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  • New Danny MacAskill edit: Do A Wheelie
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    ye gods, page 3 before a lanc!

    it was so obvious, I assumed it had already been doneNot a single Spit either, for what I assume to be similar reasons. I like the unusual stuff though; that Black Widow thing looks evil; like a spiky Cessna Skyvan

    Full Member

    A 60 foot section of riverbank collapsed, rather than it being 60 foot from the river. But still a big ol chunk

    So in other words, and looking at that B&W photo, a GCSE level understanding of river hydrology says this scenario has been inevitable for at least 68 years. So basically the entire life of Baron von Twit, in fact. I wonder what his thinking was in NOT doing some serious bank reinforcing work to save his home was then? Seeing as he’s not exactly without means. Even less sympathy now. (If that’s actually possible)

    Full Member

    No. It’s awesome to be able to move faster more efficiently and more gracefully than you can run, without a contraption such as a bike. Takes some mastering, but when you are finally shifting, backwards whilst crossing over, you’ll love it

    Full Member

    Thanks Klunk!

    Full Member

    Could someone post a nice pic of a beautiful polished alloyP-51 Mustang for me? Can’t seem to do it from my phone :-/ Absolutely GORGEOUS airplane with (essentially) a throbbing British heart. Kind of like a Shelby Cobra, in reverse…

    Full Member

    I am amazed at the number of radical atheists on here that are supporting starving a child for the sake of your imaginary friend.

    That’s because; a) ‘radical atheists’ tend to be far more tolerant of the religious than vice versa, right up until the point at which the religious start trying to impose their cult upon others, and b) ‘starving children for an imaginary friend’ is sensationalist BS, and demonstrates either a remarkably poor understanding of the religion in question, or a Daily Mailesque level of prejudice.

    Full Member

    Hmmm… well my daughter is getting religion from somewhere and it isn’t me or her mum.

    I feel your pain. How are you dealing with it? My best tactic so far seems to be to just say, “that’s a great story isn’t it? Although I definitely prefer the Cat in the Hat/Gruffalo/Planes Fire and Rescue*” which hopefully puts the God stories on a literary footing in miniV8s brain where they should be, rather than a factual footing. The teaching of religion as fact does drive me mad though.

    Full Member

    We don’t have secular schooling. Each school is required by law to undertake a daily act of collective worship of a broadly Christian nature, and a huge number of our schools are run by the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches.

    and what a stupid idea that is. I’d vote for truly secular schooling. It would solve a lot of problems, including indoctrination prayers after school plays and dodgy hardline Islamist faith schools that may or may not be exaggerated/exist.

    Full Member

    That’s what you think, Chum.

    Are you suggesting that the UK has not got the pedigree?

    Full Member

    Sure I just wrote that…

    Ha! If it is any consolation, they are wittering about this very subject on R4 right now, and when one of the political commentators said that the Labour Party was actually two parties, as are the Tories, I said out loud; “That’s wot that there Rachel said!” 😆

    Full Member

    Mmmm. Thanks for that idea. I’ll be buzzing all afternoon now 😆 (levelled off basket, topped up with boiling water in the mug, then a bit of milk, and a squirt of monin vanilla; also take that coffee snobs 😉 )

    Full Member

    Heat on a low heat, if it’s starts making that bubbling noise it’s been on too long, take it off straight away. It doesn’t make espresso, hence no crema, but it does make delicious strong coffee. Enjoy!

    Edit; in fact, I think I’ll join you…

    Full Member

    Daft question, what’s a Puma defender?

    No such thing as a daft question. ‘Puma’ is the code name the factory used for the 2.4 ford transit engine that’s in the last lot of defenders. Has a bonnet bulge that accommodates the tall lump and a ‘car style’ dashboard (which loses the functionality of the flaps under the windscreen, which made me sad). People are mad for the bulge type bonnet at the mo; personally I think that they are a bit ugly. Give it a few years and everyone will want the old type again.

    Full Member

    I read what Alpin wrote as wandering around out of work hours with personalised BMW jackets on. (Because wandering around at work with work clothes on isn’t twee, it’s kinda normal) But I could be wrong. Care to enlighten us Alpin?

    Full Member

    Big old f’ugly house that belongs to a real life aristocratic version of Mr Twit; get in the sea Dee!

    (Just felt the need to exercise my chip 😉 )

    Full Member

    Pah. A racing quad or hex can hit 50mph, no bother. And a Tek Sumo built up for FPV will outperform that thing, and be more satisfying, and safer, too. The problem with the commercialisation of ‘drones’ isn’t that ISIS get hold of them, it’s that rich brats who don’t give a shit get hold of one, and end up killing or seriously injuring someone with it. Without the time and love investing in building, debugging, and learning to fly these potentially dangerous things, they are just a high velocity but disposable play thing, that happens to bloody hurt if it hits someone. People have been making model aeroplanes and helicopters of similar and greater mass (and in the case of the helis, CONSIDERABLY more potential lethality) for years, with very few issues. Now that the great unwashed have gotten their mitts on them, the days of model aviation as we know it are numbered, I reckon. Sad.

    Full Member

    ALF has something interesting hidden under his skin; is he on coils? Or late axles on parabolics? And what is hiding under the bonnet that needs the front panel moving forward 4 inches of so? I think I like ALF a lot! Do tell, Mark90…

    Full Member

    Yes, let’s put our kids on a lilo and float across the ocean, we may even end up in the UK for free dental treatment.
    Or do we stay put, and fight for our country?

    You utter, utter shitbag. My mother and sister are in Lesbos at this exact moment helping out in the camp, so I may be a bit biased, but you really, REALLY want to take a look at yourself, your values and your ability to empathise with your fellow human beings. Just ask yourself what would have to happen in your life that would make you risk your own life and that of your nearest and dearest, but not only that, pay your single last penny to a dodgy bloke with an inflatable for the privilege of doing so. Ask yourself that, and then come back and explain why that isn’t an incredibly crass, heartless and dispicable comment.

    Full Member

    Absolutely disgusting. Unless, of course, there will be comparable levels of aid to all financial victims of the floods.


    Didn’t think so. **** elite looking after their own as usual.

    Full Member

    @Mike; is that aimed at me? Because I don’t think it’s ‘OK’. It is a manners thing though, as in exceptionally BAD manners, indicative of a deeprootedly mysogynistic mindset. (Which I doubt anything will change in that individual, but we can improve his manners).

    Full Member

    Kryton +1, +1. As in WT actual F are you on about? It’s a manners issue. And as he’s making a lot of money being a ‘role model’, if his manners fall below what is expected of him, he gets a commensurate arse kicking. To not criticise him publicly would be to condone.

    Full Member

    Refund the full flight cost would have been fair compensation.

    Or even just a percentage of said flight costs, at the time of asking, yes. I can totally see the justification of punitive compensation being applied to carriers who cynically manipulate the rules to wriggle out of paying anything at all though. If they had have given a ‘50% off your next booking with us’ voucher at the time, likely the OP wouldn’t have had the desire to pursue a financial settlement. Their poor customer service has cost them dear on this occasion.

    Full Member

    On the one hand, it was rude, inappropriate and sexist. On the other, it was a manners and etiquette failure rather than an actual crime, so it doesn’t sit well with me that it was dealt with by means of a ‘fine’. Better for him to have been roundly criticised and sincerely apologise and then everyone just move on. However as the fine was actually a au$10,000 donation to charity, I suppose that’s kind of what happened anyway, really

    Full Member

    Love Archer. As does my other half. Can sort of see why someone might not like it, if they were a bit prudish and closed minded… 😉

    Full Member

    What’s most irritating is that people who wouldn’t dream of dropping a crisp packet still drop butts. It’s like it’s almost socially acceptable littering; and bizarrely people who object get accused of ‘hand wringing’…

    Full Member

    Ireland, then paintball

    Full Member

    People who don’t ‘invert’; Do you look down to look at the sky? weirdos. 😉

    Full Member

    never could understand why those who find a bit of blood on the old chap off putting would consider the risk of a bit of poo instead an acceptable alternative… 😆

    Full Member

    But why would you spends upwards of 50gbp on a G-Shock when you can get a Decathlon watch for less than 15? Fools and their money etc.

    it’s an order of magnitude thing though, isn’t it. Some of the figures bandied about on this thread are frankly obscene. It’s being said that the watches are ‘investments’, which basically means that it’s an ostentatious way to visibly park a large amount of cash on the wrist for all to see. If someone has enough money to do that, then they have too much money. Simple as that. As a by the by, the bizarre upshot of this situation is that if you’re rich, even your bloody wrist watch earns you money for doing **** all, whilst the poorest workers in society slave away their entire life for the same effect. Society is truly screwed; the global game of monopoly has entered its final stage and it’s only a matter of time before the poorest players upturn the board with a hearty ‘**** this shit!’. There will be blood.

    Full Member

    Ha! elfin safety, innit? Like it…

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Isn’t getting aerated about the second thing is a perfectly legitimate reaction?

    hmmm, I thought that after I wrote it. What I’m trying to say is less than clear, I’m sorry.

    My point is, it’s tilting at windmills. Im trying (poorly) to highlight the difference between getting cross at the concept of the possibility of the crime, rather than at the crime itself. My badly made point is that the game allows horrific behaviour, but as far as I’m aware it doesn’t actually encourage it in any meaningful way more than say, a Tarintino film. To condemn a ‘sandbox style’ game for what is possible, vs what is encouraged by the storyline is misguided, I think.

    Full Member

    I find it distasteful that you find someone making a sound point with acerbic humour more distasteful than the fact that people can justify spending 50k on a **** wristwatch when that money could be spent on something a LOT more benificial to society, to mankind, to the world. This sort of extravagant expenditure is pretty much indicative of what’s wrong with the human race, in my mind.

    But; oh well, horses for courses.

    Well done, you have just reinforced my distaste for your morality.

    Full Member

    I second third trailrat’s opinion.

    Full Member

    For Christs sake, it’s simple; toddler + long haul flight = HELL NO!!! I’d be amazed that anyone would contemplate this, for the sake of a holiday/wedding. Jeez. However, if you go yourself or with your other half, there’s LOADS to do within striking distance.

    Full Member

    To be fair, these watches appreciate in value and are really bought as an investment.

    Im certainly not disputing the fact of this statement, just despairing at the stupidity of human nature that would rather ‘invest’ thousands and thousands of pounds in desirable versions of what essentially you can get for about a tenner than actually do some good with their money.

    If you had £5k burning a hole in your pocket right now then investing in a nice watch is probably among your best options and you’d be far better off buying a nice watch and riding a crappy bike

    yes, but only if by ‘better’ you mean that your assets will be worth more than the next guy when you die. Which ‘investment’ would have been more enjoyable though? What’s actually the point in a stupidly priced watch?

    Full Member

    Bloody Snap On. It’s spanner monkey heroin. Good but overpriced tools (not always amazing), but emperors new clothes levels of hype about them, and clever ‘have it now, pay me forever’ credit that hooks you right in. And in my experience, the guarantee isn’t quite as ‘no quibble’ as they’d have you believe, either. IMHO, of course.

    That said, they do make some very nice stuff…

    Full Member

    I went for the violet super fighter was I dodged the paint issue. Must be a task no?

    Painting RC body shells is very satisfying, mostly as because you paint them on the inside, which makes getting a flawless pro look finish relatively easy. And then they stay looking great for, ooh, all of a couple of days… 😆

    Full Member

    @Junkyard, respectfully I think you’re wrong on this. GTA is a weird game; it’s basically a story of ne’erdowells and the world within which they live. By itself that’s not wonderful, but no different from a thousand other stories, in print and on film. The novelty of the game is the freedom to act within it. I’m not going to suggest that it doesn’t ‘encourage’ some iffy stuff within the story line, but it’s nothing that you won’t see in films or read in books. You can choose to play with or without a moral compass, though. The behaviour of the player character reflects the character of the person playing it, to some degree. The game does not actively encourage the more heinous acts, and in fact will actively punish them, with increased ‘wanted’ levels and the like. Yes, it’s easy to get away with stuff, but actually, there’s a hell of a lot of stuff that is gotten away with in real life too, and I’m far more concerned about them. I suspect you could tell an awful lot about a persons character by the way they play games like GTA when they think no one is looking…

    Getting aerated about the fact that you can kill prostitutes and ‘get away with it’ in GTA is a bit like getting aerated about the fact that you can kill prostitutes in real life and get away with it.

    That said, in the context of this thread, it so should be a STRICT 18. In fact, I’m personally not sure a lot of ‘adults’ should play it either…

    Full Member

    That looks like a dent from a ball peen hammer. Jus’ sayin’…

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