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  • Issue 142 International Adventure: Costa Del Climb
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Currently playing on Radio 2

    Doesn’t really prove a thing though, does it? Radio station plays great and also not so great music shocker. (But without adverts)

    Never listened to Radio 4

    Maybe you should. It’s a grower.

    Full Member

    I really don’t understand the rabid ‘don’t watch or listen to the BBC’ brigade. Radio wise, R1 and 2 provide at least as good a quality of broadcasting as any commercial station, but WITHOUT ADs (which is what really sells it for me) R3 I have no real experience of, but it provides yet more variety. R4 (whilst far from perfect) is UNPARALLELED in the audio broadcast world, there’s literally nothing that compares to it. Then you’ve got the others and DAB. I’m less familiar with the TV channels, but again, NO ADS! Surely a big plus. Not to mention no corporate pay masters. I’ve been to the states, their telly and radio (with notable but rare exception) is absolutely DIRE. Nowt wrong with listening to and watching the commercial stations, they do add to the tapestry, but to declare all BBC as out of bounds is just bizarre, and smacks of either cutting your own nose off to spite your face, or just fibs.

    Full Member

    well if you stopped trolling it wouldNo, I want the last word, me me

    Seriously, just stop. You’re ALL AS BAD AS EACH OTHER. Back away slowly.

    I know, let’s play the ‘next person to post on this thread is a great big eejit’ game. Works with my five year old, see no reason it shouldn’t work here.

    Starting… NOW.

    Full Member

    Hurrah!!! It’s the true meaning of Christmas*!!!

    *Other historically transient names for a midwinter celebration are available…

    Full Member

    Oh, FFS. Just walk away.

    Full Member

    Listen. This whole thread isn’t covering anyone in glory. One group thinks that the calendar demeans women, and that that’s a bad thing, as well as being indicative of an unpleasant attitude in society towards women, by a significant proportion of men. The other group thinks that it’s just a few pictures of pretty girls who get paid so are not exploited (as individuals at least) and that it’s such an insignificant issue in the grand scheme of sexual equality that it’s really not worth worrying about. Both sides are intransigent and have made valid points, and both appear to be displaying a failure of empathy to a greater or lesser extent. It’s also patently obvious that neither side is going to change their position one jot. Maybe it’s time to let your arguments rest and agree to disagree, before people get all (more?) stroppy and flouncy. It’s not going anywhere, time for a step back. Neither side is doing themselves ANY favours, either to their position, or to their own standing. It’s a bit cringeworthy to be honest.

    Lots of love, V8 xxx

    Full Member

    if you use a proxy you can get the US from other logins which is nice

    ooh, this is interesting. Could you explain for the hard of clicking please? ta x

    Full Member

    I quite like it, I always find plenty of entertaining programs to fill my viewing time of 3-4hrs a week. But then, I don’t own a telly, so I have nothing to compare it to really.

    Full Member

    Murdoch press in almost even handed, not frothingly anti Corbyn news article SHOCKA!

    Does not compute :-/

    Full Member

    What’s a real eye opener to me is the aggressive language, insulting words and indignant outrage demonstrated, NOT by Ben, but by those who seek to denegrate his opinion and actions. I’ve seen nothing but polite puzzlement in return. Yet Ben is the one being labelled as a militant, or radical atheist. Some people may in fact benefit from a taking a moment to reflect on themselves and their behaviour towards others. Not very ‘Christian’, ironically.

    Full Member

    All you have done is probably ruined the head’s Christmas and possibly yours.

    And you speak of over reaction?!? He wrote an email expressing his concerns. I expect the head teacher gets emails expressing concerns every single day, and some (most) would be a great deal more pressing than this one. There is nothing wrong with expressing an opinion, and this was the right way to do it. No burning FSMs were placed in any lawns. Jeez. Some people. ( 😉 )

    Edit; Oh, and if you’re going to express YOUR opinion, why not at least have the courtesy to read the blimmin’ thread. The prerogative for atheists/agnostics to celebrate ‘Christmas’ has been roundly covered already.

    Full Member

    Dunno. Arrogance? Ego? An indefatigable sense of superiority? Being surrounded by a simpering team of yes men/women for far too long? All of which do not seem particularly uncommon or even undesirable in Tory party candidates. Makes me proud to have her representing me in Parliament. Her response to the whole thing is very telling, IMHO.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    From how that girl seems to have behaved, I have a fair bit of sympathy.

    Me too. But I’m not sure it’s entirely acceptable to refer to the Honourable (!) Member of Parliment as a ‘girl’… It’s a bit, 70s. Do you like Maxxis calendars?

    Full Member

    @Gary M, I don’t think Ben was offended, I think he was a little concerned. I certainly would be if I thought that my boys were in danger of indoctrination. I’m sure he’ll clarify.

    Full Member

    Cougar, if this were a real pub, I’d buy you a drink.

    Full Member

    Atheists and Christmas, only curious thing is why they call it Christmas; and not the winter break like some US companies

    I call it Christmas because that way everyone knows what I’m talking about, and I (generally) avoid getting labelled a militant atheist that way. The date I really celebrate is the 22nd though, when we get over the hill! Can’t bloody wait!

    Full Member

    Jambala – member, preached; Cougar, not believing anything (ie as you where born) is not atheism, athiesm in my belief meams positively disbelieving

    Agnosticism is the belief that we cannot know for certain whether a god or gods exist. Babies are born without beliefs. Therefore, since atheism merely requires the lack of a belief, while agnosticism requires the presence of a belief, babies automatically meet the definition of atheism but not of agnosticism.

    Jambalaya, what’s that, the fifth time, EVER, that you’ve been wrong? 😉

    Full Member

    @Cougar, +1,000,000. Beautifully put.

    Full Member

    Gary M – member, preached; No forget it, I couldn’t care less. I’m not even interested enough to call my self part of any group

    Really? Coz you’ve been in the discussion from the very first page. Seem fairly interested to me. (My previous post was light hearted by the way, at risk of being accused of the Edinburgh defence…)

    Full Member

    everyone know Christmas is about the baby jesus, that’s what kids are taught in school

    Religious education in school says different, I’m pretty sure they don’t teach kids about fertility and rebirth.

    Gary M, you don’t even sound convinced by your words. May I interest you in the teachings of the one true prophet Richard Dawkins, who preaches the scripture of our Lord Darwin (PBUH)…

    …Said no atheist ever, militant or otherwise 😉

    Full Member

    I’m Interested to know whether atheists “indoctrinate” their children in atheism, or allow them to experience religion for themselves and make their own minds up – i.e. based on informed decision.

    I’m happy to give you an insight;
    My children know that there are lots of different stories from all around the world, and that some people really believe them. They understand that they can listen to all the stories, and if they feel convinced by any of them, then they are free to believe them. That’s about as far as we’ve got at the moment, but my eldest is five. I expect this isn’t the last I’ve heard of it.

    Full Member

    I am not talking about history. I am talking about modern Britain, FFS.

    Ah, that’s alright then. Because history can teach us nothing, but YOU are the final authority on the opinions of all the ‘parents from Iraq or Pakistan’.

    Glad we cleared that one up 🙄

    Full Member

    You will likely find that most faiths don’t mind other faiths being and doing what other faiths are and do.

    Possibly the most ridiculous assertion I’ve read for a VERY long time. History would STRONGLY disagree with you.

    All this talk of ‘radical’ atheists make me lol too. Seriously; there would be literally NO point in being a ‘radical’ atheist if there weren’t far more completely BATSHIT MENTAL radical religious types. The ‘radical atheist’ thing is a direct result of overbearing religion just presuming that it has a right to institutionally impose itself on people. Which sadly, it still actually does in this country.

    Full Member

    My kids have had talks from rabbi’s, imams etc presenting their version of what they believe the “facts” are to them.

    Well, for balance, mine haven’t. The Christian point of view is far more heavily weighted. The only nod to other faiths being from a wall display in the entrance hall of the school with equal space being given to all the major religions (which is good, although I’d like a spot for atheism/agnosticism too, for true balance).

    On a seperate but related note; why is there never an atheist on ‘thought for the day’? Is it that spiritualists have the monopoly on moralising and ‘makes you think’ moments?

    Full Member

    So you would withdraw you complaint if they invite a Rabbi at passover to talk and a Imam after Ramadan?

    Bet they don’t though, eh? (Let them present their version of the fairytale as FACT to the children, that is).

    Full Member

    Surely it’s an instant promotion to Cabinet?

    I really would not be surprised. There’s a local feeling that she should step down (although disgustingly, she has the local rag in her pocket apparently), but I disagree; far better that she presents herself to the electorate next time and she can be held to account for her dishonest and unpleasant conduct at the ballot box in this EXTREMELY marginal constituency. I’m going to remember.

    Full Member

    Italy. I’m happy with that 8)

    Full Member

    Never heard of faith schools?

    Of course, and I’m sure a lot of posters on here would agree with me when I profess to finding the concept both sinister and uneccesary. Unfortunately my views run counter to the Daily Mail reading ‘Christian’ masses (Unless they are Muslamic faith schools, then everyone is happy to object to indoctrination).

    However, the OP is under the impression that his child’s school is NOT a faith school, so you and I digress.

    Full Member

    Hear hear. the vilification of the LCP is one of the worst examples in recent times of government/clinical policy decision by Daily Mail outrage. It was horrifying.

    Full Member

    Legolam/Hannah Wonderfully put, you give me faith in our next generation of medics. I hope your colleagues are half as caring as you.

    OP, please don’t see it as cruel. The hospital will be doing all they can to make your relative comfortable. As counterintuitive as it sounds, there is no clear evidence that giving token fluids/nutrition in this situation will make the patient more comfortable, and a strong body of opinion that it may actually prolong suffering.

    Full Member

    COMPLETELY with the OP on this. Whilst I have no issue with religious education and awareness, how DARE any school present their choice of fairy story as fact. IMHO, this country feels like it’s gone backwards on this in the last few years, the conservative Christian position seems to have had a stealthy resurgence. I could be completely wrong, it may just be my perception I suppose.

    All of you ‘get a grip, it’s a Christian country’ brigade would be up in arms if they started poo pooing evolution in favour of Genesis at your child’s school I would imagine (or at least hope). THIS IS NO DIFFERENT. A story that some people believe should always be presented as such to impressionable young minds. To present it as fact when no scientific proof exists is absolutely disgusting and is nothing more than indoctrination, plain and simple. It should be illegal.

    Full Member

    Is the primary handbrake not still on the transmission anyway (hence no handbrake cable to cut)?

    Yes, it is a transmission handbrake, it is technically a cable but it would be a bitch to cut, all of which is moot because Land Rover security is so weak you may as well leave the doors unlocked to save damage. About the only thing I can think of that would possibly have helped in this situation is a hydraulic lock on the brake system, which locks all four wheels when applied.

    Full Member

    C-units. Hanging too good for them. Fingers crossed for you. Will keep my eyes peeled

    Full Member

    Wow, just had a proper flashback to 1988, playground arguments 101. His tiger style will batter your dragon style. We’ll be discussing the relative proportions of our fathers and grand fathers next… 😆

    Full Member

    if you have MPs of any party resigning for stretching the truth or outright lying, you’d have few politicians left.

    Few of the current batch maybe. But would that be a bad thing? Maybe, if we summarily dismissed the proven dishonest ones, it may encourage a bit more honesty? Just because they are accepted as ‘mostly liars’ now, doesn’t mean it couldn’t change.

    Full Member

    Fallon Rogers.

    Chapeau, script writers.

    Full Member

    she’s on about the lack of black characters now

    That is what a lot of countryside communities are like though. It would be a bit err, obvious to move the Patels into Grange Farm. Also, wasn’t (isn’t?) the vicars wife Asian? Im sure I’ve heard other ‘minority’ voices from time to time.

    Full Member

    shes tagged me a few times

    😯 😯 what, like, BITTEN??? Don’t know if I could handle that 😯 😯
    Beautiful pictures Hadge, what facinating creatures they are.

    Full Member

    Seems to apply to an awful lot of MPs, judging by the replies above. Sad state of affairs. The actual MP I’m talking about is the MP for Telford.

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