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  • verbboy
    Free Member

    a wet November weekend might be OK then 😉

    Free Member

    Well hopefully a wet start so only the die hard walkers are out. Did GAP a few weeks ago and hardly saw anyone but we didn’t get as Far East as PYF.

    Absolutely supporting the access rights. It’s nuts a few local footpaths I ride on. Very respectful of walkers if I see any and they never seem to care, smile say hello . Get the odd fruit loop when I’ve accidentally ridden on a footpath they apparently feel they own it. Just enjoying the outdoors as they are. 30 years ago they made you feel like you were a criminal on a bloody bridleway!

    Free Member

    Well I’d avoid it if strictly a footpath. On the OS site I couldn’t quite workout if allowed. Free access would be so much better. Looks like a great area to explore!

    Free Member

    We are looking at the “path” from Storey Arms Outdoor Centre across to pic up the GAP loop a bit on from Pen Y Fan.

    Free Member

    Got an L200 as a replacement vehicle whilst Caravelle being worked on, it is truly terrible as a replacement.

    No space, uncomfortable.

    If I was a farmer maybe the 4WD would be useful, but I’m not.

    Get a van infinitely more practical (unless you are a farmer / builder in a muddy field).

    Free Member

    Sorry judderman I was trying to find what the store told me.

    OK I was using at the time Mavic Crossmax XL in 42 2/3 (8.5 UK)

    They said to order at least a 43 but I found that a bit too tight. A 44 was perfect.

    I needed to use a good winter sock, a thin summer sock and the boot is a little loose but useable.

    Very early morning hike a bike up a ski slope and feet stayed perfectly warm and I’ve always suffered with cold feel for over 30 winters so these are a revelation.

    Only bit of poor design is the velcro that doesn’t worked will in show but small gaiters solved that 🙂

    Free Member

    Got some of these originally for a fat biking trip but then used them for really horrible wet muddy rides.

    Never got cold or wet feet – highly recommended.

    Free Member

    Well paid a bit more attention to what I was eating and a bit spur of the moment a friend and I decided to do the South Downs Way last week.

    Didn’t suffer with any hunger issues 🙂

    Used a High5 carb drink, gels and real food too.

    Free Member

    If you have the cash then Exposure is a no brainer 🙂 Bar and helmet mounted ideally. Maybe use your existing light on your bike?

    Free Member

    hol2 – fair point, but before I’d eaten too much before hence the weight loss.

    dovebiker – thanks for the info

    paton – reading – thanks

    Free Member

    Yes I’m sure I’m partly bonked (not deliberately).

    I’m riding at a reasonable pace (for me) on the longer rides purely as I enjoy it, not breathing out my arse but a firm sustainable pace (until I bonk!).

    I think trying the supplement of an energy drink is worth a try.

    When I train on my trainer I can get away with really hard efforts for 1-2 hours – fuel well before and after and have no issues, it seems to be when out I’m enjoying feeling good on my bike again and zipping along.

    I always run hot so drinking is second nature for sure so energy in there might help.

    Free Member

    I often start 30 mins into the ride, maybe I just need to eat more. Just seems all of a sudden its happening more.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Well what a day, thanks again for all the replies.

    Decision is to loan each employee money. I will not be paying their net salaries.

    The loan ONLY becomes repayable if/when they receive their salaries.

    Hopefully removes any pressure from them in this situation, avoids me paying their salary which I have zero obligation to do. It is my decision to loan them the money and the only condition of the repayment is a fair one.

    Thanks again, sadly I hear the AWOL director was busy “getting off his head” with company in his apartment. Quite a contrast to my day! He’s in for a rude awakening 😉

    Free Member


    The staff are all leaving, the payment is strictly to them and them alone.

    They are aware of his mistakes he even text the office to say they should leave for the day and he’d be in touch, he hasn’t and one is his sister.

    They business was VERY viable, run by a dick!


    er he paid himself more than maybe he should! Its absolutely nuts, and an appalling way to behave. Whilst they could take legal action against him simple fact is if he has nothing and they need to pay their bills tomorrow. In hindsight I should have set the business up instead we let him do it his way offering him advice etc where needed, we live and learn eh!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the messages.

    I’ve spoken to my accountant and he suggested the government scheme but they need their money tomorrow, well in principle they do. I’m not happy to brush them off with that.

    The solution is I will loan the monies to the business that cannot pay the net salaries. The loan will be paid directly to the employees. The loan is highly likely to not be repaid so my business will pay corp tax on this.

    I am being honest with all the staff re the NI and saying that needs to be handled by the business they are employed by.

    I was concerned about the “shadow director” thing and I think I will just have to cross that bridge as and when it happens. The liabilities are minimal as of the date staff “left” but now I’m thinking there is potential Corp Tax, silly OS bills etc.

    I really appreciate the comments, I’m trying to do the right thing by the employees, I was trying to help a friend now I’m not sure if I crossed the line in terms of his operation.

    I’ll speak to my accountant again re the gift idea, maybe I’m I could be implicated enough as it is. What a mess, his golden opportunity has turned into a pile of Sh!t so quickly. Would be typical that he coudl walk away and I end up paying all remaining bills etc

    Learnt my lesson thats for sure.

    Thanks again its really appreciated

    Free Member

    OK thank you ninfan, I guess I’ll need to speak to my accountant.

    Free Member

    Save yourself some time and get a caravelle / transporter kombi style of vehicle.

    We have 3 children (12,9 & 6) had an Espace for 6 or so years and its been brilliant, loads of boot space, proper size seats and isofix etc too.


    At 12 our daughter was getting cramped especially for trips to the alps etc and for years I’ve wanted a “van” but never really got around to it and the Espace was a great battle bus.

    So we got a LWB Caravelle the other week and wow its superb, yes its big but for the children it is amazing, they are great children but it didn’t take much for the niggling to start on journeys. Thats all gone in 7 seat mode.

    Whilst I appreciate they aren’t cheap if you’ve got the space to park one seriously consider it, has numerous benefits for me with trips with my bike and the perfect transport for us as a family.

    Its makes journeys more of an adventure for the children, far easier to pack as really you don’t need to think you can take whatever you like!

    Free Member

    All sounds good, just trying to do a deal with the dealer 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes they are more expensive than they should be, lots of things are. I’m sure lots of people riding a 7k bike when a for 2k something equally as capable. Sometimes its ok to buy something you like regardless of the actual “value”.

    Free Member

    Well had 2nd test drive and my wife came along, she can see the sense in it too 🙂

    Might be time to stop over thinking it!!

    Free Member

    I’d have liked a 4-Motion but really on the south coast not much need for it and with proper winter tyres any hire car we’ve had has been 2WD and coped OK in the snow, we’d prefer to drive down that fly in future easier to take all our stuff. I’d have to buy new to get my ideal spec Caravelle and I’m not prepared to suffer depreciation like that again, did that with the A4 and annoyed myself, should have gone for a demo or lightly used. Price is 36K done 7k miles. Nappa Leather, heated seats no electric sliding door, mirrors or seats which I prefer as something less to go wrong. Ain’t cheap but if I hired one for the trips we’d definitely each year it comes to over 2k per year and looking at 5 years time its the same as the depreciation I’d roughly suffer. Chopping in the Audi covers a chunk and have some savings too – not prepared so skint myself for a car.

    Wife seeing it tomorrow with me – hopefully she will like it

    Free Member

    Old Man Winters are excellent, always suffered from cold feet, these stopped that in proper cold conditions.

    Free Member

    you could try using a turbo just to start with, also flat pedals might be a good start, quite suprising the force needed to clip out.

    I turbo’d from 8 weeks – felt so nice to turn pedals again!

    Get copies of your x-ray for the physio it will help them with the appropriate exercises.

    Free Member

    i am just a bit scared thinking i will snap the fusion whilst walking on it. would this be a possibility with all the steel work inside, god knows.

    The metal work holds it together. Definitely do not go full weight bearing, it helps but until fully healed it isn’t a replacement for strong bones.

    It takes more than 6 weeks to be fully healed, so just take it easy. I’m sure I read somewhere the gradual weight bearing helps with the “fixing” of the bone but don’t quote me!

    I was told my plate stays in unless it gives me issues – what did they say to you?

    Free Member

    Why was your leg in plaster?

    I broke my tib and fib 12 weeks ago and fortunately due to the wound I was fitted with a removable cast once I returned to the UK (after 1 week).

    Saw a physio at 3 weeks and since I have not had to have the cast on (just under 6 weeks) I’ve followed my physio advice to the letter! I was only doing small up and down motions in the 3 weeks, no rotation due to crack down to ankle too.

    I decided to go down a private route for the physio as

    a) I wanted someone looking after me to get me back on my bike as soon as I was ready and available as and when I needed them in between sessions.

    b) many people are in far more “deserving” need of the NHS limited resources, ultimately I’d only broken my leg.

    I rode my MTB off road on exactly the 12 week date of my accident 🙂

    I can’t stress enough get PROPER advice, DO NOT rush things, eat as much “bone fixing” foods as you can, focus on your body mending Oh and get PROPER advice, DO NOT rush things 😉

    I’ve been very luck, I spend at least 2 hours every day doing my physio and its working well so far, but still alot to do.

    Anything I can help with let me know.

    Free Member

    I agree I have been reading and I fall into various options, I had a friend who went out west and had his pants pulled down good and proper.

    Free Member

    Sorry for the delay in replying:

    aphex_2k – I struggle with forms and understanding the various options, thats why I’m happy to pay for a service to help me.

    deserter – I have a friend there, who I also work closely with. Been on lots of trips there and whilst I’d prefer maybe western canada for riding and scenery, I like the simplicity of NB. Also easier for Wife to travel back to UK, shes not the biggest flying fan so half the time in a plane is better for her.

    Free Member

    I recently bought one of these for the back of our Espace, it obviously has a huge tailgate. Works really well.

    Bike Rack

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Thanks Julzm, sounds like a great recovery well done.

    Trying to flex my ankle more in the cast, wound is still a bit “interesting” but fortunately my hospital are on top of it 🙂

    At least I’m not in any pain!

    The french said static bike after 8 weeks but if I can a road ride would be cool!

    Free Member

    Thanks, all very useful.

    My light cast allows me a bit of movement in my ankle so I’m trying to move it regularly.

    Being less dependent is going to be great, I work from home so I’m very used to being an almost FT parent and now I cant do much.

    Hadn’t considered not being able to clip in, thats weird never ridden with flats.

    I don’t run so less worried about that.

    Sounds like the sooner the plate can come out the better.

    Free Member

    Nice one Verbboy. I’m in Monday for mine, they considered operating Sunday but the swelling was too great at that point. My wife is actually o with me going back next year, we’l see if that attitude changes after 3 months of waiting on me!

    Sound nasty so what happened? Its only about 45 days I think of being waited on!

    I’m not the lightest human in the world so I’ve decided to get much fitter for the next mega I do, the uphill bits seemed to be a great place to pass people (when practicing I was getting destroyed by people who I’d passed DH on the ups!). I have a few other targets for next year so the mega can wait a year or two 🙂 At least I know the medical care is great!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Ha Ha Dark Side that might just be a great idea.

    Promised my wife I won’t be doing the mega in 2017, I couldn’t promise any longer than that!

    Best of luck with the op, im not suffering any big issues post op, elevating leg as much as possible (the throb in my foot as I get up is pretty annoying but thats why it needs to stay elevated!), taking it easy for the 45 days non weight bearing and go from there. Pleased I was operated on within a few hours, uk consultant said they did a great job. I’m not in a resin cast as opposed to the heavy plaster cast I had in France, allows the UK hospital to regularly check and clean the damaged shin. Should result in an interesting scar!

    Free Member

    The consultant suggested they should if I want to carry on doing silly things 😉

    Free Member

    After waiting 2 hours I called them back again and finally spoke to someone competent!

    hopefully I’ll be on my way today or tomorrow :-))

    Free Member

    hey Darjside sorry to hear about your break, just tried Dogtag again and in some overflow system. I don’y think I’ll be back next year although I’ll have to research about potential damage with plates in my leg 🙁

    My pain on one day was fairly draining but now its OK so I hope you feel better soon.

    I had my EHIC with me and that has helped with the bill anyway. Its the attitude of Dogtag that bothers me.

    Looks like by buddy has done the impossible and packed the car with the whole rear seat available for me so i can elevate my leg all the way and no fussing around the airport.

    Lets hope Dogtag come up with the goods if not I shall be doing my best to educate every person who looks for cover of ski and other sports forums to avoid them! I’m no keyboard warrior but we have a duty to make sure we are looked after when needs must.

    I will look at snowcard when I return

    Free Member

    Thanks clubby, I’m happy for a balanced view, I want to trust them

    Free Member

    Well i’m hoping tomorrow I get to speak to someone competent, I’m maybe fortunate I can pay my bill if I have to and sort a way home but i shouldn’t need to.

    But if that happens I will roast the hell out of them, its unacceptable.

    Its just very disappointing, I get hurt doing something I accept has its dangers, I insure myself to protect my family from any crazy bills and something “minor” and I feel stuck at a time I need their help!

    Anyway lets see what tomorrow brings 🙂

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