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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    So I’ve downloaded it, run two training missions, buggered up my login and now I’m waiting for a support ticket to be processed. I’m such a **** 🙄🙄🙄

    As an aside; how do people communicate in game? Am I going to need to get one of those headset thingies? 😳 I’ve literally NO experience of MMO gaming.

    Full Member

    I don’t think the constant media coverage and infection rate and death numbers being reported really help.

    You’re right, but it’s personal responsibility time. Time to up our media analysis game. Don’t be passive recipients of the news, be active, critical analysts of it. Encourage others to do the same.

    Panic sells papers (clicks?). Time everyone realised the transparent agenda of (vast swathes of) the media.

    Full Member

    A massive amount of hysteria on this thread. Everyone needs to take a breath.

    There’s no guarantee that there will be an effective vaccine!

    Can I remind people that this is the FIFTH human coronavirus; the other four are already endemic in the population and are four of the hundred or so different viruses that cause ‘common cold’ symptoms.

    There is no strong evidence that this is any different epidemiologically than the other four, it’s the lack of immunity that’s the issue.

    There is no reason (except doom mongering) to suspect that immunity to this virus will work any differently than it does to any other ‘cold/flu’ virus; ie; catch it, defeat it and the amazing mammalian immune system will remember how to defeat it again, at least for some time.

    Furthermore, for the vast majority of young (<65, working age) people, increasing evidence suggests that that is what this new virus will cause for the vast majority (c99.7% will recover without need for medical intervention).

    The lack of human immunity to this DOES make it frightening and a real risk to those in the ‘at risk’ groups, and it’s THESE people that us low risk people should be working hard to protect, by social distancing, assistance with the basics like shopping and scrupulous hygiene.

    I’ve either had it or I’m going to get it. It’s not going to do me any lasting harm (statistically that is, I could be one of the 0.3% but I also could get run over tomorrow). It’s most important that I keep on working to help my family, my community and the economy, especially seeing as we have a **** clueless clown ‘in charge’ at the moment.

    If we are going to protect the vulnerable, we need to crack on, not panic and hide.

    The economic damage that mass hysteria and panic will cause will far outweigh the transient effects of this virus being the main cause of deaths in vulnerable, multi comorbidity patient groups instead of influenza this year.

    Full Member

    With this development, NHS staffing is going to be a major issue. Crikey.

    Sooner they get antibody testing and fast track NHS staff through it, the better.

    And I really, really feel for people working in hospitality and entertainment industries right now. This ‘advice’ has royally screwed them.

    Full Member

    Shit! I’m out of butter that means I’m going to need to visit a shop.

    Cover me…I’m going in.

    Could you pick me up a pack of loo roll while you’re there please? 🙄👍🏼

    Full Member

    I can’t find it but based on that, we had something similar about 10 days ago. been fine since, no temperature, elevated RHR for 24hrs, no appetite and a bit lethargic.

    Missing the important info tho; HoW MucH ToiLeT ROLL dId She gEt through?!???!??1?

    Full Member

    Well that’s six shops visited this morning; when it comes to loo roll, I’m shit outta luck. 😏

    Full Member

    Thanks chaps, appreciate the pointers. Can’t wait to get stuck in 😎

    Full Member

    Right; I’ve secured a year of PS plus for £38 and Elite deluxe for £13.49. Downloaded today. I’ll be logging on for the first time on Monday; any absolute nooby hints and tips going?


    Full Member

    Can’t see us closing if anyone has any questions on covid 19 you can **** right off as 2 days solid of it I’ve had enough.

    Amen brother. 7am can’t come soon enough…

    Full Member

    Not sure about taking it on snow. There isn’t really anything to stop it sliding sideways. Going straight up a slope

    You’re right, he had a couple of hairy moments on those muddy side slopes. I reckon some sort of blade keel, or even a transverse screw would sort it though.

    Full Member

    Talking of PS plus, how essential is it for making the most of the console?

    And secondly, has anyone used one of the discount key websites to buy PS plus membership? Seem to offer a good discount, I’m wondering if there’s a catch?

    Full Member

    We might not burn it all. We could end up leaving much of it in the ground, if we get our act together.

    Lol. Have you met humans? If there’s money to be made by exploiting a resource, it will be exploited.

    The only way to leave it in the ground is to not have any machinery that burns it, anywhere. That’s an impossibly big ask. It’s not just cars that burn oil.

    Full Member

    Regarding people criticising the ‘politisation’ of the thread; get real. It is very obvious that there are a wide range of possible responses available to the Government, depending on what their objectives are. WHAT their objectives are is what is the political bit; the scientific advisors then assist the politicians on how to best achieve those aims. If you think Boris at al are simply trying to save the most lives then you are being naive; Boris will prioritise the economy over your retired parents and mine, all day long. In his world view it is very much a personal responsibility thing to protect these people. I can see the logic of this; the economy needs to be protected in order to move forward and recover effectively. It seems callous, but it’s economically sound decision making.

    Full Member

    If ever there was an obvious explanation as to the government’s response to this differs to other countries, I think that we should consider this chart;

    Without commenting on the rights or wrongs of the decision, it appears to simply be an ideologically driven, economics over humanity based strategy. The people that make up engine of the economy won’t die (much), and the demographic that is disproportionately affected will be net recipients from the economy and welfare state rather than contributors.

    It’s clearly in line with hardline Tory ideology. I apologise profusely for ‘politicising’ the thread, but I feel that it must be stated.

    Full Member

    Thanks chaps, Molly, will do 👍🏼

    Weird that a physical disk and case is cheaper than just the digital content 🙄

    Full Member

    This game sounds right up my street; is it worth buying a hard copy, or better to download from the PS store? Cheers 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Wow! What a horrible cock up. Still better (for your sister) that way than the other I suppose…

    Full Member

    but I can still enjoy the skills required to win a game of Call of Duty or Fortnite.

    I enjoy a good bash on GTAV; I do feel a bit bad about it though, and I’m really not sure it’s going to be good for our society that kids are routinely playing it and other morally dubious games. 😳.

    And as an occasional GTAV enjoyerer, I’d certainly feel hypocritical criticising someone who wants to plink targets in his or her back garden, and don’t find ‘what air rifle’ threads distasteful as a result.

    What I am finding a little distasteful is all the gleeful doom verbal masturbation in the COVID19 thread, and in the press at large.

    Full Member

    I assume you’re talking about HMRC there given that the majority of the cost of road fuel is in the form of taxation?

    🙄 the tax is a percentage of the base price though. In anything, the hefty taxation on road fuel should magnify changes in the basic price, mathematically speaking.

    Full Member

    Yup, been holding off for a couple of weeks now, watching with interest. The savings should go towards some loo roll anyway 🙄

    Annoying how it’s hardly translates to road fuel though. Profiteering gits.

    Full Member

    How is it worse than people shooting simulations of each other online on Call of Modern Fortnite Warfare, with realistic gore and sound effects? Surely that’s infinitely more distasteful, yet it’s completely socially acceptable.

    Full Member

    One of the big differences between China and here, Japan and here, south Korea and here is a sense of social responsibility the west shrugged off a long time ago.

    It’s also been a lot longer since the UK was last a totalitarian state, able to absolutely subdue its population. Collective memory has a lot to do with what a population will accept as reasonable.

    Italy too, actually. I’d expect Spain will be following suit.

    Full Member

    I call bullshit…

    There’s undoubtedly an awful lot of it about. Some well meaning, some because; PANIC!?!1!, and some malicious troublemaking or cover upping.

    The challenge is to interpret sense from the noise; good luck with that. It’s going to be years before we reach consensus on what we are living through right now.

    Full Member

    Right; I’m going to have to submit myself to some highly experimental immunotherapy research this evening now. It’s for the good of humanity. (Also it was really cheap in Lidl today for some reason…)

    Full Member

    Italy extending ‘lock down’ to whole of country now. That’s a fairly hardcore move, it has to be said.

    Full Member

    The majority of it is landfill fodder that is shipped around the world and to stores to be bought and either never be used or used once and thrown away because it’s junk.

    this is the polar opposite of my experience. Yeah it’s not premium grade artisanal quality (whatever that means🙄) but the vast majority of Lidl and Aldi middle aisle stuff I’ve bought over the years is still in use, the odd thing that has failed is covered by their no quibble warranty. The 20v tools from Lidl deserve a special mention for their decent build quality.

    Anyone got a solution they’d like to share?

    Carefully placed pipe lagging?

    Full Member

    Find out what her colleagues have plumped for as a starting point?

    Full Member

    the number of positives is not going up in proportion to the number of tests being done. I’m not quite sure what this means, but i’m guessing, nothing good.

    It’s probably a lot to do with the fact that (for now) testing is only done on patients with a history indicative of a high likelihood of coronavirus exposure, rather than randomly testing the population. Ie; if you go looking for it, you’ll find it, and get better at finding it. I don’t think any firm conclusions can be drawn form your graph at all.

    Full Member

    It’s quite a selfish view V8ninety, particularly since the points you make are the same erroneous ones as walkers have made against mtb.

    The only point I’ve made against EMTBs that could have been erroneously made against MTB’s by ramblers is ‘greater trail wear’ and whilst it’s easy to argue against ramblers because an MTB only has the same power as a rambler and a tiny bit more weight, it’s not so easy to argue against it when you’ve got a motor that is pushing out a sustained 100-150% more power than the average human can manage from a larger, heavier machine. The additional trail wear is real; as an example it is very visible on every uphill stretch of the Verderers trail where eMTB riders are routinely shortcutting the well designed switchback climbs creating ugly wide eMTB lines up the hills. It really highlights the extra power available and therefore extra erosion that eMTBs are the cause of already.

    The title of this thread is ‘blurred lines’ and I agree with it; but it’s not just marketing that has blurred the lines, it’s ill considered legislation that has allowed people to argue with a straight face that a bike with a motor is not a motorbike. Surreal.

    Keep motors on roads. Simple.

    Full Member

    We have grown from 20 to 200 in one week

    This is a simple misunderstanding/misrepresentation of the facts. We have gone from 20 to 200 (ish) CONFIRMED CASES in a week. To extrapolate actual infection numbers from that is fraught with problems. I would suggest the fact that lots more people have been tested is the main factor in why more cases have been discovered.

    Full Member

    Our case numbers will be confirmed in the tens of thousands within a couple of weeks.

    Bit dramatic. Care to show your working? Still, Covid19 becoming endemic in the population is probably inevitable, I agree.

    Hmmm. Maybe the title of this thread should be changed to the scaremongering and panic thread?

    People; wash your hands regularly, cover your mouth when you sneeze/cough, don’t lick strangers. A (pessimistic) 1% death rate is still a 99% survival rate. Don’t be a drama queen. There’s going to be some hard work to do in the next few weeks and months. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.

    Full Member

    Not even wearing a helmet. Tut. Irresponsible 😂

    How can something be so incredibly impressive and so tedious at the same time

    Presentation I suppose. Would be interesting to put her in a decayed urban environment, with baggy clothing and a decent soundtrack, doing some Danny Mac style moves within her skillset; I reckon she’d be an internet sensation. Her skills are incredible; the format is awful.

    Full Member

    Any idea what the impact of 76 million dead has on any number of areas?

    Sounds dramatic doesn’t it?

    But let’s not forget that the normal global death rate is currently sitting at around 60 million, with the birth rate being 150 million. So even if all 76 million projected COVID deaths are over and above ‘normal’ deaths this virus will most likely not even cause a net population decrease across the globe, just a temporary slowing. But actually, consider that the demographic most likely to succumb to COVID are the elderly with multiple comorbidities. The fact is that this demographic are largely ‘next to go’ anyway; so your 76 million dead actually is probably more like 15-25 million more than the usual death rate, globally, with a predicted lower than usual death rate the following years. So you know, not so dramatic. And that’s if the mortality rate of COVID has been correctly estimated, which is yet to be seen. There is an awful lot of ‘worst case scenario’ planning (which is fair enough in and of itself) being gleefully reported as the likely factual outcome, when the reality will likely be less dramatic.

    Full Member

    Unless you’re riding in a crowd I think it fits the definition. Maybe you should wear a tabard with ‘unclean’ on it to warn ramblers etc to keep their distance just to be safe. (If it works let me know and I might start wearing one too, I’m an unsociable git).

    Full Member

    LOL at V8ninety, been drinking with too many redsocks I see!

    😜 nope, I just think that trails should be for human powered machines only. Allowing motors is a slippery slope. I appreciate that mine is a minority view.

    Full Member

    Clearly not a motorbike though unless you are particularly stupid, or american.

    Whilst not a motorcycle for UK road traffic legislation purposes, it clearly is a Motorbike.

    Full Member

    Diamond bit, patience and lots of water. Pushing too hard knackers them. I’d be amazed if a masonry bit would get through porcelain tiles.

    They still won’t do many holes before wearing out though.

    Full Member

    There are no blurred lines. The law is pretty clear.

    There ARE blurred lines, regardless, or even because of the law in this area. The law itself blurs the lines; a bike with a motor isn’t a motorbike as long as it’s power output is below an arbitrary level and it’s power is assisting pedals. It’s utter codswallop and allows for a large degree of both legal and illegal interpretation. Ebikes on the road for utility make a lot of sense, environmentally, where the miles they do replace miles that would have been made by an ICE vehicle. Ebikes off road are an environmental abuse; greater trail wear, and generated energy being used to power riders over additional miles that they would not be doing otherwise, or would be but would be self propelled. Ebikes should either be subject to the same rules as motorcycles off road (ie; closed tracks and green lane byways) or else licensed with some sort of ‘blue badge’ scheme to allow people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to participate in mountain biking to enjoy of road cycling.

    EMTBs are rapidly evolving into something altogether different to trail MTBing, something altogether more ‘Gnarr’ and akin to enduroMX, and not really consistent with sustainable trail use in this crowded country.

    Full Member

    The decent makes are undoubtedly better, but I’ve got some Lidl ’parkside’ 20v kit (impact driver and drill driver) that has taken some serious abuse. Made in Germany and performs well, plus a good warranty (that I’ve never had to test). Built and metal roofed a large custom built timber frame garage with them; no dramas; it was a lot of drilling and driving compared to a normal duty cycle that a competent DIYer would put tools through; I was pleasantly surprised by how well they stood up.

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