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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • veedubba
    Full Member

    Also, compressive and tensile stresses etc etc.

    You’ll have experienced a combination of the low ductility/ brittleness and the poor tensile strength of glass there sir.

    I pretend to be a materials engineer sometimes. Forgotten most of it now though.

    Where did the phone hit the glass?

    Full Member

    I ? Nancy

    Full Member

    “Would have” not “would of”.

    That is all.

    Full Member

    (must check my spelling in future)

    Full Member

    Without getting into the weeds of rocker lengths and all that stuff, all 4 bars do not ride the same, and depending on the Turner, you’ll have one of 3 different suspension designs (only 1 of which is 4 bar). Ventanas are rocker driven single pivots, and Konas are as weill (I think. WHat’s that Magic Link stuff about though?)

    I’ve had 2 Ventanas, never ridden a Turner and only seldom ridden a Kona full sus, so may not be best placed to comment… but, I realised I’d made a mistake after selling my first Ventana and returned to riding one as my main (now only) MTB: fantastically stiff main frame and rear triangle, great finish, easy to work on (if you like to do that) and understand. The suspension action isn’t the most efficient but it’s not something that the majority of people would ever notice, and it’s a lovely ride, which is (for me) the main thing. And I can keep up with people on more “advanced” designs.

    Plus, they’ll PX when you want to get another…

    Full Member

    Haven’t read all the other posts but I’ve just gone to 36/24 with 11-34 cassette. Hardly used the 24t on the first ride but it’s nice to have as a get out.

    I am getting a bit of rubbing in higher ratios on the 24t though. Needs a bit of fiddling to get things right.

    Full Member

    Um, alu and carbon ones fine and in regular use here…

    Full Member

    Jeez, you get about a bit don’t you!

    Full Member

    I very rarely (these days) post anywhere other than the classifieds because my home circumstances have changed and I don’t have the time any more. I used to post a lot on the old forum, and I’m a subscriber, so does that make it okay or not okay?

    I also tend to put stuff on here first before I have to go through the hassle of Ebay. I agree with the posters who’ve said they buy, use then sell, sometimes for a bit more, sometimes the same, sometimes less. All depends on what you’re selling, what time of year, who’s watching etc as to what price you get. There’s nothing wrong with buying something with the intention to use it then plans changing, or using it for a while then reselling.

    Some people do need to get a little bit of perspective I think.

    (note to self, don’t post OT stuff on forum so much…)

    Full Member

    Looks like my kind of group…

    Can I join?

    Full Member

    So the people that have used it think it’s great, and the people that haven’t think it isn’t?

    Great work to the latter.

    Full Member

    Damn you all recommending the LOCT… I may need to see how hard Christmas hits me in the wallet and get one anyway.

    The boy’s getting a lot more confident on his balance bike, so I figure it won’t be long til he’s ready to ride a tagalong, but to have him ride some of the regular trails I ride would be ace.

    Thanks also for the tips on him getting cold. I’d probably have neglected to think of that (although my wife probably wouldn’t…)

    Full Member

    I have a set of coil u-turn Pikes I’m thinking of selling in order to replace with some lighter forks.

    Let me know if you’re interested.

    Full Member

    He has a balance bike so I’m training him to ride already but it’s that interim period between now and getting pedalling. I don’t really fancy taking him out on that at the moment though because he tends to go for a little while then jump off and investigate stuff in the undergrowth.

    I’ll have a look all the things mentioned and see which I can fit/ use/ afford…

    Full Member

    Mine are on my Flickr page (same username)

    Dunno if this[/url] works.

    Full Member

    MikeAyles, YGM

    Full Member

    Baby Bjorn front carrier when they’re tiny, then a Littlelife Ultralight Convertible from about 6 months/ when they can hold their head up. Both take up very little space relatively and the latter is pretty cheap for a back carrier.

    Try a few though.

    Full Member

    Snotrag – I’m the same (just got a new coil sprung frame) so time will tell how suitable my setup is as I mainly just transfered my existing kit over.

    From what I’ve read front air/ rear coil is a better option than front coil/ rear air due to the type of work the shock is doing (ratioed) vs the forks (linear ie 1:1) but it may be b0ll0cks.

    I guess it’s mostly about the extra stiction/ friction compromises vs lost weight of an air spring over a coil one.

    Full Member

    What about the other way round?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I read about the WD40 trick somewhere so may try that. Put some Vanish stick on it but not completely gone. Will try vinegar then WD40, then red wine (… um, never).

    Grumm – I was after something that I may have round the house so I could sort it straight away rather than going to the shop, but may get some when I’m there.

    Thanks for the help.

    Full Member

    Just thought, what’s stopping me buying Hope 183mm adaptors and putting the Avids on them?

    Full Member

    Let me know how it works Rich. There are a couple of MTBR threads about getting rid of Juicy warble with saw rotors but nothing I can find directly about any potential problems. I have spare rotors so I may just pony up the £14 for the adaptors and try it.

    My main reasons would be to have interchangeable wheels on my full sus & HT, and because I don’t need 200mm discs on my Juicys.

    Full Member

    Ooh, um.

    Bad news: It’s my last day on Friday and I still haven’t found a job. And I apepar to be developing rage issues…
    Good news: I’ll be able to spend more time with the family/ bikes (;-)) until the end of May, when I HAVE TO HAVE A JOB.

    Hope the missus is getting better.

    Full Member

    The exception version doesn’t like rocks particularly, but apart from that the TT is excellent and I was very surprised at the diversity of terrain that it can handle.

    Full Member

    I’ve seen this stuff before but never got any for exactly the reason you mentioned.

    I’d go for a group order I reckon.

    Or we could just start importing it and make our fortunes…

    Full Member

    Ooh, ooh, buy my ML7/5! It’s lovely but I’m a pleb and don’t appreciate it.

    Full Member

    For me, last year’s Mayhem was a bit of an unusual one as my wife had given birth to our first child (a boy, Patrick) 7 and a half weeks early just 2 weeks before the event, and was still in hospital with him.

    However I didn’t want to let my team down (!) so I went to the hospital (we live in South Wales) in the morning and stayed with my new family unit until the afternoon. I kissed my wife and tiny baby goodbye, sauntered out to the carpark and then hared off down the motorway to pick up 2 bikes and a weekend’s worth of camping kit, food and spares.

    I arrived at our 2-team camp late afternoon and was scheduled to do my first lap at around 10pm, as we were doing doubles so that I could “slot in” without anyone else having to do any extras. I think it was still relatively dry at this point, so I took my time putting the tent up and generally calming down after tearing round like a maniac for the previous couple of hours.

    My first (and,, I’m ashamed to say only) 2 laps were wet night ones. On a course that I’d not ridden in daylight. On the wrong tyres. In a very hot waterproof jacket. Still, I only hit my head on one overhanging branch and managed to ride over half the course, albeit very slowly. I stayed in bed until it was light, as did the rest of the team (in different beds, I hasten to add).

    Anyway, it cleared up the following morning and 2 of the guys decided to man up and do more laps, of which the star had to be Danger, with his 3 back-to-backs at the end of the race where he posted our fastest lap time and still managed to finish grinning like a nutter. We all agreed that we’d give it a miss in 2009…

    I managed to pack up and get back to the hospital in time to bring my new baby (and fantastically understanding wife) home for the first time, which was the highlight of the weekend, but it’s going to be a family affair this year since they’re coming along as race support. Can’t wait!

    Full Member

    Excellent. I’ll give them a call.


    Full Member

    Kaliber tastes like sh*t brown bread.

    Full Member

    I love threads like this!

    I was going to just post the word “catapult” as an answer but I feel I have to say a bit more now. A catapult is fairly humane (…) and pretty accurate so you can scare the cats off without injuring them, if you so desire. Plus, my wife won’t let me have a BB gun. 🙂

    However, the cats in my neighbourhood are a nuisance in that they soil MY flowerbeds and MY front garden, rather than those of their owners. I find this unacceptable and you really only have to compare it with the way dog owners are required by law to clear up their dog’s mess to see the skewed thinking – simply because you let your cat out of the door at night doesn’t absolve you of your responsibility.

    My front garden is small and our path is right up the middle of it, so rather than have my pregnant wife and young child exposed to the cat sh*t, I decided to cover the whole lot in stones so they’d have nowhere to go, which worked but cost me money. I can’t do that to the back garden and don’t see why I should have to. Some spray deterrents work but I still seem to go back to the catapult…

    And yes, I have chickens which can smell if you don’t clean their run out regularly, but they’re a lot more useful and fun pets than cats.

    Oh, and it’s not very clever comparing some of the comments on this thread to racism. That’s just absurd.

    Full Member

    He rides a Brompton and loves it, apparently.

    He’s very opinionated but a very clever chap, in my view. Writes very well and usually throws up surprises when a new novel comes out. I’ve never seen him public-speaking but did see him writing a book in “real time” at an art gallery once.

    Full Member

    We had our 90 days start on 1st December and got very little information until 3 days before the 90th day, when we were told the place is shutting. I agree that communication in these situations seems to be severely lacking. I only have a month’s notice, and not been with the company very long so my redundancy isn’t great, but I treated the 90 days as if we were closing (lucky…). Still no firm job to go to though.

    Anyone need a Quality Engineer?

    Full Member

    Get a decent valve amp (if that’s what you want) then run it through an attenuator to get the required volume.

    Powerbrakes and Hotplates are quite pricey but there’s others around (sometimes called a volume box, soak).

    Someone’s going to come along and say they ruin your amp at some point but I’ve not had any problems and mine was pretty cheap but I can’t remember who it’s by. pop me an email if you want to go down that route and I can have a look when I get home.

    Full Member

    My Focus brakes were juddering and it was worn discs. It’s a pretty easy job to change out the discs and pads if you’re the sort that’s comfortable with basic jobs on your bike:

    Jack the car up, put it on axle stands, wheel(s – both, but one at a time) off then undo 2 long bolts (02 Focus) and pop the caliper off, discs come straight off (ie not bolted to the hubs other than with wheelnuts) so easy to swap, pop off the retaining spring (I think) for the pads, push the piston back in with a bit of wood then put the new pads and spring in, bolt the caliper back up then put the wheel on. Takes about 30 minutes for the pair if the bolts aren’t a complete b1tch to get off.

    You can get new pads and discs for around £50 as I think someone else mentioned. Factor in at least half again for a garage to fit them as they’ll charge you minimum an hour plus VAT.

    Full Member

    Headtube’s a bit flared on that Sanderson… 😀

    Full Member

    I’ve never seen “focussed” used before.

    A quick search shows that both have the same meaning regardless of which side of the Atlantic you’re sitting.

    Pendantry on my part as I’m rather bored.

    Full Member

    “Focused” only has one “s” in it.

    Does the first or third person make any difference if the CV is well written and your achievements and responsibilities are properly summarised?

    Full Member

    Interesting article by Scargill himself in the Guardian on the weekend here, and just for balance, there’s the comment section here.

    Like many people on this thread have said, it’s not something I know a great deal about as I was a young child at the time but from what I can derive from all the information, there were mistakes made on both sides (perhaps an understatement) however it was a calculated effort on the government’s part to tear apart an industry and a movement in order to regain the upper hand over the working classes. I strongly believe that this had the knock on effect of decimating general manufacturing and heavy industry in the uk, which has indirectly lead us to the point we’re at today.

    FWIW, I’m by no means a socialist (although from a socialist background) and I don’t necessarily trust modern trades unions from my experiences with them. I do however believe that everyone has the right to work in a fair, safe and secure job for reasonable recompense, which is what that strike took away from so many people.


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