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  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Velnist work for NKL

    Onnit cmdr; o7

    STW carrier at Akuntsu

    Excellent news! Where is she now and what’s her name? Permission to join the ships company for a tour of duty Cmdr?

    Full Member

    goid hunting in Celaeno

    Yep, that was tough! I think I ate through about 40mil in rebuys, and several mill in repairs, too. We’ve proven that we can kill’em though, we just need to time and coordinate our attacks a little better, and dodge the lightning that sucks you in. I think that knowing when to tactically retreat to a safer distance is what I struggled with a bit. Oh and I need to get better at aiming too… Excellent challenge though! Looking forward to our next wing up. To do; bit more engineering on my thrusters, a new cool running power plant (apparently if you are below 25%) the Goids struggle to acquire you as a target) and see if I can fit a field maintenance unit into the Krait.

    Full Member

    Only problem I find, is finding the time to play it, as it does require a bit of commitment at first, and time just seems to whizz by while you’re playing.

    I very much third this. It’s an astonishing time sink. A very enjoyable and occasionally frustrating one.

    Full Member

    Some damn fine flying last night Cmdr Matt! Think I’ve added considerably to my combat bond count. 😎 o7

    Full Member

    I’ve not experimented with different weapons much, just stayed with the tried and tested engineered beams+multis combo.

    Yep, let me know Matt. Up for winging it at some point over the next evening or two in any case.

    Full Member

    Was wondering about buying one, doing a marathon mining session filling it up then running it over to the best selling station/system, how easy is it to offload your gear tho? Do you have to run it all down to the station in a normal ship?

    I’m sure that would work, with a dedicated T9 for ship to shore cargo transfer.

    More to the point though; I can’t see the point. If I’ve managed to accrue several billion, what’s the point in accruing even moar credits. I can already afford everything that can be bought, and sufficient credits for carrier upkeep are easily achievable by current mining techniques. The economy is certainly a bit broken in this game. Still love it though 😏

    Full Member

    I’m up for a bit of waaaaaaaaaagh! Got about three shooty builds in various stages of development now, I’d like to test them out wing stylee. I’ve got three evenings from tomorrow night if that works?

    Over a billion miles away? I’m 10^17 miles out!

    I’ve got a puckka Krait MkII with a fighter hangar that you can drop into if either of you can’t make it back and want a piece of the action 👍🏼

    Full Member

    That Vulture of yours looks like just the ticket for CZs Matt?

    Full Member

    Something I don’t really understand with Frontier is why they’ve put so many non dockable stations and the like in the game. Surely these facilities would have docking facilities; why not make at least some of them dockable? It could provide for different mission types and would increase the visual variety. As beautiful as the three main station types are, you start to not notice after the 100th or so mail slot approach. Ah well. Maybe for future updates?

    Full Member

    I’ve a couple of Multicrew ships but no fighter bay yet so there’s not a great deal to do for a copilot. I can sort that within an hour though, if I refit ‘OverKill’ for some combat shenanigans. Or we could try a bit of CQC? Or both 😎👍🏼

    That does seem to be the problem with exploring; it’s a long way home to the rich variety that the bubble (or Colonia I guess) brings.

    Full Member

    I’m in the black tonight (PS4) from about 2000hrs UK time if anyone fancies a wing; happy to mine, bounty hunt or attempt some conflict zone action. Shout up 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Awwww that card is ace 👍🏼😎 (also, always wanted a timber bell; Bit jealous)

    Full Member

    You only need 1 abrasion blaster though

    Aha! That’s great news; I can make the good ship STWOK a little spikier in defence instead. I’d evidently read some out of date info that suggested two was optimal. Cheers!

    Full Member

    only until I build my Core-vette

    Excellent name 😂👍🏼

    Tell me again about your jump range though? 😉 (Although the ability to hitch on carriers goes some way to mitigate that particular issue).

    Full Member

    To be honest, I don’t really know what to do with the Anaconda…..

    I’ve made the Ultimate Mining Ship™️ with mine; the ‘STW Over Kill’. I’ve got x2 mining lasers, x2 abrasion blasters, a subsurface missile launcher, a seismic charge launcher, pulse wave scanner, x6 collector limpet capability, 210t cargo capacity and a jump range just shy of 50ly loaded; it’s awesome! Still got room for a couple of weapons and a decent shield too, as interdictions are hard to dodge in an anaconda, they handle like whales in super cruise.

    I really like the new mining adjustments; it doesn’t feel quite so cheaty and the variety of mechanics make it fun and engaging.

    Full Member

    Has a lot changed while I’ve been away? I’m playing on the PS4, are there Fleet carriers on this platform now? Can I dock with them and how are they distributed? I have a LOT of exploration data that I’m itching to cash in!

    I suspect it’s not too different, but I’m a relatively new player so can’t say. Yep, there a fleet carriers everywhere; you can’t move for the things in some systems 🙄. Don’t sell your data to one though, I think they take quite a cut.

    I’m pleased that there’s another PS4 player active on this thread now; can I be the first to invite you to join Squadron STW? And are you on Inara?

    Full Member

    So LTD mining has been ‘adjusted’ downwards quite significantly. I think that’s fair enough, it was ridiculously lucrative before carriers, and the buff to sub surface looked to have made it daft to the power of silly. I’m just a bit gutted I didn’t get a chance to experience the gold rush, lol. Hopefully sub surface And core mining remain a reasonable way to get dosh because they look a lot more engaging and entertaining than ‘hold trigger for twenty seconds’ mining.

    I’ve got a few hours ED time scheduled in on Friday, really looking forward to being back in the the Black again 🚀😎

    Full Member

    KitchenAid one here (which is all teh awsumz) after suffering the exact same issues as the OP. My other half bought it for me as a birthday present because I used to moan so much about its predecessors.

    Full Member

    my rebuy is about 30m on the Anaconda!

    Blimey! I guess (looking at your loadout on INARA😎) the difference is largely your fancypants reactive surface composite armour and turrets, which hopefully would have meant you survived a similar situation. We live and learn.

    Get your sister in the Squadron Mol, she sounds okay by me 👍🏼

    Full Member

    So I tempted fate yesterday; I managed to get on for an hour this morning, jumped a few systems in my shiny new Anaconda on a shake down voyage, then promptly got interdicted and wiped out by a twit in a federal corvette. I didn’t even shoot back, just attempted to high wake out then boom; rebuy screen. I’m not set up for combat in that ship, so I wasn’t interested in looking for a fight. Can’t see what satisfaction he gets from that really; it’s just silly and will drive players into solo mode. Irritating and I’m now 16m credits lighter due to the rebuy and unclaimed bonds lost.

    Ah well, at least that’s not much money, given the games odd economy at the moment.

    They probably need to fix the random killing thing; it’s not good gameplay.

    Full Member

    I never got on with my AspX. It did me sterling service as an intermediate ship and allowed me to enter the big money club, but I can’t get over how ugly it is, and I’m not a fan of the engine noise. I recognise how useful it is, but I just can’t love it.

    Full Member

    I do think that a default ‘filter fleet carriers’ setting is going to be needed on the nav panel. It’s getting a bit daft and I don’t need to see them.

    Full Member

    Nope, not at the moment (although I’m actually starting to see the attraction now). Can’t even get online at the mo, between work and family commitments though. I’m Eliting vicariously through you lot and 5-10 mins of background research here and there.

    How’s Colonia? Annoying about the engineer requirements 😫

    Full Member

    —STW Squadron PRIORITY Comms—

    **LTD Price Alert***

    1,731,578cr/tonne, system; Daesitiates

    M and L pads available.

    Message ends.

    Full Member


    I’ve never been killed by another human player. It’s always been my own overconfidence or incompetence that’s done for me 🙄

    Full Member

    Mol, will you join Inara so I can have a nosey at you ships please? Perchy, you too? 🙏🏼👍🏼

    Full Member

    If you hitch a lift on a carrier do they expect anything in return?

    Dunno; I guess that’s between you and the carrier owner. As for nefarious purpose, again, dunno, but probably.

    What range and cargo capacity is your Anaconda at Mol?

    Full Member

    @V8ninety I had a deja vu moment yesterday, when an Elite wing mining mission prompted 9 deadly condas to come after me one by one. A wingman would have be so handy!

    Good times 👍🏼 I’m sure the stars will align and we’ll do it again soon 😎

    Whaaaat? Half way to Colonia?!? Worst part of that is when you get there, you’ve still got to get back! Although maybe you can hitch a lift on a carrier…

    Full Member

    Comparable to stations in their lethality; and indestructible I think.

    Full Member

    I wonder if anyone would fancy sparring? As in, fight for real, in our ships, until someone calls quits so we avoid destruction.

    Up for that at some point Mol. Good practice.

    Full Member

    Boost is in the PS4 system settings. Give it a go. It’s kinda not obvious; I stumbled across it by accident and had to google what it does. 👍🏼

    I don’t own a PC gaming or otherwise, so that and Oculus Rift would set me back at least a grand. But still….!!!

    Lol, I’m in exactly the same situation 😂

    Full Member

    Mol, how are you getting on with your PS4 pro? It’s what I run, so I have no comparison. I still got a little bit of stuttering in very busy game environments, but I’ve recently discovered ’boost mode’ (in the system settings) and it seems to have made a significant difference; I recommend trying it.

    Full Member

    I wish I were on PC for this game. Incredible in VR.

    Can’t help but agree. I’m having to surprise the urge to build a VR rig for this game alone 😏

    Full Member

    Is there some online tool that can be searched for planets with mineable rings close to whatever system you happen to be in?

    Then look for pristine metallic rings for painite, then ‘detailed surface scan’ the rings when you are there, looking for painite hotspots.

    Full Member

    It’s the BIG fleet carrier update. And loads of bug fixes and the like. Should be done by now though, it’s been down since 0830hrs and they estimated 7hrs.

    News is that as expected, Borann A2 is dead. :-/

    Full Member

    How do you line up in Supercruise??

    If you watch the hologram of the staton carefully you can work your way around to be approaching from the mail slot side before you drop out. It’s usually (always?) facing the body that it’s orbiting, so it needs a bit of thought. Worth doing though.

    Full Member

    if i fly to station with this and gets scanned while docking, will i get blown up or allowed to dock?

    You get a fine, I think. I’ve never been blown up by a station but I have had to put up with ‘anonymous access’ a few times before I discovered the point of silent running.

    Just line up for the slot, hit silent running until and cruise into station like a stealth bomber…

    No worries!

    Full Member

    Kill those damn rocks!

    Agreed. That’s the most enjoyable couple of hours killing defenceless rocks I have experienced. And lucrative, too!

    Bleed it dry

    Full Member

    Colonia engineers are goooood; loads of options, mostly all grade 5 👍🏼

    I can see that with fleet carriers, it’s going to be easier to get there and back soon as well. Hitch hiking for LTDs will be a thing I reckon.

    Full Member

    It cost 600 millions to move my T10 out here…

    Yeouch! That’s gonna take a few bounties to make back…

    I can suddenly see how a fleet carrier could pay for itself!

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