many details on a public forum obviously but these sort of targeted IP attacks are indeed very real and a very cheap way to obtain what in this case amounted to about 20 years worth of R&D and development in a very short timeframe.
    The tech nature of the company that was hacked would never admit they had been compromised publicly and hence why Im sure a lot more of these kind of stories remain behind closed doors.

    Free Member

    i use a pair of Butcher SX’s and TBH, I would just go for the DH versions, better sidewalls for not a lot of weight penalty. Im a 200lb+ rider though so if you are lighter you might get away with them. I can burp them where as the DH’s are impossible to burp.
    They aren’t available in the UK in SX format. Ship them in from EUR or US.

    Free Member

    John lewis, Which!? We should rename this place middleclassworld

    Read reviews from Chef’s who use this stuff in anger, if its good enough for the pro’s etc its good enough for my tins of baked beans and boiled spuds.

    Don’t spend a fortune on over priced marketed rubbish…..take a look at

    oh and probably best avoid the copper unless you want to spend hours polishing it to keep it looking nice

    Free Member

    there may be reasons for the apparent ineptness, I worked for a large tech company a year ago which had been targeted by a specially crafted virus which was basically roaming around pilfering what ever source code/data/IP it could from servers and desktops for export back to HQ (via anonymous sites obviously). It was very well engineered and run undetected for probably 6-12 months. The investigation was silently conducted under the guise of multiple failures (obviously servers were shutdown and desktops / laptops recalled etc) due to power spikes to prevent any news leaks from the company in the hope it wouldn’t tip of the hacker and permit data security guys to locate the source of the attack. I reckon the investigation ran for a good few weeks during which time the staff were pretty open about incompetent IT struggling to maintain functionality and desktops etc.
    So its either something similar – or you just have a poor IT team.

    Free Member

    ive not had a good experience with cheap batteries, best case is they don’t hold their charge after a few months of use and worst case with a cheap ebay special, it exploded and caught fire which could have been bad news if it didn’t happen whilst I was using the thing. Luckily damage was limited to a burnt desk & laptop was fine still. If you go third party at least buy from a Uk supplier where its likely had some QC and testing on it.

    Free Member

    I moved to cambridge from Guildford. FML.
    Chicksands is closest and best bang for buck IMHO.

    Free Member

    4x on ice – with blades….cool

    Free Member

    I agree, nothing would replace my RO’s, best modulation with for me is more important than outright stopping power, although they are tops for that in many tests anyway. Get the ROs.

    Free Member

    get them to check it, my tv picture got progressively worse and intercom became flakey – turned out to be a dodgy optical coupler (according to the engineer) in the local hub. 100% better since fixed and now downloading at 15MB/s and TV actually looks watchable

    Free Member

    ive had a few over the years but this is my current ride…..use it for everything from DH / 4x to XC (with dropper post)

    and for more agro / euro riding….

    Free Member

    cane creek 40 series are fine, unless you need the bling factor of the 110 series. You can upgrade the 40 series with SS bearings when they wear out but mine have been fine for ages since the sealing is sound.

    Free Member

    any links to FAQs that helps someone who has no bloody idea what that thing is about learn more please? 🙂

    Free Member

    everything about virgin is better except the user interface of the box – its just awkward to use. Not impossible to fathom but not as slick as Skys offering.

    Free Member

    glad to see this finally coming.

    Free Member

    i use a synology/qnap system at home to backup files to and use crash plan ( for offsite hassle free backups (currently storing 1.9TB for circa £50 per year). Useful for when your home floods and the qnap sinks to the bottom of the study.

    Free Member

    pixelmator and/or GIMP should do the trick depending on her skill level.
    I think with Adobe its subscription model only now which is £^lots!!!

    Free Member

    ive had two pairs of havens (carbon & aluminium), a pair of havocs and they’ve all been spot on. I even broke a carbon rim and they were replaced without question. The early hub issues that were discussed have been cleared up since the first few production runs. Id buy without worrying at the CRC price.
    Im running a pair of DT Swiss FX which are nice too but at the price of the Eastons not a good return on the additional spend.

    Free Member

    Prob not with Jensen but check chain reaction….they were very cheap on there too

    Free Member

    no sign of mine either – assumed it was a typo, thanks for letting us know

    Free Member

    given you didn’t get the job, Id ask for full compensation….you’ve got nothing to lose
    Sorry and good luck!

    Free Member

    jacket? whats one of them!? MTFU

    Free Member

    hey b r, can you share what technique you learnt to avoid breaking chains? thx in adv

    Free Member

    I would suggest you dont go on to ask about bikes….but they do know a hell of a lot about coffee machines etc. Worth opening your eyes before you purchase.

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