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  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    It’s the unpaid bit that I don’t get. If it’s for the good of the business, then the business should pay you for it. If you’re salaried and it’s an expectation then you’re already paid for it I suppose, but it would be a no from me, as m on an hourly rate.

    Full Member

    create a horseracing event where the participants don’t regularly die

    It’s called flat racing, and it’s (even more) dull than national hunt or steeplechases. And seeing as these animals exist to entertain, I can’t see it happening. Horses still die on the flat though; I’ve seen a horse shatter its front leg galloping up a slight rise. As for breeding tougher horses; fine idea in principle; but seriously, could you imagine any way that would actually work? I suggested it earlier in the thread as an intelectual exercise, and I can’t.

    Full Member

    it’s not on.

    Can’t say I disagree with that. That’s a bit different from the ‘ban it all’ calls from some posters though.

    Full Member

    why if the the horse loves running with a midget on its back, does it need said midget to whip it mercilessly to get it to run?

    Because horses like running with their mates; they need encouragement to put their head forward. I’m no racing fan, but ‘whipping mercilessly’ is somewhat inflamatory language. I’m fairly sure that there’s rules against that sort of thing. I think that the racing industry would argue that a jockey’s whip is a ‘humane’ method, and more effective than a carrot on a stick out front, a la loony tunes…

    Full Member

    Maybe they could sell the horses for meat and then at least they wouldn’t go to waste? Seems a bit of a shame.

    The dead horses have already contributed to human enjoyment, no need to overdo it… (and I believe glue factories/dogfood manufactureers have first dibs anyway.

    false dichotomy

    I never suggested that one could not change horse racing because the meat industry exists. I merely pointed out the hypocrisy inherent in a viewpoint that criticises racing whilst supporting the MUCH CRUELLER meat industry by continuing to eat meat and wear leather shoes. At least a lot of race horses actually survive and are relatively well looked after, and when they do injure themselves they are dispatched humanely and quickly. (I’ve had the misfortune to witness this first hand). I’ve also been in an abatoir; If I had to come back as a racehorse or a cow, It wouldn’t be a tough choice.

    Full Member

    Well, I am. But to say that, because we can’t ban all animal cruelty, we shouldn’t ban any is ridiculous.

    Well, I have no real issue with your position then. My gripe is with people who would castigate racing, yet are happy to support the meat industry. I’m not massively comfortable with the perceived animal welfare of either industry, but I accept that i have no room to criticise one whilst ignoring the other. I do enjoy eating meat, and I like my shoes to be leather. Therefore I have no moral imperative to criticise those who enjoy horse racing; I would not seek to ban something on the flimsy justification of animal cruelty whilst I facilitate animal cruelty on my part due to my fondness of sausages and bacon and steak. My enjoyment is no more or less valid than anyone else’s.

    false dichotomy

    Not at all. Moral consistency and the avoidance of hypocrisy.

    Full Member

    I’ve worked with several blokes nicknamed ‘thrush’ over the years… And a lass who just would. Not. Shut. Up. Even when there was REALLY nothing worth saying. Her name was Ashley, but she never could work out why people kept on mistaking her for (g)Nat…

    Full Member

    Disappointed that none of those calling for the banning of horse racing due to the frequent deaths of horses have not popped back on the thread to explain how eating meat is consistent with their views. Or maybe they’re all vegetarian…

    Full Member

    He changed his story and then refused to give me his insurance details.

    Failure to provide details is an offence in its own right.

    [/quote]shitty behaviour for sure, but legally the details he has to give are registration number, name and address of driver (and of keeper if different). I’m interested to know in what way he changed his story; it sounds a tough one to spin out as not his fault…

    Full Member

    There’s a big outcry over Crufts.

    Now this could be a more morally consistent angle. Crufts has been criticised because of the ‘breed standards’ leading to dogs being bred with effectively what amount to genetic deformity which reduce the quality of life for the animals in question. Maybe there should be a campaign for breed standards that put health and welfare before aesthetics (in dogs) and outright speed (in horses). Simple in practice, very difficult to enforce though, I suppose.

    Full Member

    Hmmm. There’s a gulf of difference between chasing wild animals with dogs who tear them up for human pleasure, and racing horses for human pleasure who sometimes injure themselves and are subsequently humanely despatched.

    Are you advocating the banning of steak? Leather shoes? Nice car interiors? Animals have doubtless suffered so we may enjoy these things, and none of which are strictly necessary in today’s society. But they are nice and enjoyable…

    Full Member

    Because; money and power. See also; most other human rights injustices throughout history. Those with it don’t very often give much of a shit for those without it…

    Full Member

    Don’t enjoy racing myselfn but to hold racehorses up as good examples of mistreated animals is barking. They are the healthiest, best treated animals out. How much care goes into the diet and excersize of a family dog FFS.

    Exactly. In many ways a race horse is a FAR more fortunate animal than most farm animals; great welfare, well loved and exercised, the highest quality food stuffs. And a reasonable chance of living to a ripe old age, rather than off to the slaughterhouse at 2 years old or so. This, in exchange for the risk (I have no idea of figures, but I would imagine that the majority of horse DON’T die on the track) of sustaining an injury that will quickly result in a quick, clean death. I know which I’d rather be.

    A consistent position would be either the acceptance of human exploitation of animals (being pro animal welfare would be consistent with this viewpoint), or alternatively being against the exploitation of animals. It is inconsistent to be against the exploitation of some animals because they ar photogenic etc

    Full Member

    A lot of wishy washy anthropomorphication going on in this thread. I’m not particularly fond of watching beautiful animals occasionally self destruct because of an activity staged solely for the enjoyment of humans, but actually, I don’t see a massive moral difference between this and the meat industry. There’s MORE than enough nutrients available to allow a human to thrive in a good vegetarian/vegan diet; the reason we eat meat is because we like to. It’s pleasurable to chow down on a tasty steak. It’s pleasurable to watch/bet on horses galloping around a track.

    I suppose the main difference is that a) ALL the animals get killed in the meat industry (and their welfare beforehand is a LOT more questionable), and b) the nasty end of the meat industry is kept hidden away from public view. If such a thing as the ‘factory farm and abattoir channel’ was available on freeview, there would be a lot more vegetarians in the population…

    I’m not a vegetarian and nor do I particularly like horse racing, FWIW.

    Full Member

    I’ve got one. Used to only grow it for winter, but my lovely lady is properly fond of it, so I’ve had this one as long as I’ve had her. I’m easy going either way though. If she didn’t have such a strong opinion I’d have probably got bored with it by now. I don’t like it too long mind you; about a grade 2 on the sides and a three on the ‘goatee’ area. Seems to work.

    Full Member

    If you like driving you don’t buy a TDI.

    hey, the eighties called, they want their astute car buying tips back 😉
    I ‘like’ driving, and until you get to fancy fast car territory, I find TDs generally more pleasant to drive than their equivelent petrol counterparts. I think it’s something to do with the low end grunt vs high revs neck wringing to get the car moving. YMMV of course, but to say something so sweeping is just silly.

    Full Member

    😆 that’s just mean! Amusing though… Come on, give us a clue

    Full Member

    No real issue with wearing a pass out of work, it pales into INSIGNIFICANCE when compared to the occasional sad individual who thinks its cool to wear their NHS ambo uniform when socialising with their friends in a well known cheap and cheerful chain restaurant. I really did see this. I was gobsmacked. Each to their own I suppose.

    Full Member

    Cougar, that would be awesome. I’m at a loss, but that’s not surprising…

    Hang on; you’re not from ‘Windows security in Mumbai’ are you? 😉

    Full Member

    Is it a HP machine by any chance?

    No, it’s an MSI (whatever that is). My Google fu has multiple results about HP machines and the busy circle, but I can’t work out if there’s any equivelent MSI bloat ware.

    Full Member

    Awesome, done, thanks. Would kind of like to bin it completely, mind you. It’s proper cheeky isn’t it?

    Full Member

    I know where you’re coming from OP. I look at people and wonder the same. Bear in mind, potentially there’s people looking at you, wondering how you can afford such a nice house. I reckon there’s a lot of people with either inheritences or vast debt. Me, I earn really quite well, but due to bad (in hind sight) life choices, I rent a small house for me and my two young boys in a quiet but not particularly well thought of part of the country, with no real debt but no assets or savings to speak of either. It’s hard not to wonder how other people afford what they do sometimes. I think luck of the draw plays a large part. Ah well. at least I’ve got my health…

    Full Member

    3/10 on the rant score; (Good spelling, punctuation, no random caps, no excessive excalmation marks, and above all a rationl and hard to disagree with point).

    Is disappoint, but agree wholeheartedly.

    Full Member

    Removing spybot has allowed Defender to kick in, nice one 😀 I’ve run adwcleaner; it says it’s removed some stuff but I am still getting the busy circle monentarily every second. Any clues on how to get rid of spybot properly? It’s left an annoying startup reinstaller that asks me to reinstall every time I boot up. A shame that a program that used to be useful to stop annoyng programs has become what it was designed to combat.

    I’m running a ‘full scan’ on windows defender now; it may take some time… 😯

    Full Member

    I’ve tried to start Defender from ‘services’, but it tells me;

    Error 577: Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source.

    WTactualF? this is a Microsoft product?

    Full Member

    How about the specialized riprock?

    That also looks awesome, but IS £110 more spendy than this Piccolino (currrently).

    Just looked at the Genisis Caribou Jnr, wow, it IS similar. I thought at first it was the same frame rebranded but there are a couple of differences, if you look closely. And £160 cheaper, too.

    What are the bosses on the forks for? Surely not a bottle rack?

    Full Member

    It’s a lovely looking bike; I’d be really keen to hear peoples experience of these. I notice that it is in a section of the On One site named Kid’s bikes; Are On One going to produce more little’uns bikes do we think? I’d be well up for that; with two little’uns who love their biking, finding good quality but not excessivly spendy bikes is a tough dad job.

    Full Member

    (I have no idea what any of that means, and I’m really grateful for all your input)

    Full Member

    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

    Scan Date: 15/03/2016
    Scan Time: 22:27
    Administrator: Yes

    Malware Database: v2016.03.15.07
    Rootkit Database: v2016.03.12.01
    License: Trial
    Malware Protection: Enabled
    Malicious Website Protection: Enabled
    Self-protection: Disabled

    OS: Windows 10
    CPU: x64
    File System: NTFS
    User: Chris

    Scan Type: Threat Scan
    Result: Completed
    Objects Scanned: 406423
    Time Elapsed: 6 min, 26 sec

    Memory: Enabled
    Startup: Enabled
    Filesystem: Enabled
    Archives: Enabled
    Rootkits: Disabled
    Heuristics: Enabled
    PUP: Enabled
    PUM: Enabled

    Processes: 0
    (No malicious items detected)

    Modules: 0
    (No malicious items detected)

    Registry Keys: 11
    PUP.Optional.MultiPlug, HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\INTERFACE\{7041156A-0D2B-4DCD-A8EE-D0608BFCB2D0}, Quarantined, [7a99abddd5c49b9bd36c23a3768c8080],
    PUP.Optional.MultiPlug, HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\TypeLib\{E2343056-CC08-46AC-B898-BFC7ACF4E755}, Quarantined, [8d86ec9c7e1bd1652f105e6823df2ed2],
    PUP.Optional.MultiPlug, HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\INTERFACE\{9B41579A-1996-42F9-8F84-7B7786818CEF}, Quarantined, [8d86ec9c7e1bd1652f105e6823df2ed2],
    PUP.Optional.MultiPlug, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\CLASSES\INTERFACE\{7041156A-0D2B-4DCD-A8EE-D0608BFCB2D0}, Quarantined, [8d86ec9c7e1bd1652f105e6823df2ed2],
    PUP.Optional.MultiPlug, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\CLASSES\INTERFACE\{9B41579A-1996-42F9-8F84-7B7786818CEF}, Quarantined, [8d86ec9c7e1bd1652f105e6823df2ed2],
    PUP.Optional.MultiPlug, HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\WOW6432NODE\INTERFACE\{7041156A-0D2B-4DCD-A8EE-D0608BFCB2D0}, Quarantined, [8d86ec9c7e1bd1652f105e6823df2ed2],
    PUP.Optional.MultiPlug, HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\WOW6432NODE\INTERFACE\{9B41579A-1996-42F9-8F84-7B7786818CEF}, Quarantined, [8d86ec9c7e1bd1652f105e6823df2ed2],
    PUP.Optional.MultiPlug, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\CLASSES\TypeLib\{E2343056-CC08-46AC-B898-BFC7ACF4E755}, Quarantined, [27ec65233960bb7bb78804c23fc32ad6],
    PUP.Optional.MultiPlug, HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\WOW6432NODE\TypeLib\{E2343056-CC08-46AC-B898-BFC7ACF4E755}, Quarantined, [73a008802970df573d02e5e1e220da26],
    PUM.Optional.DisableChromeUpdates, HKLM\SOFTWARE\POLICIES\GOOGLE\UPDATE, Quarantined, [23f00088e2b7f93dc0d5a3c98e76f30d],
    PUM.Optional.DisableChromeUpdates, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\POLICIES\GOOGLE\UPDATE, Quarantined, [4bc8c5c38f0a13233c5972fa43c19070],

    Registry Values: 2
    PUM.Optional.DisableChromeUpdates, HKLM\SOFTWARE\POLICIES\GOOGLE\UPDATE|DisableAutoUpdateChecksCheckboxValue, 1, Quarantined, [23f00088e2b7f93dc0d5a3c98e76f30d]
    PUM.Optional.DisableChromeUpdates, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\POLICIES\GOOGLE\UPDATE|DisableAutoUpdateChecksCheckboxValue, 1, Quarantined, [4bc8c5c38f0a13233c5972fa43c19070]

    Registry Data: 0
    (No malicious items detected)

    Folders: 0
    (No malicious items detected)

    Files: 0
    (No malicious items detected)

    Physical Sectors: 0
    (No malicious items detected)


    Full Member

    aaargh. I really wanted to fix this without starting again, up unti last week I was really quite happy with my setup. Bloody computers.

    @cbmotorsport, it was an upgrade from 8, but its been stable and a vast improvement on 8 for months now.

    @cougar, re windows defender, I get the notification that says ‘computer unprotected, click to start windows defender’ which i then do, and nothing happens. This is a bad thing, isn’t it? 🙁

    Full Member

    Apparently both of the above are talking to ‘’. I have no idea what this is but I’m thinking that it does not involve Daniel Craig…

    Full Member

    Okay; anyone heard of ‘killernetmanager.exe’? It’s hammering my network connection and I’ve never heard of it. I’m watching my network use in real time without any browsers open and I’m seriously considering the prospect of nuking from orbit. WTF is BFNSservice? And why is it using my data? 😯

    Full Member

    @cougar; it’s about a year and a half old, but with light usage. And whilst I may investigate further, I don’t think it’s cooling duct issues, as previously, it was ridiculously quiet with no fan whatsoever ‘at rest’. Now the fan is on and off constantly, even when it’s supposedly not doing anything. Plus, if it was a cooling issue, I wouldn’t be getting the flickering busy circle would I? Dunno.

    I’ve run the resource monitor as Mol suggested (ta) but nothing is admitting to using the CPU. There is a blue line that says that it’s at 137% maximum frequency, but I don’t actually understand what that means, so I’ll let someone else comment or disregard that.

    Windows defender won’t kick in. It notifies me that it’s turned off, and to click to activate it, so I do and nothing happens. I’ve gone to its control panel thingy and it is greyed out, but in the on position. I’ve restarted the machine several times now.

    Full Member

    Ah. Apparently system protection is turned off, which means I haven’t got any restore points to go to. Thanks, Microsoft.

    Full Member

    Scan complete; it found 13 ‘potentially unwanted objects’ which I’ve removed, but no difference. System restore it is then…

    Full Member

    @botk, nope, it’s on the kitchen table same as always. I’d think cooling if it was just the fan, but it’s the flickering busy cursor at rest that makes me think there’s something odd going on.

    ; happy to bin AVG, it is a lot more pop uppy trying to sell you premium than it used to be. What to replace it with though? I’m malware bytesing as I type.

    Full Member

    cyclistm – are you getting the blue circle flicker too? About once a second? It’s bloody irritating isn’t it? I bet a w10 ‘update’ has buggered our previously fine computers. Grrrrr

    Full Member

    Really appreciate your input. Could you idiots guide Ms configuration for me? I’m very much in the kids paddling pool of IT savviness. I’ll try malware bytes, and I’ll google win10 optimisation. Cheers.

    This flickering blue circle is driving me nuts!

    Full Member

    Yup, my trust used NHS FS too, I’m perfectly happy with the cost of my Golf GTD, which goes back this month, to be replaced by a… Golf GTD.

    Imaginative, moi?

    Full Member

    I’d be camping in his workshop until I got the money or the vehicle back I think. STW real life pitchfork and torches event, anyone?

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