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  • The Calder Divide Trail Challenge – new bikepacking route
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Legalalien (great, now I’ve got that tune in my head 😆 ), thank you you for your well thought out and nicely written post(s). It enlightens as much as it depresses… 😉

    Edit; what’s a C-suite?
    Editedit; don’t worry, Googled it…

    Full Member

    Doesn’t matter; won’t get reported (widely). However if Jeremy Corbyn so much as accidentally steps on a snail, there will be headlines and opinion pieces about his animal cruelty and rank hypocrisy galore. We get the politicians we deserve, I fear.

    Full Member

    Some sort of camera, either phone or helmet based may assist. ‘Tis the beauty of IT, you can contract out some of your remembering requirements. More accurate than the mk1 brain, too

    Full Member

    How **** depressingly spot on is that cartoon? Jeez… 🙁

    Full Member

    Corbyn is sending junior ministers to PMQ’s in an attemkt to “disrespect” PMQ plus he’s not very good at it, no energy

    Err, wut? Corbyn can’t ‘send’ ministers to PMQs. That’s Cameron’s job. So if anyone is ‘disrespecting’ PMQs, it’s the Tories. And yes, we know you don’t like Corbyn…

    Full Member

    Re. escalators; why people think it’s a good idea to get off at the top/bottom and just STOP! Gggrrrr wut

    Full Member

    Ta! What did I do wrong?

    Full Member

    cheap and cheerful small, unobtrusive, 1080p, circa £50 and just works. We’ve got several in the family; would heartily reccomend.

    Full Member

    flysky gt2b are good; £20ish. I’ve got several; cheap, cheerful and comfy in your hand. Rechargeable lipo via a usb so you aren’t forever buying AAs. (Though that’s less of an issue since 2.4ghz came along; the power draw is minimal compared to the olden days. Best thing about 2.4ghz for me is no huge aerial to bend or shove in a child’s eye…

    Edit; why doesn’t that work?! Does normally.

    Full Member

    Many thanks all; thats given me something to go on.

    Full Member

    does it have a network port ?
    powerline kit would probably see you right

    Well, grazed knuckles and swearing has resulted in me being able to say, yes, it does! Whats a powerline kit then?

    Full Member

    Ha! good effort with the cooking there. Nothing so ambitious, but many a winter’s trial I used to wrap a pastie or two in foil and wedge then against the manifold for a nice warm* lunch… 8)

    Edit; *and occasionally oily…

    Full Member

    Brian Blessed has also punched the Dalai Lama and Peter O’Toole

    Full Member

    I would heartily reccomend three; been with them for ages. Good coverage, 4g included which is quicker than the broadband most of the time, and decent roaming too. YMMV of course

    Full Member

    I found the Oscar Liang blog site[/url] really useful and informative. Regarding carrying HD cameras, whilst a go pro is very portable for these quads, a great deal of people use the möbius camera, which is lighter and has a form factor that is easier to strap to a quad. It’s also a good deal cheaper, which is an important factor when you are considering strapping it to a prototype self built high powered aerial craft…

    Full Member

    You people of logic will not win this. The ‘fact’ is that reality depends upon th individuals perception, which may be different to yours. (The ‘turn the heat up high to get the car to warm up quicker’ thing is irritating though).

    Full Member

    STW win!!! 8)

    Full Member

    but if you think they truly represent the 1.6 billion people who follow Islam (i.e. about 22% of the world population) then isn’t it a bit pointless fighting them?

    Hmmmm. I don’t think anyone (even themselves) thinks that they represent all 22 billion Muslims. However to suggest that their ‘version’ of Islam is somehow less valid than the other more mainstream, more palatable to the West versions of Islam is to misrepresent the very nature of religion, IMHO. There is no baseline from which to judge who’s Allah is the real one; it’s all just opinion. Christianity is just as fractured, and their various factions have not been averse to killing each other in their droves in the name of their ‘version’ of God being the truer one in the past.

    The IS version of Islam is as valid as the rest of Islam, which is as valid as the rest of the Abrahamic religions, which are as valid as all the other religions and belief based systems. IS just happens to be less tasteful to our relatively modern, westernised and ‘civilised’ mindsets.

    Full Member

    R4 called them just ‘IS’ about 30 seconds ago…

    Full Member

    Because every time I rode it, I couldn’t believe such a thing was actually legal.

    In which case; I seriously doubt it was! 😆 😉
    Me; KTM 990 Superduke. The noise. The colour. The ridiculousness lunacy of it. And surprisingly, the (relative to most ‘sports’ bikes) the comfortable seating position. The handling of it which FAR FAR exceeds my skill and/or bravery level.
    Did I mention the colour?
    Edit; high five Weeksy and CraigXXL 8) 8)

    Full Member

    There’s like three other houses included.

    Yeah… It comes to something when three houses, all significantly nicer than mine, are dismissed in a single line of text ‘secondary accommodation included’. <dreams wistfully…>

    Full Member

    I do really love the form factor of the 4/4S, it’s heavy and solid, that stainless steel frame is much better than the alloy of the later models.

    Completely agree. I have a 5s now, and whilst functionally it is loads better than my old 4, the 4 looks newer and feels better in my hand. Wish someone would engineer the 5s or even 6s gubbins into the 4 form factor. I reckon it was the best looking and feeling one they ever made.

    Full Member

    I got delisted from an NHS list because I haven’t gone for a check up for about 3 years. Irritating. It’s not like I’m costing them anything whilst not going for a check up. Now I am Dentistless. I’m SURE it’s a scam.

    Full Member

    Political football. Funny how the government suddenly care now, after refusing an inquiry for ages. (Barely) hidden agenda?

    Full Member

    That 4×4 they’ve built looks truly gopping

    I just had to go and google it didn’t I? Someone pass the eye bleach…

    Full Member

    iMessage is not as good as Apple would like. Me and mine have had numerous issues with it, some self resolving, some requiring messy work arounds. My sisters iPhone suddenly decided to stop receiving iMessages the other day; got it working again by switching various options on and off, but everyone had to start new conversation threads with her to get iMessages flowing again. Whatsapp is popular for a reason.

    Full Member

    Update on this; Police have (with a bit of prodding, armed with stuff from this thread and a sense of righteous indignation) decided to pass this to the CPS for a charging decision. They are still intimating strongly however that a conditional caution is the most likely outcome; they suggest that the first question that the CPS will ask is “can this be dealt with without prosecuting?” and the answer will lead them to the conditional caution route. I’m going to ring the police officer in question again today and yet again voice both mine and my employers disatisfaction at this route being taken.

    One of my biggest concerns is that if this is what the police anticipate, they are only going to put the work in to support that decision. Ie; the case would be scuppered because they haven’t gathered the (easy to gather) evidence from witnesses, etc. They have only just asked for consent to see the medical records of the victim! FFS. 😐

    Full Member

    Ah, this thread is going to decend into ‘my weapon is bigger than your weapon’ fapping again, isn’t it? I think I’ll tactically withdraw.

    However, one last FTFY;

    the V Class is designed to carry the Strategic deterrent. Useless for anything else.

    Full Member

    Latest idiocy

    That ‘idiotic’ that the warmongery Yanks are trying develop something similar?
    Latest ‘anti Corbyn mindless ranting’ I think you mean.

    Full Member

    {quote]thekingisdead – hunter-killers, we already have quite a few. [/quote] Correct me if I’m wrong, but ‘hunter killers’ don’t carry ICBMs, nuclear or conventional. An ability to deliver a conventional warhead, reliably and accurately anywhere in the world is probably a lot more real world strategically useful than just paying to carry a small proportion of Americas nuclear arsenal in exchange for a seat at the ‘big boy’s table’.

    Corbyn could be suggesting that he would support the developing of something like url=]this[/url]; to appease the ‘warmongers’ of the party and the general population, whilst maintaining his anti-nuclear stance.

    Prompt Global Strike (PGS) is a United States military effort to develop a system that can deliver a precision-guided conventional weapon airstrike anywhere in the world within one hour, in a similar manner to a nuclear ICBM.[1][2] Such a weapon would allow the United States to respond far more swiftly to rapidly-emerging threats than is possible with conventional forces. A PGS system could also be useful during a nuclear conflict, potentially replacing the use of nuclear weapons against 30 percent of targets.[3] The PGS program encompasses numerous established and emerging technologies, including conventional surface-launched missiles and air- and submarine-launched hypersonic missiles, although no specific PGS system has yet been finalized as of 2015

    Shamelessly copied from wikipedia

    Full Member

    I think it’s a bit of a generalisation to say blue badge abusers are all a certain demographic.

    Yeah, I agree, and I would normally avoid such stereotyping, but actually, I have noticed a trend (See; Messr Hatton referred to above). Knobs will be knobs, but knobs with nice cars will attempt to protect them in ways that a) knobs with shit cars won’t bother with, and b) decent people with nice cars wouldn’t think of doing.

    Just a hypothesis. Happy to accept that I have no evidence to support it.

    Full Member

    Devil’s advocate here (sort of; I’m not actually suggesting you shouldn’t park in the disabled bay) But in my entirely non-scientific experience, it does seem to be people in ‘nice’ cars that generally park in the disabled or parent and child spot inappropriately. Being properly English, I have only ever shown my disapproval by a quiet ‘tut’ or maybe a slight sad shake of my head, but a lot of people are more vocal these days.

    I’m not sure if its to do with a an inflated sense entitlement of a few of the better off amongst us, or whether they reeeeheeeaally don’t want car park dings on their lovely automobile, but it does seem to be an observable phenomenon, in my experience.

    It could be that people are expecting to finds its this, but are too pig headed to admit that they are wrong when confronted with the facts.

    Full Member

    In the very near future the seas will be crawling with drone subs

    tbis is indeed very possible. I would imagine that a few high profile ‘proof of concept’ trials of (relatively) cheap drone subs will kill the Trident replacement project dead.

    Full Member

    The 3am vomit comet. Copious chunky vomit over all bed clothes, 3yo and floor. Top bunk. Child into shower, bed stripped, back to child, cleaned dried and dressed in fresh PJs, put to bed in my bed. Then back to scraping chunks from duvet covers and such like before finally being able to go back to sleep. Then, do it all again 😥 😥

    Who needs sleep anyway.

    Full Member

    It’s simple though isn’t it? He’s offering it as a solution to the ‘killing Trident will put thousands of ship builders out of work’ argument. Whether it’s a realistic argument remains to be seen; we need to know more about what he would actually do.

    Full Member

    It would seem like a lot of money to deliver a cruise intercontinental ballistic missile.

    it could be argued that an ‘conventional’ armed ICBM is far more useful, as it has a possibility of actually being used. (IANA the model of a modern Major General)

    Full Member

    Private Eye take on it, presumably some truth in it?

    Absolutely. Have you had a sudden change of heart, Dragon?

    Full Member

    I can’t waste anymore of my time arguing with an idiot

    what a delightful chap you are.

    Pacemaker; do you mind me asking what vtx do have good experience with? I’ve bought a fair few different ones, and at least two have been DOA, some have been just rubbish, and some have been somewhat larger than I expected. FPV has been an entertaining but occasionally frustrating experience so far… 8)

    Full Member

    …cults like islam

    Pretty inflammatory TBH. I (even as a ‘radical’ atheist 😆 ) wouldn’t call it a cult, any more than I would call Catholicism, CofE, Hinduism or Sikhism a cult. Factions within, maybe, but the overlying philosophy? No greater or lesser respect due to any of them; and that level of respect is that of live and let live, not insult and denigrate.

    Full Member

    I think the only way that a refund would be fair is if there was something about the van that was not significantly as described, and that this came to light after you went away. Just that you slept on it is not a good enough reason. A deposit is you agreeing to buy the van. You can’t expect to get it back if you don’t hold up your side of the bargain.

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