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  • Are Welsh Trails Up For Sale By NRW?
  • vanilla83
    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    A good agent will not charge tenents

    Wrong. A bad, dodgy agent will not charge tenants to try and attract them. But they might charge them Fosters.

    Free Member

    Charge the landlord. Any agent that charges a tenant as well is taking the piss.

    I do know how much work it is and its right the landlord is charged but its not right to charge the tenant as well

    There is nothing the agent can do anyway other than a couple of basic checks which is not worth the hundreds of pounds – they will be charging the landlord as well.

    Why shouldn’t the tenant be charged? They want the property, “the product” so why shouldn’t they pay towards it.

    And you are very wrong; there are lots of very strict checks that decent agents do these days. I am sick and tired of all letting agents being tarred with the same brush. Please note that I’m not actually a letting agent, just know a few and know how hard they work.

    Free Member

    trail_rat – Member
    Scumbags bet my bottom dollar they are charging the land lord for this too

    So? Do you know how much work goes into finding a decent tenant? How many people on here are professional photographers? How much would they charge for the photos for a property? Then add fuel multiple times, referencing, portal fees etc etc.

    If you don’t like it, don’t phone agents. Simply. But then when your LL hasn’t done the gas safety test, or the property leaks, don’t bother starting a “my LL is a dodgy so and so” thread on here.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Its outrageous to charge the tenets for this.


    Do you know how much work has to be done to ensure that a tenant will actually pay the rent, can pay the rent, can pay the deposit, will pay all utility bills and won’t leave with a huge outstanding bill, won’t grow weed in the house etc etc?

    Do you know how many checks have to be done, how many people connected to that person have to be done and how many forms need to be filled in? What is your hourly rate btw?

    Free Member

    Planpraz, Chamonix, en route to the Holy Trail[/url] by beta_ben[/url], on Flickr

    Chavannes, Les Gets[/url] by beta_ben[/url], on Flickr

    FISE Avoriaz ’09[/url] by beta_ben[/url], on Flickr

    FISE Marseille ’09[/url] by beta_ben[/url], on Flickr

    FISE Marseille ’09[/url] by beta_ben[/url], on Flickr

    FISE Marseille ’09[/url] by beta_ben[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Nothern Star sums it pretty much how it is.

    Really?? Lets take it one point by one:

    * Banks still hugely reluctant to lend (and this may possibly get worse once government support starts to be withdrawn).

    What utter tosh. If you have a decent deposit and a proper job then you can easily get a mortgage. Source: financial times and mortgage brokers

    * First time buyers mostly still priced out of the market.

    Not if they’ve actually bothered to save a deposit (or have help from Mum/Dad/Etc. Only first time buyers who have no career and no deposit are priced out.

    * Record numbers of unsold stock on estate agents books.

    Only with agents who are still insisting that having a high street shop front is the best way to sell. Agents who are getting more proactive and sensible prices are selling. Source: Rightmove

    * Very few transactions currently taking place – a stagnated market.

    Where have you made this up from? 78, 000 homes sold in August alone. Yes a drop from the year before but those are huge numbers compared to a few years ago. Source: BBC, HMRC

    * Huge gulf between asking prices and actual selling prices.

    Wrong. Current average accepted prices are 92% of the asking price and lenders valued 89% of those at the same prices. Source: HMRC and Rightmove stats

    * Interest rates can only go one way from here.

    What flat? Like it has for years?

    * No more self-cert mortgages.

    Yes you can if you look carefully.

    * No more 100% or 95% mortgages and very few 90% deals.

    Sorry but wrong again. Lots of lenders do 100%, 95% and virtually all do 90% mortgages now. If you’ve been told otherwise then your credit rating must be shocking. Source: google and high street bank shop fronts.

    * Interest only mortgages a ticking time bomb.

    Possibly the only thing I agree with you on.

    * 20% to 40% deposits required to get a decent mortgage.

    Only if you are a buy to let investor. First time buyers have loads of really good mortgages if you are prepared to shop around. Source: mortgage brokers

    * General cost of living rising rapidly but salaries are not – leaving little spare cash to either pay the mortgage or save for a deposit.

    Why does this affect the market? The people buying now should have started saving years ago, not now when general costs are rising. I understand and agree that your point is correct but it should have no affect on the housing market today. In 10 years maybe, but not today.

    * Houses still priced at way above normal average salary multiples.

    Thats been the case for decades so again why does this affect the market today?

    * UK housing stock still at least 20% over valued according to the IMF

    Who cares?

    Free Member

    Untitled[/url] by beta_ben[/url], on Flickr

    Untitled[/url] by beta_ben[/url], on Flickr

    Untitled[/url] by beta_ben[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Cutest thread this year? Stay safe!

    (and please make this a sticky so she sees it)

    Free Member

    Does anyone else not really care anymore? It was a horrific attack and I feel very sorry for everyone who lost their lives and who were/are affected by it, but why oh why the constant documentaries and news coverage; many many worse things have happened since and are still happening.

    Free Member

    why not have an ipad – because I hate the way apple dictates the way you have to use the device

    Jailbreak it then. No restrictions and loads more tweaks.

    Free Member

    D7000 is solid magnesium and out performs the D300 – it’s their top DX camera right now.

    As above. In what way does it out perform? All I can see is a different metal choice (I look after my kit and they weigh nearly the same) and it can handle a few more lens; so what? Anything else? Genuine questions; not trolling.

    Free Member

    Yes. And it’s something huge.

    The D300 is a top of the line consumer body, built to nearly Pro levels. Full size metal body, complete lens compatibility, excellent control layout…

    I dont see any difference other than the actual metal used. Would you mind going into a little more detail please?

    Free Member

    Why is the D300s more expensive than the D7000 when (as far as I can see) the D7000 is better? Or am I missing something about the D300s?

    Free Member

    They are for left handed riders only. They have slightly more weight on the right hand side of the wheel to balance out cornering etc.


    Free Member

    There was a picture on Flickr I didn’t want. Deleted it and it’s been hanging around for days via links on other sites/forums.

    Then post on the help forum and one of the Yahoo administrators will make sure it gets cleared off the server by hand for you.

    Free Member

    What’s your point caller?

    It takes flickr a short while to delete the actual link as they need to clear their server and this can take up to a day sometimes. I thought you built websites for a living and thus should know about stuff like this..?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Pop the Rightmove link up and I’ll give you some suggestions.

    Free Member

    Interestingly TJ has a problem with other people posting semi clad photos of other people, but he doesn’t have a problem posting a photo of himself…

    Free Member

    Orange have no “problem”.

    Lots of lovely staff, selling good quantities of bikes, through long standing dealers. Supporting racers all the while, from Steve Peat, Greg Minaar etc…

    Orange is still owned and managed by Lester and Steve who created the roots of company back in the late ’80’s, and industry leg-end Michael Bonney who’s been there for *ages* too.

    Sustainable business. Not to be sniffed at.


    Virtually every year Orange sell out of their main lines and have vast waiting lists, so clearly most people don’t think they are over priced and think that the price is well worth the finished product.

    Free Member

    sam_underhill – Member

    What about saving the planet by not chopping lots of trees down? For the last couple of years we’ve taken to donating to a charity and then explain which and why in an email, along with seasons greetings. Of course, we’ll see or talk to the people we really like anyway!


    We do this as well. We hand deliver locally made wine and local market products to companies who we work with on a daily basis and then email everyone else explaining that we’ve donated (much more money than the value of a card) to a local charity.

    Free Member

    They need to understand the difference between a notion of a property’s value and a realistic market price.

    We do. A property is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If you think its over valued, then put a lower offer in…

    Free Member

    The EA i bought my flat from had no idea the sale had completed that lunchtime.

    It would have been your solicitors responsibility to tell them that it had completed…

    Free Member

    Woody – I’m in Bristol

    Free Member

    the whole system of buying/selling is ridiculous

    +1. It badly needs changing. And most property solicitors are complete retards as well.

    Free Member

    The Pilot: I don’t ride anymore. I’ve sold all but one of my bikes now and haven’t ridden for about 7 months. In the summer I rode after work.

    I used to ride a lot. But we’ve seen that most agents are rubbish, so we’ve created a company that isn’t and are working very hard to make it work. When it settles down, then I’ll start riding again.

    Free Member

    The problem is that every single person buying and selling a house has taken this shite service for granted. Because it’s been going on for so long.

    I’m an estate agent and I’d bet my entire fee that I could give you a hugely better service than any other agent, anywhere.

    I work 8am until 8pm, 7 days a week, I go out and find the buyers rather than waiting for them to walk through the office door, I advertise on every single portal (not just one or two as other agents do), I am fully trained in not just property, but how to take professional photos and how to write a readable marketing piece.

    On average it takes me 6 weeks to sell a property and I get just under 97% of the asking price. I don’t try to sell you mortgages, insurance and solicitors, but will happily give you contact details of completely independent people who I don’t get a kick back from.

    I have provable, trackable results and records that support all of the above (taken from Rightmove).

    Stop moaning behind your agents back and say it to their face. If they don’t sort it out, then change agents!

    Oh and finally, I don’t drive a Mini…

    Free Member

    yawn. More attention seeking from Redthunder.

    Free Member

    Telling you that you may get taken on after a while sounds very fishy.. An agency can take a company to court and the company will be fined heavily if the company employs an agency worker without a 6 month (variable) period where neither the company nor the agency employs the worker.. this is obvious really or the company will simply poach all the good workers and then employ them thus negating the agency commission and admin fees..

    What utter rubbish. The company simply pay the agency to turn the worker from temp to perm. They'll have a rate already set up in their T&Cs. Both sides win, as does the worker.

    firstly.. you will get raped wages wise.. with about 4 different parties taking a slice for admin commission etc..

    Again, utter shite. The only thing keeping agency workers pay low is their poor neg skills. The agency are told by the company what they will pay and the agency have to work their margin into that.

    Going from Temp to Perm is very common in agency work. It allows companies to see how good someone is before taking them on properly.

    Free Member

    Heh heh. I went to a talk by Seb Rogers and how he gets some of his shots is fairly shocking.

    Such as? Or are you exaggerating again for effect?

    Free Member

    @knottie8: I'll call in the morning if theres no update. I'm ex Ralphie btw. You know me.

    @charlierevell: I agree that it would be very impressive to get there that fast.

    Free Member

    There's been some suggestion (from someone who knows him very well) that he might be walking on Exmoor. Its a massive walk from where his car is, but might be worth passing on to the police or checking out if someone is there.

    Good luck guys. My thoughts are with him / you all. Doing as much as I can from Bristol.

    Free Member

    Send them back. Zyro will warranty them.

    Free Member

    **** forum cocks! Sometimes wonder why we bother! Mark

    Ever heard of customer service?? This guy is a PAYING customer! Who is entitled to express on a forum (which he is also helping to support by looking at adverts, which umm, you get more money from)

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    Nice way of getting your hit count up.

    Totally agree. Said the same a month ago and got slated by Tonys "mates". Every few weeks, up he pops with a new "problem" or "question" about the website.

    I wont hold my breathe until people start posting amazingly good reviews of his service under newly created names. Now where have we seen that before on here?

    Free Member

    Bristol needs some sting operations, I'm sure this is a case of Pyramid Nicking where bikes get passed on to a few Mr Bigs.

    Bristol does need some sting operations.

    They already do. A lot. And it works but only small fry.

    No not at all, I can't give any details at the moment but an arrest was made in Southmead recently for possession of a stolen bike.

    What he said.

    Somewhere between 76 and 80 Lydney Rd is where many bikes are being taken to.

    They pulled this guy and his three sons in 2 years ago but couldnt make it stick. The four of them, plus various other scum mates always have very very expensive bikes and/or bits but somehow they managed to get away with it. They are all scaffolders and seem to be paid in cash.

    Free Member

    Also in Bristol. Portfolio on request if none of the Cardiff guys (and gals) suit you.

    Work with international clients, big corp down to cottage industry types selling jam out of their backdoor (literally).

    Happy riding!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Mine: click[/url]

    Having the same problems as others: having time to get out and take good photos.

    Free Member

    I dated an a&e nurse. She had TWO men come in last year who had stuck metal rods up the inside of their penis as they couldnt get it up! Both got it stuck…

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