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  • v8ninety
    Full Member


    I popped the letter through his box.

    Couple of days later, in a conversation with a not bonkers neighbour, it transpires that his mother may actually be his wife. Ahh, Errrr… Oh well. She must have had a long paper round. I’m still not 100% convinced, and he’s still an unstable nobber. 😯 😯

    Full Member

    Google search for an FT009 type RC boat. I’ve got a couple of these; they’re great fun, nearly indestructible, not silly fast or antisocial noisy but fast enough for occasional hilarious collisions resulting in flying boats and or submarining boats, they self right and most importantly, you can (as near as damnit) get two for your budget

    Full Member

    I’m going to go with no. Too many other variables; mainly differing masses of vehicles, differing aerodynamic coefficients, differing transmission losses. Get thee to the rolling road if you’re bothered by figures.

    Full Member

    Or just bin Facebook… Bloody time thieving rubbernecker crowd sourced click bait monger site that it is. (Not that I’ve got a lack of willpower, oh no. No sirree, it’s facebook’s fault entirely that I couldn’t get anything done…)

    Full Member

    My neighbour 2 doors down lives with his mum. He didn’t always, but he moved back in a little while after his dad died because his mum was badly affected by her husband’s death, plus she was getting on a bit and becoming forgetful. She’s also at that time in life when her friends started dying, just because of the passage of time really. He thought he could help alleviate her growing sense of loneliness and isolation a bit by moving in and helping out where he could.

    Oh bless. What a lovely chap. Does he fill his empty evenings by abusing his neighbours too? 😆

    Full Member

    to live in the UK you should support British values…

    Holy crap! You ARE Nigel Farage and I claim my five pounds. Gawd save the queen, glass of white for the lady etc etc…

    What even are British values? I strongly suspect you mean white middle class male values, personally…

    Full Member

    Weird double post

    Full Member

    And I’m not sure whether your intention is abject sarcasm or you feel bad, at least from the letter.

    Bit of both, to be honest. It was mainly written as a bit of a distraction from what I really wanted to do which was more along the slats/bombers/slippers school of thought…

    And then I posted it up on here so that you lot can have a giggle at my misfortune 8)

    Full Member

    Okay then peeps, whats it going to be;

    a) Forget about it
    b) Send and be damned
    3) Send and send to neighbours too
    iv)Pop around and have a nice civilised face to face chat, because letters are for wimps

    Points of disclosure;

    I don’t expect any of the above to actually resolve the situation. It’s all about the entertainment of STW/satisfaction of not letting an angry little man think he’s won now. This may be neither big nor clever, but it may at least make a few people chuckle.
    I’m planning to move in the next twelve months, and as I’m currently renting, I don’t really need worry about disclosing neighbours from hell…

    Okay; vote!

    Full Member

    I think that letter is unlikely to diffuse any existing tension.

    Do you reckon? I had already ordered the Yorkshire tea and best biscuits in readiness for him popping over… Darn it. More biscuits for me than I suppose.

    Full Member

    you know, I think you’re right. Maybe you could post it again, with the funny bits in bold or something ?

    😆 😆 😆 git! Touché 😛

    Full Member

    passive-aggressive point scoring bollocks
    go and talk to him instead

    😀 😆 absolutely! What else. (You may have failed to grasp the humour of my post) Talking to him is NOT going to work though. I was a bit concerned he was going to stroke out. We are not talking a reasonable human being here.

    <good ‘storm in a teacup’ pic>

    Yup, I’m very glad this is all I have to worry about on the neighbour from hell front.

    Full Member

    Why thank you. bloody Word auto correct…

    Full Member

    Serious question; Why do religious beliefs get elevated to greater levels of importance than say, supertitions or phobias? Or other beliefs without substance? Is it just societal inertia, i.e. ‘this is how it’s always been so this is how it should be’?

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Brooes that’s correct but then the bike is retained by the company unless you hire it for longer or buy outright.

    yes in theory, but they won’t come asking for it as they don’t actually want it back, having already made their money and having no use for the ‘asset’.

    Full Member

    Every time I try to install the update, it says ‘verification failed as you are no longer connected to the Internet’ like its MY fault. I’d just not bother but it keeps nagging me, and it’s irritating.

    Why oh why is there no option for ‘actually I’m perfectly happy with how my phone works now thank you, stop bloody pestering me’ 😡

    Sorry, no help with your issue, just felt like venting my own iPhone update whinge…

    Full Member

    I assume that’s to the other person involved in the accident (not the police).

    It’s to ‘any party that has reasonable cause to require your details’ or words to that effect. So other involved parties, and the police if in attendance, I suppose.

    Full Member

    Went to see Oakland Athletic vs <some team from Texas> in Oakland a few years ago. Despite having no clue what was going on, we heartily enjoyed it, couldn’t recommend it more. Just get nattering to the Americans around you; in my experience they really enjoyed explaining it all to the the daft English couple. Lovely atmosphere, still wouldn’t watch the game on telly (but then I don’t really enjoy watching any sport on telly) but would go again at the drop of a hat.

    Oakland won, too

    Full Member

    Thought it was great. Can see that it’s not for everyone; it’s a beautifully filmed event film, rather than a twisty turny keep you guessing thriller.

    As for getting upset because surviving the bear attack is unrealistic; that’s an odd argument. People survive bear attacks all the time. More people survive bear attacks than die from them. And IT’S A FILM! Lol.

    Full Member

    Chrisdiesel, is it the same engine as the Disco 3?

    Full Member

    ‘Chilli heatwave’ Dorritos. Mmmmmm delish. Can eat them until there’s no skin left on my lips… 😯

    Full Member

    Bleurgh. Yep it worked. Morning!

    Full Member

    Well, here we go anyway, goodnight STW, see you at 0610hrs (which will feel like an OBSCENE 0510hrs) 😥

    Full Member

    Heh. Wish I didn’t know.

    Full Member

    Any update on this?

    Full Member

    The lack of self awareness of some people on this thread is ver ver amusing

    Full Member

    too many self righteous tossers

    Oh the ironing

    ill informed opinions!

    Opinions (ill informed or otherwise)are what makes conversations interesting

    It’s not up to you lot to dictate what people can drive

    I don’t think any is trying to dictate to anyone. Yours is pretty much the stroppiest post so far

    Yes, I drive a big 4×4 with a bloody great V8 engine because I like it not because ive got a small package or have been brainwashed by advertising guff – and its not because I want to destroy the planet. It’s 18yrs old and will last a long time unlike a prius or similar which uses up a huge amount of natural resources and energy to build. It also runs on LPG which is cleaner and cheaper than petrol. It’s comfortable and does what I need it to.

    Why so defensive? This was a thread about why someone buys a modern softroader/SUV, not about the relative merits of properly maintaining and running an ‘older’ car. (I’m with you on that, but it’s not what was being discussed). Oh, and LPG is still a fossil fuel…

    Full Member

    wasnt it on Grand Designs?

    Says so in the linked description, so yes…

    It was featured on Channel 4’s Grand Designs show in 2007 and 2009 and remains one of Kevin McClouds favourite projects.

    Full Member

    Disagree that Minton is suitable for (absolute) beginners. I speak from experience. Took my young lady on the exact route described above, (Forest ascent-back of the glider club-Pole bank-Minton Batch) and whilst I enjoyed it, the only bit she didn’t really enjoy was Minton Batch. She’s a fairly game lass, but some of the rocky bits right next to the drop down into the stream were a bit too technical and psyched her out a bit. She did it, but slooooowly… It all depends on how ‘beginner’ your beginner is, and also how keen they are to experience actual off road cycling (ooh that’s a bit technical/narrow/swoopy, need to apply a little more skill/balance than just riding off a kerb), as opposed to cycling in the counryside (ahh, pretty views, ooh look a sheep, this would be a nice spot for a picnic).

    It aint technical

    It IS for an actual beginner.

    Long Mynd is a gorgeous place though; one of my absolute fave places in the world. Small Batch descent would be my reccommendation for an absolute beginner.

    Full Member

    ‘A friend’ eh? Hmmmm… 😉

    Full Member

    Is a Yeti an SUV though, really? Is dissapointed. I always it more as Skoda’s answer to the Peugeot Partner/Tipi/Doblo type things. They look a lot more sensibly proportioned than the Tiguan/Kuga/Mokka/q3/GLS type jelly mold samey thingies.

    Full Member

    Image? The only image they suggest to me is that the driver is daft;* choosing a car which is fundementally less capable at almost everything (except entering a field apparently, if it’s even actually 4×4) than its ‘normal’ estate equivalent, and paid more for the privilege, both up front and in fuel economy. My (half baked) theory is that people like them because they look like tonka like, and are almost cartoon caricature versions of ‘normal’ cars, all big wheels and fat curves. This appeals to people on an almost subliminal level, I reckon. They look like real life versions of those car cartoons that used to be all the rage.

    *medical reasons excluded. I totally get that reason, but it’s quite rare I reckon

    Full Member

    I remember watching Jaws when I was about seven, and I was doing okay(ish) right up until the head popped out of the hole in the hull of the fishing boat. Nearly crapped myself, reflex switched the telly off. Wasn’t allowed to put it back on. I’m a big boy now so try not to have irrational fears, but I’ve been snorkelling in the sea and suddenly gotten spooked more than once… Cue top speed exit

    Full Member

    Heh. Typical. Do you reckon it’s worth reinstalling to see if it can be made to work properly? Or just keep it binned? I don’t see as if it really adds anything to my computing experience; not sure I entirely understand what it does to be honest…

    Full Member

    makes sense that if you all attend meetings in work time, the company will not earn any money and will fold.

    Sorry, that’s just bad business. If the meetings are essential for the company to deliver their product, then the cost of them should be factored into the billing. S’overheads. Not paying staff to go to work meetings is abusing the goodwill of said staff. People might do it to brown nose/get on/not alienate themselves, but don’t think it’s not the employer taking advantage. It’s work at the end of the day, NOT a hobby.

    Full Member

    Signed. Bloody nimbys. How did the local news article go? Fair handed? (Not on FB so limited as to info)

    Full Member

    Cougar’s fixed it. Thank you!

    Full Member

    So it’s baasically a 5s with 6s guts? Sounds good but I’d much prefer they put the guts into the 4s form factor; that was the best, most solid phone I’ve ever owned. I’d take stainless steel over alu alloy anyday.

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